The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 184: War certificate

There is not much difference between the 1st and 3rd ranks of the warriors, and the difference between the 4th and 6th ranks is not the same.

Two or three war-levels can be entangled with the generals, and three or five can be defeated by holding each other. In this case, the vice president of Canaan clearly has general-level strength and can compete with Baili Qingfeng. In actual combat, he still chose to put on his Chenjin battle armor.


President Canaan beckoned to Baili Qingfeng and smiled: "Do your best to attack, don't keep your hands. Let me see how great the disciples taught by Father Baili are."

"Full strength? Full strength?"

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

"You are a newly promoted guru, and you are three years old at a young age. I am afraid there is no practice in swordplay and boxing?"

Canaan asked with a smile.

"You have a bright eye!"

"Then you must do your best, not every master can successfully get a war-level certificate. Although this ratio is very low, often one or two of the ten masters still fail the assessment, so if you do n’t want to be One of these two people, who missed the war-level certificate, had better use his best efforts. "

Canaan's tone was quite relaxed: "My body is the Chen Jin battle armor created by the army. It is strong and abnormal. You ca n’t do any significant damage to me without Chen Jin's weapons, so you can rest assured. Shot! "

"Warframe ..."

Although Baili Qingfeng felt that Chen Jin's armor was not almighty, but President Canaan said that he was full of confidence. Considering that the other party was the vice-chairman of a large city such as Hill's Light, he was calm and cautious. "Chairman Canaan, the war-grade certificate is very important to me. Grandpa Er and other people in our family have handed this certificate to him for too long, so I must not let Grandpa Ernest disappointed. Certificate, I will do my best. "

"Yes, all I need is my best!"

Canaan said, and patted his chest, making a loud noise: "Come, don't be polite, come this way."

"Be careful!"

Baili Qingfeng said solemnly.

In the next moment, the demons I and II dismantle at the same time!

Although the third demonic disintegration technique has not been used, the power of blood and blood on him who already has the physical body of the refined master is released by the demonic disintegration technique, and it is like a flood that opens the gate. The accumulative accumulation of beheading countless strong men is completely out of the fierce air that the new master should have, and the prosperity of the sound almost distorts the void, so that the air in the entire martial arts field is stagnant.

"This is ... the demons disintegrate !?"

Canaan's heart suddenly shrank, and his eyes widened for the first time: "It's just a test that you actually use the demons disintegration technique! Live ..."

He hadn't finished speaking yet, the figure of the innate **** Mozuz had already appeared with his shock, the endless thunder carrying the mighty power of picking the stars and the moon, radiating wildly, and condensing in his palm for the first time , Compressed into a scepter that exudes the smell of blazing white destruction!

Spirit Mystery, Thunder Staff!

Go all out!

In order to avoid falling into the category of one or two masters!

In order to be able to get a war-level warrior certificate!

In order to be unemployed in the future, there can be thousands of monthly subsidies!

Considering that President Canaan was wearing Chen Jin's armor ...

Baili Qingfeng really did everything with Canaan's words!

Of course, since it is not a life-and-death fight, he naturally cannot truly devote everything.

It is as if the demon dismantling technique III is kept, and the "god" used in the refining mystery technique is also reserved, but even so, the unsuspecting President Canaan was still blown away by the power of the Thunder Wand for the first time. Consciousness is plunged into nothingness.

By the time he suddenly realized that this was a mystery refining and struggling out of it, Baili Qingfeng's figure had already carried a suffocating wind pressure to kill him.

One punch!

Air explosion!

"Lying ..."

He screamed, but Canaan's instinct opened his mouth, but the sound had not yet come out, and the majestic force had burst out in front of his chest, running through his body ...


He seemed to be hit by a truck at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and the entire human shell flew out, hitting the ground heavily after flying out of twelve meters, and the Chen Jin battle armor broke the marble ground as soon as possible. At the same time, it was rubbing out of the way to shoot out the sparks, and it stopped after stopping for three meters.


Didn't this President Canaan let me fight hard?


Is this flying out?

Could it be that President Canaan really knew Grandpa Bailey and deliberately released water?

"President Canaan?"

Baili Qingfeng whispered cautiously beside him.

"Don't ... don't touch me ... let me breathe ..."

The president of Canaan said weakly.

Baili Qingfeng immediately determined.

Really draining water.

Look at this tone.

Like, really like.

A war-level warrior, Yuchen Jinjin, was hit to such an extent that all the internal organs were shocked, and the blood didn't have to vomit, and he could soon come over, and President Canaan ...

That's a war general!

How could I be sad when I was punched by myself?

It took a while for President Canaan to stand up again, holding his body back, and looking at Baili Qingfeng. For a moment, his tone was somewhat aggrieved: "You just used the demons dismantling technique?"


