The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 162: Insight

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Baili Qingfeng apologized to Shi Yiyi.

"It's all right, what are you studying?"

"World Peace."

Baili Qingfeng responded cautiously.


Shi Yiyi was speechless. For a moment, she had to give an awkward but polite smile: "Hehe."

So Baili Qingfeng understood ...

This younger sister and he have different opinions.

"Let's read a book."

Baili Qingfeng said, taking her to the library.


Read attentively.

At the beginning, Shi Yiyi thought that Baili Qingfeng was only using the head to read the book to pull the relationship between the two, but found that ...

Is he really reading a book?

The earnest and enthusiastic appearance made Shi Yiyi not bother to disturb him, and just wanted to turn around and leave.

Can think of Shi Tianya's entrustment, she always strives to be a good girl in front of the elders ... forbearance.

One forbearance is one hour.


At this time, a voice came.

But I saw a teenager who looked a little green and ran over.

Ge Feibai, the eldest son of Ge Feilong.

There are five siblings of Baili Qingfeng. Among the five, Ge Shuren, Ge Feilong, and Ge Xiu are older than him. The youngest Ge Xiu is over 30 years old. The remaining Ge Yan daughter, Ge Xian Yin, is older than him Two years older, but living in the capital Hill Light, the son of Ge Wen spends most of his time in school and rarely communicates.

Instead, it is the son of Ge Feilong. Ge Feibai, who just entered his freshman year, has a good relationship with him.

"Little sister, is this my aunt in the future? It's so beautiful, so kind."

Ge Feibai looked at Shi Yiyi, exclaimed.

The teacher smiled and said nothing.

Baili Qingfeng explained, "We are friends."

At the end I looked at Ge Feibai: "No class today? I remember you have already started school this week."

"Little sister, you forgot, today is Sunday."


Baili Qingfeng was a little embarrassed.


As a student, he forgot about Sunday! ?

It's all because the cave man forced him to explode the school without class.


Shire University suffered heavy losses and suspended classes for two months. Has the Blue Ocean School of Music started?

"Xiaoyu, I heard that you have practiced martial arts for almost a year. How about I follow you?"

Ge Feibai said a little.

"Follow me?"

Baili Qingfeng wanted to refuse, he didn't have much time to teach.

However, considering his friendship with Ge Feibai, he still said: "I am also at a semi-level now, not a real master, or you practice with my second grandfather? My second grandfather is very good."


"My second grandfather is a master with deepest concealment, and even now I haven't seen where his limits are."

Baili Qingfeng said earnestly. At the end, he weighed his knowledge of Xia Ya's masters and added again: "Unless Xia Ya still has some top masters hidden in secret, otherwise, the real strength of my second grandpa is definitely Xia Ya Zhi Zui, the whole of Xia, no one is my second grandfather's opponent. "

"Xia Ya is the best !? Your second grandfather is the first master of Xia?"

Ge Fei lighted up immediately.


Baili Qingfeng looked at the time, it was almost time to eat, and said, "I'll take you there."

At the moment he turned to Shi Yiyi, "How is your book reading? Or we should go back first."


Shi Yiyi, who has always been used to being starred by the stars, feels that this is definitely the worst time for her to be ignored.

Last time I saw this little master, I was not so suspicious as now.

The three returned at the moment and found Baili Changkong and Shi Tianya in a teahouse next to the Warriors Association.

But to the surprise of Baili Qingfeng, Ge Shuren was also there.

He was accompanied by his daughter Geshasha.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng and Ge Feibai coming in, Ge Shuren looked a little surprised.

"Oh, Qing Feng is here."

Baili Changkong said aloud: "You are all young people. Qing Feng has got my true story, and it will be better for him to teach you to learn. I have n’t accepted apprentices for several years. I also sent back, so old, I just want to sit at home and support my life. "

Baili Qingfeng heard it, and quickly understood something.

Ge Shuren and Ge Sasha want to worship second grandpa as a teacher?

"Qing Feng, flying white."

Ge Shuren smiled and greeted Baili Qingfeng with no sign of unnaturalness after being rejected.

"Churen cousin."

Baili Qingfeng replied and turned to Baili Sky: "The second grandfather will not teach the apprentice?"

"I'm busy trying to settle the trouble for your boy. How can there be so much time? How much can you cause trouble yourself? You don't have points in your heart? I don't accept apprentices, it's for their benefit."

Baili Changkong glanced at Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng quickly thought of something.

The second grandfather now has a lot of work, so he really shouldn't accept his disciples.


"You take it."

Baili Changkong said: "Your current strength is fully qualified to be a disciple. Teaching a disciple is also a type of practice. You can learn new things and learn new things. While teaching your disciples, you can also sort out what you practice. Maybe Can better touch the opportunity of ternary unity. "

Shi Tianya's eyebrows jumped aside.

