The Universal Villain
Chapter 96 - Arrival
Flying through the sky at high speed a squadron of fighter jets were making their way towards Shen's fortress. With the missiles attached to their wings primed and ready, they locked onto the structure ahead of them before firing. Detaching from the wings the rockets at the back of the missiles activated as they shot forward.
After firing their missiles the squadron of jets broke away as the missiles tore through the air leaving a trail of smoke. After a few seconds, the barrage of missiles hit their target impacting the fortress exterior. As the air rippled a giant fireball of dozens of explosions combined appeared on the fortress's surface.
Inside the fortress, Shen felt the room around him shake slightly as he remembered something. 'I almost forgot that the military exists in this world. I mean with everything that happens in bleach you never see any type of law enforcement.' But either way, there was only one thing Shen was waiting for at this point and anything else was simply distracting.
As the fighter jets in the air began to loop around in the air planning to launch a second offense the thin layer of void coating the fortress reacted. At a speed too fast for the human eye to track, something pierced each pilot's head going straight through their c.o.c.kpit windows. With no one manning them the fighter jets lost altitude before hitting the ground and exploding.
After handling the military Shen didn't bother dealing with the news helicopters. In fact, he wanted them to spread the news about him as much as possible. Hearing the sound of footsteps against the dark crystal-like the floor of the throne room Shen wasn't surprised to see Orihime completely tame while following Rukia.
Walking up to Shen's side Rukia bent down and whispered into his ear so Orihime could not hear them. Listening to the good news Shen finally felt fully relaxed when it came to using his Sharingan. Despite everything Shen was rather sure he could get Orihime to comply even without threatening her friends all he needed to do was find a big enough vulnerability.
Being in that state of mind Orihime hesitantly walked up to Shen and began restoring the light in his eyes once again. "About time they arrived." Sitting in place Shen felt a sudden surge burst of energy sweep down from the sky as the weather for miles began to change. "I guess now is a better time than any." Activating his Rinnegan, Shen stood up before beckoning Rukia in front of him.
Knowing what Shen was going to do Rukia stood there and braced herself. Placing his hand above her head Shen's eyes widened as he activated the human path of the Rinnegan. Trying to remove her soul from her body as a Soul Reaper proved to be difficult. With their souls being one if not the most important thing that makes up a Soul Reaper, Shen could feel natural resistance despite Rukia's willingness.
Increasing the amount of Chakra he was pouring into the Rinnegan's abilities, Shen slowly raised his hand as Rukia's body went limp. In just a few more seconds Shen had fully removed her Soul from her body. Floating in the center of the humanoid ghost-like figure was the Hogyoku in all of its glory. "Finally…"
This was it the prize Shen had been seeking for so long. Slowly extending his hand Shen reached into Rukia's soul and grabbed the Hogyoku. Shining like a jewel in Rukia's soul Shen could feel its presence twisting around him and manipulating things despite not being complete. "It's truly all it's cracked up to be." Reaching into Rukia's soul, Shen didn't grab the Hogyoku before removing it.
Watching this from the side Orihime scrambled to Rukia as her soul returned to her body. "Rukia are you okay?" Seeing Rukia slowly open her eyes Orihime felt more at ease as she looked over at Shen. Opening his pocket dimension he reached into the void before pulling out Aizen's Hogyoku. The moment the two of them went into arm's length of one another there was an immediate reaction.
A power like nothing Shen had felt before swept over him and the area as a system prompt appeared.
Staring at the prompt for a moment Shen chuckled. 'Of course, do you even need to ask.' Agreeing to the merger the two Hogyoku flew from Shen's palms into one another.
The resulting shockwave of the two Hogyoku merging together caused the surrounding walls and floor to crack. As Shen's clothes blew in the gust of power his eyes were glued to the scene before him. As the two Hogyoku merged together so did their colors and the overwhelming power that suppressed both Rukia and Orihime.
Finally, as the light surrounding the orb dimmed the complete and whole Hogyoku showed itself in front of Shen as he reached out his hand allowing it to fall into his palm. Once again Shen was welcomed by System prompts however this time it was a barrage of them.
[Merger Complete. Perfect Hogyoku created.]
[Fusion between the 'Perfect Hogyoku' and Host is possible would you like to proceed?]
[Warning! Fusion will result in 'Perfect Hogyoku' Master Recognition starting at 0%]
[Warning! Fusion will result in 'Perfect Hogyoku' Dormant State starting at 0%]
[Warning! Fusion will result in the Host gaining Reiatsu]
Reading each prompt carefully Shen smiled. 'So I can merge with it right away without the wait?' Originally one would wait for the Hogyoku to fully awaken before merging with it since it would have no merit otherwise. But of course, Shen thought differently than Aizen. 'I guess I don't have a reason to hide my presence anymore.' With his eyes glistening from the Hogyoku's shine an event never before felt throughout the world occurred.
