The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 999: wake

Is still.

In the imperial palace, the death was silent.

Yingdu, Tai Lei, Torch, Marquis of Saitama, and other younger generations were trembling, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

The star star gazed at the crowd in the haze.

It is not easy to ask the **** of the field to lower the divine enlightenment. It is necessary to ask the holy star song to use the blood sacrifice as the communication medium, so at this moment, he looks pale.

But the physical weakness is not worth mentioning at all compared to the scene just before them.

"Three and a half gods! The three and a half gods joined forces and were defeated by a little girl! She is only a teenager, what is your face !?"

Sheng Xingge said in a deep voice.

"If it weren't for Qian Ye to escape, why would I almost end up melting away physically."

Burning salary set his eyes on Qian Ye, with a tone of blame.

But Qian Ye was dissatisfied with the rebuttal: "I have achieved Demigod for less than a year, how can I fight against the power of Jianshen Mirror? If I had to retreat in time and preserve the power, I would have been strangled by her strange energy body with sword energy . "

"Hey, I think you are clearly thinking of the old feelings of selling the essence of your true **** by Baili Qingfeng, so I have reservations ..."

"A group of nonsense, how can I say that I am also a member of the Star Empire, in this case"

Qianye was about to say again that the spiritual fluctuations of the Holy Star Emperor had already oscillated: "Okay, don't be noisy again!"

"Star Emperor, what the **** is going on? Why are you losing so fast?"

Holy Star Song Road.

"That little girl itself is nothing, at best relying on two artifacts, even if she somehow crosses two large realms from the ninth level in two months, two small realms become legends, or high-level legends, among us Any one of them has the certainty of confrontation, but after adding that strange body of energy ... but it shows the effect of one plus one more than two ... "

The body of the young man, the star star, also focused his eyes on the star star emperor who was moistened by the holy soul stone like his advance: "That little girl's energy body ... really so terrible and strange !?"


The spirit of the Holy Star Emperor is full of fear, and even a trace of fear: "The body of energy ... much like the supreme divine sword sacrificed by the True God two months ago ... It seems to be composed of countless sword qi and sword intentions, scattered As you please, the changes are satisfactory, and the power is amazing. Unless there is a defensive artifact, we cannot stop the strange body of energy from shooting ... "

"Supreme Excalibur !?"

The scene in the minds of several people immediately reminiscent of Baili Zhusheng swallowing the supreme divine sword ...

"Don't say ... she digested that sword energy and turned the sword of the Supreme Excalibur into her own use !?"

Realizing this, even demigods such as Yanan, Qianye and Shengxingge couldn't help but pale.

Sword of Supreme Excalibur ...

That is by no means a force that the demigod can resist!

The detached True God holds the torrent of sword gas, even if the True God can kill on the spot, if Baili Zhuzhen has mastered that power, wouldn't these people face her to death? ?

"That little girl's sword energy should be different from the Supreme Sword Sword Qi held by Her Majesty the True God. Or, she analyzed, learned, and used similar methods, but it was more obvious than the real Supreme Sword Sword Qi. There is a difference, otherwise ... I will not come back alive. "

Holy Star King Road.

"Then what to do next !? This little girl has not only developed this powerful sword spirit, but also holds two artifacts, we ..."

"The only artifact that can fight against artifacts!"

Sheng Xingge ’s eyes fell on Qian Ye and Yan Yan: “In addition to the four artifacts in our royal family ’s hands, our Star Empire has four artifacts in your hands. , But the pictures of mountains and rivers in the hands of Lord Burning Shadow and the banned crown in the hands of Pope Pinghuang are the best treasures that can be used to deal with that little girl! "

The half-god who burned the salary originally wanted to call His Majesty the Pope to retreat in the Holy Mountain, seeking an opportunity to raise the throne to achieve the true God, but ...

In the past few months, the royal family of the stars has been swollen by Baili Qingfeng master and apprentice. Xingge, the **** child, is afraid that he will be mad, if they dare to yell out the words of Yang Yin again, and wait for the domain **** master to wake up and settle accounts after autumn, the domain temple may be uprooted.

Think of the domain **** ...

The half **** of salaries had to say: "I will then call on His Majesty the Pope, ask His Majesty to go out of the border, and lead the banned Crown to come to the reinforcements!"

Qianye also nodded: "I will send a message to Lord Fenying."

"it is good."

Sheng Xingge said in a deep voice: "I will go to conditioning and wait for my strength to recover, I will once again offer sacrifices to the great Father!"


Bai Lizhu attacked the Star City, making the people in the Star City panic, while a group of people in the crowd looked at the huge bird that disappeared from the sky, stunned.

"Is that a hundred miles of bamboo?"

Shouzhen's eyes widened.


Constantine was afraid to confirm.

