The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 137: transaction

"Sure enough, it's better to see it for a long time. My name is Bai Yisheng ..."

This time, the white swordsman finally reported his name.

"Which wins in white?"


White swordsman Bai Yisheng smiled and nodded.

"Hello, my name is Baili Qingfeng."

"Oh? Lifting a three-foot blue sword, you can let the enemy run the hundred-mile blue sword first?"

"... Exactly."

"Disrespectful disrespect."

Bai Yisheng smiled and greeted Baili Qingfeng, but smiled very subtly, never forgetting to maintain his own indifferent and indifferent manner.

"Will you be here for a special trip to see me? I'm so honored."

"I have come here to see what is special about someone who can innovate and improve the demons disintegration technique. At the same time, I also want to see if the improved demons disintegration technique is really as strange as you said, and then I decide to learn or not. However, the most important thing is that my current practice is that it is time to travel the world to seek a higher level. When walking on the mountains and rivers of East Shenzhou, I suddenly felt, and involuntarily went to the city of Xia, the Kingdom of Hea. "

"Traveling the world in search of a higher realm ... The man in white is really unpredictable."

Baili Qingfeng sighed sincerely: "I'm afraid I have to practice for two or three years to reach the level of the white-skinned big brother, but it happens that I graduated from college at that time, and I have time. Otherwise, I am now studying, It's really inconvenient to leave. "

"It's nothing. Although many people can't reach the kendo realm of unity between man and nature in one's life, the realm is only a part of the strength of a practitioner. It shouldn't be all, like me. Although I have read countless ways since my childhood, Bo Gutong. The many secret techniques of swordsmanship are all fine, but after all, they are young, and the accumulation of internal interest cannot be compared with the older generations. "

Baili Qingfeng nodded in deep conviction: "Yeah, we are too young. The time to enter the martial arts road is short. I have been practicing martial arts for less than a year, and I am still a martial arts enthusiast. Martial arts training is just Part of my life is as important as listening to songs and reading books, so far so far ... the strength of a front-to-back confrontation will not kill a caveman warrior, and he can only attack on the side. "

Bai Yisheng twitched his mouth, but still smiled quickly: "It is good to kill a cave man warrior on the side. I don't have much actual combat experience at your age. Under the supervision of my father, I have to practice ten advanced swordsmanships or boxing techniques and at least three top martial arts in a year. Although I support each year, and I can still complete the training tasks that my father has given me, I still yearn very much to fight. The enemy, fighting against human races. "

Baili Qingfeng looked enviously at Bai Yisheng and said, "I really envy you that you have such a good family. I'm different. I'm just an ordinary person. All the exercises can only be created by myself. This is the same as the explosive mystery. Fortunately, I have good luck, and all the techniques have been successfully created, and the effect is very good. Like the explosive mystic demon disintegration, even the big brother in white is shocked. Now. "


The smile on Bai Yisheng's face gradually became stiff.

he thinks……

I can't talk anymore.

"In addition to the dismantling of the demon, have you created other exercises?"

"Yes! I created a brand-new demon town prison body through our ancestral thunder **** concept, blood rebirth, and the refining chapter of the demon town prison body. I don't know what level it belongs to, but I believe it will never be worse than the original. "

"Oh, can you show me? I have read countless top methods since I was a kid. There are 29 types of methods in my mind that are one level of the Devil Town Prison Body. There are three methods behind the Devil Town Prison Body. One hundred and two kinds, and one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five different ones, each of which I know well, I can discern what level of your demon town prison body at a glance. "

Bai Yisheng said, chuckling: "I don't take advantage of you either. Look at your self-made demon town prison body. You say that your devil town prison body incorporates the idea of ​​throne domination, that attribute must be Thunder attribute, I just happened to have mastered a top-notch mystery called the Staff of Thunder. How can I exchange this mystery with you? "

"Okay, go, let's go in, I'll write it down."

Baili Qingfeng took a lead in front of Baiyi Shengxu, took him into the yard, and went directly to the study.

"Let's use your pen, I'll write the mystery of the Staff of Thunder."

Bai Yisheng said, also writing the essence of mystery.

Not long after, the two have written each other's methods.

"This is the demon town **** body I created, but this devil town **** body is very difficult to practice, even if it took me a long time to get started with my talent."

Baili Qingfeng handed over three pages of the demon town prison body to Bai Yisheng.

