Chapter 176 I’m not crazy!

"With this power, I wonder if it can compete head-on with a martial artist in the Gangsha Realm?"

Feng Qing'an gently clenched his palms, and there was a sudden explosion in his palms. He felt the abundant and powerful blood in his body at this time, and an unprecedented sense of expansion appeared in his heart. He felt ordinary. The Xiantian realm is no longer his opponent.

However, the feeling of expansion that emerged due to the rapid increase in strength was quickly suppressed by Feng Qing'an. He already had a relatively in-depth understanding of Gangsha realm warriors.

In terms of Qi and blood alone, he might be able to compete with a martial artist in the Gangsha realm, but the martial arts in this realm have the true Qi honed by the Tiangang Earthsha Qi that he does not have.

There is also the fighting experience honed through hundreds of battles, and the "intention" that can increase a warrior's combat power several times or even ten times.

It is rare for a congenital martial artist to be able to comprehend the "meaning". A martial artist who can advance to the Gangsha realm must have grasped the "meaning", otherwise he will not be able to withstand the tempering of Tiangang Earthly Evil Qi.


Sen Miao, who noticed that her bloodline was further strengthened, looked at Feng Qingan. She felt her own strength in Feng Qingan, and there was even a trace of Qilin bloodline?

All of this was formed at the moment the soul contract was signed, which made Feng Qingan's image even more unpredictable in her eyes. She had never heard of such a thing.

"What do you look like?!"

"It's out of the way!"

Feng Qing'an can observe the changes in his appearance. He has now begun to lose his human form. He can feel that this is all due to the impact of the power feedback from Sen Miao.

A level higher than him and derived from the power of Qilin's bloodline, even if it does not affect Sen Miao's origin, it is just a dissipated part that she cannot control.

But the moment he was collected by the soul contract and integrated into his body, it naturally had an impact on him, making him look a little less human.

This made Feng Qing'an's thoughts inevitably start to wander. If there was a powerful being with a bloodline that was strong and pure enough, and whose power was higher than his, and he happened to be able to make a contract with it, would he be able to do it the moment the soul contract was reached? Will he be affected by the opponent's bloodline power and unable to maintain his human appearance?

So, what does a high-level beast master who has contracted with many tyrannical creatures look like? Can you still maintain your human appearance?

it should be OK!

Feng Qing'an silently ran the Soul Technique, and the ancient divine patterns that appeared on his cheeks and the blue scales on his neck and shoulders slowly faded until they disappeared, and the original inhuman temperament also disappeared at this moment.

This power did not disappear, but it was hidden in his body and made him restrained. His essence did change.

In other words, his essence has been affected very early on. When he made a contract with Nan Ge and Dong Huang, his increasingly powerful soul is the best proof, but it did not affect his appearance. So he didn't notice it.

Senmiao silently glanced at Feng Qing'an, who had returned to his normal human appearance. It was just a simple change in appearance. She could feel that the human she had made up her mind to follow had something similar to her. The power made her instinctively get close to him.

"They seem to be ending, go and take a look!"

Feng Qingan, who felt that he had roughly mastered the power, took a step forward, and then a rather harsh sound came from his feet.


Feng Qing'an looked down and saw spider web-like cracks emerging from under his boots and spreading rapidly around. When he raised his feet, he saw that the place where he had just stepped was completely covered in dust, which happened to be footprints. the size of.


It seems that the sudden increase in power this time is still too much, and it will take some time for him to adapt before he can live a normal life. Otherwise, the places he passes will be in chaos, and every move he makes will only bring destruction to the surroundings.


Just when Feng Qing'an was thinking about how to adapt and master the soaring power in the shortest possible time, the house that had just been built in front of him was suddenly penetrated by a flying figure, and collapsed with a rumble.

The guy who ruined his repair work during the day created a ravine several feet deep on the ground, and finally hit the rockery. After crushing the rockery into rubble, he finally revealed his figure.

