The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 150: Successful assassination

"Today, either you killed me or I killed you!"

Baili Qingfeng's voice echoed in the room, almost overshadowing the sound released by the Walkman.

"As a man, be strong!"

The violent momentum was mixed with death overwhelming behind him, the horrible speed, the horrifying explosive power ...

Almost made Lafite think that the chasing after his own guru was not a stream of refining the body, but a stream of internal interest!

A full-blown burst of Inner Flow Master.

"Damn ..."

Perceived that the air behind him was compressed sharply, forming a substantial general radon and chopped down, Laffiy tried his best to make a sudden roll, his face was full of horror and trembling.

I knew that the enemy who beheaded his son was such a war-level power who was so horrible that his combat power was enough to break out of his guru, giving him ten courage, he did not dare to dig deep!

Even, how far he will run, how far to hide his wine in the light of Hill, lest this horrible murderer think of his existence one day, adhering to the idea of ​​cutting the grass and killing him together!


Great mistakes were made, and regrets were too late.

At this time, he just wanted to rush out of the room at the fastest speed, go to the flat ground outside the house, and use the cover of the gun Lin Yuyu to shoot back and kill the terrorist strongman to save his life!


The Baili Qingfeng slashed on the ground where Lafite just stood. The sharpness of Chen Jin's Excalibur was engulfed by the high-energy air pressure that swept the ground, and the sputtered stones swept with a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye. In all directions, he slaps Laffi's body tumbling madly, and blows his nose and face swollen and bloody.

However, he didn't care about this kind of flesh injury at all, and his right hand suddenly held up on the ground. The next moment, his body shaped like a curved long bow ejected, and fired towards the door at the fastest speed.


The window smashed open and glass sputtered.

Lafite rushed out of the house, rushed outside, and shouted at the soldiers who heard the sound around him: "Quick! Shoot! Shoot!"

Many elite soldiers of the Aurora Empire responded very quickly. The first time they turned the rifle gun head, the machine gun base at the commanding height adjusted the angle madly, and aligned in the direction of the Baili Qingfeng, even those on the infantry chariot. The gunner also moved the machine gun at full speed ...


After all, they were slower.

With the scraps of wood and glass left by the smashed window, it was twice broken and flew up into the void. The metal-clad Baili Qingfeng seemed to be a future warrior who traveled through time and space and rushed out of the building. That kind of vast and violent momentum seems to form a fiery flame visible to the naked eye, and like the bright sun shining in the same round of radiance, it is rolling, sweeping to burn all the spiritual consciousness who witnessed this scene into ashes.


The unprecedented death stimulated Lafite's spirit, making him roar out of his mouth and cast a forbidden spell!


Crazy escape!

The farther you can escape from this enemy, the better!

The embargo erupted, and Laffie's extreme desperate rushing was actually one point faster, it seemed to escape the blaze of fierce sun-like wounds on Baili Qingfeng.

Seeing this scene, Baili Qingfeng made an instant decision!

Hold the sword and throw!

"call out!"

Jianguang burst.

This handle Chen Jin excalibur burst out.

It was like a shell fired by an electromagnetic cannon, tearing the night sky and tearing the air at an incredible terror speed, with a shrill shriek and a sound explosion, and immediately shot into the desperate Lafite, and penetrated his heart in the next second. The remaining force shot an infantry fighting vehicle 60 meters away, tearing the infantry fighting vehicle's armor on the spot, and the entire sword edge was invaded.


A large amount of blood mist was shot from Lafite on the run.

The impact of the strength on Chen Jinjian made the injury on his body not as simple as being shot through the body by a sword. The shock of the strength caused him to be torn out of a blood hole. From the back, he could even see the infantry battle on the opposite side. car!

"Uh ... no ..."

Following the inertia of escape, Laffi looked down at the hole in her chest, and seemed to be aware of her end, with infinite fear and perseverance in her eyes ...


Why can't he stay well at Ambassador Hill's Light and come to Xia?

But before he had time to say a complete last word, the rushing Baili Qingfeng had already carried the terrible fierce blow to his head with a thunderous punch ...


Someone across the consulate seemed to have opened a watermelon.

Go down with a hammer ...

Bright red and ripe.

Baili Qingfeng was worried that some people's hearts were on the right side, and the situation was critical. The entire Aurora Empire consulate was all shocked and the lights were bright. He couldn't wait for Eddie and his son to wait for half of them to see them dead. No, so ...

For this ferocious nature, a little doubt directly captured the uncle Baili Tianxing to take the terrible enemy tortured, tossed a punch, confirmed the death, and was most secure.


At the moment when Baili Qingfeng was boxing, Lafite seemed to be stagnant.

One second ...

Maybe two seconds.

The next moment, the top man in charge of the consulate, Manold, suddenly woke up and shouted, "Shoot! Shoot! Sunder Armor! High-explosive shell!"

