The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1023: True meaning

The **** of war shattered.

But as the true God, he permeates his will into every corner of the body, every cell, in other words, almost every cell can exist as a separate individual.

Unless the will of God contained in the cell is destroyed or killed, otherwise these cells containing the will can be resurrected under the traction of the main consciousness.

Like now, the broken body seems to be transformed into a living blood mist, and roaring will condense and shape again.

Starry sky!

A gleam of galaxies swept through the bursts of stars and directed at the **** body of the **** of war turned into blood mist. At the moment when the starlight collided with the blood mist, the stars either collapsed or became mysterious. The technique constantly bombards the true will of God contained in the body of the god, causing the will in the body of the **** to quickly annihilate and disintegrate.

The part of the **** body that lost the will of the **** has lost the possibility of cohesion again, and the remaining energy is directly dissipated around in the form of divine power, which greatly improves the energy purity of this area.


Void concussion.

The shattered **** body of the God of War soon completed the reunion.

Is just ...

The condensed **** body is significantly weaker than it was at the beginning.

Apparently, at the moment when his **** body was defeated, the galactic river transformed by Baili Qingfeng's spiritual world, a large number of star collapses made him lose control of many **** bodies.


The **** of war, with his wrath in his hands, held up the artifact sword in his hand and held it up for a few kilometers at a time, as if he was banned by a killing gas.

Baili Qingfeng continued to use electromagnetic ejection to open the distance between the two, but only a moment later he has discovered that under the blockade of this will and the sword, his will seems to have been affected by some unknown name, actually in Gradually weakened.

Clearly shows that he has no abnormalities at all, it seems that as long as he continues to weaken the opponent's body of the true **** with electromagnetic swordsmanship, he can win the final victory, but ...

His will was influenced by unknown forces in the process of retreating.

Looking at the **** of war, his will gradually rises at this moment, even with the upper limit of the power he can burst out seems to have increased.


This change made Baili Qingfeng seem to have realized what.

He felt that he seemed to have touched a whole new field.

A realm from the will of God.

"If my guess is true ..."

Baili Qingfeng did not hesitate to retreat.

And as his figure receded again, the mighty power contained in the God of War reached the extreme. With his sword slashed out, it seemed that there were thousands of horses and horses roaring. To crush all the forces and creatures that are in front of him into powder.

Baili Qingfeng reduced the frequency of electromagnetic swordsmanship, and at the same time the horizontal sword continued to pierce and fight and retreat ...

In the course of this retrogression, his core of will was completely suppressed and almost stopped normal operation.

If it was not because he was not using the core of will at all, but relying on the lower-level spiritual power to fight the real **** in front of him, he had already lost all his resistance at this moment under the power of the war god.

"Sure enough ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the **** of war in front of him: "So, in addition to thinking, the core of the will includes how to do it, and even contains the effect of doing it? Just like I love peace, then, in my mind It must be filled with the spirit of sacrifice and dedication for peace, and it must also work hard for the goal of world peace. In addition, running must be effective, and indeed promoted the birth of world peace ... "

The **** of war stimulated the will of war, and he continued to take action, and even forced him to retreat. Therefore, his will power is rising, but his own will power is weakening.

"Peace ... My original intention to come to the Dark Rock was to ask the God of War, but I witnessed the brutality of the cave people in the Dark Rock, and the God of War stared at our heavenly wasteland, so I shouldered a more sacred and great task on my body, that is, to create a brand-new peaceful environment for the Heavenly Waste Realm, but the God of War's heart for observing our Heavenly Waste Realm has always lived. The only way to get peace is to make them incapable of fighting ... "

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, and his eyes lit up suddenly.

As long as the God of War does not have the ability to fight the Heavenly Waste Realm, naturally war will not break out. Isn't Heavenly Wasted Realm able to continue to enjoy stability and peace?

Then he is equivalent to indirectly becoming a hero to promote peaceful coexistence between the two places.

"The meaning of peace is to eliminate war!"


When Baili Qingfeng realized this key point, his spiritual will seemed to suddenly fill in something.

The existence of these things makes his core of will seem to be injected into the soul, and there is a feeling of "live".

"Eliminate war."

Baili Qingfeng read the name again.

The war of the true **** is the war of will.