Melting into his hand the Hogyoku began to make its way through Shen's body all the way to his c.h.e.s.t. Witnessing this both Rukia who had begun to come too and Orihime were both shocked. "I was expecting this to hurt a lot more." Thinking about fusing with an object Shen was surprised when he felt nothing as the Hogyoku merged with him.
However, what happened next was something Shen never could have expected. For the very first time, he had gained Reiatsu the main driving force in this world. And with Shen's stats that was a terrifying thing. All at once with his Reiatsu reserves being created by the System and then multiplied by his stats and abilities, Shen had become someone the people around him could perceive and his power was on full display.
Before anyone could make a sound or even speak Shen's spiritual pressure fell onto the world. From Rukia and Orihime who were still in the same room as Shen or Urahara and the Captains in his lab. Everyone from where he was standing even to Katakura Town felt his Spiritual Pressure. Orihime immediately collapsed to the ground feeling her breathing suddenly get rough.
The sky above the fortress immediately began to collapse in on itself seemingly pierced by an invisible force.
Meanwhile, inside of Urahara's lab, he suddenly stopped working as his eyes widened as a grin appeared on his face. "What is this… What the hell is this!" Reacting to it first Soi Fon felt as if she was on the brink of passing out. "This is insane how does someone exert this much power..." Shunsui and the others had a look of disbelief on their faces.
For miles and miles, people outside of Shen's fortress began collapsing to the ground. And for just a split second in Katakura Town Ichigo and the others felt a spike. For just that instance they felt Shen's power in full force being pushed down onto them. Hiyori in particular wasn't prepared and being the weakest of the Vizard's fell on all fours while panting heavily.
However, before anyone could say anything about this power it vanished. As quickly as it came and suppressed everything it disappeared. "What… What was that." Sweating Lisa looked towards Shunsui expecting a response however Shunsui could just shake his head. "I don't know… I don't know I've never felt Spiritual Pressure so immense yet so cruel."
Normally the oppression of Spiritual Power was simply oppression however for the first time Shunsui could feel an attribute being released from that pressure and it caused him to shake in fear. Back at the fortress, Shen was also surprised. He felt the effects of his own spiritual pressure and saw them first hand.
Looking at his c.h.e.s.t Shen smirked as he spoke to the Hogyoku. 'Well aren't you a greedy little thing.' Shen actually did not suppress his Spiritual Pressure by himself; instead, the Hogyoku absorbed all of his Reiatsu to aid its awakening. Even now as Shen stood there as quickly as his Reiatsu was regenerating, it was being absorbed.
"Now then." Looking straight down the throne room both Rukia and Urahara appeared in front of him bowing. Urahara spoke first with a face full of glee. "Congratulations Master Shen on creating the completed Hogyoku. Your power is truly magnificent." Rukia remained silent but was clearly congratulating Shen as well.
Out of everyone these two were probably the only ones who could remain almost perfectly unaffected by Shen's raw Spiritual Pressure due to their own constantly growing strength. Looking at Urahara Shen could only shake his head silently. 'This genius has become such a kiss a.s.s. Though then again he's still alive so I guess it's working right?'
Chuckling once again Shen walked past the two of them. "They should be arriving any second now. Rukia continue to coax Orihime as you have been I still need her abilities. And above all keep interference to a minimum." Reminding them of that Shen made his way to his own personal room on the topmost floor of the fort.
"Alrighty then I guess now is the best time for any last-minute purchases." As Shen began thinking about what he might need for the battle ahead he began focusing on the Zero Squad in general as well. 'Most of their abilities are unknown so I can't use much of my knowledge from the manga.
The worst scenario would be I'm too weak and they blitz me before I can react though I doubt it. A more probable case being it will feel like I'm fighting a bunch of Yamamoto at the same time just with different abilities.'
No matter the case Shen was going to have to be careful. "I guess for now I should change for the occasion." Looking down at his clothes Shen couldn't remember how many times his combat gear had gotten ruined forcing him to buy more. At first, when he was fighting hollows and weak Soul Reapers like Renji it was fine however as the battles grew more intense his clothes were ripped and destroyed a lot easier.
It was as Shen was both talking and thinking to himself did he sense it. Now with Reiatsu being in his System, he could sense everything even without the use of his makeshift Ki Sense or Observation Haki. "Well, that was quick." Looking up at the roof above his head Shen could sense five people's Reiatsu. 'Guess shopping for anything else will have to wait.' Buying the time he was looking at in the clothing section the System Shen prepared to greet his guest.
