The Universal Villain
Chapter 95 - The End Of The World (2)
"Tengai Shinsei."
The blue glowing aura surrounding Shen's body began to dim as almost instantly all of Shen's Chakra was drained dry leaving barely a drop. 'Dear god it s.u.c.k.e.d me dry.' Although Shen knew it would happen he couldn't help but feel weak for a moment having that much energy enter him and then leave him within seconds.
However, for the others who were feeling slightly suffocated by the dense amount of Chakra felt like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. Feeling that Orihime's breath began to calm itself as Urahara looked towards Shen in excitement. "So what now?" Expecting a response Urahara was surprised when Shen looked up to the sky.
Following Shen's gaze, everyone was confused when they heard the strangest sound. At first, the sound wasn't very loud and barely noticeable however hearing it get louder they all turned their heads to the sky to behold red star-like objects falling from the sky.
At this time down on the surface of the planet earth. "Hey!" A random high school student meeting up with friends after school saw something down the street. It was a shadow, a massive that was slowly moving towards him. "Huh, what's that?" His friends who had noticed him were also confused by the massive shadow.
It was only after the sound of someone screaming did they notice. "Aaah! Look! In the sky!" Looking up, the highschool student dropped his school bag onto the ground staring at the sky mouth agape. Barreling down towards the city was something massive that could only be called a meteor.
"Oh my god..."
Falling to the ground a woman who was staring at the meteors felt like she was instead staring death in the face.
Invisible to the rest of the citizens, two soul reapers standing on top of a tall building near the center of the city nearly let their Zanpakuto fall out of their hands. "I thought after we left Soul Society and let things calm down we would be safe just hunting hollows…"
Hearing the other Soul Reaper the second one began to cry on both the inside and the outside.
Scenes like this began to occur all over the world in every city within Shen's enhanced view. While some panicked trying to escape the city others believed this was the promised end of days and began to pray to their gods. And from the fortress viewing this with Shen and the others, Orihime could only cover her mouth with her hands in shock.
Meanwhile back at Katakura Town, the citizen's reactions were no different than other cities. However, the people who have been against Shen from the beginning had a different reaction.
"You've got to be kidding me. There's no way in hell." Looking up at the sky Shinji was in a state of denial as Ichigo who was standing next to him only looked straight up wide-eyed.
As the meteor came closer and closer to the city the winds began to kick up sweeping over the entire city. Standing within the abandoned construction site they were all in awe until Ichigo's expression changed.
Ichigo's clothes fluttered in the wind as his grip on his Zanpakuto grew tighter. "We have to stop that meteor." The idea alone sounded crazy and every single Vizard there was ready to call him such, however, before they even could Ichigo had already flown away. Flying straight towards the meteor he equipped his hollow mask and began gathering Reiatsu into his blade as quickly as he could.
"He's insane. There is no way we can stop something like that." Lisa said that with a voice of defeat. "Ya, your right he is insane… But even so, I agree with him." Looking toward Lisa and the others for a brief moment, Kensei rushed forward, equipping his mask and flying behind Ichigo.
"Well, it's not like we can just let the place we just moved to be destroyed just like that."
Soon Hiyori joined in as well, flying into the sky. Scratching his head at the sight Shinji shook his head in disbelief. "Gosh dammit, those guys are ridiculous. But still, they are right. Even if we can't stop it we have to at least try." Hearing Shinji the other Vizards looked at one another and then at Lisa.
Seeing that Lisa could only sigh. "Fine. But if we die in the process this is on you Shinji." Just like that despite the infinitely depressing odds, the Vizards all agreed with one another. Jumping into the air they all followed Ichigo's lead. Some of them began to charge cero while others prepared to use their strongest attack. "Haaaa!"
Swinging his Getsuga Tenshou at a massive meteor it was like a rock falling into the water. The Reiatsu spread out immediately after hitting its surface like a cloak as it tried to stop its descent. "Stop dammit!" Pouring all the power he had into his attack Ichigo could feel himself being pushed down despite that.
It was at that moment Ichigo saw over 3 separate cero hit the surface of the meteor along with other powerful attacks. Seeming surprised, Ichigo looked over to see Shinji firing a cero at full strength at the meteor above them. "Shinji?" Seeming confused for a moment, Ichigo was surprised by Shinji's words.
"I thought you had changed Ichigo but you're just as hot-headed as ever. When I saw you all those times training after losing to Shen I thought you were like a broken record but seems I was wrong. In truth, it looks like we were the ones who had given up too easily." Smiling sarcastically at himself Shinji diverted his attention back to the meteor before yelling at everyone.