But he was a burly man with tattered clothes, blood dripping from his body, and abnormal distortions and dents in his limbs and torso. However, in addition to the excited and crazy smile on the face of this severely injured man, there was still some traces of difficulty. Confidence.

But when this big man with an extremely complicated expression noticed the two eyes falling on him, he slowly raised his head, and the expression on his face suddenly solidified.

He directly ignored the auspicious man on the side who showed his wings and even had dragon scales on his body. He stared at the young man in white with a calm and indifferent expression, and then pointed at Feng Qing'an with trembling hands,

"Are you Mr. Feng?"

He was deeply impressed by the facial features. He had seen a portrait that was 70% similar to it, so he could easily confirm the identity of this person, but because of this, he couldn't accept it.

Second Young Master Feng is here, who is the guy who just punched him away? I learned his boxing techniques in less than an hour, and even started to figure out, what kind of monster is this that imitates the "meaning" of punching?

If he is that brother, he can accept it. As brothers, no matter how incredible his talent is, he can understand it. But now this young master is standing in front of him, what is he fighting with him?

"Although this is our first meeting, I think the Second Young Master Feng you are talking about should be me!"

Feng Qing'an looked at the martial artist in front of him who had a look similar to that of the guy last night, and felt no disturbance in his heart.

"Then who is this person competing with me?"

The city defense captain asked quickly.



No need to answer, a figure with golden light all over his body has already walked over along the trajectory of the big man. Just when he clenched his fist and seemed ready to continue beating his opponent, Feng Qingan raised his palm and made a light move.

"Okay, the victory has been decided, there is no need to continue fighting, come on!"

Under the unbelievable eyes of the city defense captain, he fought with him inextricably, learned his boxing techniques in a very short period of time, and understood his "meaning", and finally completely crushed his golden figure and disintegrated on the spot. , turned into streaks of golden light, turned into armor parts, fell on Feng Qing'an, and wrapped him one by one from feet to head.

The big man's eyes suddenly turned from shock to dullness. He could clearly see that there was nothing underneath the armor. There was no one there. In other words,

"It is my armor that competes with you!"

Feng Qing'an reached out to catch the flying visor and covered his face. He no longer had to restrain himself carefully. The Minglong Armor would assist him so that he would not destroy things around him due to inadvertent actions.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, the city defense captain's mentality collapsed instantly. He could accept that he was fighting against an extremely talented martial arts genius. When he came over, he was already prepared in his heart.

But he couldn't accept that what he fought with and defeated him was a pair of armor. If it was the armor used by a martial arts master with a name in history, even if he became a spirit and defeated him, he would admit it.

After all, it is not impossible to understand that the armor has mastered many martial arts-related techniques under the influence of ears and eyes. After all, the moment this ancient object was born with spirituality, he was an experienced martial arts expert.

But the armor he was fighting against was not an ancient object at all. He could feel this. When fighting with each other in boxing, he could feel the opponent's unfamiliarity and immaturity. He even marveled at the opponent's terrifying progress.

Before actually seeing the Second Young Master Feng, he had always thought that the person he was fighting was an unparalleled martial arts prodigy. However, he saw with his own eyes that the only thing that made him lose was a pair of armor.

"How can this be?"

The city defense captain's mentality was shattered. He was wearing nothing but armor, not even a human being. In just one hour, he had learned most of the martial arts he had spent half his life practicing. He even defeated him with the boxing skills he learned from him. .

"Hahahaha, waste, I am also a waste, is a waste like me worthy of practicing martial arts?"

The second crazy Gangsha realm warrior appeared. After the battle, he saw his opponent's appearance with his own eyes, and he had serious doubts about everything he had achieved.

"Sir, how should we deal with this person?"

"Same as last night, cure him and throw him out!"

Feng Qing'an didn't bother to take care of this guy's mentality. He didn't consider whether they would collapse. Why were these guys so polite when they showed up uninvited? He ordered treatment for his injuries just because they were sparring partners for Minglongjia.