This Baili Qingfeng ...

Are you starting to prepare for ternary integration?

"But I want to read, listen to songs, and practice martial arts. If I teach my disciples ..."

"You are so busy, why do you still have time to travel hundreds of kilometers away ... to provoke right and wrong? Just for you to find something to do, so that I can save a snack."

Barry Changkong Road.

"Then I'll follow you up and practice."

Ge Fei said on the side, he was obviously afraid of the severe Baili sky.

When Ge Shuren saw Baili Changkong's resolute attitude, it seemed that he really did not want to accept his disciples, and had to laugh: "Qing Feng, Sasa, if you don't understand anything, I'll bother you."

Baili Qingfeng did not speak, and Ge Feibai had rejoiced, "It's great, I can practice martial arts with my sister."


So settled.

"Qing Fengyan, do we need to prepare first?"

Said Geshasha.

She was taught by her mother Heidi since she was a child.

Baili Qingfeng thought about it for a while, and taught them the ancient Thunder God 108 exercises.

There is a pre-requirement of the demon town prison body, which is the sixfold refining of God. Geshasha and Ge Feibai obviously do not have it. Although the efficiency of the refining technique he created is worse, it is his own 36. Three times the formula.

"Let's go through the two books on electricity and circuit basics."



Ge Shasha and Ge Feibai were sent away by Baili Qingfeng's two books.

It was that the eyes of Ge Shuren looking at Baili Qingfeng were faint and unreliable when he left, and he did not know whether he would finally let Ge Shasha follow him to learn martial arts.

After having a meal and chatting, Baili Changkong and Shi Tianya each left their younger generation.

Watching Baili Changkong and Baili Qingfeng board a car waiting on the side of the road, Shi Tianya has not spoken for a long time.

"Is that a special car arranged by Master Wuli for Mr. Barry? There are liaison officers."

Teacher Yiyidao.

"A warrior is an important figure everywhere. Even if Father Baili is not serving anywhere now, no one dares to belittle a half point, not to mention ... he is very close to the military."

The End of the World Road.

"Battle general ..."

Shi Yiyi looked at Shi Tianya, with some doubts: "Is Father Baili really a warrior? He is seventy-five, how can he maintain his own physical fitness?"

"There are not only a variety of health-preserving techniques in this world, but also some treasures beyond our imagination. No one knows how he did this."

Shi Tianya said at this moment, with a hint of faint glow in his eyes.

"Can't you see the sense of breath?"

"When the warrior is not in action, there are only two stages with obvious characteristics. One is the singularity of the master, and the other is the true body of the true land immortal. The other ..."

Shi Tianya shook his head: "The power of refining the gods may have some judgment, but we ... can't see it."

After speaking, he looked at Shi Yiyi, with some expectation in his eyes: "How do you feel today with the guy from Baili Qingfeng?"

"how about it?"

Shi Yiyi will try to maintain a well-behaved and generous image in front of Shi Tianya, and he organized the language a little before euphemistically said, "He is a ... very boring person."


"Yes, he took me directly to the library and read the book for an hour."

"Have been reading for an hour?"



Shi Tianya commented briefly: "A very dedicated person ~ ~ Shi Yiyi is a little at a loss.

Obviously boring, why did you become focused when you came to Grandpa?

"Only such dedicated people can have such amazing achievements."


Shi Yiyi was a little dazed.

"You should be puzzled by my sudden letting you and Baili Qingfeng get along, and reject it."

The End of the World Road.

Shi Yiyi was silent for a moment, and said, "I know, my grandfather made me do this with deep meaning."

"So what if you two get married and have children together?"

Shi Yiyi was stunned, but for a moment, he thought about it for a while, and then said, "I don't know much about him. From the contact of less than two hours, he would be a dull person, a A boring person, but in other words, he is a focused person, a person who doesn't spend time all day drinking and drinking. "

"Spending time and money, squandering time? If he really squanders time, he won't have such achievements today."

Shi Tianya looked at Shi Yiyi, with a hint of light in his eyes: "You think, I let you get along with Baili Qingfeng, and talk to Master Baili Changkong very happy, because this brilliant record in the consulate of the Aurora Empire Newcomer? "

"Is not it?"

Shi Tianya turned around, looking at the disappeared Baili Qingfeng and Baili Sky, faintly saying, "Not long ago, during the battle of Shire, everyone thought that he had killed a caveman, Dozens of cavemen warriors' masters of refining gods, as reported by the military ministry, were exhausted and died. Only me has been tracing ... the results of the final investigation can never be imagined. "

Shi Yiyi suddenly felt a breath suffocation: "Grandpa, shouldn't you say ..."

Shi Tianya nodded severely: "The master God of Refining is Baili Qingfeng!"

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