The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 149: Assault

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

There are soldiers standing guard at the side of the iron gate of the Aurora Empire. It was already noticed when Baili Qingfeng rushed out of the darkness. When he saw Baili Qingfeng holding the sword to cut the door, he even hesitated. Alarm bell.

The harsh alarm sounded the sleeping soldiers across the consulate.


In the firelight, a hundred-li Qingfeng in a battle armor directly smashed the iron gate and rushed towards the main building of the consulate at the fastest speed.

These soldiers of the Aurora Empire are worthy of being capable of dispatching to other countries to perform their missions. In a very short time, the searchlights have shone on Baili Qingfeng's body, locking the figure of Baili Qingfeng's wild running, At the same time, the sound of rifles and machine guns sounded, emitting a dazzling fire snake.

"Bang, bang!"

The fire flew.

Suddenly, Baili Qingfeng didn't know how many bullets were hit at the same time, and a lot of flare was scattered on the armor.

In the bullet shooting and killing, Chen Jin, a special metal, perfectly demonstrated the characteristics that he was sought after by many influential warfare warriors.

Not only can it prevent bullets from killing, but it also largely offsets the kinetic energy contained in the bullets. The impact force of the bullets is designed to unload the missiles through a special angle, so that the Barry Green Front wearing the armor can feel it. The impact of the bullet, but ...

Much smaller than expected.

The power of firearms ...

Really offset by the advantages of such a Chenjin Warframe!

Looking at the dense front of fire, Baili Qingfeng's belief in fighting, which had gradually boiled up, was completely detonated. A fearless and powerful invincible belief with me was constantly and rapidly burning under the stimulation of spiritual power!

"Hot blood, hot red sun!"


In the flare of fire, Baili Qingfeng carried a terrible speed of thirty to forty meters per second and instantly killed in front of the main building of the consulate. Here, led by a third-level warrior, he led a dozen soldiers at the same time. When it came out, the rifle in his hand would completely lock him coming.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

"Da Da Da Da!"

"Bang, bang!"

Flare spatter.

Bringing the Baili Qingfeng wrapped in the violent wind directly into the front of these dozens of people, in a flash of blood!

In the blood light shot, two Aurora Empire soldiers were hanged by Jian Guang, and the three in front of him ...



The terrorist force at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour knocked down the three soldiers who intercepted him in front of him. The sound of fragmentation of bones and blood spewing was covered in the roar of machine guns.

"Bold is like iron, bone is like steel!"

Baili Qingfeng maintained the momentum of the onslaught, forcibly tearing the line of defense composed of these dozens of people, then the foot broke out, the floor burst, the debris was flying, and it suddenly flew up, like a cannonball. , Slammed into the door of the building.


Sawdust flew across the door, the glass scattered, and it was smashed by Baili Qingfeng on the spot.

The Baili Qingfeng who crashed into the hall followed the spiritual induction of the six peaks of Lian Shen, and ran again towards the room and floor where the strongest breath in his induction was!

door! ?

No need!

Chen Jin's battle armor stood beside him, what door to go! ?

Anyway, if Xuanhuang is damaged during the inspection phase, he will pay!


With a violent air pressure, Bai Liqing Feng's sturdy body slammed against the wall. The horror body given by the devil's disintegration technique made him easily break through this wall, the bricks were flying, the dust was rustling ...

"Bright minded, long-sighted!"

The loud singing echoed in the room.

one side!

Both sides!

Three sides!

Bai Liqing suddenly broke through four walls and appeared directly under the strongest breath in his induction!


Just upstairs!

Baili Qingfeng's feet were bent and his body was squatting. At the same time, Chen Jinjian delivered his left hand, and then ...


The squatting body, the bent feet suddenly straightened.

The floor is cracked!

With the dust flying, Baili Qingfeng flew vertically, blasted at the ceiling above the head, and blasted the thick cement slab on the floor on the spot. A large amount of stone debris and dust were slammed and sprayed in all directions. .

"Go to death!"

As Baili Qingfeng punched through the ceiling with a punch, a knife-light overhead mixed with crickets of murderous bomber blasted down, and he completely wanted to rush to the second floor of Baili Qingfeng's head. Hengjian ahead ...


The fire flew.

The air wave burst.

The Baili Qingfeng rushed to the second floor was chopped down by the majestic strength contained in this sword, and after slightly adjusting the center of gravity, he fell heavily to the ground, completely crushing the already cracked floor and crushing his feet.

"Chenjin Battlegear !?"

Appearing upstairs is a war-level powerhouse, but not the culprit of Baili Qingfeng's attempted assassination this time also belongs to the military master Lafei who is the master of training!

It's Consul General Manold!

Mannold couldn't even change his clothes at this moment, and he was still in his pajamas, only to have his sword held in his wake.

At this moment looking at Bai Li Qingfeng's armored appearance, his pupils could not help but shrink in cold light.

"Vow to strive hard, be a good man!"


Manoed could hear the sound of his voice a little ...

What the **** is this?

However, when his eyes were slightly off, Baili Qingfeng, who had been cut off on the first floor with his feet bent, had once again straightened his body and flew up ...

