The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 185: center

Canaan looked at the young face of Baili Qingfeng, and suddenly thought: "Are Qingfeng friends interested in transferring their household registration to our Hill's light? Compared to Xia Ya and Wu He, Hill's Light is our true center, and Hill Light has always given special treatment to top talents such as Qingfeng Xiaoyou. If you have this idea, our association can contact the government to allocate housing for you, and once Sexual endowment is not less than one million. "

"one million!?"

Ge Xianyin, Wen Ping and Milina couldn't help but exclaim.

Although they knew that war-level warriors were very important and could be promoted quickly regardless of whether they joined the army or in politics, they never thought that just to let Baili Qingfeng be a citizen of Hill Light, the association and the government would be willing to allocate housing and take out One million settling fees!

This treatment ...

It's unimaginable!

You know, Ge Xianyin's family is already considered elite in Hill's Light, but let alone one million in the family.

"One million is only a preliminary figure. If Qingfeng is willing to serve in our martial arts association, he only needs to stay on the committee for a while, and I will recommend you as the vice president immediately, and our martial arts association can To provide you with a single house and pay an annual salary of not less than 500,000 a year. "

Canaan said with a smile.

"No, I have to study at Shire University, and my family is all in Xia Ya."

Baili Qingfeng shook his head.

"This is not a problem. We have a special channel to introduce talents to your family's work. We can help you directly. As for studying at Shire University ..."

When Canaan said this, he smirked abruptly: "This is not a problem. We can directly transfer you to Hill University. Hill University is our No. 1 university. one cent."

After that, he added: "You don't have to rush to answer first, you may wish to discuss with your family. If you want to develop better, Hill's Light is definitely more promising than Charya."

"I know."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He wanted to be an ordinary person quietly, singing, reading, practicing martial arts, and then finding a girlfriend to marry and have children, and live on the ground.

Future planning development?

He hasn't considered that long-term for the time being.


Bai Li Qingfeng, Ge Xianyin, and Shi Yiyi came out of the martial arts association after more than eleven o'clock.

Currently Ge Xianyin drove Baili Qingfeng towards "Jiang Xinyue".

And Shi Yiyi ...

It seemed to be stimulated by Baili Qingfeng's war-level certificate, but he did not follow him strangely, but returned to the hotel.

Baili Qingfeng did not force this.

There are his relatives and elders over there, Shi Yiyi is embarrassed to go is also reasonable.

It's a big deal when he packs a few meals for him, Jiang Xinyue's meals taste very good.

On the way back, Ge Xianyin didn't seem to have recovered from the shock brought by a war-level certificate, and was a little bit nervous.

Fortunately, there were no accidents on the road, and Jiang Xinyue went smoothly.

Jiang Xinyue of Hill's Light has more style than Jiang Xinyue of Xia City, and looks magnificent.

At this moment, there were three people talking and laughing at the door.

Ge Rong and his wife.

The other is Geshuren.

"Xinyin is here, and she looks more and more beautiful. I really don't know which kid is lucky enough to pick this flower from Sanshu's house."

Seeing Ge Xianyin, Ge Shuren smiled and greeted him, and at the same time nodded to Baili Qingfeng: "Qingfeng is also here."

Ge Xianyin greeted the two.

And Baili Qingfeng also stepped forward: "Cousin ..."

At this time, Ge Rong seemed to see something, and interrupted his words: "Qing Feng, go up and take a seat."

After speaking to Ge Shu, he said, "The master of the Floating Slaughter is here. Call my dad down soon."

Ge Shuren glanced at a limousine coming, and nodded quickly: "Okay."

Quickly ran into the room.

Ge Rong greeted the slowly moving vehicle as soon as possible.


Ge Xianyin looked at the Ge Rong and his wife who directly abandoned Baili Qingfeng and greeted the master of the Floating Slaughter. What was going to say, Baili Qingfeng had gone ahead: "Sister Xianyin, shall we go ahead?"

"Qing Feng, you are also a guru ..."

"Yeah, but what does it matter?"

"What's the matter? I seem to have heard a sentence that the Grand Master cannot be humiliated ..."

"But it's nothing, and it's not a shame, right? For this world, we shouldn't have so many demands, a little more care, a little warmer, a little more forgiveness ... forgiveness, such as people It ’s better to be kind, and life is better. "

"Is that so?"

Ge Xianyin looked at Baili Qingfeng, but saw that he didn't seem to mind at all, so he nodded: "Qing Feng, you are really a kind person who thinks for others."

"Hehe, you have won the prize, Sister Yin, I will try my best to be a kind person, and I also like to persuade others to be kind."

