The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 175: Having fun alone is not as good as having fun with everyone

Chapter 177: Having fun alone is not as good as having fun with everyone

"Trash, I'm trash!"

When the city defense captain returned to the military camp angrily, he saw that Jiangbei, who he had brought here yesterday, was still crazy and crazy at the moment. He still had not gotten over the shadow of being defeated by a pair of armor and losing all he had learned in his life.

After experiencing the same thing, the city defense captain also understood the mood of his colleague at this time, but seeing him looking as panicked as a bereaved dog, the general was still furious.

"How can we, warriors, be so decadent?!"

Although he knew that the reason why Jiang Bei failed to come out of the shadows was because he had too little knowledge and did not understand the person he was provoking, so he was overcome by his guard, this look made the captain furious.

"Trash! Have you never been defeated? Do you always keep nagging after being defeated?"

The captain, who had nowhere to vent his anger, grabbed Jiang Bei by the collar and roared loudly at him, regardless of the soldiers' obstruction.

After all, he couldn't take action against the officials in the government office. As for the guy in front of him, even if he beat him up, no one would say anything.

It is common for warriors to spar with each other, and it is common for them to punch to the flesh, get injured and bleed, and have their hands and feet broken off. What will happen to the flesh and blood? Looking for someone to complain or complain to will only make people laugh.

"If someone beats you to the ground, then you should practice martial arts hard and fight back one day!"

"How to get through?"

Jiang Bei, who had not lost his mind, raised his head, looked at the captain blankly, and asked.

The captain was speechless when asked this question. He had already seen Minglongjia's learning ability. In terms of martial arts alone, he really didn't know which warrior he knew could compete with him!

Maybe it can be suppressed in the early stage, but once the opponent is given time to learn, then the others will be crushed in turn, and they are still using things you have learned. There is nothing better than this to break the defense, no matter how tough your mind is The warriors will be shattered after seeing this scene.

"You've seen that armor too, right?"

Jiang Bei knew that the big man in front of him would most likely go. After all, this man was extremely emotionally unstable at the moment, and he could feel the anger and unwillingness hidden in his heart.

"Seen it!"

The captain's face was gloomy.

"Do you think we can defeat it?"

Jiang Bei asked, and after the question came out, he shook his head without waiting for the captain to answer.

"You can't win. As long as you are a human, you can't defeat it. It only takes one night to learn 'mind'. How can we, as humans, defeat such a monster?"

"If you can't win at the same level, then use stronger power to crush it. It's just a piece of armor!"

The captain replied with a dark face

When he said this, he was actually admitting defeat, admitting that he was inferior to a pair of armor in terms of technique and that there was no way he could win with equal strength.

"I don't believe it can become stronger through persistent practice like us!"

"What is the origin of its owner?"

Jiang Bei suddenly remembered something and asked quickly. He almost forgot who he wanted to challenge first, but accidentally got into a fight with his armor, causing him to lose his mind.

"Its owner?"

The captain's expression froze, and his face couldn't help but become distorted.

"Master Cheng, what is the origin of that young master?"

Jiang Bei asked with some urgency. He heard the conversation in the government office yesterday, but at that time he was still immersed in his own failure and couldn't extricate himself. Now he understands and has got rid of some of the shadow of failure.

"His elder brother is the Enke champion who passed six yuan three years ago!"

The captain exhaled slowly.

"What does this have to do with that armor?"

Jiangbei was puzzled.

"Do you know how old his brother is?"

The captain glanced at Jiangbei. The ignorant barbarian didn't even ask for the opponent's identity in a fight. No wonder he was beaten so miserably.

"How old?"

Jiang Bei became more and more puzzled. Does this have anything to do with the fact that he was beaten so miserably?

"Calculating my age, I should be sixteen this year!"

"Sixteen years old? Three years ago, wasn't he the number one scholar at the age of thirteen?"

Jiang Bei was confused when he heard this. Although he didn't care about the affairs of scholars, he still knew the most basic thing. How could there be such a young champion? Shouldn't he have just started studying at this age?

"Do you know why this guy was able to win six yuan in a row?"


Jiangbei's curiosity was aroused.