Bai Yisheng smiled slightly, took the paper, and handed the Thunder Wand written to him: "Anyway, what difficult method in Bai Yisheng's life have I never practiced? So far, there is no one method It can stump me. If you, the devil town, can really shut me out, I will be ecstatic. "

"That's good. If you feel a little uncomfortable in practice, it is best to stop in time. I think it's easy to get into trouble when I practice."

"Hehe, it ’s natural for the ordinary practitioner to smell the fire, but it ’s not a big deal for me. I practice the top secret phoenix nirvana. When I encounter the crisis of life and death, I will instinctively fall into the self that stops all functions The state of protection is Nirvana, so don't worry about it. "

Bai Yisheng smiled and said confidently. After speaking, he swept around: "There are a lot of books in your study, like a scholar."

"Of course, I was originally a student."

"Oh? Do you understand these books?"

Bai Yisheng picked up a volume ...

A thick book, flipped, inside ...

What do you write?

"Oh, that one is bioelectrochemistry. The page you just turned over is a microbial electrolytic cell. It describes an improved generation device for microbial fuel cells. Auxiliary microbial reactor, which removes oxygen at the cathode of the microbial fuel cell and adds a power source to the external circuit, thereby overcoming thermodynamic obstacles and realizing the process of protons and electrons generating hydrogen at the cathode. "

Baili Qingfeng explained with a smile, saying at the same time: "You should know that I practice the method of lightning attributes. I am naturally curious about the source of this power. I want to combine the attributes of the human body with bioelectricity and practice to form a more powerful Energy form. "

Bai Yisheng listened for a moment and almost couldn't hold the book steady, but he still controlled himself immediately, and put the book down casually: "Oh, that's great."

While talking, he picked up a book and turned it up again: "What about this one?"

"Optical, electromagnetic and visual issues, one of the Circus Physics books, your page describes a phenomenon of magnetic field detection. A battery that outputs a stable current through an electromagnet will cause the electromagnet to form a magnetic field and hold a The small coil makes the direction of the magnetic field perpendicular to the coil plane. Any change in the magnetic field passing through the small coil will cause a current to appear in the small coil and feed it back to the receiver. I originally intended to combine this technology with acoustic resonance to make a body radar. Not very good."

Bai Yisheng felt a strong discomfort.


Just now the two discussed philosophy with each other. He was unwilling to retreat from such a bleak perplexity. He glanced around and quickly saw a book that looked like a comic book.

"This is a good book, Thunder is the master. Do you still watch comics when you are so old? A charged mammoth? With ... with electricity ..."

Bai Yisheng had an unknown hunch.

Sure enough, I immediately heard Baili Qingfeng continue to laugh and said, "This book is also called the secret of the operation of all things. It is indeed a teenager's book. I recently got an inspiration from one of them, that is, the ionizer. In this chapter, charged atoms are called ions. Ion generators can provide a strong negative charge to one or more electric needles, so that the tip of the needle will form a very strong electric field, which will cause the atoms in the air to ionize. Ions are formed. UU reading I just thought of a weapon that requires heavy water to produce a neutralizing agent. We can use ionization to produce heavy water to solve this problem. "

Speaking of this, he said easily: "Maybe even the purification of the raw materials of that weapon can be carried out by ionization. It is said that the tenfold spirit of refining God can really interfere with matter, and I will try it well at that time."

"That ... that wish you success soon."

Bai Yisheng looked at the thousands of books in the study, and was afraid to move lightly.

Waiting in this room, he felt that his strong man ’s aura was severely suppressed. Now he said: “I Bai Yisheng is a homeless man. He walks the world, he is the home of the world, and he observes the heaven and earth to find breakthrough opportunities ...”

"It is not necessary to sway around the heaven and earth. We can study physics together. Physics contains the meaning of all things. We can even analyze the entire world through it ..."

"No, no, your understanding of power is too narrow. The strength of a warrior depends not only on physique, internal interest, spirit, and martial arts, but also includes spiritual, spiritual touch, and spiritual perception. With the same amount of training, the morale of one side is high and the morale of one side is low. Even if there is no difference in the quality of the soldiers, the morale side can easily defeat the low morale side. This is the power of the mind. I am now washing Your own soul. "

Bai Yisheng cautiously, seeing that this theory finally regained some advantages, he immediately said: "Okay, I'm leaving, thunder dominates, I'm very happy to chat with you, Qingshan will not change the green water, and we will have a period later . "

As soon as he had finished speaking, he didn't give Baili Qingfeng any chance to stay, and his body lengthened. He jumped directly from the window and disappeared into the lush forest of Qingyuan Mountain.

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