Originally, the power of the true **** was used to deal with the life of the non-true god, and there was no need to use mysterious will, but the various methods mastered by Baili Qingfeng clearly made the **** of war feel a huge threat. In order to eliminate this threat as soon as possible, the **** of war Use his own will to oppress Baili Qingfeng's core of will.

Because the core of Baili Qingfeng's will was too weak, and was oppressed by the **** of war, he immediately sensed the abnormality between the two, thus realizing the biggest difference between the will of the **** and the legendary will.

"and so……"

The continuous ejection of Baili Qingfeng stopped: "The only way to complete the transformation of the legendary will that was suppressed to the extreme is to eliminate war and exchange for peace ..."

Routine he already understood.

First find the will of God, which is diametrically opposite to your own legendary will, and realize the difference between the will of the legend and the will of the god, and then use the will of the **** to continuously oppress your own legendary will, so that the legendary will of the "peace" attribute "lives", He refused to fight and shouted against the will of the "war" attribute, and when he successfully wiped out the will of the "war" attribute, the legendary will of the "peace" attribute would be completed, and transformed in advance ...

The reason he understood.

Is just ...

Understand the will of a **** to be a true god! ?

"No wonder there are so few true gods in this world."

Baili Qingfeng was emotional.

Thought, he began to consciously guide his legendary will to confront the will of the **** of war.

Is just ...

The gap between the two is too great.

He can still touch the will of the **** of war by the quantitative advantage of 128 spiritual attributes, but the legendary will ...

Was crushed in minutes.

If it is not because of the continuous support of spiritual power as a logistical support, his core of will may be destroyed at this time.

Fortunately, under the constant collision and continuous crushing of the will of the gods with the will of God, it seems that finally there is such a feeling of shame and courage, and it has become slightly stronger.

Although the process was slow, Baili Qingfeng saw hope.

The next battle was obviously simple.

Relying on the will of God, the God of War occupies an absolute advantage, and launches a series of stormy offensives.

However, the disintegration technique of Baili Qingfeng Golden Sky Demon with Frost God Armor was not too embarrassing, especially when he found that the artifact of the God of War was a great threat to himself, the electromagnetic swordsmanship broke out, shooting four The sword, after smashing the opponent's not-to-be-strong artifact sword, significantly reduced the danger.

Half an hour, one hour, one and a half hours, two hours ...

During the fierce engagement, Baili Qingfeng couldn't remember how many times his will was defeated by the **** of war.

The only thing worthy of his persistence is that in the process of defeating and condensing again and again, his willpower has been more than doubled!

"No matter what you are, confronting a true God with endless power is the biggest mistake in your life!"

The God of War roared, the Jinge iron horse formed by the will of the God crushed down, and once again defeated the will of Baili Qingfeng. Had to retreat hundreds of meters.

"Endless ..."

Baili Qingfeng felt himself.

The core of will is formed by the unity of the power of the spirit, the power of the soul, and the energy in the body.

The power of spirit is continuously supported by 128 spirits, and the nuclear fusion energy provided by the circular magnetic field in the body makes him not to worry about energy ...

and so……

He should be able to fight for another day.


Two hours later.

Baili Qingfeng feels that his will has become more firm in this process of continuous crushing and reshaping, and after his enlightenment from the collision of "war" time and time again, his desire for peace has become more and more clear .

This growth efficiency ...

Is several times faster than the amount of time he has stepped into high-level legends so far.

"Sure enough, you want to transform the core of will ~ ~ The best way is to fight and fight against the true gods who refute the" peace "will, and use their **** will to constantly sharpen themselves, so that they can be broken again and again. Then stand ... "

Baili Qingfeng felt emotion.

This approach is actually the same as his tempering spirit, he should have thought of this.


The fist of the God of War broke out again from Baili Qingfeng.

"Monster! Go die!"

The **** of war roared, divine and mighty.

The destructive force rolled up the Frost God Armor and penetrated his body with unrelenting force, making his viscera and viscera violently oscillate, and his figure was blasted by hundreds of meters.

The feeling is almost equivalent to ordinary people jumping from a high floor ...

Although he jumped on the sand pile, the impact of that force was still almost uncomfortable.

But ...

In the collision just now, it seems that the will of the **** of war did not crush his will?

"God of War ... How did your will of God weaken ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at this true god, and he didn't finish his words. He suddenly drove back the flying **** of war, and then ...

Without a word, he turned and ran.

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