The city defense captain slowly revealed everything he knew. This was secret information that warriors at their level could know. After all, they could come into contact with monsters, monsters, and occasionally encounter ghosts and gods.

"Isn't this kind of person the reincarnation of a heavenly being?"

The more he listened, the more frightened he became, and the more shocked he became. After listening, Jiang Bei couldn't help but sigh.

"Who says it isn't?"

The captain also agreed with his face. This was considered a recognized fact. No one in the upper echelons of the Jin Dynasty regarded Feng Qingping as a mortal. They basically acquiesced that he was a celestial being who descended from heaven and endured tribulations.

"Then his younger brother, the Second Young Master Feng, is also a celestial being?"

At this time, Jiang Bei has completely come out of the shadows. After knowing that the other party has such a prominent background, he has nothing to lose. Is it strange that the armor worn by heavenly beings and proficient in martial arts can crush them?

"Maybe, if not, can a mere pair of armor make us so embarrassed?"

The captain nodded and asked:

After talking like this, he also felt that his defeat was nothing to be ashamed of, and that was how it should be.

"It's just that in this case, we may never win back. That Second Young Master Feng must have many ways to strengthen his armor. And the martial arts we practice is so difficult every step forward. How is it possible? Can you catch up?"


Hearing Jiang Bei's words, the captain couldn't help but fell silent. If they couldn't win back, then they would be criticized for the rest of their lives.

No matter how magical the armor is, or how great its origins are, it is not important to those who want to mock them. They will only say that they cannot even defeat a pair of armor, and that they are a shame for warriors. .

"If you can't win, then don't win at all!"

Suddenly, a look of cruelty appeared on the captain's face, and he spoke bitterly.


Jiang Bei was a little confused at the moment.

"The fact that you and I were defeated by a pair of armor cannot be hidden. It will not be long before word spreads, and by then we will both become the laughing stock!"

The city defense captain spoke slowly.

"My lord seems to have a plan!"

Jiang Bei looked at the confident captain and had an idea in his mind.

When he lost alone before, he felt it was unacceptable, but when he found out that someone was in the same situation as him, he found that it didn't seem so uncomfortable anymore.

"This is a simple matter. Just let more people take action and be defeated by that pair of armor. As long as more people are defeated, no one will laugh at me anymore!"

The civil and military people are first, but the military people are not second. Literary people have a better reputation, but military people also have a better reputation. The two are evenly matched.

"Master Cheng has a similar thought to what I have in mind. Being happy alone is not as good as having everyone happy!"

"Haha, heroes think alike!"

At this moment, the city defense captain and Jianghu Caomang, who had just joined the government, looked at each other with sympathy in their eyes. Their opinions were reached at this moment.

"Okay, let's stop chatting. This matter must be promoted as soon as possible. It is easy to rush but not easy to slow down. I can go to the Gangsha Realm masters in the city to lure... Ahem, ask them to take action!"

While speaking, the captain stared at Jiangbei,

"But only Fucheng is not enough, far from enough. Mr. Jiang is from a grassroots background, and he should know many seniors. I also ask Mr. Jiang to go out a little more and invite them to visit Fucheng!"

"This...Master Cheng thinks too highly of me. I just made a breakthrough and I really don't have time to make friends!"

Jiangbei sighed and said that warriors born in the Gangsha realm have two choices after joining the government. One is to become an official, but it has rank but no real power, so some people can't stand it and choose the latter, go back to the local government and become a local leader. One tyrant.

This type is more relaxed and comfortable, with the least restrictions. You only need to wait for orders at critical times, and you are free the rest of the time. However, correspondingly, the resources and support you can get are also the least.

"It doesn't matter. You have already entered this realm. Even if you don't know them, others will not refuse to interact with you!"

The captain laughed and said, "What does it matter if you don't know him?" A martial artist of the same level would come to visit him. As long as his mind is clear, he would not refuse.

"But why should I bring them here?"

"Just tell it truthfully. Although it is impossible to win against a pair of spiritual armors who are proficient in martial arts, after careful understanding, you will gain a lot, and there is no risk to your life. Which martial artist would refuse such an opponent?"

Captain Cheng was confident. After opening his horizons and accepting the defeat, he couldn't help but be a little eager to fight with that armor again. After all, such an evenly matched opponent who didn't need to recover after the fight was really the best in the world. Hard to find.