He has seen Baili Bamboo more than once beside Baili Qingfeng, but ...

It was difficult for him to associate the innocent and cute little girl with the cold and indifferent sky, like a female **** of war.

"We have been to the Stars Empire for a month. During this month, we watched the Stars Empire send masters to hunt down Baili Bamboo and His Majesty Qingfeng ...... But we are powerless?"

Keep the faith.

Constantine and others were ashamed.

Their power ...

too weak.

Among the dozens of people in the line, there is only one legend of Shouzhen.

This lineup can naturally suppress one side in the world of heaven and earth, but it can be relative to the star empire of the Lord of the North ...

It's not worth mentioning.

Know that the Star Empire has sent hundreds of legendary strongmen in search of the Baili Qingfeng, which is a terrifying force.

"Now, it ’s only Baili Bamboo that protects your Majesty Qingfeng, and it ’s a whole month ... No, it ’s two months. Two months, the star empire is chasing around the clock, it ’s hard to imagine how she survived. Come here, how can she not grow after two months? "

Shouzhen sighed.

It is cruel to let a twelve-year-old girl bear all this.

"How is Zhao Jiansheng and the Lord of Flames?"

"There is news from Prime Minister Yasuo. Zhao Jiansheng was gone because of the epiphany, so he did not see the news of the world broadcast, but not long ago, they have found Zhao Jiansheng. Reachable. "

Constantine Road.

Nodded faithfully.

Zhao Jiansheng can easily kill the high-level legendary blood cry with amazing combat power, plus a lot of fat kings who have become fat during this time ...

The two of them, barely considered demigod combat power, can help Bailizhu a little more or less.

"Almost ... Almost ..."


A valley more than 1,900 kilometers away from the Star City.

Bailizhu took a little inventory of all the materials she had looted from the domain shrine and the Six Star Chamber of Commerce.

God gold coins, crystal clear crystal, sacred spirit, Yin chalcedony, ruined pure crystal ...

Various things, many.

Especially crystal clear crystal, as much as more than three hundred fast, the divine spirit and Yin chalcedony are also more than double digits.

"Brother Qingfeng, I suddenly got more than you bought. Look, I am very capable."

Baili Bamboo took the divine spirit to the sleeping Baili Qingfeng in front of him, and asked for merit.

"Almost ... The fear that permeates the entire empire of stars is rolling into my source of strength. I can feel that the essence of the evil spirit is about to be completely refined ... I will be transformed into a real son of fear ... , Brother Qingfeng ... I will help you to level the stars ... "

Said that she fed a divine spirit to Baili Qingfeng, and said softly: "Don't you want to establish diplomatic relations with the empire of stars? Then I will tell them that they will agree!"

Once I am prosperous, those who oppose me will die.


At this time, the sword fairy Yuanshen in the spirit world of Baili Bamboo shook and nearly collapsed, her face became pale, and her figure seemed to tremble slightly due to the pain.

Immediately after she coughed violently, Yin Hong quickly stained her coat with a trace of black blood.

In the blood stains, there seemed to be a wailing voice, like weeping.

Jianxian Yuanshen is not an immortal body.

Was defeated twice in the battle with the Holy Star Emperor and the Salary, and the damage to her was still extremely serious, just ...

At that time, she couldn't show half weakness, otherwise, once the disguise of her strong and middle-handedness was torn, and those half-gods had the heart of death, she would be left there forever.

It doesn't matter if she stays there, but ...

No one came to help Baili Qingfeng to supplement the spirit of heaven and earth, and no one knew how long he would sleep.


Can never wake up.

Baili Bamboo looked at Baili Qingfeng who had taken three servings of the divine spirit in a row, and the mental fluctuation was obviously stronger, with a smile on her pretty little face ~ ~ Then, she lay down tiredly on his In his arms, the small hand held his warm palm tightly and closed his eyes quietly, enjoying this rare tranquility.


The next ten days, calm and calm.

Is incredibly calm.

Is like the tranquility before the storm.

And Baili Bamboo is also a quiet time to enjoy this precious time. He feeds Baili Qingfeng every day, wipes his body for him, and cleans and cleans himself.

Because she felt it, Baili Qingfeng's mental fluctuation has become stronger and stronger, he ...

Is about to wake up.

The feeling of watching him get better day by day made her very happy.

Couldn't tell her feelings. On the twelfth day after Baili Bamboo swept the massive resources from the Star City, the spiritual fluctuation of Baili Qingfeng's dissipation was extremely strong ...

Vaguely, she seemed to see one hundred and twenty-eight stars evolving stars, and slowly running under the gravitational balance of a giant black hole, reflecting each other.

at last……

This powerful mental fluctuation lasted for less than an hour, and Baili Qingfeng opened his eyes.

This moment is in Xiaozhu's eyes ...

Spring flowers bloom.

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