Chapter 249 Ghost Wolf Demon Kingdom

"Heishan, I feel a little wronged for you to follow me in the world during this period of time."


The ghost wolf, which had its furry big head rubbed by the boy, let out a comfortable whimper. Even with its current strength, it could dominate any place in the mountains thousands of miles away in the world, but in front of the boy, it was still The original little wolfhound.

"Previously, we were tied up in the human world and couldn't do anything. Now that we're in the Netherworld, we don't have to worry so much. I went to ask Donghuang about how to advance your bloodline. She couldn't do anything, but she gave me a clue. "

It had been three days since he first came to the Netherworld. Based on the fate of a ghost king who completely fell and was eaten, Feng Qingan could be considered to have initially established a foothold in the ghost kingdom of the Netherworld, at least when he walked in the ghost kingdom. No ghost in the country dared to look at him with malice.


The spirit wolf, whose expression showed comfort and contentment, heard the young man's voice and let out a whimper in his throat. The comfort and laziness in his expression disappeared a little, and his eyes as blue as the blue sky stared at Feng Qing'an, showing a look of expectation. .

Yearning for and chasing more powerful power is the instinct of living beings, and Heishan, who followed Feng Qingan and walked through the human world, is even more eager for power.

If a real person from the Taoist sect has the intention to kill it, it will be unable to resist. Even if it manifests into a demon body, it will be like a joke to the real person, with no power to resist.

If the Lord of Youhuang had not taken action in time, it would have even become a burden and burden to the owner. How could Heishan endure this? Its existence is to protect its master, but now it is dragging down its master.

"I know you are anxious, but this matter cannot be rushed."

Feng Qing'an patted Heishan's head. Although Donghuang founded a country in the netherworld and became king, and destroyed countless cities and conquered countries, he had a broad vision and extensive knowledge.

However, no matter how much knowledge Donghuang had, it did not mean that he knew everything in the Netherworld. It was not appropriate for Feng Qingan to pin his hopes of promotion to the Ghost Wolf bloodline on this king.

Because the ghost wolf is a special monster that can find the gap between the two worlds and travel between the human world and the netherworld. In most cases, the potential of its bloodline can only allow the ghost wolf to stand at the top of the great demon level. As for whether it can become the demon king, it completely depends on the individual's own hard work, hard work, and most importantly, opportunity.

It is already very good that Donghuang knows and understands how to cultivate monsters of this level. However, it would be a bit embarrassing to seek ways to improve their bloodline from them. At Donghuang's level, there is no need to pay attention to these.

"Donghuang awakened me to seek the method of spiritual wolf's bloodline promotion. Instead of asking her, it's better to look for your kind."

Feng Qingan recalled the conversation he had with Donghuang not long ago,

"Compared with you, ordinary ghost wolves are at most on par with you, and will not be stronger than you. Only those ghost wolves who have become demon kings are your best candidates for advice."


When Heishan heard this, he let out a whimper and nodded in agreement. It was indeed reasonable to ask the demon king of the same kind for advice on how to improve his bloodline.

But here comes the problem again. For the vast Netherworld, ghost wolves that can travel between two realms are always coveted and captured by the ghost king because of their racial talents, so their number is not large, and they are even rare.

Heishan has been in and out of the Netherworld countless times, but he has yet to meet a demon king of the same kind. How difficult is it to find a demon king of the same kind?

"No need to worry, Donghuang happens to know a ghost wolf demon kingdom. I heard that there is more than one ghost wolf demon king there. I can take you to find them and ask them for advice to see if they have anything to break the bloodline boundary. Or the secret technique to advance your bloodline."

Feng Qingan showed an amiable smile.

Black Mountain's bloodline potential has actually exceeded the upper limit of Spirit Wolf's racial bloodline, surpassing a large level. However, after reaching this step, if he wants to be promoted, the Spirit Wolf bloodline that originally transformed Black Mountain has become The shackles and burdens.

In fact, you may not be able to get the answer you want by searching for the Nether Wolf Demon Kingdom, but since you are in the Netherworld, you have to do something, right? You can't squat in the palace of Donghuang and read the Taoist scriptures, right? How boring is this? Where can’t I see it?