Meanwhile half a mile from Shen's fortress a dimensional rift had opened in the sky. Coming through the rift first was a man with a long black pompadour. "This is what happens when you let a bunch of kids run things."
After firing their missiles the squadron of jets broke away as the missiles tore through the air leaving a trail of smoke. After a few seconds, the barrage of missiles hit their target impacting the fortress exterior. As the air rippled a giant fireball of dozens of explosions combined appeared on the fortress's surface.
Inside the fortress, Shen felt the room around him shake slightly as he remembered something. 'I almost forgot that the military exists in this world. I mean with everything that happens in bleach you never see any type of law enforcement.' But either way, there was only one thing Shen was waiting for at this point and anything else was simply distracting.
As the fighter jets in the air began to loop around in the air planning to launch a second offense the thin layer of void coating the fortress reacted. At a speed too fast for the human eye to track, something pierced each pilot's head going straight through their c.o.c.kpit windows. With no one manning them the fighter jets lost altitude before hitting the ground and exploding.
After handling the military Shen didn't bother dealing with the news helicopters. In fact, he wanted them to spread the news about him as much as possible. Hearing the sound of footsteps against the dark crystal-like the floor of the throne room Shen wasn't surprised to see Orihime completely tame while following Rukia.
Walking up to Shen's side Rukia bent down and whispered into his ear so Orihime could not hear them. Listening to the good news Shen finally felt fully relaxed when it came to using his Sharingan. Despite everything Shen was rather sure he could get Orihime to comply even without threatening her friends all he needed to do was find a big enough vulnerability.
Being in that state of mind Orihime hesitantly walked up to Shen and began restoring the light in his eyes once again. "About time they arrived." Sitting in place Shen felt a sudden surge burst of energy sweep down from the sky as the weather for miles began to change. "I guess now is a better time than any." Activating his Rinnegan, Shen stood up before beckoning Rukia in front of him.
Knowing what Shen was going to do Rukia stood there and braced herself. Placing his hand above her head Shen's eyes widened as he activated the human path of the Rinnegan. Trying to remove her soul from her body as a Soul Reaper proved to be difficult. With their souls being one if not the most important thing that makes up a Soul Reaper, Shen could feel natural resistance despite Rukia's willingness.
Increasing the amount of Chakra he was pouring into the Rinnegan's abilities, Shen slowly raised his hand as Rukia's body went limp. In just a few more seconds Shen had fully removed her Soul from her body. Floating in the center of the humanoid ghost-like figure was the Hogyoku in all of its glory. "Finally…"
This was it the prize Shen had been seeking for so long. Slowly extending his hand Shen reached into Rukia's soul and grabbed the Hogyoku. Shining like a jewel in Rukia's soul Shen could feel its presence twisting around him and manipulating things despite not being complete. "It's truly all it's cracked up to be." Reaching into Rukia's soul, Shen didn't grab the Hogyoku before removing it.
Watching this from the side Orihime scrambled to Rukia as her soul returned to her body. "Rukia are you okay?" Seeing Rukia slowly open her eyes Orihime felt more at ease as she looked over at Shen. Opening his pocket dimension he reached into the void before pulling out Aizen's Hogyoku. The moment the two of them went into arm's length of one another there was an immediate reaction.
A power like nothing Shen had felt before swept over him and the area as a system prompt appeared.
Staring at the prompt for a moment Shen chuckled. 'Of course, do you even need to ask.' Agreeing to the merger the two Hogyoku flew from Shen's palms into one another.
The resulting shockwave of the two Hogyoku merging together caused the surrounding walls and floor to crack. As Shen's clothes blew in the gust of power his eyes were glued to the scene before him. As the two Hogyoku merged together so did their colors and the overwhelming power that suppressed both Rukia and Orihime.
Finally, as the light surrounding the orb dimmed the complete and whole Hogyoku showed itself in front of Shen as he reached out his hand allowing it to fall into his palm. Once again Shen was welcomed by System prompts however this time it was a barrage of them.
[Merger Complete. Perfect Hogyoku created.]
[Fusion between the 'Perfect Hogyoku' and Host is possible would you like to proceed?]
[Warning! Fusion will result in 'Perfect Hogyoku' Master Recognition starting at 0%]
[Warning! Fusion will result in 'Perfect Hogyoku' Dormant State starting at 0%]
[Warning! Fusion will result in the Host gaining Reiatsu]
Reading each prompt carefully Shen smiled. 'So I can merge with it right away without the wait?' Originally one would wait for the Hogyoku to fully awaken before merging with it since it would have no merit otherwise. But of course, Shen thought differently than Aizen. 'I guess I don't have a reason to hide my presence anymore.' With his eyes glistening from the Hogyoku's shine an event never before felt throughout the world occurred.
