Chapter 250 God and Demon One

"Nan Ge, it's not that I won't take you with me, but it's really inconvenient this time. I'll be in the Netherworld for a long time when I return from the human world, so I plan to see my elder brother this time."

The young man comforted the cute and clingy girl in his arms. After knowing his plan, the girl insisted on following him. With her current strength, she has no fear of the sun.

In fact, Nan Ge, who was forced to be promoted due to Feng Qing'an's transformation, had wanted to find him. However, Feng Qing'an had already planned, so she stopped her move and just said that he would come soon. Find her.

Now Feng Qing'an has fulfilled his promise, but he still needs to be separated for a short period of time. He has to go to the human world for a while, and it is not impossible to meet his parents with Nan Ge by his side.

With the girl's appearance, figure and transcendent ethereal temperament, if Feng Qing'an pointed at her and told his parents that Nan Ge was a fairy who came from the sky, his parents would most likely believe it.

After all, the inhuman temperament in a girl should not be too obvious. No ordinary person can be as delicate and flawless as her.

However, it was just a matter of taking Nan Ge to meet his parents. The key was that Feng Qing'an planned to meet his eldest brother. In any case, Feng Qing'an would never dare to take him there.

After all, Nan Ge’s heels are so special. If his elder brother doesn’t like Nan Ge, he probably doesn’t need to do anything. With just one look, Nan Ge will be wiped out from heaven and earth. Although this kind of thing happens The probability is very small, but Feng Qingan doesn't want to gamble.

Therefore, before he returns from the human world, Nan Ge should stay here, so don't follow him to wander around the human world. After all, it is risky.

So, after Feng Qing'an made up his mind, no matter how coquettish the Yin spirit girl was, Feng Qing'an never agreed. Instead, when the time came, he left the angry girl behind and took Montenegro back to the familiar place. The entrance of the village.

To be on the safe side, Feng Qing'an didn't even bring the little Phoenix Youyou over, but asked her to stay with Nan Ge. How much danger could there be in the world? The possibility of him running into monsters and monsters was not as good as running into the monsters running around. Taoist masters and Buddhist monks.

"Young and young, the eldest son has left home... Bah, he doesn't deserve the situation at all."

Feng Qing'an, who had been away from home for less than a year, could no longer think about it anymore. It was midnight, and the ten-mile-long village fell into silent darkness. Only occasionally a few dog barks could be heard in the night, but it was very quiet. Silence soon.


Although he had not left for a long time, Feng Qingan, who had returned from the netherworld, felt an inexplicable emotion when he returned to his small courtyard. However, less than a year after leaving home, something happened to him. Many earth-shaking changes.

As before, the days of sitting in this remote courtyard with no one to disturb me, practicing in peace, are gone forever, and there will no longer be any young girl walking gracefully in the moonlight at night. And arrived.

"They're not even at home!"

Unsurprisingly, when he returned at night, it was a lavish little courtyard in the village. It had no popularity at all, and there was not even the slightest smell of living things. During the time he left, the chicken coop and duck pen It's all empty.


Returning to his bedroom, which had been covered with a thin layer of dust, Feng Qing'an couldn't help but sigh again, stretched out his hand and flicked it gently, and a gentle breeze blew from the window, blowing away the floating dust inside and outside the house. Clean it all.

After cleaning the yard inside and outside, the young man walked into the yard with the silent black wolf who had been following him. Just when he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly fell on the corner of the yard and saw a tree. The leafy osmanthus tree.

It is the middle of winter, and the chill between heaven and earth is in full swing. However, this sweet-scented osmanthus tree is completely unaffected by the chilling atmosphere of heaven and earth. It is full of green, and each leaf is as crystal clear as if it were carved from jade. Under the bathing of the winter moonlight, Blooming with gleaming green light.

"If a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. If you stand taller than others, the crowd will destroy it."

Feng Qingan took a step forward and walked up to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. She stretched out her palm and gently touched the crisp leaves. She seemed to be saying an oath, and seemed to be speaking to the leafy sweet-scented osmanthus tree in front of her. ,

"Being born in a peasant family, it's better to be ordinary. The more inconspicuous you are, the safer you are. If you are unusual, but you don't have the power to protect yourself, you will be in trouble."

The moment the young man finished speaking, the green light shining on the sweet-scented osmanthus tree suddenly dimmed. Compared with the sweet-scented osmanthus tree that can be seen full of aura at a glance, it now became much more ordinary and no longer looked out of place.

