The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 37 Revenge does not last overnight

It seems like that's all?

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future.

Through "The Art of Surrendering Gods", Feng Qing'an placed his perspective on Heishan. It can be said that he empathized with it and naturally knew how terrifying that tiger was.

When slaughtering those ordinary mountain wolves, they would die if they were touched, and they would be seriously injured if they were rubbed. Even Black Mountain, which had turned into a demon, was shot away the moment it came into contact with it. It can be said that there was no resistance at all.

This is true for Heishan as a monster, not to mention Feng Qing'an who has only received part of Heishan's power feedback. He has no way to deal with the evil tiger.


Feng Qing'an squatted down silently and placed his palms on Heishan's abdomen, which was already moistened with blood. A faint spiritual light lit up on his palms. In his field of vision, endless spiritual energy roared, and under his guidance Down, penetrated into Heishan's body.


Under the warmth of the spiritual energy, Heishan's breathing changed from weak to strong. Because he ran all the way home, the wolf dog that was in pain and fainted slowly woke up. Drops of blood or tears fell from the corners of its eyes. .

"Sleep well! When the sun comes up tomorrow, it will all be over."

Feng Qing'an felt Heishan's sad and unwilling mood, so he could only comfort him like this.


Heishan's head rested on the ground and he let out a low whimper, like the howl of a defeated dog.

Hearing Heishan howl, Feng Qingan felt uncomfortable, but he did not stop it.

Because he knew how uncomfortable Heishan was at this moment, he withdrew his palm from Heishan's body. At this moment, its body's ability to carry spiritual power had reached a limit, and too much was not enough.

Feng Qingan stood up and looked up at the bright moon and stars. His heart was full of frustration and anger, but he could only suppress it.

"When a man is in the world, he should make plans before taking action. When faced with adversity, he should bow down and wait for the right time!"

"A gentleman's revenge is never too late."

Montenegro lags behind the eye-catching White-fronted Tiger in all aspects, both in terms of potential and combat power.

But this is only temporary. Heishan is only half a year old now. As long as he concentrates on helping Heishan improve his potential and train his combat power, sooner or later, Heishan will be able to tear that tiger demon alive.

After comforting himself in this way, Feng Qingan turned around and returned to the room. Heishan's life breath had stabilized. He didn't want to see Heishan's decadent look anymore. It was uncomfortable and disturbing to watch.

The tiger monster that suddenly attacked from the deep mountains was a very heavy blow to Feng Qingan and Heishan.

The accumulation and achievements of a month of hard work were destroyed by brutality and violence. Feng Qing'an didn't even know why this tiger monster suddenly attacked Montenegro.

However, among the monsters and beasts, there seems to be no need to discuss why. It is just the law of the jungle, so what else needs to be explored? Just like people don't discuss why they slaughter livestock. There is no reason, they just want to eat it.

Feng Qing'an returned to the room and lay on the bed, closing her eyes, tossing and turning, but couldn't fall asleep.

If you endure it for a while, the more you think about it, the angrier it becomes. If you take a step back, the more you think about it, the more you will lose.

Feng Qing'an rolled up the quilt and turned over, but he still couldn't fall asleep. He opened his eyes and sat up. He was originally looking for something to vent, or simply practice, when his eyes froze.

There were no candles lit, and only the moonlight was shining from the window. There was a stream of light as thin as gold shining slightly. There was a bookshelf in his room, and on the bookshelf, there were sage classics written down by his elder brother. .

Feng Qing'an rubbed his eyes. In the darkness, the stream of light was still shining, and his breathing suddenly became heavy. This time, he did not use the "Spirit Art" and could only see it with his own eyes.

Haoran is upright!

Although it is not as brilliant and majestic as the Haoran righteousness in Heishan's eyes, it also means that Feng Qing'an can now detect and notice things that cannot be seen by the mortal body.

But that's not the most important thing. With a little thought, he can figure out where the source of his own changes came from. It's nothing more than the "Soul Gathering and Nourishing Art" that he replaced and started to practice for a month.

This thing that was worthy of joy during the day was not worthy of his attention tonight. He had more important things to do.

Feng Qingan searched his room with his eyes, and soon found the book bag thrown on the table. The bulging book bag contained the books he would use in school.

However, these books recording the words of sages did not reveal any vision in his eyes. In the darkness, they were far inferior to the "collected books" he placed on the bookshelf.

Therefore, Feng Qingan opened his book bag and shook out all the books inside.

Then, he raised his head and looked outside the house. In order not to disturb his parents' sleep, Feng Qing'an directly called Heishan through the soul contract,

"If you want to take revenge, come in quickly and I'll put on the Liushen costume for you. Blanch. You can't kill that big bug tonight. My character for wind is written upside down."

Heishan, who was lying in the yard with dull eyes and crying, suddenly stood up.

Although it didn't understand how its owner could help it defeat the tiger, out of instinctive trust, UU read books www.uukanshu. net Heishan chose to believe, so it rushed into the room like a gust of wind.

Just as soon as he entered the room, Heishan saw Feng Qingan with an arrogant and proud smile on his face. He was holding a book bag in one hand, while the other hand kept stuffing the books on the bookshelf with endless brilliance. .

Even though Heishan was in a sad mood at this moment, he couldn't help but be stunned by Feng Qing'an's behavior.

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you come over here!"

Feng Qing'an raised his head and saw Heishan entering the room. He looked at the bulging book bag in his hand, took another look at its size, and gave up the idea of ​​stuffing an eighth book into it.


Black Mountain made a confused cry. It did not realize the power of the golden light that was everywhere in its eyes and had no effect on it.

"Don't move, I'll put it on your back!"

Feng Qing'an didn't want to say anything. He grabbed Heishan, who was now larger than him, and stretched his claws through the rope of the book bag.

Because it is a small book bag that Yin made tailor-made for Feng Qing'an, even though Yin took into account the fact that the body will grow during the production process and made it larger, it is also for Feng Qing'an and for Feng Qing'an. For Montenegro, this book bag is quite uncomfortable to carry on the body, and it looks a bit funny.

But it’s not without its benefits. Basically, there is no risk of slipping. Even if you run wildly, the book bag will not fall off, as long as the rope is strong enough.

"Go and settle the score with that big insect!"

Feng Qingan patted Heishan, who was still injured, with a slightly ferocious smile on his face.

"Why should I be a gentleman? I have been waiting for ten years of bullshit for a villain to take revenge. From morning to night, I will be a villain. Revenge will not last overnight!"

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