"Now let's stop this thing from crushing our town!" Hearing Shinji's yell the rest of them felt fired up as they all yelled in sync. "Ya!" Increasing their power output the citizens of Katakura Town had no idea what was happening as a result of everyone working together a brunch of cracks began to run down the meteor's surface as the cracks began filling with Reiatsu.
"Getsuga! Tenshou!" With one final swing, Ichigo put all the strength he could muster into this final strike as all the cracks met up on the other side of the meteor causing large chunks of rock to fall off hitting the ground at high speed destroying countless buildings.
And finally, with that final strike, Ichigo's Getsuga along with everyone's else attacks shot clean through the meteor creating a spear-like shape going straight through its center before exploding. A massive shockwave swept outwards as rocks began to rain down on the ground. "Holy… We actually did it." Breathing heavily to the point of almost falling out of the sky they all couldn't believe they had managed to stop the meteor.
However, despite that fact, the cities that didn't have Ichigo and the Vizards weren't so lucky. With no one to stop their descent, the meteors made contact with the ground exploding on impact. Looking from above soon countless explosions dotted the round globe below like light bulbs going off at once.
"Now let's see them try to ignore this." From where they were the destruction might seem minuscule however on the ground level it's quite the opposite.
The moment the meteors touched base everything was blown away creating an initial crater before the explosions even went off. And when the explosions finally did they blew away everything for miles destroying not even considering the fractioning debris.
"Is this the type of result you were looking for?" Listening to Shen Urahara asked him interested. However, Shen simply turned away walking past Urahara, Rukia, and Orihime. "Urahara bring the fort down to the ground and start releasing the void warriors I created at the bottom level. They already know what to do when they drop."
Just before crossing the bridge Shen paused and looked back speaking to Rukia. "Oh and Rukia when Orihime gets herself together bring her to me my vision is starting to blur again."
After that Shen continued walking away while rubbing his eyes. 'Oh god, I feel like crap.' While Shen left with an upbeat attitude it didn't take long for Urahara to begin carrying out his orders.
On the other hand, although she knew something bad would happen Orihime was forced to face the reality she partially assisted in the death of millions. As these events happened on the fortress on the ground things were looking grim. The meteor that fell onto the cities did an incredible amount of damage.
Looking at those cities now they were even worse off than Katakura Town when it was attacked. With massive craters in their center and, thousands upon thousands of buildings destroyed or burning down it was indeed like Shen said it would be. A true hell on earth however that wasn't the end of it.
Acting on Shen's orders Urahara began releasing the improved Void Warriors the moment they came within reach of the cities. The survivors that scr.a.p.ed by the meteor's explosion and impact were shocked when they looked to the skies only to see a massive structure blocking out the sky.
Staring at the fortress their dread only increased as black figures began descending from the structure. Human-like creatures that were completely black with no facial features or gender landed in the ruined cities. Despite looking human what through people off was the fact they were unharmed.
The moment this strange being touches the ground even though the cement cracked on the impact they were completely unharmed.
Immediately they began carrying out the orders that Shen had programmed into them. And that order was very simple indeed. Find any surviving humans in the city and kill them.
Just like that the tens of thousands of void warriors Shen had prepared in advance began combing the ruined cities. "What is that guy doing!" Back in Katakura Town despite the debris from the meteor, the casualties to the citizens were able to be kept to a minimum, and Ichigo and his friends enjoyed a short-lived victory.
But that brief moment of joy soon faded. With the abandoned construction site destroyed Ichigo and the Vizard's moved to his house which luckily survived all of the destruction.
Ichigo had his little sisters evacuate the city a while ago despite their disapproval. The moment they arrived they moved Chad who was still injured to one of the empty rooms. Afterward, they checked the TV to check the situation in other cities but it was much worse than they thought.
Showing live images of Shen's fortress floating over cities and dropping off his Void Warriors it was clear Katakura Town got off easy. A female news reporter who was in a helicopter was seen on the TV looking down on the ruins of a city.
"Across the world, there have been multiple nationwide catastrophes as multiple cities were destroyed and burned to the ground. Along with that, there are eye witness reports of strange creatures being released by this strange structure seemingly floating in the sky.
With that being said there is confirmation that governments across the world have begun to retaliate against these strange creatures by dispatching military forces as well as attacking the flying structure that seems to be releasing them. Onto to other matters as the...."
Looking at this Shinji slammed his hand on the table within the living room. "There is a reason why Soul Reapers keep their presence hidden in the Human World because of things like this. But Shen… He doesn't care he has absolutely no issue with exposing himself to the world."Hearing him Ichigo frowned looking at the TV.