"But what about Second Young Master Feng? If he gets impatient, tired of waiting for me, and asks for punishment, what should we do?"

After knowing what kind of person Feng Qingan's brother was, Jiang Bei felt a sense of awe in his heart.

"Don't worry!"

Speaking of Feng Qing'an, the captain suddenly became more confident.

"Didn't you notice? That Second Young Master Feng is deliberately cultivating that armor. This is a matter of mutual benefit, and he will not refuse!"

"Your Excellency, you should inform the young master first before proceeding!"

Jiang Bei decided to be more cautious and suggested this.


When the captain thought about it, it was indeed the case.

"In that case, you and I will send you greetings tomorrow!"

"Should I go too?"

"Don't you think it's rude for you to come in uninvited? You should go there in person and apologize!"

"That's true!"

next day

Feng Qing'an, who had moved to another courtyard, was served by two girls with dignified manners and elegant movements, and was preparing to receive two Gangsha realm warriors. He was now considered a prominent figure, so it was natural for him to receive well-established visitors. People are needed to support the scene.

Therefore, Feng Qing'an chose to spend money to replace the other courtyard that was once again reduced to rubble. After throwing down a few gold bricks, he moved into the new courtyard and asked a restaurant with a strong background to arrange for him the manpower to support the scene.

When the captain of the city defense battalion in regular uniforms led a group of soldiers and came to visit in a "low-key" manner, the legs of the man in charge of greeting him were trembling, and his voice was even more stammering when he was being interpreted.

"City... city defense camp, Mr. Cheng..."

Although the people who come to Qingyang Restaurant are either rich or noble, there are really no people as expensive as the one in front of me. After all, if they are really powerful nobles, how can they live in the restaurant's annex? copper plate.

"Master Feng!"

The two warriors didn't care about the ostentation. After finding Feng Qing'an, they first expressed their apologies and sent an apology, and then went straight to talk about their plan.

"So, where are you planning to arrange the competition?"

After hearing the purpose of these two warriors, Feng Qingan was noncommittal. He picked up the house deed in front of him and flipped through it. This was the apology given to him by the city defense captain. It was the Sanjin mansion located in the most prosperous area of ​​Anqing Mansion. ,

"Are you planning to compete in the mansion?"

"Young Master is joking. This is just a petty thought of a lower official. Please move in. This courtyard is a place for merchants after all. It is too noisy. How can you condescend to live here!"

The captain smiled apologetically, saying that he didn't take his fifth-grade official position seriously at all. He couldn't even defeat someone else's armor, so why did he have the right to put on airs?

Warriors rely on their fists to determine their seniority. If their fists are not strong enough, everything else is useless.

"Oh, then I'll accept this little thought!"

After taking a look at the location of the mansion, Feng Qingan put it away unceremoniously, not intending to refuse at all. It was the apology he deserved. Who made these guys unruly?

"In that case, where do you plan to arrange the competition?"

"Of course I'm going to find a deserted mountain outside the city, a place that is rarely visited by people!"

The captain replied, if warriors from the Gangsha Realm compete with each other, if they let their hands and feet go unscrupulously, half of the city can be destroyed in just one night.

"how do you feel?"

Feng Qingan lowered his head and looked at his cuffs. Under his gaze, a slender yet elegant little golden-scaled dragon snaked out of it and wrapped around his fingertips.

"This is?"

The eyes of the two martial arts barbarians were inexplicably shocked. They looked at the dragon wrapped around the young man's fingertips and looked at Feng Qing'an with awe in their eyes.

Jiangbei, in particular, felt a sense of fear in his heart at this moment. A few days ago, he actually thought of challenging the reincarnation of a heavenly being with a dragon on his body.

"Don't be surprised, it is the bright dragon that beats you, and it is also my armor!"


The golden-scaled dragon raised his head and glanced at the two warriors who were both stunned. Then he turned to Feng Qing'an and let out a soft groan. His voice was light and cheerful, with a hint of eagerness to try.

"Well, it agreed, you can go and make arrangements, but it is only in the Gangsha realm for the time being. If it is too high, we will not wait!"

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