"I don't want to get involved in human affairs, but I have to intervene in this matter once. It is not my way to sit back and ignore it!"

In the clouds, the elegant man in green shirt looked down at the mountains and rivers. It was a rare occasion for him to wake up, and he did not intend to just fall asleep again. A very remarkable person appeared outside the mountains. He expected that he would not be as boring as before.

And in his sapphire eyes, a group of black-clothed men were reflected in the jungle. However, these people moved neatly and neatly. They were taciturn and had no communication with each other. Their eyes revealed an indifference to life. .

Death warrior!

In the long life of the Mountain God, he has seen this kind of people too many times, but as long as they are not directed at him, he basically ignores them. However, this time, he took the lives of these dead soldiers and The voice of the heart is imprinted in the dream of a certain little wolf demon.

Strictly speaking, He did not interfere in mortal affairs, just a small reminder.


Relying on the familiarity of the terrain, the wolf pack led by Heishan intercepted the sneaky group of people in the forest. The clothes and even the number of people in this group were exactly the same as what they saw in the dream.

Therefore, after discovering this group of people, Heishan did not hesitate at all. He took the lead and led the wolves to rush over. The wolves in the group also rushed forward without any hesitation.

A bloody battle broke out in the jungle in an instant, with wolves roaring one after another. The dead soldiers who were inexplicably intercepted by the wolves and quickly started fighting, even though they were well-trained, could not help but curse at this moment.

"What's going on with these beasts?"

"Demons! They are domesticated!"

"Kill out!"

A man in black froze, unsheathed the long sword at his waist, and a fierce sword energy burst out, with water-like ripples spreading to both sides. Any mountain wolf that stood in front of this sword energy would let out a continuous howl. Before it could be sent out, it was torn into two pieces.

For a moment, wolf blood was spilled in the mountain forest, but such a tragic scene did not scare the wolves. Instead, it completely aroused the ferocity of these mountain wolves.

A male wolf with green eyes, like a will-o'-the-wisp, immediately stared at the man in black with an aggressive gaze that was completely different from the others. After a roar, the bull-like body pounced forward. .

"Damn it!"

The man in black, whose martial arts skills had long been transformed from acquired to innate, let out an angry curse.

Even though he has developed a body of steel and iron, which can be said to be a completely different person, the monster in front of him has obviously become a monster. Even if he is a prodigy in martial arts, he must be prepared for it.


The sword that had been tempered for thousands of times was swung, and the sword energy burst out, which was enough to split gold and crack stones. However, such destructive power was only able to break through the fur of the demon wolf in front of him. The collision with its bones actually made a clear and crisp sound of metal and stone hitting each other.

"Evil beast!"

A man and a wolf started fighting fiercely. Wherever the two passed by, whether they were men in black or ordinary mountain wolves, they all fled. The place was in a mess, as if it had been swept by a storm.

"Come and help me!"

In the mountains and forests, he started fighting with the monsters that grew up in them. Moreover, without any preparation, the black-clothed martial arts genius gradually felt that he was exhausted. It was really difficult for him to compete with such monsters with brute force.

However, after calling for help, there was no response for a long time. The martial arts genius who was fighting with the Ghost-Eyed Wolf King turned around and his face suddenly turned green.

Because a martial arts prodigy who was traveling with him was fighting another stronger monster wolf. His body was dripping with blood, and he even had an arm bitten off. He seemed to have no chance to speak out. I am afraid that he will die in the wolf in a short time. Under the kiss.

However, there are three martial arts geniuses in their profession, and there are nine martial artists who can claim to be first-rate in the world.

It's not that the forces behind them can't send higher-level warriors, but it's not necessary. After all, what they need to target on this trip are only three ordinary women and children with no cultivation.

Moreover, if a martial artist of a higher level takes action, his every move will be more eye-catching, and he may be blocked before he can even take action. And because they are weak, they can deceive others.


However, the martial artist who was fighting with the Ghost-Eyed Wolf King turned to look at the third martial arts genius who was accompanying him, his face suddenly turned green and black, and he cursed angrily.

Because that guy was dragged to the spot by more than a dozen incompetent wolf demons and the mountain wolves that came one after another. Even though the wolf carcasses at his feet were piled up like a hill, what's the use of it? ?

The nine people who came with them were almost torn to pieces by the wolves. A lone wolf is not scary, and ordinary wolves are not scary to accomplished martial artists, but these hundreds of The wolves, even the martial arts innates, have to give in.


With no one to help him, this martial arts prodigy could only try his best to squeeze out a trace of true energy from his limbs and bones, at the expense of overdrawing his own potential, and briefly burst out with stronger combat power, although for people like them, After all, there is no tomorrow. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

However, dying in the process of completing the mission and fighting to the death with this inexplicably encountered monster are completely different results. He still can't figure out what is going on with this group of monster wolves.


A stream of blood spurted out, and a powerful breath of life disappeared among the mountains and forests, and the broken body slowly fell down.

The two remaining martial arts geniuses couldn't help but raise their heads at this moment and looked at the place where their companions died. They saw a ferocious monster with blood dripping from it and bones visible in many places on its body, roaring at them and being trampled under its feet. A broken corpse.


Another martial arts genius who was dragged by a pack of wolves and was killing everyone shouted to the other remaining genius, then turned and left. He did not intend to lose his life here, let alone fight to the death with a group of beasts. Fight.


The martial arts genius who was fighting against the Ghost-Eyed Wolf King was furious. The opponent's posture was clearly intended to throw him away.

But how could he be willing to die here, even if he was a dead soldier?


At this moment, the martial arts genius suddenly saw that the monster wolf with scars on its head and forelimbs did not hesitate to chase the companion who wanted to escape, but did not intend to let anyone go. .

"What a beast!"


Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the people accompanying him fell down one by one. This martial arts innate gave up all distracting thoughts. Even if he lived or died, he would drag the beast in front of him with him.

On the other side, Heishan, who had already achieved astonishing results, ignored the physical pain and the scolding in his mind and stared at the figure running like an ape in the dense forest.

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