"Yes, children can be taught."

Seeing this scene, Feng Qing'an couldn't help but nodded slightly with a satisfied look on his face. Just listen to the advice. If he doesn't listen to the advice, then he will naturally say goodbye.

"Meeting is fate. When I go home today, I will encounter something familiar. I will give you an opportunity so that you can cherish it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Qing'an used the spirit-drawing technique that he had not used alone for a long time. He even left a trace of the crimson soul power he had cultivated in it.

And under Feng Qingan's casual watering and nourishment, the osmanthus tree, which had just restrained a bit and appeared ordinary and ordinary, suddenly burst out with a bright and brilliant cyan aura.

The dazzling spiritual light was so conspicuous in the dark night. Even from a distance of more than ten miles, one could see clearly in the night. There were ghosts and gods who heard the wind, but they were quickly stopped and no trouble occurred.


The door to the Feng family's house, which had been pushed open not long ago, slowly closed again. The young man stood outside his house, looking at the still silent village under the night, and sighed again as he remembered his childhood experience in it.

He was particularly sentimental tonight, because Feng Qing'an had a premonition that after he left, it would probably take many years before he could come back here again, and then things would really change.

"Old Master Zhang...Second Fatty..."

After cleaning the courtyard, Feng Qing'an did not leave Zhuangzi in a hurry. Instead, he first went to the house of the gentleman who taught him how to read and write, and then went to the home of Fa Xiao, who had allowed him to adopt Heishan.

He couldn't achieve such a thing as Guangzong Yaozu. As for the one who had little expectations, there was nothing Feng Qingan could do to find a job where he could make a living.

What he can do is to quietly regulate their bodies while they are still sleeping, erasing the scars and hidden diseases accumulated in their bodies over the years.

After everything was done, Feng Qingan walked into the mountains under the morning glow. Since he returned home, he had to meet the mountain god, but meeting the mountain god was just incidental.

Feng Qing'an's main purpose in entering the mountain was to collect all the demon wolves he had spent a lot of effort to cultivate into the fifth level of the cave.

The Qianli Mountains, which are full of dragon veins and full of cleverness, cannot support a pack of demon wolves. Even if they just eat and drink normally, the demon wolves can exterminate all life in the mountains in a very short period of time.

Therefore, it is the best way to bring all the demon wolves in the mountains back to the cave. In the cave opened by the powerful demon clan, there is an environment most suitable for the growth of demons, even if it is now dilapidated.

"You must take good care of my daughter..."

On the third day of the morning, Feng Qingan said goodbye to the mountain god and found the Black Mountain. He saw this guy with an honest and honest look, being pulled together by the white wolf master who was no longer as big as him, and he was talking nonchalantly.

"Master White Wolf, you have been saying these words over and over for almost a long time. Don't worry! Your daughter will be fine if she follows me. She is much stronger than you now."

After some yin and yang assurances, Feng Qingan took Heishan away from Qingmang Mountain and headed to Yongning County to find his parents. It didn't take much time.

Even if he didn't use his increasingly inhuman five senses to track his perceptions, and just asked random pedestrians passing by, he would soon be able to find his two parents who were now too busy to touch the ground.

But no matter how busy parents are, when they see their son standing in front of them, everything is immediately forgotten.

"Father, mother, my child is unfilial and plans to go up the mountain to practice Taoism. I came here to say goodbye to my parents!"

After Feng Qing'an pulled his parents to a private place where no one could spy, he didn't hesitate. He knelt down on the ground and knelt down first. When Feng Shouli and Yin's faces were confused and their eyes were blank, Feng Qing'an didn't hesitate. , then he stretched out his five fingers, and dazzling lightning danced on his palms and five fingers.


When he saw the thunder in his son's hand, Feng Shouli, whose aura of wealth became more and more obvious, was frightened and couldn't help but take a step back. When he saw the familiar face of the young man in charge of the thunder, His face was stiff and he opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Are you really my second best?"

Even Mrs. Yin, when she saw the second son with thunder leaping on her palm, her eyes showed a look of awe. However, when her eyes fell on her son, her expression suddenly turned into one of surprise and uncertainty.

"If it's true, if I weren't your biological son, who would give you such a great gift?"

Feng Qingan was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Then what happened to this thunder?"

Yin bravely pointed at the thunder wrapped around Feng Qing'an's finger. Since ancient times, mortals and the birds and beasts in the mountains have had an innate respect for thunder, which is a symbol of the power of heaven.