When speaking of this, Baili Qingfeng seemed a bit lonely: "In the past, my second grandfather often said that I was kind and simple, but I don't know why recently, he didn't say it, which made me think I was a problem."

"Is it Mr. Baili Changkong? Maybe he thinks you are good enough, no need to praise him."

Ge Xianyin said sincerely.

Baili Qingfeng thought about it and accepted this statement.

They talked and laughed into the hall.

The Gege family ’s full moon wine is not really big, but his position makes him unwilling to do big, and there are still countless guests coming to congratulate him, just like Baili Qingfeng, Bailihong, Ge Bai, Ge Wen, Ge Shuren, Ge Feilong, who were in the field, Ge Ge did not invite them, but they still drove over from Xia not far away.

So much so that he originally planned to open a large private box for a family banquet of three or four tables, and now it has packed a hall with more than a dozen tables.

When Baili Qingfeng and Ge Xianyin entered the hall, Ge Shuren, Heidi, and even Ge Sasha were all there. The three were taking Ge Ge and his wife Shang Shurong out.

While walking Ge Shuren, he said to Ge Ge, "The floating slaughterhouse is next to us, less than two hundred kilometers away from Xia, and it is convenient to go back and forth ... Can I let Sasha worship in the floating slaughter when I see ..."

Baili Qingfeng greeted him, "Ma'am, aunt."

"Qing Feng, say hello later, now Uncle is in trouble, you should let it go."

Ge Shu said humanely.

Shang Shurong nodded to him and said he would continue to walk towards the door.

But Ge Ge's stride out stopped.

His eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng and looked carefully.

"Uncle, the master of the Floating Sect has arrived ..."

When Ge Ge didn't move, Ge Shuren whispered a reminder.

"Good, really good."

Ge Ge nodded to Baili Qingfeng and said, "Sit next to me for a while."


Shang Shurong was surprised.

There are two seats around Ge Ge, one is naturally her, the other ...

Often it means the most distinguished guests at today's banquet. How can such an important seat make Baili Qingfeng a junior?

"Shuren, you take Qingfeng to sit first."

Ge Ge said aloud, and Shang Shurong walked towards the door.

Ge Shuren glanced at Baili Qingfeng, slightly surprised.

Until Ge Ge and Shang Shurong left with Heidi and Ge Shasha, he returned to God, and smiled at Baili Qingfeng and said, "Qing Feng, come with me."

During the talk, he had taken Baili Qingfeng to the innermost table.

There are already six people sitting on this table where ten people can sit. The six people are chatting about what seems to be talking about who was finally rescued by an unknown hero.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at a few people, except Ge Yan, he didn't know any of them, and none of the six were younger than 40 years old.

They are all middle-aged people. What does a student under his age of 20 sit here doing?

"Shuren cousin, after I say hello to Sansao, I'll just find a table and sit."

Baili Qingfeng muttered quietly.

Ge Shuren glanced at Baili Qingfeng, and then looked at the heavyweight on the table, and let him sit there. How did he look? ~ ~ Nodded now: "Well, you are free sit."


Baili Qingfeng responded and greeted Ge Pu: "Three crickets."

"Well, you're here? Is it hard to take a car from Shaya for more than ten hours? Sit first and go to my house for dinner in the evening."

Ge Yan said.

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng nodded, searching for a few familiar figures in the crowd and sitting by.

At this time, a man in his fifties on the table laughed and said, "Ge Ge, which boy is this, handsome, extraordinary, so don't introduce us."

"Speaker Jian, this is Baili Qingfeng, the child of my Wumei family."

Ge Yan introduced a smile.

"Your five sister, oh, I heard, Baili Qingfeng? From Xia Ya?"

The man known as Jian Yichang was moved, and quickly re-examined Baili Qingfeng, and asked, "I don't know what you call Master Baili Changkong in Wuhe City?"

"Bai Li Chang Kong is my second grandpa."

Baili Qingfeng said.

He was a little surprised. Grandpa Er is so famous now?

"It turned out to be the grandson of Grandpa Barry. It's no wonder that he is so heroic and brave. He comes and sits down. Very, today you have a good talk with me about the specifics of the battle between the group and the group sent by Qilin Sword. "

With a smile on his face, the man directly signaled Baili Qingfeng to sit beside him.

Two people on the side also looked moved after hearing the name, looking at Baili Qingfeng with smiles and kindness.

Baili Qingfeng was not good at rejecting his enthusiasm and had to sit down.

"Come, Qingfeng, tell me, how did Father Baili slay the Qilin Swords who wantonly disregard the justice of the country?"

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