The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 163: accumulation

Sanshun Town, the two got out of the car.

The man driving the car helped Baili Changkong to open the door for the first time: "Chairman, I'm Sun Chuanyi, and I will be your personal assistant in the future. You can tell me to do anything."

While talking, he handed over a cell phone: "This is your own cell phone."

"Save the number."

Baili Changkong said to Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng heard that he saved his mobile phone number.

"Well, you go back, I'll call you if something happens."


Sun Chuanyi responded and drove away.

Baili Changkong took Baili Qingfeng to the study and asked, "How do you get along with Yiyi?"


Baili Qingfeng knew that Baili Changkong had a good relationship with Shi Tianya. When Baili Changkong and Merbi fell out, Shi Tianya was also on the side of Baili Changkong. At this time, naturally, she would not speak badly "It's a very quiet girl."

"You look good."

Bai Lichang smiled slightly.

Baili Qingfeng nodded his head, this kind of quietly and quietly, will not disturb the girl who reads him, he really likes it.

"If you like it, you will have time to talk about it later. Brother Shi responded to the policy and moved their martial arts hall to Xia Ya. They should all stay in Xia Ya in the future."

Baili Changkong said, adding: "Yiyi is a little girl who I grew up looking at, very sensible, with everyone's demeanor, combined with her martial arts talent, which is enough to be worthy of the holy child of the Holy Land. It ’s a little worse, otherwise I ’m afraid I ’m going to be able to get rid of the Grand Master ’s situation. If you marry through the door, you can have a common language with you and manage your family business for you. ”

"But her life seems different from what I want."

"What's different?"

"I just want to live a peaceful and stable life."

Baili Qingfeng said.

Baili looked at him for a long time, for ten seconds, until he saw Baili Qingfeng a little awkward, he snorted: "I don't believe it!"


Baili Qingfeng was speechless.

His second grandfather ... is wrong!

"Well, what do you think of today's meeting?"


Baili Qingfeng converged and thought for a while, and said, "The second grandfather speaks very well."

Baili Changkong's face turned black: "I'm not asking this. I was threatened by Qi Jinghong of Qilin Sword School. Is there pressure?"

"Oh, Grandpa, I want to tell you this too, or I'll wear your armor to assassinate Tong Jinghong tonight, to prevent him from bringing us danger, and then say to you that you killed it, how about it?"

Baili Changkong opened his mouth, and suddenly he wanted to say something.

Is this your stress?

It took a lot of energy to make a long journey to return those three words, and his face was ruthless: "Don't even think about it."

"Why? He is already threatening us. We naturally have to act. We must know that one of us is a school student and one is an lonely old man. However, he is a master guardian from a holy place. He must be overbearing and kill. Ru Ma, we are already on the weak side. At this time, we must start to be strong, **** the opportunity, and take advantage of it when he goes to the toilet or baths.

"Where is your kid so much? Why? No, no! I am surprised that Qilin Sword is standing behind him. What do you do if you kill him and provoke Qilin Sword?

"Isn't the Qilin Sword School stared to death? Send one or two strong men, and they will be immediately besieged by the strong soldiers of the military. If a big move is made, a large number of missiles of the military will fall on them ... ... "

Baili Changkong looked at Baili Qingfeng a little bit stunned ...

This kid ...

Where did you hear this?

It's hard to fool him.

"Not to mention the Qilin sword school, Qi Jinghong is also a master who has been promoted to the realm of Zhou Tian. You are a third-level warrior who has never been trained in the interest and wants to assassinate others. Why do n’t you fly to heaven and the sun? Side by side? "

"Zhou Tian Realm?"

"Huh! There is a saying of warlords and gods of warfare from the top of the refining body. Naturally, there are also masters of internal flow. They are known as Master Zhou Tian and Master Grand Master Yuan. The guru can only persist for ten or twenty seconds with a full-scale outbreak, while the master Zhou Tian can persist for one minute, and some seniors can persist for two or three minutes. "

"that's it?"

Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised.

Does duration extension make sense?

He was all a wave of greetings.

"You don't need to worry about this second grandpa. I'm an assassin.

"speak politely."

"When I met, I ran without killing ... I have good energy, they can't run me."


This tactic ...

It makes sense to say that he has experienced countless times in his lifetime, but he can't think of how to refute it.


Baili Changkong patted the table and yelled, "A nonsense! Master Zhou Tian is so good to kill !? Really think you are lucky to have killed a few masters and you are out of sight !? I will deal with this matter, you do n’t have to watch Do your homework, write your homework quietly, listen to your songs, and give me a good temper, otherwise you wo n’t know how to die when you meet an opponent who ca n’t compete. ”

"What if I'm shocked to attack me?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

"If Ji Jinghong really dares to attack you, you should fight back, and everyone else will come to your door. Can't you still bear it?"

