Thick ferns extend continuously along the undulating terrain into the depths of the mountains. The grass and trees are lush, the vegetation is dense, and the chirping of insects is endless. Occasionally, you can hear birds flapping their wings and insects and snakes crawling.

Seeing the mountain forest shrouded in night by the dim light of the stars and moon, Feng Qingan felt that he was in the depths of the forest, and in the darkness, there seemed to be endless ghosts and monsters lurking in it, which was scary.


It was the first time he set foot in the forest of Heishan. Looking at the completely unfamiliar environment in front of him, he let out a menacing growl in his throat, and the aura of being a monster suddenly filled the air.

In an instant, the chirping of insects suddenly stopped. The birds did not dare to stretch their wings at this moment and hid in their nests, shivering among the branches and leaves. Among the dead branches and leaves, there were countless little ones who came out to look for food at night. The creature stiffened its body and did not dare to move.

"Black Mountain! You worthless thing, what are you afraid of?"

Feng Qing'an sensed the changes in Heishan's emotions through the soul contract. He admitted that he had just been frightened by the dark forest, but Heishan was also frightened like him. Heishan was different from him.

"You are a monster!"

Feng Qingan really hates the fact that iron cannot become steel. How can such a bitch expect to protect his life in the future?


Black Mountain let out a whimper. For it to set foot in the forest for the first time, this place was too deep and scary.

"Don't be afraid, rush. Didn't I see you yelling? Are all those guys quiet?"

Feng Qing'an encouraged Heishan. "The Art of Resurrection" can only place his consciousness on Heishan, but it cannot force Heishan to do anything. Besides, this kind of thing still requires mobilizing Heishan's own subjective initiative.

When Heishan heard Feng Qing'an's words, he realized that it was really the case. The fear he originally had due to the unfamiliar environment gradually disappeared, and he became more courageous.

The muscular wolfdog carefully and cautiously moved forward in this completely unfamiliar dark jungle. The lush shrubs and vines could even cover its four legs. There were no roads to walk on here.

But its bloodline comes from this mountain, and it does not need a road that can be walked on. It can quickly adapt to environments that are extremely dangerous and even difficult to walk.

Feng Qing'an could feel that this guy's footsteps were becoming more and more brisk and lively. After walking for a certain distance in the forest, Heishan had completely gotten rid of the fear when he first entered, because this place was no longer unfamiliar to him.

The most important thing is that Black Mountain has determined its position in this mountain forest. Here, it can still run and hunt at will just like in the wilderness.

Wherever you pass, the birds are silent, and the snakes and insects retreat. What is there to be afraid of in such a mountain forest?

"Stop playing around and look for your kind!"

Feng Qingan witnessed with his own eyes the change in mentality in Montenegro along the way. Seeing that this guy was about to let go again, he quickly urged him to get down to business.

How can a lone wolf be as intimidating as a pack of wolves? It's the same even for monsters, and besides, they've all become monsters. It's not too much to lead a pack of wolves, right?


After hearing Feng Qingan's instructions, Heishan immediately suppressed the urge to chase the owl among the branches of the trees, slowed down, turned his head, and distinguished the various smells scattered in the forest.

Feng Qing'an waited patiently, and soon saw that Heishan's pace changed from slow to fast, and it began to run wildly in the mountains and forests. It didn't take long for Feng Qing'an to see the goal that Heishan was pursuing.

Green light spots floated in the darkness, like will-o'-the-wisps, but if you look closely, you can see that these will-o'-the-wisps come in pairs. They are not ghostly things. They are clearly the light refracted in the pupils of nocturnal animals in the jungle.


A group of mountain wolves hunting at night is exactly what Feng Qingan is looking for in Montenegro.

These hunters, whose hair color almost blended in with the deep night in the mountains, showed no affection towards the sudden arrival of Black Mountain, even if they were of the same kind. Instead, they bent down on the ground, exposed their fangs, and roared from their throats.

After following Feng Qingan's instructions and finding mountain wolves that were similar to him, Heishan was originally in a good mood, but when he saw these wolves were smaller than him, their hair was dull and matted in some places. After someone of the same kind actually dared to grin at it, the guy immediately became angry.

Without Feng Qingan's instructions, Heishan pounced on it. The communication between the beasts was simple and straightforward. If you are not willing to give in to it, then you can subdue it.

This is something Heishan has understood very early on. There are quite a few people raising dogs in the village, and Heishan has become the dog tyrant in the village very early. After all, with his physique, he is an ordinary housekeeper yellow dog. How dare you fight with it.

Ouch! Roar!

The blood-stained hair fell down in the roaring and roaring sounds, and the sharp claws tore the fur apart, causing the flesh to roll and blood to flow.

Feng Qing'an watched all this in silence, UU Reading watching this battle that belonged to Heishan. He did not interfere, or tried to teach Heishan how to fight.

He is not Chairman Chiang Kai-shek. He doesn't think he knows how to use his body to fight better than a beast. He can just leave this kind of thing to Montenegro himself.

In the fight between a lone wolf and a pack of wolves, purely in terms of numbers, they are completely at a disadvantage, but the nature of Black Mountain, which has turned into a demon, has completely surpassed these mountain wolves.

And what this brings is a crushing battle. Its canines and fangs can easily tear apart the skin and flesh of any wolf. On the other hand, these more ferocious mountain wolves can hardly leave scars on Montenegro's body. , the five mountain wolves only left a few very shallow blood marks on Heishan.

Therefore, this sudden battle ended in a very short period of time. The five scarred mountain wolves all crawled on the ground obediently, revealing their soft abdomens with slightly lighter hair, expressing their surrender to Montenegro.

They have all personally experienced the overwhelming power of Black Mountain. The submission of the weak to the strong is a natural thing among similar beasts.


Seeing the mountain wolf bowing its head to him, showing a surrender gesture, Heishan couldn't help but raise his head proudly and howl at the stars and moon that were barely revealed among the thick branches and leaves.

"Well done, Montenegro!"

Feng Qingan witnessed this scene, with a happy smile on his face and praised.

"However, you injured these guys too badly, so your next task is to protect and settle them, and don't let other beasts in the mountains eat your new little brothers!"


Heishan, who was looking up to the sky and roaring, suddenly stiffened. He looked down at the five bloody mountain wolves in front of him, feeling a little at a loss.

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