The shackles of Heishan's bloodline are not something that cannot be solved for him. If there is really no way, he can rely on the strength of the All Souls Supreme Body and time to polish the potential of Heishan's bloodline.


Hearing Feng Qing'an's words, Heishan felt happy, but also a little worried. It was naturally a good thing to be able to ask powerful seniors of the same kind for advice.

But the question is, if I ask for advice, will the other party be willing to hand it over? They are just the same kind, not father and son. How could such a fundamental secret be passed on lightly?

"I told you that there is no need to worry. As long as I take you there to ask for advice, they will definitely teach you and answer all your questions, unless they really don't know."

Feng Qingan rubbed Heishan's head hard, feeling confident.


Heishan's big furry face was full of confusion. He didn't understand where his master had such confidence. Wasn't there more than one demon king in the Ghost Wolf Demon Kingdom?

Even if his master can control the giant, can he really suppress the demon kingdom and let the demon kings of the same kind answer their questions? The demon kingdom built in the netherworld, even a guesser knows, will definitely not be simple.

Monsters that can move in the Netherworld are often more ferocious than ghosts. If they are so ferocious and cruel that even ghosts cannot compare with them, how can they gain a foothold in the Netherworld?

"This is not the place where the Ghost Wolf Demon Kingdom is located. Our place is a bit far away, so Donghuang asked me to command an army and fight all the way there. This will be safer."

The boy smiled and answered his dog's confusion, which made the guy's eyes widen.


The next moment, Heishan reacted and stood up from the ground, raised his head to the sky, and let out an excited roar.

Bloody battles and killings are what it loves. Walking around the world with its master, although it is good to be by the master's side, most of the time it does nothing, becomes an embellishment, a vassal, and is useless. It actually makes Montenegro feel very depressed.

Now its owner wants to lead a ghost army all the way to the Ghost Wolf Demon Kingdom. The battles along the way will inevitably involve bloody battles. Finally, it is no longer useless.

"What's so exciting about this?"

Feng Qing'an could feel the changes in Heishan's emotions. Compared to being promoted to a bloodline, Feng Qing'an reacted more strongly when he heard about the battle and fighting. Feng Qing'an was not surprised.

Compared with ordinary monsters, Black Mountain's bloodline promotion is too simple and easy, although it went through an extremely painful transformation process when it transformed from an ordinary wolf dog into a ghost wolf.

But this kind of pain is undesirable for countless monsters. Even Heishan himself doesn't feel it is anything now, because it has experienced more severe pain during the fight.

It is precisely because the process of obtaining it is too simple and easy that Montenegro will not be too persistent in pursuing the power of the bloodline, let alone take it to heart.


Feng Qing'an's comfort fell in Heishan's ears. Not only did it not comfort, but it had the opposite effect, making the demon wolf's expression become more and more excited, and even manifested a true body that was nearly twenty feet tall. .

The blazing blue flames lingered on the body of the demon wolf with flowing hair. Heishan lowered his head suddenly and lifted the master next to him on his head, allowing the young man to stand on top of his head.

"You guy..."

Feng Qing'an stood on Heishan's head, looking down at the ghost town not far away, with a gentle smile on his face and a look of thought in his eyes.

What he said to Heishan was just an excuse for him to raise troops and go to the Ghost Wolf Demon Kingdom.

Asking for advice on secret techniques to break through the shackles of bloodline. For ordinary ghost wolves, such secret techniques may be a matter of life and death, but for him, a beast control master, even if they are thrown in front of him, he doesn't even bother to take a look.

His real purpose is to cultivate Heishan and make him a true wolf king. The demon kingdom built by the ghost wolf is his goal. When he heard about it from Donghuang, this thought came to his mind uncontrollably. out.

However, although Feng Qing had an idea, considering Heishan's current strength, he made up a relatively simple-sounding name.

Otherwise, just tell Heishan so straightforwardly and let it conquer the Ghost Wolf Demon Kingdom and make several ghost wolf kings surrender to it would put too much pressure on it. It has not yet been promoted to the Demon King.


Heishan, who had vented his emotions for a while, couldn't wait to ask Feng Qing'an when he would go on the expedition?

"In half a month at the latest, after I have finished handling some trivial matters, I will lead my ghost army to go on an expedition."

