The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 1024: Bloodless


Bai Liqing Feng, who is under the stormy attack of the **** of war, feels clear ahead ...

When came back to God, the God of War had fled more than ten kilometers away.


He fought against the eternal real god, and he died against the detached real god, which one was not the last moment, and the last drop of blood was drained, but now?

Tall and true god, actually escaped! ?

This behavior is a shame for the true God!

Especially he is the **** of war. If he flees on the battlefield, he is a deserter, which is to kill his head.

"In just a few hours, my willpower has tripled. How can this fierce battle end there?"

Baili Qingfeng strode meteor and chased towards the **** of war at full speed.

However, the six-meter-tall body of the God of War apparently had an advantage when he ran, coupled with his seemingly performing some special secret technique, the golden light shining all over his body showed a fast speed, which was not inferior to him.

The two chased and fled, and all exceeded the speed of sound, scrolling through the vast dust.

Especially the **** of war, as a true god, he belongs to a high-energy living body, and now he uses occult techniques to excite his own divine power. The whole person seems to be transformed into a huge furnace, and the continuous radiant energy is excited from him, in and around the air There was a violent roar during the friction, and the shape was equivalent to the violent wind. Many trees and flowers were uprooted by the hurricane stirred by his flying shape, even if he intercepted the rocks and trees in front of him, he was also Collapse and crush easily.

"I can't catch up with him in the conventional way of chasing!"

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng had realized the seriousness of the problem.

But he can use electromagnetic swordsmanship to block it, but once the electromagnetic swordsmanship is performed, his actions are bound to be affected, and the distance between the two will be quickly opened by then.

Once the distance between the two parties is too large, even if he shoots a factor of more than ten times, the **** of war can still intercept it.

"Can't catch up with electromagnetic ejection ... then ..."

Baili Qingfeng is inspired by spirits. Under the operation of the Star Realm, he seems to be integrated with the force field of the Double Moon Realm.

A powerful and terrifying oppression force rolled onto his body.

In an instant, he was like a bungee, who was suddenly pulled in the process of rebounding and killed the **** of war with incredible speed.

People with sword!

This is a brand new usage of electromagnetic swordsmanship, a sword that combines one sword with one!

Although in the moment when the sword is united, his body is almost overwhelmed to almost collapse, but the distance between the two is quickly shortened.

Several ups and downs, Baili Qingfeng has already chased behind the **** of war ...


It was at this moment that a burst of powerful breath rose from the end of the sky and rolled at a very fast speed.

Among these breaths, there are strengths and weaknesses.

Even if the powerful person is comparable to the demigods of Holy Stardust and Holy Star Yao, two of these forces are closer to the incarnation of the **** who died in the same year, and the energy fluctuation of the weaker person is also not bad Reluctantly counted as a legendary series.

Although the legendary class is less threatening to him, it can't stand a large number. Baili Qingfeng felt a little bit and found that the legendary class breath has hundreds of words.

"Demigod !? Holy Spirit !?"

Baili Qingfeng looked up.

Only then did he realize that he had already chased the area less than one hundred kilometers from the Temple of God of War.

And the hundreds of holy spirits and the twelve major deities ...

Ten out of ten and nine, is the accumulation of the Kingdom of God on the earth, the **** of war, over the years.

"If you can't beat it, you will be called a man. There is no difference between the true **** and those who are masters of martial arts ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the surging Holy Spirit and Demigod Army in the distance, but there was no fear on his face.

This is a war between him and the **** of war.

War itself does not mean individual to individual, but a force against any force.

To completely eliminate the war and usher in peace, we must completely destroy and mutilate the other party's forces, so that they do not have the foundation to fight again and usher in peace.


The distance between the two is getting closer.

Seemed to be aware that his men had finally arrived, and the **** of war, who was running his mysterious arts, finally stopped again.

His gaze turned to Baili Qingfeng: "No matter what you are, I would like to see how long your strength can last!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body was full of light, and the bright light rushed to the sky, instantly covering the more than one hundred forty holy spirits and twelve demigods that swept across.

Under the rendering of this layer of divine light, every breath of the Holy Spirit is madly skyrocketing, although it is not directly promoted to the high-level legend, but without exception, there is a breath of magical power on his body.

The existence of these divine art makes them harm even if they are used to confront the true god, let alone a high-level legend of Baili Qingfeng.


After the God of War blessed all the Holy Spirits and Demigods with the group gain status, his right hand flew abruptly.

These holy spirits formed a battle line, led by the demigod, and even the **** of war, and went straight to the Baili Qingfeng to kill.


The current burst.