Sen Miao raised his head and stared at the warrior who had fallen into a state of madness. The wood spirit energy gathered from all directions and injected into the body of the city defense captain, allowing him to recover all the wounds he suffered in the battle with Minglongjia.

However, at this moment, the big man no longer cared about his physical injuries. He just recalled how he had just fought with a pair of armor, crying and laughing, feeling that the martial arts he had learned in the first half of his life were like a joke.

"throw it out!"

Facing a big demon, this man had no power to resist. So, when the sky was getting brighter the next morning and the sky was still dark, the vendors on both sides of the road were quite surprised to find that,

"A madman left yesterday, why is there another one today?"

"Is something big going to happen in this city?"

"Stop talking, report it to the official immediately!"

The government officials rushed over in a hurry. After discovering what the people called a madman, they were almost scared to death. After a commotion, they quickly led the big man back to the government office. Fu Yin, who had just stood up, also hurriedly put on his clothes and came over. .

"Master Cheng, what did you do last night?"

Looking at the ragged city defense captain in front of him who looked very similar to Mr. Jiang last night, Fu Yin felt a sense of panic in his heart. If something happened to this man, who would be in charge of the city defense camp?

This is still a trivial matter, the key is what happened to them? What did the second young master Feng want to do? In just two days, the two Gangsha Realm warriors had gone crazy. If they had just thought about it, without any malicious intent, Anqing Mansion would be in chaos.

"I fought with a pair of armors all night last night and lost, hahahaha!"

The city defense captain laughed like crazy.

This is the truth, but this truth is simply crazy to the ears of the many government officials who are rushing over at this moment. Obviously, this general has gone crazy like Mr. Jiang yesterday.

"Hurry and ask for Dr. Zhang..."

"No need to ask that old doctor."

After all, he had a broader vision and was fully prepared before being beaten. It was just that he did not expect what was beating him, which made his mentality unbalanced. However, the city defense captain still calmed down at this moment.

"I'm not crazy!"


Many officials looked at each other in confusion, looking at the strange man in front of them who was dressed in rags, but had no trace of scars on his body like Mr. Jiang yesterday, which made everyone look subtle. Although he didn't look crazy, he didn't look normal either.

"Go and get a robe for me!"

He looked with majestic eyes at the government servants who were serving him carefully. These officials, who did not even have any rank, quickly went to get suitable brocade clothes. After the captain changed into his robes, many officials felt that this gentleman was indeed not crazy, or that he was not crazy. It has slowed down.

"Mr. Cheng, you didn't go looking for Mr. Feng last night, did you?"

The governor looked at the captain. Although he had a premonition yesterday, this man was too resolute. And judging from his appearance, he probably went there in a less honorable way rather than paying a formal visit.

"Ahem, yes, I did go to visit Mr. Feng last night!"

The captain coughed dryly and put on a straight face. It was a bit embarrassing to say this. Even though he took the initiative, he still felt a little embarrassed after being beaten so violently.

"I wonder what Mr. Cheng saw last night to make him look so frightened?"

Fu Yin asked, not only he was curious, but with this question, UU Reading other officials also pricked up their ears. What is so strange about the brother of the Number One Scholar? He was so frightened that he was stunned. Two warriors from the Gangsha Realm.

"I fought fiercely with a pair of armor for half the night last night, and finally lost!"

The captain's expression was complicated. He was neither willing nor willing to accept this fact now, but what had happened could not be reversed based on his will.

"Fighting a suit of armor in the middle of the night?"

All the officials looked at each other, and then one official couldn't help but said,

"It's better to invite old doctor Zhang over!"

"I said you don't need to invite me, I'm not crazy!"

The captain's face suddenly darkened.

"I know it's hard for you to believe it, but that Second Young Master Feng does have a pair of spiritual armor. He doesn't need to wear it. He can move around freely and is even proficient in martial arts. In just one night, that armor penetrated my fist intention!"

Proficient in martial arts? Understand the meaning of boxing? armor?

"Quickly go and ask for Dr. Zhang!"

"I repeat for the last time, I am not crazy!"

A roar of suppressed anger sounded.

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