Jump again!

"Be a good guy ... reinforce yourself every day ... a hot-blooded man, better than red sunlight!"


Baili Qingfeng fell heavily on the second floor. The whole floor seemed to be shaken fiercely. On him, the blood was boiling and the spirit was raging!

"Lafie, today is your death!"

Manold looked at Chen Jin's armor, holding Chen Jin's sword, and ...

Baili Qingfeng, who was still singing, turned around without any hesitation!

Fight head-to-head with a war-level powerhouse in armor? He doesn't have the courage even if he is a master!

Barry Qingfeng's eyes narrowed when he saw Mannold turning and running.

When he came here, he carefully looked at Lafie's photos. The ID photos, life photos, and art photos were not ignored. By contrast, the person in front of him was obviously not the Lafite he wanted to kill.

At this time, he faintly felt that another building seemed to have another strong breath.

This breath previously seemed to be because of the deep sleep, Baili Qingfeng did not feel induction, and at this time ...

It is clearly exposed!

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng turned around, and was too lazy to chase Manor, who was running away. He accelerated directly, hit the wall with a thunderous potential, and crashed and cracked the wall on the spot. The other wall stormed out of the main building.


Broken wall!

Masonry Fly!

"Raffi! Note, his goal is Raffi!"

At the moment when Baili Qingfeng broke through the wall, there was a sudden shout from behind Manold to cut through the night sky.

With the guidance of Manold, the elite soldier of the Aurora Empire crashed out of the wall at the moment of the Baili Qingfeng, locked his body in less than two seconds, and the four machine gun bases on the roof emerged blue at the same time. The color flame is like a violent storm that envelopes the Bailiqing front that just broke the wall and fell to the ground. The bullets and fire are intertwined. The ground, turf, flowers, and even air around him are all twisted and shredded .

There were still more soldiers coming. In addition, another infantry fighting vehicle turned the direction, and the Gatling mounted on the vehicle adjusted the orientation, pointing directly at the Baili Qingfeng.

The kinetic energy contained in the bullet continued to impact the body of Baili Qingfeng. The collision between the bullet and Chen Jin's armor sputtered a lot of fire. Even though the Chen Jin's armor could stop the bullet from firing for a while, the impact was constantly Shocking the body of Baili Qingfeng, almost completely defeated him, and shot him on the spot!

This is the power of machinery!

This is the power of modern military!

Demons Disintegration III!

"Let Haitian gather energy for me! Open up the world and break through for my ideals!"

The Baili Qingfeng, who was completely suppressed by the fire, suddenly stood up. The fissioning energy caused by the demon dismantling technique III made his body light up a constant eternal sun, giving birth to endless energy that filled every corner of his limbs.


The violent energy bombarded the ground beneath him, making him seem to step on a cannonball, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye was emitted. In the dust, his entire life was overturned by the bullets covering his body. He had to crash into the building where Lafite was.


The extraordinary perception given by the devil's disintegration technique III allowed Baili Qingfeng to lock Lafei's real body instantly. The body that crashed into the building didn't stop at all. On one step, the energy broke out again, and the floor cracked. Nachen The body wrapped in gold armor hit a wall fiercely, crashing the wall open.


A large amount of masonry and stone debris fell like a rainstorm. In the smoke and dust, his body swept fiercely, and his momentum was like a rainbow, killing him in front of Lafite.

"You ... you ... who ..."

"Look! Bibo is strong and looks at the vastness of the sky!"

Laffiy looked at Baili Qingfeng in amazement, just too late to ask questions ~ ~ This high-pitched singing once again proclaimed the blood and excitement at this moment.



The low voice of Baili Qingfeng came from Chen Jin's armor: "Aren't you trying to get revenge for your son? Now, the killer is in your eyes! The person who killed your son is me!"

"It's you!?"

Raffi's eyes suddenly opened wide, staring at Baili Qingfeng.


He didn't look like a real father. He rushed forward and killed the killer, who was wrapped in Chen Jin's armor, and avenged his son, but ...


Get out!

"Retreat !? In the face of the murderer you've always wanted to get rid of, you actually retreat !?"

Baili Qingfeng seemed to froze slightly.

Kolafi took a sigh of relief, and the speed broke out!


How fast can you run!

It is true that he is a master of refining practice, but the horror and the suffocating pressure of blood exuded from the man in front of him are more terrible than any master of refining practice, plus the other is wearing a Chen Gold armor, fight against each other in this environment! ?

That's death!

"I spared no effort to stay up all night through the gun forest bullet rain to you in front of you, you can run without killing me !? Can you run?"

The low voice was like a murmur in a nightmare.


The next moment, the whole building seemed to be shaking violently!

The place where Baili Qingfeng stood just now seemed to be bombarded by artillery shells, sweeping the air.

Carrying this burst of energy, his figure carried a suffocating death coercion, crossed the void, and rushed down to the retreating Lafite.


(Men should be self-strengthening. The Cantonese and Mandarin versions are good. Therefore, the two lyrics are mixed into one and are unwilling to choose. Please bear with us.)

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