Melting into his hand the Hogyoku began to make its way through Shen's body all the way to his c.h.e.s.t. Witnessing this both Rukia who had begun to come too and Orihime were both shocked. "I was expecting this to hurt a lot more." Thinking about fusing with an object Shen was surprised when he felt nothing as the Hogyoku merged with him.
However, what happened next was something Shen never could have expected. For the very first time, he had gained Reiatsu the main driving force in this world. And with Shen's stats that was a terrifying thing. All at once with his Reiatsu reserves being created by the System and then multiplied by his stats and abilities, Shen had become someone the people around him could perceive and his power was on full display.
Before anyone could make a sound or even speak Shen's spiritual pressure fell onto the world. From Rukia and Orihime who were still in the same room as Shen or Urahara and the Captains in his lab. Everyone from where he was standing even to Katakura Town felt his Spiritual Pressure. Orihime immediately collapsed to the ground feeling her breathing suddenly get rough.
The sky above the fortress immediately began to collapse in on itself seemingly pierced by an invisible force.
Meanwhile, inside of Urahara's lab, he suddenly stopped working as his eyes widened as a grin appeared on his face. "What is this… What the hell is this!" Reacting to it first Soi Fon felt as if she was on the brink of passing out. "This is insane how does someone exert this much power..." Shunsui and the others had a look of disbelief on their faces.
For miles and miles, people outside of Shen's fortress began collapsing to the ground. And for just a split second in Katakura Town Ichigo and the others felt a spike. For just that instance they felt Shen's power in full force being pushed down onto them. Hiyori in particular wasn't prepared and being the weakest of the Vizard's fell on all fours while panting heavily.
However, before anyone could say anything about this power it vanished. As quickly as it came and suppressed everything it disappeared. "What… What was that." Sweating Lisa looked towards Shunsui expecting a response however Shunsui could just shake his head. "I don't know… I don't know I've never felt Spiritual Pressure so immense yet so cruel."
Normally the oppression of Spiritual Power was simply oppression however for the first time Shunsui could feel an attribute being released from that pressure and it caused him to shake in fear. Back at the fortress, Shen was also surprised. He felt the effects of his own spiritual pressure and saw them first hand.
Looking at his c.h.e.s.t Shen smirked as he spoke to the Hogyoku. 'Well aren't you a greedy little thing.' Shen actually did not suppress his Spiritual Pressure by himself; instead, the Hogyoku absorbed all of his Reiatsu to aid its awakening. Even now as Shen stood there as quickly as his Reiatsu was regenerating, it was being absorbed.
"Now then." Looking straight down the throne room both Rukia and Urahara appeared in front of him bowing. Urahara spoke first with a face full of glee. "Congratulations Master Shen on creating the completed Hogyoku. Your power is truly magnificent." Rukia remained silent but was clearly congratulating Shen as well.
Out of everyone these two were probably the only ones who could remain almost perfectly unaffected by Shen's raw Spiritual Pressure due to their own constantly growing strength. Looking at Urahara Shen could only shake his head silently. 'This genius has become such a kiss a.s.s. Though then again he's still alive so I guess it's working right?'
Chuckling once again Shen walked past the two of them. "They should be arriving any second now. Rukia continue to coax Orihime as you have been I still need her abilities. And above all keep interference to a minimum." Reminding them of that Shen made his way to his own personal room on the topmost floor of the fort.
"Alrighty then I guess now is the best time for any last-minute purchases." As Shen began thinking about what he might need for the battle ahead he began focusing on the Zero Squad in general as well. 'Most of their abilities are unknown so I can't use much of my knowledge from the manga.
The worst scenario would be I'm too weak and they blitz me before I can react though I doubt it. A more probable case being it will feel like I'm fighting a bunch of Yamamoto at the same time just with different abilities.'
No matter the case Shen was going to have to be careful. "I guess for now I should change for the occasion." Looking down at his clothes Shen couldn't remember how many times his combat gear had gotten ruined forcing him to buy more. At first, when he was fighting hollows and weak Soul Reapers like Renji it was fine however as the battles grew more intense his clothes were ripped and destroyed a lot easier.
It was as Shen was both talking and thinking to himself did he sense it. Now with Reiatsu being in his System, he could sense everything even without the use of his makeshift Ki Sense or Observation Haki. "Well, that was quick." Looking up at the roof above his head Shen could sense five people's Reiatsu. 'Guess shopping for anything else will have to wait.' Buying the time he was looking at in the clothing section the System Shen prepared to greet his guest.
Meanwhile half a mile from Shen's fortress a dimensional rift had opened in the sky. Coming through the rift first was a man with a long black pompadour. "This is what happens when you let a bunch of kids run things."
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