Practitioners who can control thunder are naturally no different from land gods in the eyes of ordinary people. In the eyes of this couple, they are obviously children who went to take the exam at the beginning of the year. When they come back at the end of the year, they suddenly transform into gods. What does this make them do? Can you accept it quickly?

"Fathers and mothers, don't be afraid. This is just the way it is. It is also the thunder technique that I have initially mastered. It is a kind of Taoist technique. It is called "Five Thunder Techniques"..."

Feng Qing'an told lies with his eyes open, and casually made up a name for the technique he saw in the Taoist scriptures. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain.

In fact, Feng Qing'an still underestimated his father and mother's mental endurance. Although he had imagined many possibilities, there was only one of them, that is, the couple accepted his father's death in just half a quarter of an hour. The son went up the mountain to practice Taoism, hoping to become an immortal.

"It's great to become an immortal. If you can become an immortal, why should you be an official and why should you be criticized?"

Feng Shouli pulled Feng Qing'an up from the ground. Even though Feng Qing'an later revealed his intention not to take part in the imperial examination, the man didn't even show any sign of anger. Instead, he smiled broadly.

Compared with cultivating Taoism and becoming an immortal, the imperial examination, which is still obsessed with worldly fame and fortune, seems much vulgar. No matter how you listen to it or look at it, the former is better.

"Er Niu, where do you live in the mountains? What do you have to eat? Is it like in the storyteller's story, where you eat Xia Shiqi?"

Compared to Feng Shouli, who seemed bold and majestic at the moment, Mrs. Yin at this moment returned to the old lady attitude in Feng Qingan's impression, grabbing one of his arms and asking questions and instructions.

It took longer than Feng Qing'an imagined to say goodbye to his parents. After three full days, Feng Qing'an summoned clouds and mist and ascended to the sky on the outskirts of Yongning County under the reluctant and expectant eyes of the couple. And up.

"My son, practice well on the mountain and remember the teacher's words."

"Er Niu, next time you go home, bring back some fairy daughters-in-law. It would be even better if you can bring back grandchildren."


After all, it was his parents' earnest expectations, and Feng Qing'an couldn't resist their wishes. After acceding, his figure quickly disappeared into the clouds and was never seen again.

"Northern Xinjiang!"

Standing among the clouds, Feng Qing'an sets his sights on the north of Dajin. During this trip to the human world, as long as he sees the last person, that is, his eldest brother, he can return to the netherworld to practice with concentration. He does not have to come back in a short time. The human world.

"There's some trouble!"

Even if they want to meet their new brothers, there is some trouble. Feng Qingan has long known that his eldest brother has been surrounded by a large number of real people and eminent monks who regard him as the reincarnation of the Immortal Lord. His eldest brother needs every day The monks he had to deal with were ten times more than he usually had to deal with.

"Jian, I know you have a spirit. Go and tell my elder brother that his second brother Feng Qing'an wants to meet him. There are some important things that I want to tell him."

Feng Qing'an took out the Dragon-Slaying Sword of the Gods given to him by his elder brother. This ancient long sword had a scabbard that was dark red and purple, almost black. There was an evil aura hidden in it that frightened even gods and demons. .


After finishing speaking, Feng Qing'an was also confident and threw the sword in his hand, and the sword lived up to his expectations and turned into a rainbow, crossing the sky and going straight to the north.

Therefore, Feng Qing'an, who didn't actually know where his eldest brother was, followed the path left by the sword and chased him away.

But while he was still chasing him, the sword UU Reading that he threw had already turned back. It's just that there is an additional sword wielder on top of the returning sword.


It was a mysterious cat whose fur faintly revealed a dark red color in the sunlight. The mysterious cat, which was only the size of a palm, squatted on the scabbard. After Feng Qingan took the long sword, he jumped to it without any recognition. On his arms, climbed all the way, and finally squatted on his shoulders.


[Race: Demonic White Tiger]

[Attributes: heaven, demon, god, spirit, beast]

[Potential Level: Emperor·Superior]

[Combat power level: Qiling·Medium]

"What the hell?"

After seeing the results of the appraisal, Feng Qingan's face suddenly showed a look of horror, and he looked at the mysterious cat squatting on his shoulder with some uncertainty, licking its paws.

Not to mention the outrageous potential, the race and attributes alone made Feng Qingan feel numb.

The sword he threw at his elder brother flew back, and what did he bring back? Is this his elder brother's cat? Or did you jump up on your own halfway?

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