The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 297: plan

Thunder Sect.


At this moment in a box below Qingtai, six people are sitting cross-legged, and the atmosphere between them is connected by a special method, it seems like one person.

As early as in the evening, they have been sitting still in this small box. It has been nearly ten hours in time, but as elderly people who can be repaired to the sixth grade, each has good patience. They are like one by one. Hunter, quietly waiting for the moment when the prey is hooked ...

Maybe to put it another way.

They are like six peerless assassins, holding their breaths, dormant, day and night, just killing and killing them in the moment waiting for the target to arrive.

"It's almost time for the opening ceremony of Li Zong. I have a secret technique in my heart and a well-known Tongxinshu. You all have the roots of refining the gods. The realms are different, but if you connect with the Tongxinshu, I will be able to speak with my limbs and lips. Communication, even if you ca n’t speak a lip, you can distinguish one or two by mind-tracing. ”

Xin Yi suppressed his own voice very low, so low that no sound came out, but everyone could hear it clearly.

This is an effect similar to hypnosis.

As a master in the realm of refining gods, he stepped into the seventh most important prestige state, and the next master of Xueshan's six-pulse heart is not difficult for him.

The words of Xinyi, Griffin, Han Di, Yan Ying, and Gu Jiang did not deny it, nodded.

At the moment, when the mind casts a spell, a circle of fluctuations spreads from him and connects with the other five people. Under this connection, the five people obviously have not changed much, but they have an inexplicable sense of tacit understanding.

It's as if the six have known each other for many years and become close friends. With one movement and one open mouth, the other person can guess what the other person wants to express.

This bizarre feeling makes Aunt, Griffin and others a little awkward.

At the same time, I also have a new understanding of the methods of the strong pulse in the center of the Six-veined Snow Mountain.

Although there are only four members of Xinmai, there is no true land immortal sitting on it, but Xinyi is not yet the master of Xinmai already has such means. The master who is said to have a higher spiritual realm than Xinyi has strong means of refining God. , Weird, you can imagine.

It is precisely because of having all kinds of weird means and having a top powerhouse. There are only dozens of people in the Six Mountains of the Snow Mountain, but they can compare with thousands of disciples of Qilin Sword and Penglai Xianzong, and they are called the three holy places.

"The dark line has provided us with the flow chart of Thunder Zong Lizong's ceremony. The first person to speak on the stage was the lord Baili Changkong, but an old guy in Baili Changkong didn't need to bother, although it seems that he took Yanshoudan not long ago and glowed the second spring Xiu Wei has truly entered the rank of war general, but it can also pose no threat. Our real target person is Baili Qingfeng. He will come to power after the speech of the Li Zong ceremony to discuss martial arts and show his strength to the outside world. "

Griffin, the head of the operation, said that he knew the process.

"With such a detailed plan, our actions are half the battle."

Han Yu said with a smile.

"Naturally, Jinglan Zong was in conflict with Baili Qingfeng because of the exhibition of the Red Dragon. At that time, Gu Chongxiao would personally take the stage and invite Baili Qingfeng to teach him the methods. When they both fought, he would say a long Xiao served as a signal. When he was screaming, the six of us shot together and smashed the wooden box. We suddenly attacked from below the high platform. We tried to kill Baili Qingfeng in one fell swoop. He was badly wounded, otherwise the battle of the beasts was trapped, and we would have killed him, but it would inevitably be damaged. "

Griffin said cautiously.

The others nodded in conviction.

Baili Qingfeng is a murderer who can slay the nine grand masters, and those nine grand masters also include three sixth-level strong men.

You must know that the difference in strength between Grand Masters' fourth, fifth, and sixth ranks is not significant. The remaining six men can barely manage to become a half-sixth rank powerhouse under the force of the battle line, but they are still not as good as Bailiqing. Front.

If the six of them can't hit Baili Qingfeng with a single blow, and their fate is counterattacked, the six must leave at least one or two.

"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in our Thunder Sect Ceremony ..."

At this time a sound came from above.

It's a hundred miles of sky.

The six looked at each other with a look of relief at the same time.

Ceremony of Thunder Sect ...

it has started.

"Jinglanzong, Shanhedian, and Ziyilou brought a total of fifteen masters, most of whom are elites in their sects. These people will help us to entangle Lu Ping, the Baili Sky, and the military, People in the cabinet, the place, and the remaining Xu Ziyi and Shui Dongliu will join the battle circle when we besiege the Baili Qingfeng, and the power of our nine masters will first threaten our three sacred places. The culprit Baili Qingfeng beheaded ... "

Griffin detailed all the details of the time of the war, and was afraid to be negligent.

And Han Ying, Yan Ying, Gu Jiang, Xin Yi, etc. also listened patiently and looked very seriously.

The lion beats the rabbit with all its strength.

