The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 145: Licking a dog will lead to a good death

"You think I'm blind? How dare you use this little trick to fool people!"

Feng Qing'an kicked the sour-smelling rag shoes into a pile of rotten vegetables and leaves, and then left without looking back. Even though in his eyes, the shoe's true appearance was that it exuded fresh air. The same goes for Lingzhiqi's cloud-patterned white boots.

Even if these worn-out boots were treasures, they were just something worn by others. He was too lazy to pick them up because they were too buried. Besides, there was only one of them, so the garbage dump in the vegetable market was where it ended up.

The old man who stood on the stone bridge just now and commanded him had two looks in his eyes. One was probably the poor old man he wanted to see, and the other was the immortal. Hagoromo's real person.

Feng Qing'an knew that this was an opportunity that had come to him, but he really disdained the way he obtained the opportunity. He couldn't tolerate the old man anymore. It was too abusive.

Although there are many people in this world who are willing to be tested by this old man and then obtain the dream of immortality, even immortality, he is definitely not included among them.


Feng Qing'an turned around and returned to the restaurant. Since the county examination has passed, he should now prepare to go to Jiangyang Fucheng to take the government examination. Only if he passes the government examination can he have fame and be considered a child student.

This time, no matter how reluctant his parents were to leave him, they couldn't accompany him, because there was still more than a month before the government examination started, and it was impossible for the couple to drop everything and accompany him all the time. Besides, there was no need for him. He didn't need anyone. Help the baby, who is babbling.

"An, I have found an escort agency for you. You can rest assured along the way. Even if you encounter a jackal, tiger or leopard, don't worry. The escorts in Jiangyuan Escort Agency are all top-notch experts. , even if the evil tiger in the mountains encounters them, it will only leave its skin behind!"

Feng Qing'an felt helpless. The beloved son of his parents had far-reaching plans. At this moment, he really felt that his parents did their best within the scope of their abilities. He is useless.

In fact, even if he is really an ordinary boy, his parents' actions are useless and a waste of money, because when he goes out and leaves the village.

Feng Qing'an had already noticed that there was always a group of people following him, and as expected, this group of people should have had indirect contact with him.

Without staying too long in the county, Feng Qingan set off for the capital city under the protection of the most famous escorts in the county. Accompanying him was a group of scholars and students who had also won the exam, and they were also going. Take the government examination.

When Feng Qing'an set off, they shamelessly approached him. After all, it was about his family and life, so there was no harm in sacrificing his face. Rushing for the exam not only tested his physical strength and physical fitness, but sometimes also tested his luck.

No matter which year the imperial examination is held, there will always be candidates who die on the way to the exam due to various accidents. They leave the town and are far away from the people. The land is full of barren mountains and wild mountains.

It is not surprising to encounter tigers, leopards and jackals, and there are also many people who encounter mountain spirits and ghosts. If you are more lucky, you will have to brag about your erotic affairs for half your life if you lose some yang energy. If you are less lucky, you will have to bury your bones in the wilderness.

Therefore, when they found out that Feng Qing'an's father had hired a group of highly skilled bodyguards to protect him, even the candidates who had only met him once met him shamelessly followed him.

Not everyone has the money to hire bodyguards to protect them so generously. Many students are so poor that they have to spend all their money to pay for the imperial examination.

When Feng Qing'an left Yongning County, a ragged old man stood in front of a smelly garbage dump with a dark face, and behind him stood a laughing fortune teller.

"Mr. Huang Yuan, hurry up and dig out your climbing shoes. If you bury them for a few days, they will be useless!"

"Shu Zi!"

The old man cursed bitterly, and then the rotten vegetable leaves in front of him exploded, and a white boot with a natural cloud pattern flew out of it and landed on the old man's foot with only white socks on one side.

"I'm so angry!"

Huang Yuangong lowered his head and looked at the climbing shoes under his feet. Although the appearance was the same, the aura of one of them was obviously much dimmed. It was contaminated by filth and it would take a while to recover.

"Be content. That young master didn't kick your boots into the cesspit. I think he was merciful."

The fortune-telling Taoist priest was still laughing.

"Where has this Zhuzi gone? I want to see how long he can be so arrogant with such an arrogant temperament. I can't help him. Now this Dajin has real people everywhere, even immortals can be seen everywhere. I don't believe it, no. People can receive him."

