The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 183: Assessment

"Lina, where have you been, Xiaosao's hoof waves? Not yet? Pull me out of your house, Wen Ping, and I'll wait for you at Bei'ermen."

Ge Xianyin was hot on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she smiled at the people who came and went in and out of the gate. "Cousin Qingfeng, look, when do you think you really need to wait in line? When is the military assessment? Applying for a permit, although the promotion of martial arts for the whole people and the corresponding policy encouragement are given above, the review is very strict. The review time of each person is less than half an hour, and the slower one hour is not even, even if dozens of venues are operating at the same time, After a day, hundreds of people were audited. "

Baili Qingfeng looked at the crowds in front of the Martial Arts Association, and had a wide-open vision.

The Hill of Light Warriors Association is larger than the city of Xia, covering an area of ​​more than 200,000 square meters. The gate is magnificent, and there is a square at the entrance, where Shia, Bucks, Moro, Beisen, Ghana, etc. Row of national flags.

However, such a spacious venue has a sense of crowding.

This is still the case outside, let alone inside the martial arts association.

"Warrior of the Light of Hill ... is there so much?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

"The light of Hill is the capital of Shia, the military, political, and economic center, the first city in the country. It is one of the most developed cities in the entire East Shenzhou. It is no exaggeration to say that everyone who lives is an elite, and the proportion of warriors Naturally, it is very high, especially now that martial arts are promoted. It is easy for state departments to have martial arts certificates, and it is easy to be promoted. Private companies have martial arts cards to enjoy tax reductions. Those who have not been certified have come to complete their documents. "

Ge Xianyin said with some regrets: "My dad has no intention of martial arts, even if he was forced to practice for a while before he can nourish his qi and exchange blood. If he can get the third-level martial arts certificate, the certificate plus this year will be the title of a full professor. Can be judged. "

Misunderstanding Ge Zhe is not on the same path as Ge Ge. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Military Equipment Teaching and Research of National Defense University.

At this time, a man and a woman came out of the martial arts association. The men were handsome and the women were beautiful.

"You actually made me wait so long in the Martial Arts Association? Say! What the **** are you two doing? Are you driving, clapping, or watching a calabash?"

Ge Xianyin faced the woman with a stern gesture of extorting a confession.

"Why do you wander around every day like you? You do n’t know that the Warriors Association has gone crazy overtime, but I helped him process a lot of information before pulling him out."

The woman has a bad airway.

After that, her eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi: "For the sake of the two younger brothers and younger sisters, I don't have general knowledge with you. Hello, I'm Milina, this is my boyfriend. Wen Ping. "

Baili Qingfeng and Shi Yiyi reported their names.

"Did you both test or ..."

"I take the test."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Then, follow me."

Wen Ping said with a smile.

His character is like his name, gentle and gentle, calm.

The group joined the martial arts association, and immediately felt the fierce crowd in the martial arts association. Looking at the long queues, even Shi Yiyi was a little surprised: "So many people?"

"Certificates are linked to taxation, so there are more people. You should know that many companies now prefer to use thousands of yuan a month to ask a military certificate holder with a third-level certificate to register in the company for tax reduction. This preferential treatment? "

Wen Ping said with a smile.

Baili Qingfeng nodded. He knew this. Baili asked him to go to their company by name.

"Did you bring things like your ID card and photos?"

"I have my ID card, but a photo ..."

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Yiyi Shi, didn't you say it was unnecessary?

Shi Yiyi was about to speak, but Ge Xianyin on the side asked: "Yes, Qing Feng, haven't asked you yet, aren't you practicing martial arts soon? How many certificates do you need to take? First? Second?"

"Level four."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Level 4 ..."

Ge Xianyin and Milina haven't responded yet, but Wen Ping's figure leading the way stopped abruptly, making Minina instinctively bump into him.

"Why did you stop suddenly?"

Said Milina.

"Four ... Fourth?"

Wen Ping's eyes suddenly fell on Baili Qingfeng, opened his mouth, and some were not sure: "Qing Feng, you mean ... fourth grade?"


Baili Qingfeng said: "The martial arts associations on our side can only take the first, second, and third levels, and those who want to pass the fourth level can only come to the light of Hill."


Wen Ping took a breath of air.


Baili Qingfeng is really talking about Level 4!

Known as the Grand Master, the fourth-level warrior known as the war-level certificate! ?

But you have to take the fourth-grade master certificate, but you say it in this bland tone. Is this really good? It leaves me unprepared!

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Ge Xianyin from the military family and Milina who helped Wen Ping to join a few days also responded: "Qing Feng said that it was the fourth grade, wouldn't it be the fourth grade we imagined?"

"Qing Feng came to the exam with a war certificate, also known as a grandmaster certificate."

Shi Yiyi smiled.