"But what's the point is he's really that psychotic that he would kill millions for fun."
The blue glowing aura surrounding Shen's body began to dim as almost instantly all of Shen's Chakra was drained dry leaving barely a drop. 'Dear god it s.u.c.k.e.d me dry.' Although Shen knew it would happen he couldn't help but feel weak for a moment having that much energy enter him and then leave him within seconds.
However, for the others who were feeling slightly suffocated by the dense amount of Chakra felt like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. Feeling that Orihime's breath began to calm itself as Urahara looked towards Shen in excitement. "So what now?" Expecting a response Urahara was surprised when Shen looked up to the sky.
Following Shen's gaze, everyone was confused when they heard the strangest sound. At first, the sound wasn't very loud and barely noticeable however hearing it get louder they all turned their heads to the sky to behold red star-like objects falling from the sky.
At this time down on the surface of the planet earth. "Hey!" A random high school student meeting up with friends after school saw something down the street. It was a shadow, a massive that was slowly moving towards him. "Huh, what's that?" His friends who had noticed him were also confused by the massive shadow.
It was only after the sound of someone screaming did they notice. "Aaah! Look! In the sky!" Looking up, the highschool student dropped his school bag onto the ground staring at the sky mouth agape. Barreling down towards the city was something massive that could only be called a meteor.
"Oh my god..."
Falling to the ground a woman who was staring at the meteors felt like she was instead staring death in the face.
Invisible to the rest of the citizens, two soul reapers standing on top of a tall building near the center of the city nearly let their Zanpakuto fall out of their hands. "I thought after we left Soul Society and let things calm down we would be safe just hunting hollows…"
Hearing the other Soul Reaper the second one began to cry on both the inside and the outside.
Scenes like this began to occur all over the world in every city within Shen's enhanced view. While some panicked trying to escape the city others believed this was the promised end of days and began to pray to their gods. And from the fortress viewing this with Shen and the others, Orihime could only cover her mouth with her hands in shock.
Meanwhile back at Katakura Town, the citizen's reactions were no different than other cities. However, the people who have been against Shen from the beginning had a different reaction.
"You've got to be kidding me. There's no way in hell." Looking up at the sky Shinji was in a state of denial as Ichigo who was standing next to him only looked straight up wide-eyed.
As the meteor came closer and closer to the city the winds began to kick up sweeping over the entire city. Standing within the abandoned construction site they were all in awe until Ichigo's expression changed.
Ichigo's clothes fluttered in the wind as his grip on his Zanpakuto grew tighter. "We have to stop that meteor." The idea alone sounded crazy and every single Vizard there was ready to call him such, however, before they even could Ichigo had already flown away. Flying straight towards the meteor he equipped his hollow mask and began gathering Reiatsu into his blade as quickly as he could.
"He's insane. There is no way we can stop something like that." Lisa said that with a voice of defeat. "Ya, your right he is insane… But even so, I agree with him." Looking toward Lisa and the others for a brief moment, Kensei rushed forward, equipping his mask and flying behind Ichigo.
"Well, it's not like we can just let the place we just moved to be destroyed just like that."
Soon Hiyori joined in as well, flying into the sky. Scratching his head at the sight Shinji shook his head in disbelief. "Gosh dammit, those guys are ridiculous. But still, they are right. Even if we can't stop it we have to at least try." Hearing Shinji the other Vizards looked at one another and then at Lisa.
Seeing that Lisa could only sigh. "Fine. But if we die in the process this is on you Shinji." Just like that despite the infinitely depressing odds, the Vizards all agreed with one another. Jumping into the air they all followed Ichigo's lead. Some of them began to charge cero while others prepared to use their strongest attack. "Haaaa!"
Swinging his Getsuga Tenshou at a massive meteor it was like a rock falling into the water. The Reiatsu spread out immediately after hitting its surface like a cloak as it tried to stop its descent. "Stop dammit!" Pouring all the power he had into his attack Ichigo could feel himself being pushed down despite that.
It was at that moment Ichigo saw over 3 separate cero hit the surface of the meteor along with other powerful attacks. Seeming surprised, Ichigo looked over to see Shinji firing a cero at full strength at the meteor above them. "Shinji?" Seeming confused for a moment, Ichigo was surprised by Shinji's words.
"I thought you had changed Ichigo but you're just as hot-headed as ever. When I saw you all those times training after losing to Shen I thought you were like a broken record but seems I was wrong. In truth, it looks like we were the ones who had given up too easily." Smiling sarcastically at himself Shinji diverted his attention back to the meteor before yelling at everyone.
