The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 151: Storm

"It looks like we are safe, but fortunately I run fast."

Baili Qingfeng stayed in the car for more than ten minutes and did not hear the chase behind him. He was relieved and relieved.

Of course, it was inevitable that the whole city of Charia was alarmed.

The Security Division and the local garrison swarmed into the city and went to the consulate area to investigate the cause of the fire there.

But this has nothing to do with Baili Qingfeng.

He sneaked into the Consulate General of the Aurora Empire. The whole process was very long, but in fact, his BGM only put it through for the first time. Two minutes later, it was a flash of light, and he ran.

Fully interpret the essence of an assassin's life in a single shot.

Therefore, after the security department and the garrison responded, they have entered the university district.


At this time, Baili Qingfeng seemed to think of something, and his tone changed slightly. Suddenly, the people in the whole compartment became nervous.

"what happened?"

Ollie hurriedly asked.

"You listen!"

"What do you listen to?"

Ollie's eyes narrowed and blood poured into her head.

Wang Liu and other nourishing gods are also concentrated, listening to the movements outside, it seems to want to understand whether the people of the Aurora Empire consulate came after them.

"No sound."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud.

He all felt that he had some hindsight.

At the moment, in the eyes of Olly, Wang Liu, and others, he turned his hands and took out the Walkman, which turned into a pile of parts after being severely impacted or shot.

"Sure enough, broken."

Baili Qingfeng regretted.


Olly, Wang Liu ...

"The armor needs to be repaired a little bit? Let me make a suggestion and make a pocket. Look, I just bought a walkman ..."

"Take it off!"

Baili Qingfeng hasn't finished his words yet, Ouli said with red eyes.


"Undress ... no, take off the armor!"


Baili Qingfeng.

Soon, with the help of Wang Liu and another third-level warrior, the potty armor of Baili Qingfeng was faded.

Looking at this Warframe that had to be rebuilt obviously, Oli instinctively wanted to vomit, but as Baili Qingfeng took off the inner armor, exposing the blood-like tragic appearance, his desire to vomit again Retracted.


But a murderer who dared to smash into the consulate of the Aurora Empire protected by eighty elites with one person assassinates a refined master.

Just look at him ...

Obviously succeeded.

Such a murderer ...

Can't afford to mess with!

Just drink at a loss and make a good destiny!

"Will you go and sit in my house?"

Baili Qingfeng changed into his clothes and invited politely.

"No more, leave."

Ollie put the heavily deformed Chenjin Battlegear into the box and quickly got on the car.

In less than a minute, the convoy started and sailed into the night sky with a hint of white fish.

Baili Qingfeng watched the team go away and returned to his yard.

Looking at the intact window security net in the yard, he nodded with satisfaction, then changed his clothes, took a shower, dried his hair, and washed his clothes in one go.

When he waited, he had done all these things, and it was six o'clock in the morning.

"One night passed ... Fortunately, despite paying such a huge price and even breaking my Walkman, I finally killed Rafi's confidant, so that I could read, write homework, Listening to songs and practicing martial arts, I have lived the peaceful life I long for. "

The thought of Baili Qingfeng suddenly felt ...

No matter the price, it is worth it.

"Although not very tired, after going to practice the demon town, the mental state will decline. When that happens, I will make up for it. Staying up late will seriously disrupt the biological clock, cause immune dysfunction, and lead to high blood pressure. There are terrible consequences of neurasthenia, insomnia, and even cancer. "

Baili Qingfeng is a person who likes reading.

Although compared to the vast sea of ​​books in the human world, the books he read are only the tip of the iceberg, but he also understands that cancer cells are produced during the process of cell division, and cell division is mostly carried out during sleep. Staying up late affects cells The normal division causes cell mutation and the formation of cancer cells.

Wait a minute ...

cancer cell! ?

Cancer cells have the characteristics of infinite proliferation, easy transformation, and easy metastasis. If some cancer cells are cultivated in the body, and the characteristics of infinite proliferation are used as the energy source of the three-cell fission of the dismantling technique, wouldn't it ...

Will not cause much damage to itself! ?

Innocuous Demon Disintegration Technique III ...

Think of it as exciting.

Just ...

Cancer cells feel terrible, so you have to try them carefully.


Baili Qingfeng went to the cave to practice the demon town prison body and felt a little dizzy. He felt a little uncomfortable and went straight to bed. However, many forces inside and outside Charya are destined to spend a day that cannot be calm.

The power of the city of Siaia can be divided into five parts.

The army, local authorities, parliamentary forces, indigenous warrior forces, and a new military force led by a team of four from the Chilin Sword.