There were many trivial things that Feng Qing'an mentioned. The first was that he had promised the Spirit of the Cave Heaven, and also promised to Donghuang, to find a ghost for the ghosts in the Youhuang Ghost Kingdom who had fallen into a state of frenzy due to the frequent wars. place.

It is not difficult for Feng Qing'an to do this. He only needs to leave an anchor point in a suitable place, and then use the power of the cave sky spirit to anchor it and build a cave to the Jiu Shou Cave Heaven that cannot be entered. There is a one-way entrance.

This cave anchor point was placed on the top of the mountain created by the giant Long Bo when he came to the Netherworld. On the day the entrance to the cave was successfully arranged, Donghuang sent two ghost kings to be responsible for moving the crazy ghosts from all over the ghost country. Here, they all fall into the cave.

In this way, Youhuang Ghost Kingdom has one less big problem, and the spirit bred by the Broken Cave Sky is even more happy. Whenever he sees Feng Qingan, he is flattering, as if flattery is free of money. delivered.

Feng Qing'an naturally ignored these. After he completed this mutually beneficial and win-win matter, he found the immortal Nether Phoenix Youyou and asked her for help to send him to a Netherworld rift that he had entered and exited countless times.

He wants to return to the human world!

Before the news of his disappearance in Fengtian City spreads, he went to meet his parents, and by the way, he also paid a visit to his eldest brother who was far away on the border and told him about his current situation and choices.

Of course, he had to change his rhetoric. Ordinary monks could not accept falling into the netherworld, let alone his two parents who were still addicted to worldly fame and fortune.


The little phoenix, whose main color is black, heard Feng Qingan's request and agreed without thinking too much.

"No problem, come up!"

After speaking to Donghuang, Feng Qingan took Heishan and climbed onto the back of Minghuang, where Baizhang's true form was revealed. Under the monstrous black flames and under the unexplained gazes of many ghost kings, he left for the human world. .

It is desolate and dead, lifeless, as if the boundless territory of thousands of miles is passing by underfoot, mountains, plains, hills, basins, valleys...many different terrains are passing by below, and the earth with the main tone of black and gray is very... Feng Qingan will soon become bored with it.

However, when the dark nothingness that straddled the dark sky and the dead earth appeared in front of his eyes, even Feng Qing'an had seen it from the perspective of Heishan, and he couldn't help but marvel at this moment.

"The realm of nothingness!"

This darkness that even light cannot penetrate reminded Feng Qingan at this moment that the netherworld he was stepping into now was a world that was broken due to unknown reasons.

The void darkness he sees now is just the outline of the edge on one side of the crack in the great world. There will be no danger in breaking into it, and in most cases, you will not be attacked by some kind of terrifying creature.

Being in nothingness, the real horror is losing your way, because there is nothing in it, neither the sun, the moon, the stars, nor the sky, nor the earth, nor up, down, left, right, east, west, north, south.

Losing guidance and being in boundless darkness is an extremely terrifying thing. Therefore, ghosts in the netherworld, even ghosts flying in the air, will avoid the dark nothingness that is actually a crack in the netherworld.

However, for those who know the coordinates and even master some special paths, this void of darkness is a shortcut for them to quickly reach another place in the netherworld.

For example, Ninghuang Youyou at this time, knowing the coordinates and mastering the special path, rushed into the dark void without hesitation. The blazing flames from her body actually radiated against the backdrop of this dark void. There was a slight light.

The oppressive darkness and nothingness did not exist for long. As the dark sky reappeared above the head, Feng Qing'an, who had almost no feeling, saw the netherworld that was very familiar to him.

"Feng Qing'an!"

Dilapidated palaces that have experienced ancient wars and been washed away by time are dotted in the mountains. Of course, these familiar ancient ruins are far inferior to a girl flying towards him dragging a gorgeous palace dress.

"You finally came to see me."

The girl threw herself into Feng Qing'an's arms like a swallow in the forest. The joy of reunion made the girl laugh as crisply as an oriole leaving the valley. The girl's delicate face and joyful laughter from the heart made this gloomy place The world became much brighter.

"I miss you so much!"

"I miss you as well."

The boy and girl who reunited after a long separation rubbed their ears together, almost wanting to merge into one body...

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