The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 998: Sweeping


Hundreds of miles of bamboo riding this bird containing the blood of the gods and beasts, watching the city where they still lived two months ago.

And she could clearly feel the kind of fear coming from this city.

Not only this city, the entire Star Empire seems to be the case.

With this constant power of fear, the efficiency with which the essence of the Evil God was refined by her was even surprising to her.

The whole process is smooth and unintelligible.

But ...

Can't understand it if you can't understand it.

Now she needs strength, and the essence of Evil God can provide power for her, that's enough.

"This city ..."

Bailizhu looked at the star city where the starlight had dimmed: "I don't like it very much. When I first came to this city, my brother Qingfeng seemed to be underestimated. What is ridiculous is that they have the qualification to underestimate Qingfeng Brother, what are the qualifications to underestimate me ... "


As Bailizhu was less than twenty kilometers away from the city, a powerful breath suddenly burst out of the Star City, and the will of the demigod swept over the sky.

Although these wills are not as glorious and overbearing as the will of the true God, they can still coerce one party and make any soul fear.

Even now ...

Was incredibly fast to legendary life, and she is no exception.

"It's a disgusting city ... But whether it's disgusting or not, the wealth of the city is undoubtedly. The characteristics of Qingfeng's brother seemingly no longer increase in spiritual strength ... I have plundered a dozen In this city, all the things that can nourish the spirit have been taken over, so that the brother Qing Feng has returned to normal. The mental fluctuations emanating from him are also increasing, and it seems to be about to wake up ... but ... for safety, I Need to prepare more clear crystals and sacred spirits for Qingfeng brother ... "

Baili Bamboo looked up and looked at the direction of the Imperial City of the Star City ......

"There should be a lot of cultivation resources used by Qingfeng's brother in the treasure house of the Empire of the Stars and the Temple of the Domain."

As Bai Lizhu gazed toward the interior of the Star City, the three streams of light had already cut through the void, and they arrived at a very fast speed.

Holy Star Emperor, Burning Salary, Qian Ye.

"Little girl, you really have a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no door, you break in! Killing my countless Star Empire people, today I will kill you in the stars, to comfort my heroes of the Star Empire The spirit of the soldiers in the sky! "

Holy Star Emperor sipped, holding in his empty hand, the Excalibur in his hand had inspired the shining starlight.

But Bailizhu didn't look at him, but turned his eyes to the star cities below ...


She smelled the deep fear of the city.

Although there are four major gods sitting in the Star City, it still seems to be uneasy for the people, so that when Baili Bamboo controls the flying bird containing the blood of the Divine Beast to appear over the city, the intense fear spreads. and……

Was grasped by her empty hand and injected into the sword fairy Yuan Shen who manifested behind her.

And at this time, she only slightly looked at the demigods of the three star empires in front of her: "Do you know that if it is not because you are afraid of me and fear of me, I have no confidence to kill you directly in the Star City, after all, My original purpose in attacking cities like you was just to attract all your eyes to me. "

"It seems that the Baili Qingfeng hasn't woken up to now? I'm afraid I can't wake up! Beyond the true god, a powerful true god, not so good to suppress! Seal the true **** with a legendary body, and don't be afraid to kill yourself!"

Fired salary said with a sneer.

But the real purpose of his remarks was to test, in order to learn the depth of Baili Qingfeng.

Unfortunately ...

Bailizhu didn't pay attention to his words: "I don't need Brother Qingfeng to come, attack the city, reap fear, and give me infinite strength, and ... I found a very interesting question, if you use 'fear' as energy Spring comes to trend the special sword spirit contained in my sword fairy primordial spirit ... power ... "


Behind Baili Bamboo's sword fairy Yuan God stepped out boldly, this moment of energetic figure seemed to cross the barrier of time and space, and the sword in his hand erupted into the horror of the horror sword spirit!

"Can slash the gods!"

"So fast!"

"Be careful of her mirror!"

"Wait, this sword spirit ... why I felt it two months ago ..."


Sword Qi burst!

Jianxianyuan God burst from a humanoid with wings and burst into a sword gas storm, with a horrible sword gas wrapped in a torn flesh and solidified soul swept across the front to face the Holy Star Emperor!

"Break me!"

The Holy Star Emperor growled, the swords of the stars in his hand turned into a starlight, and the violent and violent sword gas storm was easily intercepted in front of this starlight sword gas, and was crushed and destroyed.

But he hadn't had time to fight back after he defeated these sword qi, but the spiritual world was violently shocked.

These sword spirits not only tear the flesh, but also crush the spirit and penetrate the soul!

Holy Star Emperor easily blocked the sharpness of Jian Qi, but his face was pale under the sword spirit that seemed to smash the spirit.

"This is ... the sword spirit of the Supreme Excalibur !?"

Burning salary was a little horrified.

"Sovereign Holy Star Emperor, I will help you!"

Qianye shouted and strode forward.

And just now, the electric light shines.

Jianxian Yuanshen was defeated, Bai Lizhu's face was pale, but she forcibly suppressed her tear-like discomfort, her face was not half open, her right hand was straight, and her guardian sword was rapid in the bursts of current Spin up.

"This swordsmanship ..."

Seeing this familiar starting style, his salary-burning complexion changed greatly and shouted: "Care for Qian Ye, this is the Thunder Sword of Baili Qingfeng who shot and killed several demigods!"

Qianye heard it, and did not hesitate to turn it into a defense.

And at this time, the figure of the Immortal Sword Immortal who exploded into the Sword Qi Storm turned around, and assassinated the Holy Star Emperor again.

