The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 92 The God-Slaying Dragon-Slaying Sword

"Brother, tell me. If you don't tell me, how do you know that I don't understand?"

As soon as he heard this, Feng Qing'an became anxious. How could he suddenly stop talking in the middle of a sentence? This is like the climax of an article, but the author suddenly stopped. It's so annoying.

"You definitely don't understand!"

Feng Qingping was very sure, as if he had seen through Feng Qingan.


"Don't ask further. If I don't want to tell you, do you think you can ask?"


Feng Qingan was speechless.

"Where did you get this outfit? It looks good!"

Feng Qingping changed the topic and became concerned about his brother's clothes and the texture. He could tell at a glance because he had a similar and better one.

"Sent it to me from the guy in Qing Python Mountain!"

At this moment, Feng Qing'an realized with hindsight why the mountain god had given him such a set of clothes. When the Black Mountain Breathing Method was taught before, there was a talk about cause and effect, but today he didn't even mention it.

"I see!"

Feng Qingping nodded and said nothing more.

"There's nothing wrong with my clothes, right?"

Feng Qingan didn't give up at this moment and asked quickly.

"Your clothes fit you perfectly, there will be no problem!"

"That's good!"

Feng Qingan felt relieved immediately. If his elder brother spoke, then there must be no problem.

After these words fell, the brothers were speechless for a moment. They could only hear the sound of the carriage crushing the snow on the snow, and the crisp friction sound of the horse's hooves hitting the ground and colliding with the armor.

"Brother, that sword of yours looks pretty good!"

Feng Qing'an quickly broke the silence in the carriage, and his eyes naturally fell from his brother to the long sword in his hand.

It was a simple long sword with an ordinary style and no gorgeous decoration. The scabbard was crimson in color and looked a bit weird. It seemed to be made of some precious wood. It had a faint fragrance. It emanates from it and fills the carriage.

"Can you show it to me?"

Feng Qing'an's eyes showed eagerness to try. It was rare for a man not to be interested in swords and armor, and Feng Qing'an was no exception. This was true regardless of age.


Feng Qingping handed the sword to Feng Qingan quite casually, as if it was just an ordinary sword and there was no need to pay too much attention to it.

Feng Qingping looked at his brother's casual attitude and didn't take the sword too seriously. He stretched out a hand to catch it. But the moment his hand held the scabbard, he felt that this sword was far more powerful than the sword. The arm sank slightly at the surprising weight of its simple appearance.

Feng Qing'an quickly held the scabbard with both hands to prevent the sword from falling from his hands.

"This sword..."

Feng Qing'an realized how extraordinary this sword was. With his current strength, even Fang Tian's painted halberd, which was used as a ritual weapon, could be held with one hand, let alone a mere sword. This sword required both hands to hold. , the weight is very wrong.

His right hand held the hilt of the sword. Just when he held the hilt of the sword, many amazing scenes appeared in front of his eyes and passed by in a flash.

A giant turtle as big as a small island screamed in the lake. Its huge head suddenly broke and fell into the lake. The waves swept across the sky and dyed thousands of hectares of blue waves red...

There was a bear as big as a mountain, standing in the mountains, roaring with unwillingness, but then, its body suddenly split into two, turning into a corpse in the mountains...

There is also a roc with wings made of fine iron, spreading its wings and soaring in the nine heavens. Its cry is full of unruly and unruly, but its final fate is to be split into two together with the drifting clouds in the sky.

There was even a three-hundred-foot-high mountain that over time became alive and turned into a god. Unfortunately, the mountain was stained with blood and dotted with bones. In the end, the mountain ended up being cut down to the ground through its roots.

Finally, Feng Qingan saw a dragon with bright red scales like fire, winding and rugged horns, and elegant and flying whiskers. Except for the claws under the abdomen, which only had four toes, the rest of the dragon was the same as a real dragon. Above the mighty river, overlooking the world.

But every part of this statue exuded nobility and majesty, interpreting what it means to be a perfect tyrannical creature. In the end, it fell on the bank of the river, and fell in the river that could perfectly display its magical and forbidden skills.

In the last scene, Feng Qingan saw that the majestic red dragon was killed with just a clear and bright sword light. However, this sword light instantly penetrated the red dragon's reverse scales and killed it with one blow!

"Like this sword so much?"

The gentle and elegant surprised voice woke up Feng Qingan.


Feng Qingan was shocked by the many sights he saw in an instant and could not recover for a while.

Because he had a feeling in his heart that the tyrannical beings he just saw, no matter which one they were, were on the same level as the mountain gods of Qingmang Mountain, and the red dragon he saw at the end was probably superior to the mountain gods. superior.

But these tyrannical creatures all fell, and they were all killed by a single sword without exception.

"If you like it, I'll give it to you!"


The excited Feng Qingan responded casually and read a book www.uukanshu. net But the next moment, his mind was completely clear, and he raised his head in surprise and looked at his brother,

"Did you give me this sword?"

"Don't you like it? If you like it, take it!"

Feng Qingping said casually that the sword was not valuable. It was just an ordinary iron sword he bought at an ordinary blacksmith shop before taking the exam, and it only cost one or two silver coins.

Although many people in the capital wanted to ask him for a sword, and were even willing to exchange it for a sword that had been famous for thousands of years, he did not agree. The reason was very simple. He did not like those people, so he would not exchange them. Those people were not worthy of using the sword he had held. sword.

"How can this be so embarrassing?!"

Feng Qingan had an uncontrollable smile on his face. Whether it was the weight of the sword or the scene he just saw, it was enough to show how extraordinary this sword was.

"Sorry, you can give it back to me!"

"As a gentleman says, a horse cannot be chased. There is no reason to take back something that has been given away!"

Feng Qing'an hugged the sword in his arms. Since his eldest brother gave him the sword, the sword belonged to him and no one could take it away.

"Just take the sword home and put it away. Don't take it out for anything and let your parents see it."

"I know!"

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but put his hand on the hilt of the sword. This time he didn't see the illusion, so he tried to draw the sword. However, as his strength gradually increased, the hilt in his hand remained motionless. He realized something was wrong.

"Why can't I pull out this sword?"

"The sword is the weapon of a gentleman. If there is no uprightness, and he would rather break than bend, he will naturally not be able to pull it out. If there is no injustice or injustice, why should he draw the sword?"

Feng Qingping glanced at Feng Qing'an, who was trying to pull out the sword from its sheath with all his strength, and said calmly.

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