Speaking of this, Baili Changkong's tone was a slight pause: "Have you really killed Qi Jinghong?"

"When I have completed three of my demon dismantling techniques, I can try it."

"Can't kill you blindly! I really think you have this ability!"

There is no good airway in the sky.

Baili Qingfeng looked at his second grandpa ...

Isn't his request for himself a ternary unity to consolidate the interest within a year or two? Why is the standard so high now?

Afraid of a cerebral infarction?

"Yi Jinghong, if he really hits you and was killed by you, tell me the first time afterwards, and let me cooperate with you. Do you understand? You are the hope of all of us. Once a master is successful, chances are high that he will be able to resist that test and get great chance and great fortune. At that time, maybe he can open up a holy place that belongs to our own Heia, so you must not be reckless, understand? "

In the end, the look of Baili Changkong has become extremely clear, and his eyes are full of sharpness.


Baili Qingfeng honestly said.

"Well, that's the way things are going. I'll stop everything and fight for your growth time. If you don't know anything about the breakthrough, you can just ask me."



It was already eight o'clock in the evening when Baili Qingfeng returned from the second grandfather's house to Xia Ya.

He first went to the cave and practiced the demon town prison body once a day, and then returned to his home and put some books he bought on the road on the desk.

King of all diseases, war of one person, truth of cancer, blood of eternal life.

There are four books in total.

"The hope of perfecting the third demons disintegration technique is in these books."

Baili Qingfeng opened the book.

In the following week, Baili Qingfeng devoted himself to studying these four books to gain a deep understanding of the special substance of cancer cells.

Cancer cells are often called mutinous cells by humans, and they are also called immortal cells.

It is said that this is one of the most powerful talents that human beings carry, a great talent that allows human beings to have immortal life forms.

It's just that this talent is too powerful, so powerful that the fragile human body cannot play its due role at all, so that the talent becomes a burden, thus dragging one after another to death and consuming it.

There is a legend since ancient times that whoever can truly grasp the power of cancer cells will obtain immortal life.

While looking at these books and studying cancer cells, Baili Qingfeng also took the time to try two triples.

Not surprisingly, it failed very smoothly.

Moreover, with the increasing number of failures of Baili Qingfeng, his utilization of these failed energies has also improved a lot. In addition, the medicinal power of the mine refining liquid is far from being comparable to that of Yangyuan Tang and Lei Mingguo Every time, the effect of the tempering went up and down. Several times, he estimated that his physical strength should not be inferior to those of the masters of refining.

"Well, you can find a chance to compete with a master of physical training and strength to see if I really have the same physical strength as master of physical training ..."

Baili Qingfeng flashed this thought in his mind.

But the thought had been wiped out by him in an instant.

But he wants a man in white clothes, fighting against the sword world, with a sword strength of 30,000 miles, to compete with others?

Can not bear to look.

What's more, even if his strength and physique have really reached the same level as the master of refined body?

The opponent has richer combat experience than him and martial arts skills are superior to him. He is not an opponent at all.

He is an assassin with a sword, thinking about head-to-head confrontation.

Time flicked, and then three days.

Baili Qingfeng brushed all four books, and more or less had a foundation in his heart.

Next ...

Inducing cancer cells!


"Are you sure you want to do this?"

City First People's Hospital. UU Reading Books

An infection doctor looked at Baili Qingfeng seriously.

"Yes, I want to give it a try. I read the books and found that the best way is to induce liver cancer through liver virus. It happens that I have a good relationship with the bursting liver. One of the skills I want to improve was to start from the liver. Yes, this seems to be some kind of harbinger ... "

Baili Qingfeng thought carefully.

"Do you need to tell your parents and family?"

"No need, a trivial matter."

"You still have to be with your family when you see a doctor. Could you tell me your family's phone number?"

The doctor said softly.

"I do n’t have to. Hurry up. I know this request looks strange, but do n’t worry, I ’ll be fine. If you are inconvenienced by the doctor, I am willing to sign the relevant disclaimer agreement.

"Then please wait."

The doctor said, and retreated.

This waited for more than ten minutes.

When the doctor arrived again, there were other three or five large medical staff and he came to the ward at the same time.

"Virus-induced cancer requires special circumstances. Please come with us first."

A medical staff member sank.

"it is good!"

Baili Qingfeng nodded and followed him downstairs.

But when he got out of the building and saw a car at the Castle Peak Neurological Disease Prevention and Treatment Center downstairs, his face suddenly turned black.


Baili Qingfeng was unable to speak up.


Had to take advantage of the gap to forcibly leave!

The self-made demon super dismantling super three really is more difficult than Taikoo Thunder God 108 and demon dismantling.

He tasted the first failure.


(Cancer is fatal, please do not imitate it. If it is an ordinary person's protagonist, three months later, the protagonist has no cure and died.)

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