The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 61 The Mountain God’s Warning

"Qing Cang on the left, Qing Cang on the right!"

Feng Qing'an's eyes were shining as he looked at the many eagle nests built on the cliffs. In front of him was a cliff deep in the mountain, with nests built by many ferocious birds such as eagles.


[Race: Golden Eagle]

[Attribute: demon, bird]

[Potential Level: Commander·Medium]

[Combat power level: Commander·lower]

[Race: Goshawk]

[Attribute: demon, bird]

[Potential Level: Warrior·Superior]

[Combat power level: Warrior·Superior]

[Race: Snake Vulture]

[Attribute: demon, bird]

[Potential Level: Enlightenment·Superior]

[Combat power level: Warrior·lower]

This is a place where demon birds gather in the mountains. At a glance, Heishan can see more than ten different kinds of demon birds, many of which meet Feng Qingan's minimum requirements.

But Feng Qing'an could only look at it at this moment, because the steep cliff was enough to cut off all thoughts of stealing the baby monster bird. Although Heishan was not a weak monster at the moment, he had not yet learned how to fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

Moreover, even if Heishan has the ability to climb cliffs, among those demon birds, there are not a few ferocious birds that can tear Heishan alive.

In fact, when Black Mountain appeared near the cliff, it already aroused the desire of some ferocious birds to attack, but they were all stopped by the most powerful golden eagle.

The blessing of the mountain god!

This is the promise made by the mountain god. As long as Black Mountain does not take the initiative to offend, no monster in the mountain will attack it.


Feng Qing'an looked at the despairing cliff and sighed. He couldn't help but have some crooked thoughts at this moment, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

The mountain god had kept the agreement, but he couldn't break it. After all, the strength between the two parties was not equal. The elegant man in blue had the air of a gentleman, but he really couldn't treat the other party as a gentleman who could be bullied.

“That’s it for today!”

Feng Qing's heart was itching unbearably, but there were some things that he couldn't instruct Montenegro to plan. Although the monsters in the mountains were in awe of the mountain gods, if the bottom line was really touched, they might not care about anything.

"How can I make those monsters willingly hand over their children to me? Tell them that I can make their children bigger and stronger?"

Feng Qing'an, who had released the "Spell of Resurrection", had to think about more realistic issues.

If he wants to seize the cubs of monsters in the mountains, he must pass the test of the mountain god. If he uses underhanded tactics, I'm afraid the mountain god will come to him for tea again.

Although the other party invited him over last time and let him drink a pot of spiritual tea that can warm the soul, and his behavior was extremely elegant and easy-going, Feng Qing'an would not think that the majestic mountain god only had such a gentle side.

"It's hard for me to go into the mountains like this!"

Feng Qingan rubbed his brows in distress.

But he can only lie down, calm down, and suppress the problem for the time being. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Feng Qing'an feels that he will have a chance to get a suitable animal pet. If it is not possible, it can be Cultivate slowly like Montenegro, it’s great to just spend more time and energy.

And when Feng Qing'an fell asleep, he was running wildly in the mountains, preparing to return to Black Mountain in the wolf's lair, when he suddenly felt a sense of sleepiness welling up in his heart.

This sudden sleepiness made Heishan resist for a while, but in the end he still felt exhausted. He ran and slowly stopped, and finally he lay down and fell asleep in a maple leaf forest.

However, the sleeping Black Mountain experienced something it had never experienced before. It had a dream, an extremely real dream, but it was not about itself.

Its consciousness is high between the clouds and the sky, as if it is flying in the sky, but it cannot feel the existence of its own body. It seems that it just has such a unique perspective.

Just when it felt strange, it saw that in the seemingly familiar mountain forest below, there was a group of "people" who were extremely agile and could be compared to apes, shuttling between the trees.

"That's a human warrior!"

There was a voice in its ear telling it so.

"The people from the Princess Mansion...have arrived...there is only one chance!"

"...I heard that the prince-in-law's younger brother is only ten years old. What is his name..."

"Haoran's righteousness is of no use to us!"

"Quick victory, no delay!"

A few words reached Heishan's ears. Although he didn't hear the whole story, Heishan already understood it, and he became more and more familiar with the mountains and forests these people were walking through.

This is a group of people who come with disgust for its owner!

Wanting to understand all this, Heishan suddenly let out a roar. At this moment, it suddenly broke away from that strange state and woke up from the maple leaf forest.

And when Hei Shan woke up, he ran wildly in the mountains without hesitation, heading straight for the wolf den. He wanted to gather the wolves and tear into pieces those who dared to have evil thoughts towards his master.

Montenegro did not regard the experience just now as a dream. The real feeling was clearly the revelation given to it by the mountain god. It had already experienced the same experience once.


At this moment, Montenegro was running like a hurricane, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net It ran faster in the mountain forest than ever before, and at this moment, its fangs were exposed, a strong demonic aura lingered around its body like strands, and its thick black and gray hair fluttered, making it feel as if it had stepped into the underworld. The vicious dogs of the world.


The murderous intention and anger were so strong that Feng Qing'an, who had just fallen asleep, woke up from his sleep, cast a secret technique, and his consciousness came again,

"What are you going to do?"


Black Mountain let out a roar, and the demonic energy swept through the fallen leaves in the mountain. Where it ran, the trees on both sides trembled, and the broken branches and leaves fell one after another.

"Someone wants to do something bad to me?"

Feng Qing'an was extremely shocked. He stayed in this remote country and didn't provoke anyone. Why would someone want to attack him? But he soon thought of his elder brother who was far away in the capital.

"Is there a struggle for power?"

Feng Qing'an had had such hidden worries when his eldest brother came to Beijing. For example, his eldest brother had offended the emperor, or provoked some powerful nobleman, and then ended up with the entire family beheaded.

"It's not bad, they're just a bunch of sneaky people. They shouldn't be able to defeat my brother, so they can only resort to such cruel methods!"

"Heishan, on the premise of saving their lives, let them be buried in the mountain at any cost!"

Feng Qing'an took a deep breath and told Heishan that there is nothing to say to those who want to harm himself and his family.


Returning to the valley with hot springs at the fastest speed in his life, Heishan let out a long howl. Both the wolf monsters that had nourished their demonic aura and the ordinary mountain wolves all raised their heads to look at the Wolf King. Then, at the Wolf King Under the leadership of more than 300 wolves, they rushed out of the valley.

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