The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 138: brilliant

"A security net must be installed."

Baili Qingfeng looked at these martial arts masters, and then thought that he could not even enter Wanshoutang, and fully felt the importance of the anti-theft network.

"Call in a few moments and install a stainless steel anti-theft net. Alas, it must be solid."

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, went downstairs, prepared the medicine he had just bought, and started to brew it manually.

When he was cooking, he was also thinking about the short contact with Bai Yisheng.

"The big brother is worthy of being a big brother. Even if I feel that the telepathy of the sixth peak of refining the gods is unfathomable, it is estimated that it is at least a level 7 or higher for the warrior? This kind of character belongs to our Shia. A mighty man who can open up a martial arts shrine. "

Baili Qingfeng was feeling.

At the same time, he could not help but feel ashamed that he had doubted the strength of the big brothers not long ago.

Watch the sky from a well!

Watch from the sky!

The big guys just like to joke and like to study philosophy. He really ignored the big guys in the group and regarded himself as one thing, but it was very wrong.

It's gone, it's been a bit late recently.

While taking medicine, Baili Qingfeng quickly went upstairs, turned on the computer, and entered the core welfare group.


The big brothers were so busy that they didn't have any one online.

For a time, Baili Qingfeng sent three pictures of "new cute shivering" in succession, then closed the group chat and continued to boil medicine.

"By the way, the man in white clothing mentioned earlier that the strength of a warrior is judged from five aspects: physical fitness, internal interest, spirit, martial arts, and soul ...

Speaking of the power of the soul, Baili Qingfeng was thoughtful.

Is he able to overcome weakness over and over again? Is it because he knows that he is never evil, he is always good, and always stands on the side of justice. Invincible, even a very strong force can play 12 points with the increase of the heart of justice?

"It's amazing, I've learned something again, and firmly believe that the evil heart of righteousness is also a powerful force! Hey, I want to study this power in depth, and develop a new secret method for this spiritual power, name I've thought about it, so I call it the soul of justice! "

There is a saying that learning is moral, intellectual, and artistic. In martial arts ...


Body, Qi, God, Skill, Heart!

So, should he be a good five martial artist?


Inner interest is the pain he cannot avoid!

In addition, he did not have much time to learn advanced martial arts, so far he can only retreat to be the second best martial artist.


As soon as the agreed time arrived, Chi Shuang arrived at the courtyard where Baili Qingfeng lived.

Due to the important relationship between this medicine, he deliberately drove two cars, and the other car was seated with four cultivators for protection along the way, which fully proved the importance attached to this medicine by the sons of Murby and others.

Chi Shuang, who received the treasure, received the neutralizer, and at the same time carefully put the potion into an alloy box prepared earlier.

"I hope that you can gather three hundred copies of medicinal materials within ten days. If you don't make up all the money, you have to make up the corresponding money. The price will be based on the preferential price you gave me later, 300,000 copies."

Baili Qingfeng faced Chi Shuang with a somber expression: "I hope you can speak and believe."

"You can rest assured, Qingfeng Xiaoyou. In fact, if you ask Father Barry, he should know that all of us are currently trying to gather funds to buy the medicines you need. Within ten days, three hundred medicines will be inevitable. Will send it to you. "

Chi Shuang said, and then looked at the box in his hand: "Of course, provided that your potion is indeed effective."

"The efficacy of my potion is beyond doubt."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Considering that he had sacrificed two million, but was able to dig out three hundred potions of medicine from these people, I was embarrassed by the kindness of the heart, and he was a little embarrassed to impose excessive punishment on them.

Therefore, he re-added: "Neutralizing medicine is really useful, but it only allows ordinary people to withstand the strength of that medicine. In fact, the side effects of the medicine are still there, so you'd better extend the next medication cycle, So that our own repair function will slowly wear away the side effects of the medicament. "

"Extend the next medication cycle? When will it be extended?"

"I heard the big guys from the world say ... Ordinary people ... Ten times, right? I don't know the warrior, you can try it for yourself."

Baili Qingfeng said.

After all, he was merciful.

Although these people not only calculated him, called him a fool, stole his prescriptions, but also stole more than 2 million from him at home, what he did was extremely bad.


After having pitted the other three hundred medicines, they were seriously wounded by taking the medicine one by one ...

He can't do such a cruel thing.

after all……

He was still young and a student staying in an ivory tower.

Even if he is said to be so stupid, he recognizes it, he still needs to understand and forgive him a bit.

"I see, thanks for reminding me."

Chi Shuang answered, couldn't wait to get out of the yard, got in the car, and rushed to a yard in the suburb of Xia City as soon as possible.

Moon Island! ?

All of Murby's sons can't wait, and several core figures have gathered in a suburban courtyard less than ten kilometers from the university district.

As soon as the vehicle arrived at the yard, Murby, Shalok, and the heavy, eagle, and **** eagle who remained here greeted them at the same time.

"how about it?"

Merby asked in a deep voice.

He tried to keep himself as calm as possible, but the ups and downs in his tone still exposed his emotional turbulence.