Huang Yuangong glared at his unscrupulous friend, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he planned to leave this county. After all, all the outstanding people that this place should have produced have already left, and there was really nothing here that was worth their stay.

"The young master has naturally gone to Jiangyang Mansion. Do you want to follow him?"

"I am emotionally depressed and depressed. I must see this kid being punished with my own eyes!"

"Okay, since you want to join in the fun, then I'll join in the fun and go with you!"

"Then stop your laughter. You've been laughing at me for two days, haven't you laughed enough?"

Mr. Huang's face was expressionless.

"It's only been two days, but Pindao plans to laugh for a long time!"

"Cangsongzi, if you laugh at me again, I will cut off my ties with you today!"

"Okay, Mr. Kizaru, don't be upset. Pindao is wrong about this matter. Pindao promises you that he will never laugh at you in front of you again!"

The fortune teller suddenly turned serious.

"What do you mean if you don't laugh to your face?"

"It would be too boring if only you and me knew about this matter. Our friends should know everything."

"Thief, take my sword!"

Huang Yuangong was furious, but the fortune-telling Taoist priest had already caught wind at his feet, carrying a puff of green smoke and drifted towards the city gate. Huang Yuangong took advantage of the wind and chased after him.

"Sir, do you want to take a rest?"

In the carriage, Feng Qing'an, who was jolted, heard the respectful greetings from outside the carriage. After riding all the way, Feng Qing'an, who had not yet adapted, was naturally not polite.

"Stop and rest for a while!"


Immediately, this team of more than a hundred people stopped. When Feng Qingan got out of the car, he immediately saw a group of scholars and students sitting or lying on the ground, beating their legs to relieve the pain. .


Before Feng Qingan could sit down, someone had already prepared a clean place for him to sit on. Water, preserved fruits and dried meat were already prepared for him. Compared with the group of scholars and students behind him who were following on foot, it was a huge difference.

"It's really unfair. He was sitting on the carriage all the way, but when he got off, he was able to drink water and eat meat, while we walked hard, but we couldn't even drink water!"

Seeing that Feng Qing'an was treated so differently from them, some scholars immediately lowered their heads and muttered.

"If you are willing to pay three hundred taels of silver, I will give up this position to you, get off the car and walk!"

Feng Qing'an, who still had a piece of preserved fruit in his mouth, looked at the complaining student and laughed loudly,

"To be honest, sitting in the car is really uncomfortable. I would rather walk to Fucheng!"


The student who had no idea that his words of complaint were actually heard by the master, his face suddenly lost all color, sweat dripped down from his forehead, and his body was shaking uncontrollably, while the students next to him seemed to be avoiding suspicion. One after another, they distanced themselves from him.

"Sir, do you want to drive this ungrateful person away?"

Immediately, a burly bodyguard came forward to ask, looking at the frightened student with undisguised disgust in his eyes.

Letting you follow me to ensure a safe journey without charging a penny is already pretty good, so why are you still complaining about injustice? Seeing profit and forgetting one's righteousness, one dares to be full of complaints.

"It's just unintentional words, no need to."

Feng Qing'an glanced at the student. This guy was already finished when he opened his mouth to speak. Today's events will inevitably spread. Don't think about the imperial examination. If you really know what's interesting, go home as soon as possible.

The most important thing for a scholar is his reputation. If he has a reputation, he will be a white man and can live happily anywhere. If his reputation is ruined, forget about anything and just go back and forth wherever he comes from.

"My brother was just like you. He was unknown at first, walked thousands of miles, won the championship in one fell swoop, and became famous all over the world."

The young man stood up, looked at the tired-looking scholars and students in front of him, and talked about his elder brother. When he mentioned this rare sixth-level scholar, all the scholars and students were refreshed and energetic.

But I don’t know how many scholars who come from poor families regard it as a goal to encourage themselves. After ten years of poverty, no one asked them about it, but they became famous all over the world in one day.

"Captain Xu!"

Feng Qing'an called the leader of the escort agency, and it was rumored that the first-class expert who was expected to be a talented person did not dare to neglect Feng Qing'an's call.

"You are pressed for time. If not, do you mind if I get out of the car and walk?"

"Master Feng, what are you doing?"

The captain couldn't understand why he chose to walk instead of riding in the carriage.

"My brother walked to the capital step by step like this. I want to walk the same path my brother walked!"

