The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 36: Forbearing for 1 hour, the more I think about it, the angrier I get

When it appeared in the wolf den, it was over 10 feet long and had a terrifying and ferocious tiger power. Its roar was like a thunderbolt, shaking the wolf den, and frightened many mountain wolves to the point of peeing on the spot.

This is not an enemy it can defeat!

Heishan clearly realized this when he saw this fierce tiger. When Feng Qingan saw this monster bred by the mountain through Heishan's eyes, he realized that he had underestimated the mountain and despised the monster in the mountain. monster.


[Race: Eye-catching white-fronted tiger]

[Attribute: demon, beast]

[Potential level: Warrior·lower]

[Combat power level: Qiling·Superior]


Feng Qing'an did not hesitate. He asked Heishan to enter the mountain to stimulate his potential through fighting, not to let him fight with such a monster that was impossible to defeat at this stage. That would be a death penalty and meaningless.

However, there was nowhere to escape. This eye-catching white-fronted tiger came out of the mountains and headed for the Black Mountains.


The tiger roared like a thunderbolt, and the fishy wind and evil aura rushed towards the face. Nearly half of the many mountain wolves in the wolf den were trembling at this moment, lying on the ground, with feces and urine flowing out, unable to move.

The huge tiger palm like a cattail leaf fan was swung out, and he directly slapped a mountain wolf that still had the courage to pounce on the tiger demon at this moment. With a flick of the tiger's tail like a steel whip, he whipped away the one who wanted to sneak up and dig out the anus. Wild wolf.

The tiger is fierce, but it cannot deter all wolves. The wild beasts living in the mountains and forests are by nature fierce and aggressive. When it comes time to fight desperately, no beast will give in. This is the wolf den.


The eye-catching white-fronted tiger was killing a pack of wolves. Heishan, who should have followed Feng Qing'an's order and turned around to run away, not only had no intention of escaping at this moment, but instead let out a wolf howl to order the wolves to rush towards the eye-catching white-fronted tiger.


Through the soul contract, Feng Qingan naturally understood Heishan's mood at this time. This guy was on top.

Montenegro was indeed the wolf dog he kept in the courtyard, but that was during the day, and at night, it was the wolf king in the mountains.

Montenegro doesn't know what kind of wolf king is qualified. It only knows that it cannot turn around and run away, and cannot abandon the wolves who are blocking the eye-catching white-fronted tiger from walking towards it, regardless of life and death.

At this moment, Heishan has forgotten everything, including its own life. In its eyes, only the tiger demon is killing the wolves. Those mountain wolves that once crawled to it and exposed their bellies were slaughtered by the tiger demon. One by one they fell into a pool of blood.

So, Heishan braved the night wind and pounced on the eye-catching white-fronted tiger, regardless of life or death. Under the threat of the tiger's power, the wolves that were still able to stand followed closely and pounced on the ferocious tiger together.

However, this was a meaningless resistance. With just a mere contact, Black Mountain turned into an afterimage and flew upside down. Countless blood was sprayed in the air, and then it hit a rock.

The pack of wolves that followed Heishan in the charge were also easily killed. The tiger waved its claws casually, and with a flick of its long tail like a steel whip, one of the wolves fell down, taking in more air than out.

The rich smell of blood floated over the wolf den, and mountain wolves fell into a pool of blood. Heishan, who had been clawed by the tiger demon, staggered to his feet. Feng Qingan, who could personally feel the pain of his pet beast, had no choice but to give orders. .

"Black Mountain, its goal is you, make these wolves retreat, run home, and lure this big insect away from the wolf den!"

Montenegro, which originally wanted to charge again, regained some of its rationality when it heard Feng Qingan's words, and then hesitated. It was not that it lacked the ability to make independent judgments.

"Don't worry, have you forgotten the ghosts and gods you saw that day? Also, there is Haoran Qi in our house. If this big insect dares to chase it, it will die!"

Feeling Heishan's worried mood, Feng Qingan said.

If this big bug really dared to chase Montenegro and hit the god general that night, it would not be a problem to die suddenly on the spot. Even if you are lucky and miss it, the awe-inspiring energy that makes even ghosts and gods retreat is enough to kill this monster.


After hearing Feng Qing'an's words, Heishan immediately stopped hesitating and raised his head and roared. The wolves, which were originally fearless of death, paused when they heard the Wolf King's voice, and then slowly heard the Wolf King's order. Back off.

When the eye-catching white-fronted tiger saw this scene, its ferocious tiger head covered in blood suddenly revealed its ferocious fangs. In its view, this was the wolf pack, and the little wolf monster in front of it was going to attack. A precursor to its surrender.


But what it didn't expect was that the wolf king, with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, did not surrender to it. Instead, he opened his mouth and let out a bloody roar at it, and then turned around and ran away.

The tiger demon was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and then became furious. His huge body as strong as a bull moved like a rabbit, and he chased after him.

As for the remaining wolves after its massacre, it didn't care at all. In its eyes, these things were not even qualified to become blood food in its mouth.


The tiger roared in the forest, and all the beasts retreated. There were even birds falling from the branches and hitting the dead branches and leaves, but they were frightened to death by the roar of the tiger.

However, this tiger roar did not stop the prey that the tiger demon wanted to chase. Heishan, who was already very familiar with the terrain, ran all the way and rushed directly into the cultivated land opened under the mountain without stopping.

The tiger, which was chasing the Black Mountain and charging all the way, but its speed was inevitably blocked by the terrain, was furious. But just when it wanted to chase, the earthy yellow divine light suddenly rose from the ground and hit the huge monster.

"You evil beast, this is the realm of the human race, and you are not allowed to be presumptuous!"

The tugong, who was less than four feet long, UU Reading, was leaning on a cane. Although his body was short, there was a condescending arrogance in his eyes, as if he was facing a larger insect.

"Back off!"


The tiger demon, who was staggered by the divine light, stared at the earth god in front of him and let out a menacing roar, his eyes filled with anger and confusion.

Why only stop it? Why not stop that little wolf monster? They are all monsters, why should we treat them differently?

"You evil beast, do you want to die?"

The Lord of the Earth scolded sternly. Although there was a huge difference in stature, the aura he exuded was completely opposite.


The tiger demon slowly retreated to the mountains and forests behind it. The human race was prosperous. Now was not the time for a monster like it to go down the mountain and cause chaos.


The Earth God looked at the tiger demon retreating into the forest and let out a disdainful snort.

When the colorful figure of the tiger disappeared among the grass and trees, he lowered his head and stared at the blood stains scattered in the soil under his feet. He turned back and looked at the village shrouded in the quiet night. The disdain and pride on his face turned into entanglement and helplessness.


The Earth God let out a sigh, and with a flash of divine light, it penetrated into the ground.

At this moment, in the Feng family's courtyard, Feng Qing'an opened the door and walked into the courtyard. He looked down at the black mountain lying in the middle of the courtyard with a slightly undulating abdomen. The rich smell of blood spread, and all the chickens and ducks in the courtyard were silent. Voice.

At this moment, Feng Qing'an seemed calm, but under the moonlight, the muscles on his face were twitching slightly, and he was suppressing extreme anger in his heart.

The dog he had raised since childhood was injured like this, lying half dead on the ground.

What can he do?

Take a step back, the sea and the sky are brighter?

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