Baili Qingfeng's electromagnetic swordsman fired three swords in succession, not only shot one demi-god and three holy spirits, but the unstoppable power was also the deity that shot the **** of war, and half of him. Exploded into a blood mist and flew out involuntarily.

Shoots three swords in a row, and the remaining demigods have already carried the Holy Spirits to the front of Baili Qingfeng.

Even if he witnessed the powerful body of the God of God who defeated the war of Bailiqingfeng with his own eyes, these holy spirits and demigods did not flinch.

"For my Lord!"

"Glory is my life!"

"Burning Courage!"

All the holy spirits and demigods are fanatical, inspiring their own power to the extreme, and transformed into a sun chariot under the traction of divine art, carrying the faith of going forward, it seems that it is necessary to block all the creatures in front of them Crushed into powder.

Baili Qingfeng fired three swords in succession, defeating three "sun chariots" formed by the combination of battle formations and magic arts, but the remaining battle formations still carried the roar of trampling the void, and his body was ruthless Crash together!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, Baili Qingfeng felt as if he was hit by a truck with a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and his body was hit by a terrible shock force for a distance of hundreds of meters.

Although the Holy Spirit who was the first to collide with him was also directly transformed into powder under the anti-seismic force, the body of the Holy Spirit shattered, but ...

With the support of the God of War, a large amount of the power of the Holy Spirit was pulled out of the kingdom of God on the ground dozens of kilometers away, and injected into the holy spirits that shattered their bodies, so that their bodies were completed in less than a few seconds. Remodel.

"There are too many ... it must be cleared ... but the **** of war is nearby, and if he is also cleared, the essence of the true **** will be gone ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the God of War. For a time, the power of the ring-shaped magnetic field turned to the extreme. A steady stream of energy was injected into the body, making the golden flames all over him.


With a circle of electric arcs exploding, his figure rushed out of the encircling circle of many holy spirits and demigods under electromagnetic ejection, and went straight to the **** of war.

The **** of war must be forced back!


The **** of war screamed with excitement.

If it is replaced by an ordinary legend, I am afraid that with such a slammed will, it will be able to deter it from standing on the spot and dare not move.

On the occasion of anger, the **** of war has his hands wide open, and his body looks like a big bow that was pulled apart. When Bailiqing Feng killed 100 meters in front of him, his fist was like an arrow, and he shot out. Space is directly exploded by this devastating force ...

"not good!"

Baili Qingfeng's face changed, and he originally planned to use swordsmanship to push him back to the front of the sword for the first time, turning into an attack!

But even so, when the punching force of the **** of war volley exploded on the horizontal sword, the destructive power still broke the semi-artifact-level magical soldier, and the remaining power was on his body with a thunderous power. The frost **** armor explodes!


A wave of air visible to the naked eye swept all directions!

Even with the might of the Frost God Armor, under this violent fist strength, a fist print collapsed, and the passing force penetrated his body, constantly destroying his internal organs, and let him take a mouthful. Blood spewed out.

And his figure was like a shell hit by a blow under this fist, hitting the ground heavily, smashing countless rocks, and plowed out a tens of meters long ditch.

"This power ..."

Baili Qingfeng watched the trend of many demigods and holy spirits that formed the battle line following him as he was bombarded, and there was a tendency for people to pile him up alive.

Especially the **** of war, a terrible magic is brewing!

Even the true **** has to spend some time to prepare the magic, can imagine how powerful the might will be.

"True God ... such horror!"

Baili Qingfeng sighed, his face full of heartache.

"Mouth vomiting blood ~ ~ The sword is broken across the sky, even the frost god's armor is destroyed ... the blood is nowhere ..."

With deep loneliness, Baili Qingfeng is inspired.

The river system manifests, and the star force field from the two-moon world draws ...

Countless elements of "deuterium" and "tritium" are separated by electrons under the pressure of terrible gravity, and heavy nuclear nuclei are synthesized. A large number of neutrons begin to be released.

Is preparing a divine art to expect the instinct of the **** of war who was killed by Baili Qingfeng's death to realize a creep, but before he could have time to accelerate the release of the divine art, the bright light instantly bloomed ...

This gleam of light cannot be described in words.

Even though the **** of war is the true god, when he looked directly at this light, he was blind for an instant.

Didn't wait for him to have time to figure out what these lights were, and the will of God was already madly warning!

"Retreat! Rewind!"

The **** of war roared loudly, and his will was shaken wildly.


If he withdrew when the thrilling feeling emerged, he might be able to avoid the light that devoured the world, but now ...

The horrible heat and flames swept by the light swelled instantaneously, flooding the whole world, swallowing the **** of war, the twelve deities and hundreds of holy spirits.

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