"Find their nest and escort them back!"

Seeing the somewhat overwhelmed Heishan, Feng Qingan had no choice but to give it new instructions and guide it on what to do.

Feng Qing'an didn't know how to become a qualified alpha wolf, but it didn't matter. Heishan was not a serious wolf anyway, and besides, he had turned into a demon, so there was no need to abide by the rules of the beast.


With the clear instructions, Heishan knew what to do. He barked at the five injured mountain wolves, but was quickly scolded by Feng Qingan,

"I told you not to bark like dogs in the mountains, that's not how wolves bark!"

Feng Qing'an ordered again, and sure enough, the wolves were all a little confused when they heard Heishan's cry.

However, when Heishan tried to communicate with these wolves, he also encountered a problem. He didn't know how to convey his meaning through sound so that these wolves could understand him.

Even Feng Qing'an was helpless in this aspect. He didn't understand how wolves transmitted information to each other through sounds. He could only let Heishan slowly learn from this group of wolves. After a long time, he would eventually know.

However, although there is no way to command the wolves through barking, Montenegro also has its own method. It directly follows the smell floating in the mountains and forests to find the direction in which the wolves are coming.

Seeing the Black Mountain and heading towards their lair, several mountain wolves who were out hunting looked at each other, then all climbed up and followed them staggeringly.

These wolves were also extremely confused by Heishan's actions. They didn't know what Heishan's actions and calls meant, and they didn't even know whether this unusually powerful fellow of the same kind accepted them and whether he was willing to let them follow.

Even if they don't know these things clearly, they can only follow Heishan as he moves towards the lair. They are all injured at the moment, and the smell of blood on their bodies will attract some people with bad intentions in the forest.

Following the scent, Heishan soon found a wolf den. The moment his huge figure with extraordinary physique of a mountain wolf appeared, it caused a fierce reaction from the pregnant female wolf and the old wolf who were guarding the wolf den. As for Little wolves, they don’t even know what fear is.

However, after the five scarred mountain wolves followed Heishan and returned to the wolf den, they exchanged words and found out that the pregnant female wolf and two old wolves were left behind, so they relaxed a little. But the eyes looking at Heishan are filled with awe, and a bit of expectation and desire.

"Heishan, go and catch some prey for them!"

Feng Qingan looked at the pack of wolves living in the rugged rocks through Heishan's field of vision, and gave instructions again.

Since you want to be a wolf king, you must have the responsibility of being a wolf king. Don’t just want rights, but don’t want to take responsibility.


Montenegro was a little reluctant, but turned around and hunted for the wolf pack.

Seeing Heishan's sudden departure, the old wolf and several male wolves in the den were relaxed a lot, but the two female wolves and the pregnant female wolf who stayed behind in the den were a little disappointed.

However, the disappointment of the female wolves did not last long. Soon, the heroic figure of Black Mountain appeared in the sight of the female wolves again, especially when it dragged a honey badger in its mouth. The eyes of the she-wolves became even more majestic.

"Tear open the chest of the prey, take the first bite, and distribute the rest of the meat freely among the wolves!"

Feng Qing'an taught Heishan that he really didn't know much about wolves, but he still knew some basic common sense. For example, the wolf king has the right to enjoy food first, the right to distribute, and of course, the right to mate.


Heishan followed Feng Qing'an's instructions one by one. After Heishan placed the bloody meat in front of each mountain wolf, the wolves' eyes looked at Heishan with a completely different change.

The right to share the meat is a right that only the alpha wolf or the wolf king in the pack can have. Not to mention the beast, even for humans, only the one with the highest status has the right to share the meat.

Even though there are obvious obstacles to communication between Montenegro and the wolves, this move has clearly demonstrated his intentions to the wolves.

The choice of the wolves is also very simple and straightforward. They can't do it together, and there is still meat to eat, so what else is there to think about? Of course, it is to show the belly to show submission.


Body movements are also a kind of language. After seeing the wolves surrendering to him, Heishan, who was still a little dissatisfied and had some minor objections, suddenly felt better and looked up to the sky and let out a long howl.

The wolves that had just surrendered to Montenegro immediately started howling, and the howls echoed in the forest and even reached deep into the mountains.

This stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the wolves that also lived in this mountain began to howl in the sky, showing their presence. For a moment, wolves howled everywhere, and the Green Python Mountain seemed to have turned into a Wolf Mountain.

"There are so many wolves in this mountain!"

Feng Qingan listens to this mountain forest, UU reads a book www.uukanshu. net I don't know how many wolves howled in response, my mind suddenly became active and I started to make calculations.

He could vaguely hear sounds at home. One can imagine how exaggerated the number of wolves in this mountain is. And if these wolves can be conquered and managed by Montenegro, the picture will be so beautiful!

For a moment, Feng Qing'an felt a little agitated. He could only contract one pet now, but that didn't mean he could only command one.

The number of ordinary wolf packs usually ranges from a few to more than a dozen. The number of larger wolf packs is around 30. It is impossible to maintain a larger wolf pack because there are only so many resources and cannot maintain a larger scale. .

However, there is spiritual energy in this world, and all living things can transform into monsters, so a wolf pack that breaks through common sense should be able to maintain it.

He made Heishan the wolf king of the mountains and conquered the wolves in the mountains. He is naturally the king above the wolf king. Through Montenegro, he can also command the wolves.

In the future, when he is older and can travel, he will dare to walk in the mountains, forests and wilderness, even if he is alone and accompanied by a pack of wolves.

Maybe you don't have to leave then and just ride on Black Mountain. That would be too majestic and carefree.

Thinking of such a beautiful thing, Feng Qing'an couldn't help but smile on his face, but he quickly suppressed the fantasy in his mind. He became the king of the mountain, and Montenegro took the first step.

If you really want to conquer the wolves in the mountains and bring them together, you still don't know how many difficulties and obstacles you will encounter. There must be wolf demons in the mountains. After all, the wisdom of wolves is definitely among the best among wild beasts.

There is no problem in conquering ordinary wolves, but if you want to conquer a wolf pack led by a wolf demon, you must first defeat it!

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