"Really ... really a war-level certificate !? That one can hang the rank of major with no post, and the military rank can be promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in three months!"

Ge Xianyin was stunned: "But Qingfeng, I heard that your martial arts training is not very short?"

"Although I have a short practice time, I am very hard. During that time, I do n’t know how much blood and sweat I have shed. Moreover, I am different from others. Other people like to practice step by step. I am good at using my own wisdom. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I try a different approach and bypass those difficulties. This may be the reason why I will eventually become war-level in the case of peace tomorrow. "

Baili Qingfeng said, after he said, he added: "Of course, as for why I suddenly practiced to become a master, I am also inexplicable."

"Good at using your own wisdom? Another way?"

Ge Xianyin meditated slightly.

Milina, Wen Ping and Shi Yiyi kept this in mind.

Focus, focus!

This is a master's valuable cultivation experience!

"Qing Feng ... Mr. Baili, since you are a distinguished guru, you don't need to queue at all. We will handle your information properly. Please follow me and I will inform our president."

Wen Ping quickly and respectfully said that the title of Baili Qingfeng was not as casual as it was at the beginning.

Not only Wen Ping, Milina was a little more restrained.

During this time, she was running to the martial arts association. From time to time, she also helped Wen Ping record some information, and she knew exactly how important a master was. Her grandpa was a little lower.

"You still call me Qingfeng, I'm just an ordinary person like you, it's no different."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"That ... then I'll keep calling your name."

Wen Ping said with honor.

Under his leadership, the group quickly came to the office of a vice president of the Martial Arts Association.

The president of a national martial arts association is either the king, the president, or the prime minister.

Of course, these people are always just names, they will not be responsible for the specific matters of the association, the real thing is the following vice presidents.

The chairman of the Hill's Light Warrior Association was served by King Hea's Morpheus, but King Morpheus has been missing for five years.

In fact, if it was not for the disappearance of King Morpheus, the three holy sites would not dare to intervene in the royal family and provoked the four princes to fight internally, resulting in avalanche-like deterioration of the situation in Hea. After all, as the founding king, King Hea was not short of jade. Courage and determination.

There were even rumors at the top of Hea that King Hea's disappearance was caused by the three holy sites, and maybe he was assassinated somewhere by the masters of the three holy sites.

As Wen Ping asked people to report the assessment of the fourth-level warrior of the Baili Qingfeng, when they came to the office of Vice Chairman Canaan, Canaan had already waited at the door.

"Hahaha, but Master Baili Changkong's high-flying Baili Qingfeng has arrived, welcome and welcome."

"President Canaan."

Baili Qingfeng greeted the forty-five-year-old man.

"Qing Feng, you're welcome. In fact, I'm still the junior of Grandpa Barry. General Melbourne was a friend of my grandfather, and Grandpa Barry was a disciple of General Melbourne. You are also the grandson of Grandpa Barry. They can intersect with each other. "

Canaan said, and took Baili Qingfeng to the office.

An assistant in the office helped Baili Qingfeng and others tea.

Wen Ping quickly stepped forward to help.

President Canaan ’s assistant is much stronger than his deputy chief of the information department ~ ~ The Baili family has been really famous for this time. The father of Barry is not old and in front of Qilin The elders of the sword school did not say that the five great masters killed, Baili Household has given birth to Qingfeng, you, a unicorn. If the old man can continue to sit in town for a while, when Qingfeng grows up, the Baili family is bound to become We are the top martial arts family in Shia. "

Canaan smiled warmly.

At this moment, it has been a while since Qilin Sword faction Ji Jinghong and others were beheaded. The news did not say that it spread to Xia, but was also known to the high-level military circles.

After all, what kind of character is Jing Jinghong?

Qilin Sword Guardianship!

In addition, there were four masters around him at the time, even if a **** of war shot in person, it may not be better than Master Baili. In this case, Master Baili's weight in the hearts of everyone has caught up God of War.

A younger man of God of War, but also a young man who has become a master at a young age and has a bright future, how can he dare to underestimate Canaan?

"President Canaan has passed the award, and we're going to assess it now?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Yes, of course. In fact, when I saw Qingfeng you, I already felt the roundness of your body. It would be fine to issue a certificate to you, but ... the fourth-level military certificate, also known as the war-level certificate. You ca n’t just look at the realm, so I still have to assess your practical ability, I hope you can understand. "

"I understand."

Baili Qingfeng thought of those masters who were killed when he was a third-level warrior, and nodded deeply: "The combat power is more important than the realm!"

"Since you are in a hurry to get your certificate, let's go to Yanwu Stadium."


(Finally, the goal has been achieved. Thank you for your support. Today ’s Wuchang broke out fifteen thousand and fifteen, and we are correcting typos and sensitive words. The release interval is half an hour!)

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