The Holy Star Emperor gritted his teeth and was about to show his sword again. A mirror light had pierced the void and shone on his figure ...

"Jian Shen mirror !?"

The face of Holy Star Emperor changed.

If he hadn't been hurt by the spirit of the sword immortal **** similar to the Supreme Sword, the light of Jian Shen's mirror could not even hold him for a moment, but now ...

"Salary, help me!"

Holy Star Emperor shouted.

No need for the Holy Star Emperor to open his mouth, his salary has been combined with his hands, the field is turbulent, and it has swept out into a divine art. It seems that the entire sword fairy primordial **** will be involved in the field mixed with the will of the god, and then high frequency The shock shook it into powder.

But at this moment, a country was revealed.

The country of the field!

The legendary state of Bailizhu has been able to exert the power of the kingdom in the field of artifacts.

In this earthly kingdom of derivation of this artifact, the sword-bearing primordial **** that has not yet been covered in Bailizhu has been swallowed by the power of the earthly kingdom.

For a time, Qian Ye, who was locked by "Electromagnetic Sword Art", was swept by the earthly kingdom of God, almost watching the Holy Star Emperor fixed by Jian Shen Mirror, and then assassinated by Jian Xian Yuan Shen with his sword Through the body ...

"Do not!"

The Holy Star Emperor shouted incredulously, his figure wrapped in the sword fairy Yuan Shen ...



But this is not the most terrible. What really made the Holy Star Emperor scream is that he discovered that his God ’s will was shot at a very fast speed when he was shot by the sword intention contained in these sword lights. Cut it down, if it is shot and killed by this strange sword fairy Yuanshen again and again on his will, his will will be completely dissipated ...

For a time, he did not even care about screaming and stern words, rolled up the swords of the stars at the fastest speed, and fled into the direction of the imperial city that had just been repaired.

"How is it possible, how long is this ... she has been able to ... destroy the demigod body !?"

The sound of a half-fired **** is a bit dry.

Seemed to have something stuck in his throat, making him almost speechless.


At this time, the "Electromagnetic Royal Sword Technique" in Bai Lizhu's hands stopped.

She didn't grasp the true meaning of electromagnetic swordsmanship. The reason why she put on the appearance of electromagnetic swordsmanship was just to deter Qianye.

Proved to be very successful.

Along with the volume of Jianqi Storm transformed by Jianxian Yuanshen, this **** seems to be completely transformed by Jianqi, Jianyi, and even some special energy has swept away again towards Qianye. There is also the mirror light of Jian Shen who has shined through the void.


Qian Ye itself did not want to die for the people of the Star Empire and Baili Qingfeng, glanced at the burning salary trapped by the kingdom of the field, and at the moment when the mirror came to the body, there seemed to be some kind of power burning in his body, The mirror light was completely dispelled, and he himself pulled back while the mirror light was dispelled, and then ...


"Qianye !?"

Seeing Qian Ye flee, his salary-burning complexion changed, and his heart was shocked and angry.

Powerful divine art broke out in his hand, and he did not hesitate to tear the earthly kingdom of the kingdom of the realm, and flew back.

But he had just gotten out of his body and was already illuminated by the mirror mirror. Although he immediately broke free from the mirror light, the storm turned by the sword fairy yuanshen had spread to his body.

"Only artifacts can fight against artifacts!"

At a critical moment, it seems that Burning Salary has performed some kind of life-defying secret technique. With Yin Hong's blood lasing the Quartet, the Jianqi Storm formed by the Jianxian Yuanshen was exploded, and at this opportunity, his body broke through the speed of sound. , Shot to the end of the sky in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the three demigods were actually defeated by Baili Zhu alone.


At the same time, layers of starlight began to diffuse over the stars.

This is a sign that the Wanxing Divine Array is about to condense.

It was only once that the Ten Thousand Stars Array was broken by the Transcendental True God. It has not yet been completely repaired. The re-consolidation is actually centered on the Royal Palace. It will take some time to spread to the Star City completely.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Baili Bamboo rushed to the Temple of the Domain without hesitation. With the accurate sensing of any divine objects by Jian Shen Mirror, a bird wrapped in the blood of the Divine Beast brutally collapsed a palace, and stone debris , A treasure trove was exposed to his vision.

"Stop it!"

Two legends sitting in the treasure house shouted ~ ~ But before they could stop it, the sword fairy primordial gods rolled through the starry city with more and more intense fear power, and lightning flashed across them.

In an instant, the two legends disappeared.

This kind of brutality makes other legendary looks who want to come later awe-inspiring.

Regardless of Bailizhu, swept away the things in the treasure trove that could cause the reflection of the mirror, and those that had a spiritual gain were not let go, and they were all wrapped around this bird with the blood of the gods and beasts.

This bird is carrying the palace of the second prince Holy Star Dragon, which is more than enough for storage.

Forcibly swept through the piles of materials in the domain temple, Bailizhu turned around again, and rushed out of the Star City.

But she seemed to think of something when she rushed out of the star cities, her eyes crossed the void and fell directly to the Hexagon Star Chamber of Commerce not far away.

"You are not good people."

With her one-handed shot, this huge and huge bird took off again, and then a dive, just like a meteor that cut through the void, slammed into the Six Star Chamber of Commerce!

The stone chips sputtered and the building of the Six Star Chamber of Commerce collapsed.

For a moment, this bird had already emptied from the ruins of the Hexagonal Star Chamber of Commerce. A second before the power of the Wanxing Divine Array would cover the city, it cut through the void and disappeared at the end of the sky.

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