Although their side used nine six-level powerhouses to slay Baili Qingfeng, although they had a perfect plan inside and out, but ...

You can't be too careful about the hundreds of miles of Qingfeng, who are second only to the land true fairy class.

"I said that you have a record of your work. In short, as long as Gu Chongxiao makes a loud noise, we will go all out, and we will definitely build a victory and lay a victory!"

Griffin talked, and finally concluded.


"Now, wait for Gu Chongxiao and Baili Qingfeng to play."

Gu Jiang and Yan Ying responded.

Several others nodded slightly.

"Bai Li Qing Feng!"

At this time, Li Xiao, who was mixed with anger and fright, suddenly came from not far away, and even across the platform and boxes, the six people could hear clearly.

Accompanied by the roar of the intersection of gold and iron and the sharp howling of tearing air by sharp weapons.

"It's Gu Chongxiao!"

"I can hear, this is the voice of Gu Chongxiao and the ancient suzerain! Fighting?"

"The ancient suzerain is crying out now? It is clear that the platform is currently a hundred miles long, and Baili Qingfeng has not yet come to power? Did something happen?"

Gu Jiang, Yan Ying and others were startled, their eyes fell on the person in charge Griffin for the first time.

Griffin is also a bit wrong, this ...

This is not the same as saying yes.

"Okay ... so powerful blood! This blood power ... What we have to deal with is really a refined God of War !?"

The most keen sense of the strong God of Refining God stared at Griffin, with a look of unstoppable horror on his face.

"It's a demon dismantling!"

Griffin solemnly said: "Bali Qingfeng is a true **** of war, but he improved the forbidden spell and demons disintegration, which greatly reduced the negative effect of this explosive mystery. The reason for the great master is, if there is no means, how can he be called the first person under the true immortal, and how is it worthwhile for us to send six or even nine sixth-level strong men to revive the siege and kill him? "


"We are invited, and you Thunder Kings are going to kill!"

At this time there were two long howls outside.

It is the voice of the main stream of the mountains and rivers and the Ziyilou Xu Ziyi.

"The situation has changed !?"

The coldest glance fell on Griffin for the first time.

Do you want to continue or wait?

It was just too soon that they could think about it.

"Griffin, help me quickly!"

The voice of Gu Chongxiao's long howling spread, and his voice was full of panic.


This time, Griffin couldn't decide: "The waste of Gu Chongxiao actually exposed his purpose early and angered Baili Qingfeng, making our perfect plan fall short. Now, I want to surprise Assassination has become a luxury hope, that is only strong killing, which is the strength of our nine big and six strong players to kill Baili Qingfeng! Shoot! "

"Okay, do it!"

Griffin spoke, Gu Jiang, Yan Ying, Han Ying and others no longer hesitated, and the breath that had been tightly converging on him no longer hesitated, and it broke out!

For a time, the breath of the six six-level powerful men went straight into the clouds, with the energy erupting under their feet, like a cannonball smashing into a wooden box, born out of nowhere, going straight to the Bailiqing who was fighting fiercely with Gu Chongxiao. Feng rushed away.

And just as they smashed a wooden box and smashed Baili Qingfeng trying to rescue Gu Chongxiao, Baili Qingfeng, who was facing the benefit of the Storm Ripper's Battlegear, had already swung Xu Ziyi and Shui Dongliu The offensive of the two men struck Gu Chongxiao in a flash of lightning. The whole body rose up and down, and the golden sword of non-killing sword held up in his hands, as if beheading Qitian Xiao, beating at Gu Chongxiao.


Qi and blood!

Two pure and extreme strengths formed the mountain in the half-familiar mountain and river sword potential, making it seem not a sword but a mountain!

An archaic mountain in the sky!

The sword fell!


Even though Gu Chongxiao's sword resisted, the endless destruction of the sword contained in the non-killing sword still hit his body like a bamboo!


The screams and the roar of the airwaves sounded at the same time!

The fire is shining!

The majestic strength contained in the non-killing sword instantly brought the sword in front of Gu Chongxiao's rung with a sword, and slammed it into the body, and the sword's edge was cut into him.

The feeling was like a child holding a sword with a square dance aunt to stop a hundred-kilogram hammer from a two-meter tall man!



Gu Chongxiao was killed by the blade of the sword without killing the sword ~ ​​ ~ The energy contained in the sword shattered Gu Chongxiao's internal organs and torn his bones on the spot Meridian, cut his half body!

Blood mist shot!

To death ...

The sword in his hand was not completely broken.

I have to say that the quality of the weapons owned by such large sects as Jing Lanzong is good.

Unfortunately, it is not necessary to cut off the opponent's sword in order to kill.

As long as the power is large enough, the opponent's sword breaks are always the same.


Griffin and others who had just emerged out of the box, intending to make a brilliant debut, saw the scene where Gu Chongxiao fell down in a bath of blood.

Wonderful book house

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