"Now let's stop this thing from crushing our town!" Hearing Shinji's yell the rest of them felt fired up as they all yelled in sync. "Ya!" Increasing their power output the citizens of Katakura Town had no idea what was happening as a result of everyone working together a brunch of cracks began to run down the meteor's surface as the cracks began filling with Reiatsu.
"Getsuga! Tenshou!" With one final swing, Ichigo put all the strength he could muster into this final strike as all the cracks met up on the other side of the meteor causing large chunks of rock to fall off hitting the ground at high speed destroying countless buildings.
And finally, with that final strike, Ichigo's Getsuga along with everyone's else attacks shot clean through the meteor creating a spear-like shape going straight through its center before exploding. A massive shockwave swept outwards as rocks began to rain down on the ground. "Holy… We actually did it." Breathing heavily to the point of almost falling out of the sky they all couldn't believe they had managed to stop the meteor.
However, despite that fact, the cities that didn't have Ichigo and the Vizards weren't so lucky. With no one to stop their descent, the meteors made contact with the ground exploding on impact. Looking from above soon countless explosions dotted the round globe below like light bulbs going off at once.
"Now let's see them try to ignore this." From where they were the destruction might seem minuscule however on the ground level it's quite the opposite.
The moment the meteors touched base everything was blown away creating an initial crater before the explosions even went off. And when the explosions finally did they blew away everything for miles destroying not even considering the fractioning debris.
"Is this the type of result you were looking for?" Listening to Shen Urahara asked him interested. However, Shen simply turned away walking past Urahara, Rukia, and Orihime. "Urahara bring the fort down to the ground and start releasing the void warriors I created at the bottom level. They already know what to do when they drop."
Just before crossing the bridge Shen paused and looked back speaking to Rukia. "Oh and Rukia when Orihime gets herself together bring her to me my vision is starting to blur again."
After that Shen continued walking away while rubbing his eyes. 'Oh god, I feel like crap.' While Shen left with an upbeat attitude it didn't take long for Urahara to begin carrying out his orders.
On the other hand, although she knew something bad would happen Orihime was forced to face the reality she partially assisted in the death of millions. As these events happened on the fortress on the ground things were looking grim. The meteor that fell onto the cities did an incredible amount of damage.
Looking at those cities now they were even worse off than Katakura Town when it was attacked. With massive craters in their center and, thousands upon thousands of buildings destroyed or burning down it was indeed like Shen said it would be. A true hell on earth however that wasn't the end of it.
Acting on Shen's orders Urahara began releasing the improved Void Warriors the moment they came within reach of the cities. The survivors that scr.a.p.ed by the meteor's explosion and impact were shocked when they looked to the skies only to see a massive structure blocking out the sky.
Staring at the fortress their dread only increased as black figures began descending from the structure. Human-like creatures that were completely black with no facial features or gender landed in the ruined cities. Despite looking human what through people off was the fact they were unharmed.
The moment this strange being touches the ground even though the cement cracked on the impact they were completely unharmed.
Immediately they began carrying out the orders that Shen had programmed into them. And that order was very simple indeed. Find any surviving humans in the city and kill them.
Just like that the tens of thousands of void warriors Shen had prepared in advance began combing the ruined cities. "What is that guy doing!" Back in Katakura Town despite the debris from the meteor, the casualties to the citizens were able to be kept to a minimum, and Ichigo and his friends enjoyed a short-lived victory.
But that brief moment of joy soon faded. With the abandoned construction site destroyed Ichigo and the Vizard's moved to his house which luckily survived all of the destruction.
Ichigo had his little sisters evacuate the city a while ago despite their disapproval. The moment they arrived they moved Chad who was still injured to one of the empty rooms. Afterward, they checked the TV to check the situation in other cities but it was much worse than they thought.
Showing live images of Shen's fortress floating over cities and dropping off his Void Warriors it was clear Katakura Town got off easy. A female news reporter who was in a helicopter was seen on the TV looking down on the ruins of a city.
"Across the world, there have been multiple nationwide catastrophes as multiple cities were destroyed and burned to the ground. Along with that, there are eye witness reports of strange creatures being released by this strange structure seemingly floating in the sky.
With that being said there is confirmation that governments across the world have begun to retaliate against these strange creatures by dispatching military forces as well as attacking the flying structure that seems to be releasing them. Onto to other matters as the...."
Looking at this Shinji slammed his hand on the table within the living room. "There is a reason why Soul Reapers keep their presence hidden in the Human World because of things like this. But Shen… He doesn't care he has absolutely no issue with exposing himself to the world."Hearing him Ichigo frowned looking at the TV.
"But what's the point is he's really that psychotic that he would kill millions for fun."
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