"Da Da Da Da!"

The sound of gunfire is back!

Aiming at Baili Qingfeng's machine gun position and infantry fighting vehicle, he once again shot a series of fiery snakes that tore the void, and spewed a lot of fire on his Chenjin battle armor.

After beheading the target character, Baili Qingfeng ran away again without hesitation, evading the bullet that threatened himself, striding the meteor, smashing the air, and brutally smashed to the hole of his Chen Jinjian On the armoured infantry fighting vehicle, holding the exposed Chen Jin sword hilt with both hands, his body broke out and held his sword ...



The fire flew.

The entire infantry fighting vehicle was almost torn in half by the action of holding a sword on the sword.

In the light of fire, Baili Qingfeng held the sword with one hand, and while the demons disintegration technique III could hold it for a while, it banged out like a cannonball, rushing out of the consulate at the fastest speed, the explosion speed per second ...

Over fifty meters!

He came to sneak into the assassination.

After the fight, you naturally have to run. Eight hundred elite soldiers are scary to think about. How ordinary people can win! ?

Fifty meters is equivalent to a speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

This speed, coupled with night cover, can only be described with incredible speed.

The machine gun positions installed on the roof of the four or five-story building can still kill him for a period of time and shoot out Mars on him, but the infantry chariots and gunmen are completely sent. Not useful.

Especially as Baili Qingfeng ran out of the illuminated range of the command light at the command point, even the machine gun position followed the fire.

It was dark and the target was lost.


At this moment, on the side of a road up to two kilometers from the Consulate General of the Aurora Empire, Orly was staring at the machine gun coming from the consulate.

It took a while before he turned his head and said to a Xuanhuang cultivator beside him: "Wang Liu, that's the direction of the Consulate General of the Aurora Empire. Mr. Baili said that the consulate he was going to attack ... just some soldiers guarded it ? He said something? "

"Yes, Assistant Ou, he said something."

"Then you tell me now that there are so many gunfire, the soldiers there ... only some ..."

Wang Liu was a little embarrassed.

this problem……

Not easy to answer.

After a while, he just said: "This ... Assistant Europe, some, it means more than one, several, several, not specific ... A few are some, dozens are some, hundreds can also be some ... so ... so strictly speaking ... the Mr. Baili didn't seem to say anything wrong ... it could only be some of it, which is a little different from some of our understanding ... "

"I don't need you to give me the meaning of this word."

Ollie was a little speechless.

At this time another third-level martial artist with spiritual cultivation suddenly said: "I just called the logistics department and asked the logistics department to investigate. The Aurora Consulate currently has a reinforcement camp with a number of 600 to 800!"

"So ... he wore the Chenjin Battlegear we just built to assault a reinforcement camp and assassinate a refined master under the protection of a reinforcement camp?"

"Unsurprisingly ... that's it."

Taoist martial arts.

"That's how he tested Chen Jin's armor?"

Ollie covered her chest ...

He feels that Xuanhuang will lose a lot in this sale, and it will lose a lot.


Just when Orly had a bad hunch, a rush of running sound rushed from the direction of the Aurora Empire Consulate, and then, seeing the Barry Green Front wearing Chen Jin's armor kept appearing in the night at a very fast speed. Zhong ~ ~ No need to say hello, he came to the transport car, jumped to the back of the car, and quickly shouted: "Drive, driver, drive!"

Wang Liu quickly pulled the carriage door.

The driver was also very old-fashioned. Once Baili Qingfeng got on the car, he quickly stepped on the accelerator and ran on the road.

Don't go quickly.

Baili Qingfeng just raided a reinforcement camp and smashed into the opponent's camp to kill one of the other masters.

Wait until the people in that camp react to chase with tanks and chariots ...

It only takes one shot to blast their car into the sky.

"This time you know that you have run away? You know that you have to run quickly and you are still coming to our side? Not afraid to bring the enemy, we will be involved in Xuanhuang !?"

Ollie's painful appearance on the thief ship.

"Don't you say who knows that the Warframe is your Xuanhuanghui? I glanced when I ran, they should not have chased it, or they haven't responded yet. After all, I was attacking them and not confronting them."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Sneak attack ..."

Ollie looked at the piece of Baili Qingfeng who was still brand new when he got out of them not long ago, but now, the surface has been crooked, potty, and the appearanceless Chen Jin armor, the expression on his face gradually becomes incompetent. love.

Chenjin Armor is sturdy!

But when you wear it to attack a reinforcement camp, you can't carry it!

Human warriors against modern army?

Only those top class masters who are fully trained, armed with naval guns, machine guns, and carrying hundreds of kilograms of bullets, can fight against a battalion.

Baili Qingfeng is not equipped with all the equipment, but it is still a reinforcement camp ...

Come on.

Warframe is going to be rebuilt, blood loss.

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