"got it."

Frost quickly gave the box to Murby.

Seeing the potion in the box, Merbi didn't hesitate to say, "Go."

At present, they entered the courtyard, and in the courtyard there was already a man in his thirties who looked full of determination and waited there.

"Wang Xiu!"

"My son!"

"Now, the medicament is already in my hands. You should know the consequences of the previous two users. The internal organs have been eroded and melted by the overbearing power. Now we do n’t know if this neutralization medicament is useful, even though that Qing Feng is not likely to lie to us, but if you take the medicine, there are still certain risks. Are you sure to take it voluntarily? "

Murby asked with a look of surprise.

"I do!"

The man known as Wang Xiu looks resolute.

"Okay! Here comes the medicine!"

Suddenly, someone handed the prepared mine-fining liquid to Wang Xiu.

"Wang Xiu, don't worry, if the Baili Qingfeng dare to lie to me and kill your life, even if he is the grandson of Baili Changkong, I will definitely cut off his head and let him be buried for you!"

Morby swears rhetorically.

"My son ..."

Wang Xiu's face was full of touching.

A feeling of death for the confidant pervaded his chest.

Looking at the potion of the mine refining liquid, he took it without hesitation, swallowed it, and then swallowed the potion at the same time.

And Murby, Sherlock, Bloody Eagle, Chong Wufeng, and others were staring at Wang Xiu brightly, watching his next reaction.

The importance of this potion to them is unspeakable. If it is really effective, let alone Wang Xiu and others. Almost all spiritual warriors are expected to be able to question the realm of the Great Master. The elders are likely to die in the spring. By then, their veins will support thousands of martial arts and dozens of martial arts ...

Heia, who dares to belittle them! ?

Even sitting on an equal footing with the three sacred places and splitting the city of Xaya into a state within a country completely ruled by them, it is not a luxury.


Wang Xiu quickly reacted.

Right now, he cultivates quickly.

One exercise is three full hours.

During these three hours, none of the big names such as Murby, Sherlock, Blood Eagle, and Wu Wufeng left, just watching him frantically practicing, the light in his eyes became more and more dazzling.

You know, it ’s common to take medicine for half an hour, and the practitioner will not be able to resist the overwhelming medicinal power to melt away the internal organs and die, but now ...

Three hours!

Three full hours!

"My son, it's very strong! This medicine is really strong! I feel it, this medicine has improved my practice a lot, just need to take ten more medicines, I will definitely reach the peak of the third level and stand In front of the gate of the Grand Master Realm, and I have not fully refined the medicine, and my strength will grow after I fully digest the medicine! "

Wang Xiu was full of excitement.

"You have just entered the third level, and you can stand in front of the gate of the Grand Master's realm after taking ten potions? This is equivalent to saving ordinary people 30 years of hard work! Good! Good!"

Hearing Wang Xiu's words, Sha Luo Ke, the great master, couldn't help but be shocked.

"Very good! Wang Xiu, you practice for a period of time, we observe and observe, if you feel something is wrong, don't stand up, tell us the first time, understand?"

Murby was also a little excited.

In his heart, he never dared to speak to anyone about grandeur and domination, and at this moment finally showed the dawn of hope in front of him.

"We have ten days to confirm that if Wang Xiu is still safe after ten days, then it will be all right, and we will arrange for a second group of people to take the medicine after getting a neutralizer."

"I'll join the second batch."

Sherlock's eyes were shining brightly, and some couldn't wait to say: "You must figure out ~ ~ how the guru took these medicines. The injury caused by the boy's last dose of medicine has not fully recovered. It is not appropriate. I am the only candidate.

Morbeth paused for a moment and nodded: "Yes, I have to figure it out, if this potion is really useful to the guru ..."


That is truly incredible!

At this time, Chi Shuang said in a weak voice: "My son, that Baili Qingfeng said that the neutralizer is not a panacea, but it suppresses the negative effects of the medicament. The average person needs to extend the medication cycle ten times. Before taking the second potion. "

"Extend your medication cycle ten-fold?"

Merby frowned: "How long does it take?"

"I heard him mention it when I was chatting with him, and he took the medicine once for two to three days."

"Two to three days? It's safer to extend ten times, but it's just a month. At this point, it's acceptable. Ten medicines and ten months can improve a person from the first level to the third level. Then, an ordinary person will be promoted. Even if the third-level martial arts soldiers are indifferent, it is in line with the training time of Baili Qingfeng. "

Murby nodded.

"In fact, this is normal. If there is no limit to this amazing potion, I would not dare to take it."

The **** eagle aside added a smile.

The others nodded in conviction.

"Then, let's gather funds as soon as possible, wait until the neutralizer is in hand, and take the medicine in full!"

At the same time, Murby settled things. At the same time, his eyes seemed to be burning with hot ambitions: "You, we have to keep secrets of today's affairs. This medicine is used well, unprecedented glory and future will wait for us. Enter our own time! "


(There will be a chapter later, nearly 13,000 words. Please subscribe for monthly tickets.)

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