The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 93 Mountain God: What do you want to do?

Feng Qing'an was slightly startled when he heard the words that seemed to be preaching. Then he remembered it firmly in his heart and stopped trying to draw the sword. There was no injustice around here. This sword was for a while. Don't even think about pulling it out.

"Remember big brother's teachings!"

"Master Feng, we have arrived at your home!"

Feng Qingping looked at Feng Qingan's appearance and wanted to say something else, but the respectful voice of the driver had already entered the carriage.

"We're home, get off the car!"

Feng Qingping pushed open the curtain and got out of the carriage first, while Feng Qingan followed suit, holding his sword.

The moment his figure holding the sword appeared, dozens of sharp eyes fell on him. To be more precise, they fell on the sword in his arms.


Heishan, who was following Feng Qing'an, noticed the unkind eyes and immediately let out a low roar, with demonic aura bursting out and blazing fire.

"Okay, Montenegro, don't make any noise in front of your house!"

Feng Qing'an could sense that such a big battle when his eldest brother came back had already alarmed many people in the village. Even though it was snowy and dark, there were still many people opening their doors and looking out. .

Hearing Feng Qing'an's words, Heishan restrained himself, turned into an ordinary domestic dog, and followed Feng Qing'an into the gate. The accompanying knights stood like iron towers outside the Feng family's mansion. Only the groom driving the car bowed. He followed Heishan and entered the house.

"That sword..."

"Shut up!"

Outside the house, as soon as someone spoke, they were interrupted by a stern voice.

"Do your job!"

At first glance, this group of them seems to be protecting the Prince Consort Feng, but in fact, they are protecting the various ghosts and gods they encounter along the way.

I really can’t kill anymore!

Evil sacrifices and lewd sacrifices are enough. If they are beheaded, they will be beheaded.

However, if those gods of mountains and rivers, even the gods of incense and fire enshrined by the imperial court, were incompetent in their duties, it would be considered a minor offense to be deprived of their status.

If there is anyone who harms the people or makes them disabled due to negligence, he will be killed with a single sword without any mercy. No matter what the relationship is or whether he is a direct descendant of a noble family, it will be useless.

It turns out that Feng Qingping, a scholar like Feng Qingping, who made it to the sixth grade of Enkelian and was destined to rise to prominence, would always try his best to invite him to burn a stick of incense in the temple whenever he visited his relatives and returned home.

But this year this one is different. He holds the power to kill and depose ghosts and gods. He can deal with any evil gods by himself.

Behead first and report later, royal authority has granted permission.

However, this power to kill gods comes from the sword in the hand of the champion. The so-called concession is just for the Jin royal family to protect their own face. After all, even if they are not allowed, they will still cut with the sword.

Therefore, when Master Feng went out, all the ghosts and gods along the way were trembling with fear, thinking desperately about how to use the priesthood in their hands to benefit the people under his rule.

And the existence of this group of people comes from this. It seems that they are fulfilling their protection duties, but in fact, they are trying to protect as many ghosts and gods as possible from being killed.

After all, not everyone can be a ghost. Once such a position becomes vacant, it is not easy to find someone to fill it. Once this position is filled, it will take at least a hundred years, and there is no temporary replacement.

In the wind and snow, the villagers noticed something unusual in front of the Feng family's house, and also discovered these knights wearing strong armor. Suddenly, Fengjia Village, which had been silent in the wind and snow, began to become lively. The village leader and the village elder One after another braved the wind and snow to come.

With such a formation, anyone who is not stupid can guess that it is the eldest son of the Feng family who has returned. After all, except for this man, no one in their village is worthy of such a guard of honor. Even the eldest man in the county can never imagine that there will be a guard of honor. Such majesty.

Therefore, Feng Qing'an had just sat at home with his eldest brother and had a few words, when someone outside came to announce that the village leader and village elder were coming to visit.

It was naturally impossible for Feng Qingping not to receive him, and with such a reception, there was nothing wrong with Feng Qingan. He could only watch as the originally lonely courtyard became lively at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Montenegro, let's go back to the room!"

This time, it was naturally not Feng Qing'an's turn to help entertain. There were plenty of people to help deal with these matters.

"My eldest brother is back. He's going to sleep with me tonight, so don't come over."

As night approached, Feng Qing'an suddenly thought of Nan Ge. Even though he used the "Spell of Resurrection", he cast his consciousness on Nan Ge in the netherworld.

The girl who was washing herself in the Pure Soul Spring paused slightly when she heard the voice in her heart.

She already had a certain understanding of Feng Qing'an's eldest brother, and just this understanding was enough to give her a sense of awe.


Feng Qing'an breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Nan Ge came over, his elder brother would definitely notice it. At that time, he wouldn't know what to say.

"Before my eldest brother returns to Beijing, I think you'd better not come over!"

The ordinary people couldn't see Nan Ge, but Feng Qingan didn't think that the train of cavalry outside his house could not be seen. When they saw Heishan manifesting his true form, they were not surprised, let alone panicked.

"I'll listen to you!"

Nan Ge's voice was soft, with a trace of indistinguishable sadness in it.

"It's just, how long will your eldest brother stay at home before leaving?"

"It's half a month or so!"

Feng Qing'an guessed that it was hard to talk about this matter. He hoped that his eldest brother could stay at home for a while, but this was obviously impossible.

"It's been a long time!"

"I can't help it. It's inappropriate for you to appear in front of my brother now!"

Feng Qingan knew it well.

The next day, Feng's house was bustling with activity again. Feng Qing'an couldn't bear to be disturbed. He found an excuse and slipped out of the house with Heishan. Anyway, those people who came to visit him despite the wind and snow were not looking for him.

"Let's go into the mountains!"

After glancing at the noisy and bustling house behind him, Feng Qingan did not hesitate. With a long sword on his waist, he rode Black Mountain into the mountain.

However, as soon as Feng Qing'an entered the mountain, the scene of stagnant wind and snow reappeared. An elegant man wearing a green shirt appeared. His face was less calm and more confused.

"Master Feng, what do you want to do when you carry a sword and go into the mountain?"

The mountain god couldn't sleep peacefully. He saw something magical about the sword held by the young man in front of him.

Countless gods have fallen under this sword. Among them, there is a Dajiang Dragon God whose bloodline is much higher than his. He is only one step away from transforming into a dragon and bleeds under this sword. He can see these gods being killed by this sword. The despair and unwillingness expressed when he was beheaded.

This is a sword that has defeated all gods and killed dragons!

This sword was originally just iron and dead wood, but now that it is held by someone and has killed so many gods without breaking, it is no longer an ordinary weapon.

Nourished by the blood and souls of many gods, this sword has given birth to extraordinary spirituality. When the person holding the sword kills the gods, the sword intent and the indestructible killing intent are left behind to wipe out the injustice in the world.

Now, even if the sword holder is a half-year-old boy, once the sword is unsheathed, even if he is the god of a mountain, it will be quite worrying. This sword is too powerful for him!

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