Feng Qing'an was too lazy to get on the carriage and found an honest reason that no one could find any fault with.

He has the divine body of Kun, his feet are on the earth, his strength is not weak, and there is no tiredness at all. If his father hadn't been so concerned, he would have gone over the mountains and straight to Fucheng. There is no need to bring such a large group of burdens with him. But this is only a temporary matter. After taking the government examination, he will get rid of all these guys.

"This... please do as you please!"

In the eyes of all the escorts, it was natural that this little nobleman had nothing to do with him. However, it was not that they had never seen it before. However, what Feng Qingan just said had a different meaning in the ears of the scholars. .

"Sure Chief Feng really wants to imitate his elder brother and produce another top scholar who will pass the Sixth Yuan!"

"It's too early to say this, but Feng Anshou does have the ambition to be number one!"

Feng Qing'an naturally didn't care about other people's opinions. He walked all the way until the evening, without once saying that he was tired. Instead, he was in high spirits, forming a friendship with a group of scholars who were limp and even lying on the ground unwilling to get up. A sharp contrast.

So much so that when all the bodyguards looked at him, their eyes changed completely, and they suspected that he had practiced some advanced internal skills, because the bodyguard captain discovered that this seemingly weak young man's breathing changed from beginning to end. There was no change in the end, and the strength was incredibly long.

As dusk fell, the moon was bright and the stars were scarce, so there was no sign of rain. Therefore, the escorts chose a slightly empty mountain col, camped on the spot, lit bonfires, and were wary of wild beasts that came out to look for food at night in the mountains and forests. However, they This worry is unnecessary.

Because there is a white wolf always following Feng Qingan, and just the aura it emits is enough to frighten all the beasts in the mountains and wild places, and they dare not approach.

In the middle of the night, the Yin Qi becomes more and more cold, and the bodyguards guarding the bonfire with eyes like torches are alert to possible risks at night.

It's a pity that no matter how vigilant they are, they are just mortals who have learned martial arts and have not really set foot in martial arts. Therefore, when darkness falls, they have no power to resist and fall into a coma. M.


In the darkness that shrouded the entire camping site, a black wolf with eyes as bright as morning stars rushed out and rushed in front of the smiling boy, its big furry head kept pushing towards his body.

"Okay, I know you miss me, but you will have to come with me next, so go see your Xiaobai!"

Feng Qing'an put his palm on Heishan's dog's head, rubbed it hard twice, and then pushed it away mercilessly. However, Heishan was not annoyed because it saw a very familiar white shadow and did not hesitate. After hesitation, he spread his legs and rushed over.

"You are really making a lot of noise on your trip. There are so many people following you!"

Under Feng Qing'an's expectant gaze, Dong Huang, who was about seven feet tall, emerged from the darkness, and his narrow phoenix eyes glanced in the direction Feng Qing'an came from.

"Are you talking about the group of people around me? They should be sent by the princess who doesn't know if she will become my sister-in-law. Let them be!"

Feng Qingan didn't take it seriously. Then he rubbed his hands expectantly and stared at Donghuang.

"I remember you said you wanted to give me a treasure before I take the imperial examination. What is it?"

Donghuang didn't speak, just opened her palm, and saw a lifelike golden dragon with all its scales and armor lying on her palm, motionless, as if asleep.

"What's this?"

Looking at the golden dragon in Donghuang's palm, Feng Qing'an was also stunned. After looking at it carefully for a while, he found that this thing had no life at all and was completely dead.

"There used to be a dragon ghost under my command with a good heel. When he was loyal to me, I never investigated it. However, not long ago, this ghost betrayed me. After I killed it, I left a trace of its soul.

With the help of a ray of remnant soul, I found its body from its previous life, which happened to be in the netherworld. These days, I have been thinking of ways to remove its lost Yin Qi, and then peeled off the scales and dragon bones on it to create this thing! "

Dong Huang calmly explained to Feng Qing'an the origin of the golden dragon in his palm. Feng Qing'an looked at it carefully and realized that the dragon only had four toes and was not really a dragon, but just a golden dragon.

"So this is"

"A pair of dragon armor can protect you for the time being until I come."

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download the Star app, which has no ads and free latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is no longer updated on the website, but the latest chapter content is updated on the Star APP.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free of ads and free of charge

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. net What happened to your last book?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Star app to provide you with the only beast master in the world of immortality.


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