"Why ..."

"I improved the demon dismantling technique."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Improved the demon dismantling technique !? You mean ... you eliminated the sequelae of the demon dismantling technique?"

Canaan's tone suddenly became excited.

"That's not true, the sequelae have become smaller."


When Canaan heard it, he couldn't help but take a sip of air-conditioning: "Actually ... Qing Feng, would you like to ... keke ..."

After finishing his words, he could not help coughing.

It took him a while to recover, and at the same time he realized that this matter should not be talked to Baili Qingfeng, but to find Baili Changkong, after a breath of relief, said again: "Great! Qingfeng, you are really great! You hundred It's a lucky thing for the family to have such people as you, and it's also a lucky thing for us. "

"Then my certificate?"

"I'll do it for you in person!"

Canaan enthusiastically said: "In addition to the demon refining technique, you are also good at refining God? You can use the refining mystery technique to at least refine the fivefold sacred state of God. By your side, it's more than enough to have a war-level certificate. I'm afraid it won't be long before we have to prepare to issue you a war-level certificate. "

"President Canaan has won."

"I'm telling the truth."

Canaan said, ringing the bell, two people soon stepped into the martial arts field, and helped President Canaan take off the Chen Jin battle armor.

When taking off the armor, Canaan glanced at the indented fist print on the armor, secretly fortunately, fortunately, this is only an assessment rather than a life and death fight. If it is a life and death fight, and Baili Qingfeng has There is a Chen Jinli sword, I'm afraid that was just a moment ago ...

He is in danger.

Of course, because it is not a life-and-death fight, his spirit has not been inspired to twelve points. Otherwise, he feels that Baili Qingfeng's mystery of refining mystery must stun him.

"Qing Feng!"


"Cousin Qingfeng, how's it? Have you passed the exam?"

As soon as Baili Qingfeng and President Canaan appeared in the battlefield, Shi Yiyi, Wen Ping, Mi Lina, Ge Xianyin, etc. who were waiting outside gathered together.

"Of course, Qingfeng Xiaoyou deserves to be the legendary father of Father Barry, and has completely learned the essence of Father Barry. Over time, his achievements may be even better than Father Barry."

The answer was not Baili Qingfeng, but the president Canaan.

During the conversation, he immediately said to Wen Ping: "Your name is Wen Ping? You will take Qingfeng to take a picture and get the card right away."

"Yes, President."

Wen Ping gave an excitement, and soon took Baili Qingfeng to the program.

Canaan really wanted to take Baili Qingfeng himself, and by the way, had a good relationship with this promising young man ...


He felt that the most important thing he had to do now was to apply some medicine, otherwise he was afraid of leaving internal injuries!

"The Baili family ... has a real dragon! This Baili Qingfeng has such strength at a young age, and he has the talents of refining the body and refining the gods ... I'm afraid that he has a true immortality!"

Canaan looked at the leaving Baili Qingfeng and others ~ ~ with envy in his eyes.


When the vice chairman of Canaan spoke in person, the next step was naturally a green light. After a while, a certificate with two red seals and a steel seal was handed to Baili Qingfeng.

Looking at this document, Baili Qingfeng was quite surprised.

And Ge Xianyin, Wen Ping, Mi Lina, Shi Yiyi and others also passed around one by one.

Obviously the certificate is only three pages, but several people turned it over.

When looking through the certificate, Ge Xianyin was keenly thinking about why his father had somehow asked her to pick up Baili Qingfeng in the morning and take him to play.

Although she played well with Baili Qingfeng in the past, it is rare to say that she is specially responsible for receiving Baili Qingfeng. Especially now, like his peers Ge Xiu, Ge Shuren, Ge Feilong, etc. Here, my father would not let himself go to accompany them but to accompany Baili Qingfeng ...

And now ...

Looking at the certificate, she understood.

War level!

Baili Qingfeng ...

Actually became a war-level master.

If he is interested in career, he can be the leader in ten years like Da Bogege!

Ten years later, he was only thirty!

After obtaining the war-grade certificate, Baili Qingfeng resigned to President Canaan.

President Canaan specially exchanged contact information with Baili Qingfeng, with a smile on his face and said with a smile: "Qingfeng Xiaoyou, I am waiting for you to come to the day when you will be assessed for the Warlord Certificate, and I believe that day will not be far away."

"I will work hard."

Baili Qingfeng said.

But ... Xia Ya is too far away from the light of Hill after all, it takes 20-30 hours to go back and forth by train, to make a special trip for a soldier certificate?

Waste time reading.

Then test the God of War card directly.

True immortal cards are also possible.

Just don't know if the light of Hill can be tested.

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