Among these forces, the local warrior forces are the most complicated.

There are family warrior forces, Zongmen warrior forces, and warrior forces in the same vein as Murby and others.

For example, Baili Changkong, because of its downfall with Murby and others, should now be included in the category of family martial forces.

The attack on the Aurora Empire consulate was so quiet that it was too big to hide it.

Coupled with this, Manold wanted to put pressure on the local authorities of Xia, as well as the State Council of Xiahai and the Cabinet of Shia, so as to better win the Aurora Empire in Shia. Spread out.

For a time, the military attache of Lafite died in Laos, an infantry chariot was destroyed, and the news of the killing of 34 elite soldiers spread quickly throughout the city of Siaya. All the forces of Siaya learned that The city set off waves.


King Sun Morun.

He had just come out of the House of Representative York at this moment.

Although he is just a mascot-like character, he doesn't have much right in his hands, but Wang Sun's identity is here, and no one dares to belittle it.

In addition, Belle is only the niece of Senator York, and not a daughter. Sooner Senator York has already faced Mollen, and has broken all relations with Jane. Even her parents drove her under Dr. York's persecution. Out of the house, waiting for her will be the fate of the streets.

Out of the mansion, Mohlen got into the car and planned to go to the Chara's local orphanages again and get some money for these orphanages. Then a phone call came in.

Listening to the voice inside, it seemed that because he had made no more fights, and for the first time, Morun had no nervousness or fear, and answered calmly: "Father."

"How did Yabo die !?"

There was a majestic voice coming from Moses' phone, and he didn't notice the change in Molen's tone.

After asking this question, he didn't reply to Molen, followed immediately: "It was the power of Murby who stayed in Charia ... the **** in Baili's house."


Moran responded.

"Okay, I know. You don't need to worry about this, let it go."

"lay down?"

Moren froze slightly.

It's not like his father's style.

His father, Mosi, has always been overbearing. If he violates the tenfold repayment idea, now ...

Abo Mingming is one of his most trusted confidantes. He died in the hands of the Baili family. His father did not intend to retaliate immediately! ?

"Yeah, hey, the old thing in the Barry's family is hidden enough, it seems that General Merby's warframe has fallen on him in all likelihood, and he himself ... is not just not growing with age. The decline, there seems to be a rise, with the power of one person impacting the Consulate General of the Aurora Empire, under the protection of hundreds of elite soldiers, killing the refined master of Lafei, the master of literacy, and so on ... I am afraid that such strength is not weaker than the general Now. "

A warlord!

And it is a general with Chen Jin's armor!

Even Mosey wouldn't provoke easily!

At least you will not act lightly until you have enough confidence to prevent your own hands from sacrificing.

Morun heard what his father said, and he felt something was wrong, it seemed ...

What did he misunderstand?

But Moren was too lazy to explain.

What Mosey said was what it was.


There are not a few people with ideas like Mosi ~ ~ After all, the clues of the whole thing are very clear.

In addition, the death of Yabo also proved that the hundred-mile-long sky elders are strong and strong, and the sword is still old, and they still have the ability to fight the war-level strong.

During the day, Rafi grabbed his son Baili Tianxing and forced a confession in the earth warehouse. He interrupted one hand and said that he had suffered internal injuries. That night, with the violent temper of the old man, Wearing Chen Jin's battle armor left by General Murby directly killed the Aurora Empire consulate to avenge his son. At the same time, he was a little deterred and made a sound of their hundred-mile family, which is entirely reasonable.


Father Baili Changkong, who came back from the town square with his old friends dancing swords, just had breakfast and was planning to water the flowers and plants in his yard again. The blood eagle came to visit with enthusiastic gifts.

"Brother Baili, so energetic, it really is ten years like a day, the prestige is not diminished that year!"

Moreover, the visit of the Blood Eagle is just the beginning.

Less than two minutes after his arrival, Otto, the person in charge of the Charity local authority, also smiled. People did n’t enter the yard, and the voice had spread far away: "Master Baili, Xiaodu has come to see you, specially Bring the red dragon tea you like to drink, Father. "

Immediately after ...

The division's car also stopped outside the yard of the Baili Changkong House.

Mr. Switch himself personally visited the door: "Father Barry, we are so hard to conceal. No, no matter what, Master Barry, you have to join our military department and hold a post in our military department. From now on, The old man is the Dinghai Shenzhen of our ninth division. "


Baili Changkong, who was carrying flowers in the watering pot, looked blankly at the successive three parties ...

What day is today?

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