The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 298: Scuffle


The turbulent momentum from Griffin, Han Di, Gu Jiang, Yan Ying, Xin Yi, and Nash was slightly stagnant.

Gu Chongxiao ...

Sovereign Sovereign, how long has this been carried?

Two swords? Three swords?

Then it fell?

Baili Qingfeng ...

Domineering to this extent! ?

In particular, I saw with my own eyes the powerful force of blood that radiated from Baili Qingfeng after the demon disintegration ...

Is this still God of War?

The town states are just that.

When is the power of the demons disintegration technique so great that it can let a war **** live across a great realm and show a powerful force no less than that of the township level?

Compared to the stagnation of six people such as Griffin, Thunder Sect, the military headquarters, the cabinet, the place, and the guests who were invited to see the six figures suddenly rushing out from under the platform, but were shocked. The face is full of incredible.

"Griffin! It's Griffin and Nash!"

"That's ... the embarrassment and heart of the Six Mountains !?"

"Yan Ying and Gu Jiang of Penglai Xianzong are also here!"

"These people actually appeared in the ceremony of the Thunder Sect !?"

The big swordsman Yuyu sitting on the main seat felt cold: "I thought that the three sacred places dispatched three strong and six strong men led by Gu Chongxiao, Xu Ziyi, and Shui Dongliu, plus fifteen The four or five strong men, and counted as Wan Shanyu, blood shadows to cope, the scale has been called a powerful horror, I did not expect ... In addition to Gu Chongxiao and other people, the three holy places were actually sent The six elders! If you count the people of Jinglanzong, Shanhedian, and Ziyilou, there are nine sixth-level and fifteen fourth-level and five-level strong ... This lineup, even if the land is immortal, can be positive Siege! "

"Twenty-four strong, nine of the six strong! Qilin sword school, Penglai Xianzong, Xueshan six pulses to destroy the Thunder Sect is so great !?"

Zhang Sanren also has a feeling of breathing coagulation.

And Guo Juxia sighed in frustration: "It's over! Baili Qingfeng is over! Thunder Sect is over! Father Baili is too anxious. Why, why why can't Baili Qingfeng have such talents? Wait a few more years for Baili Qingfeng to become the town's national level before letting him go to the front desk? Even if it is better to wait for ten years, now it can't go up ... Baili Qingfeng is not inferior to the town by the outbreak of mystery. National-level strength, after all, is not a true town-level powerhouse, otherwise the nine Great Masters who defeated the Wanli Sword Sect will not be dying and alive ... Now, the three holy places dispatch 24 masters, including nine Honor the six strongest, the real town-level can besieged ... Finished ... Finished! "

"During this period, the Military Department and the Cabinet tried their best to support the Thunder Sect, in order to make the Thunder Sect into a star power, in order to break the dominance of the Qilin Sword School, Penglai Xianzong, and the Six Mountains on our Kia military circle The holy land clearly understands this. The purpose of sending so many strong men this time is to deter our Shia's eager military circle and let the Shia military circle understand who is the real master of this land! "

The hearts of several sixth-level powerhouses were heavy and helpless.

They are still the same as the Sixth-class powerhouse, let alone thousands of ordinary guests, some of them are even eager to consider whether to leave early, so that the Qilin Sword School, Penglai Xianzong, and Xueshan Liumai are all one after the other. Settle accounts.

"Hello! Griffin! Ancient Xinjiang!"

Baili Changkong looked at the six strong men who rushed out from under him, and suddenly he was frightened with cold sweat.

He would never believe that the six were hiding under the stage to help the Thunder Sect to maintain and repair this podium. Their purpose is definitely to come to Baili Qingfeng. If it wasn't for Baili Qingfeng's behavior, it would have been unexpected. Gu Chongxiao stabbed the killer, forcing them to show up in advance, and when the Baili Qingfeng came to power to speak, they suddenly attacked ...

The consequences could be disastrous!

Regardless of the Thunder Sect, the Three Holy Lands, or many of the guests in the neutral state, all of them were slightly miserable due to this sudden change, and the only thing that remained normal ...

only one!

Baili Qingfeng!

Not only that, when he noticed that Xu Ziyi and Shui Dongliu were suddenly killed by Griffin and others, and he was shocked and relaxed, he did not hesitate to think of the innate **** Mozuz!


Thunder roar!

The moment when the innate demon Zuz appeared as a living creature appeared, striding directly from the Baili Qingfeng, traveling through the void, holding with one hand, the endless thunderbolt of light condensed on his hand, and turned into the next moment A blazing white scepter fell on Xu Ziyi.

"Refining mystery !?"

"Be careful!"

As the water flowed, Griffin's exclaiming sounded at the same time.


Although they are not far from Baili Qingfeng, they are not close, even if they notice that Xu Ziyi's crisis is too late to rescue.

Even if the responding Shuidongliu roared, the energy broke out, the sword hole in his hand penetrated the air, and the sharp howling with the tearing air wave intercepted and killed the Baili Qingfeng, but the speed ...

After all, it's slower!

Under the bombardment of the thunder rod, Xu Ziyi was shocked. Even if she understood the horror of the mystery of refining and tried her best to struggle, it still didn't make any sense.

"call out!"

Jianguang Tears!

The non-killing sword carried a ray of golden afterglow across Xu Ziyi's body. Under the indomitable edge, no ordinary tire could resist.

A shocking head rolled up in blood, flying into the void.

"Ah! Suffer!"

At this time, the sword in the water flow like an aurora, killing it with a thunder, with a thunderbolt, and assassinate to the body of Baili Qingfeng that did not dodge.

But just as his sword was about to penetrate the Baili Qingfeng, the shape of Baili Qingfeng was suddenly shocked and swayed. The sword blade assassinated by Shuidongliu was slightly shaken by this rippling force. Leaning forward, rubbing into the air with the arc of the surface of the Storm Ripper's armor.


The blade cut the armor and tore a flare visible to the naked eye.


That's it.

"not good!"

When a sword fell into the air, Suidong Liu felt uncomfortable instantly. The master ’s unparalleled precise control force caused him to control his inner body burst out suddenly. The leaning figure instantly turned back, almost violating physics. The law-like trajectory pulled back and violently retreated, and during the retreat, he fell into the vacant hands, and the sword blade that cut a crack in the armor of the Storm Ripper shook again, aiming at the head of Baili Qingfeng. Cross to kill!

"Save people! Shoot!"

"Kill Baili Qingfeng!"

Griffin and Hanyu saw that Baili Qingfeng actually killed another person under their eyelids, and at the same time roared, the six shadow figures inspired the extreme surging blood burst out, one by one, as if tearing a crossbow in the void Storm, rushed towards Baili Qingfeng.

"Protect the Deputy Sovereign!"

"Hugh is so fierce in my Thunder Zong!"

When Griffin, Han Di, Gu Jiang and others shot, Barry Sky, Lu Ping, Shi Tianya and others were not slow at all, and they dared to charge and joined the battlefield.

The fifteen grandmasters brought by Gu Chongxiao, Xu Ziyi, and Shuidongliu followed closely to join the battle circle, slaying towards the Thunder Sect.

"General Astor, Golden Claw, let's go!"

The Switch, who represented the local army, suddenly stood up, strode forward, and did not hesitate to join the battlefield.

Seeing Switch's shot, Masters such as Don Naide, Mrs. Yu Li, Su Sheng, and Changle hesitated for a moment, and they rose without hesitation.

Thunder Sect represents the face of Xia Haizhou. Although their interests do not reach the level of glory and loss with Thunder Zong, if they really sit by and watch for the Thunder Sect's defeat, then let the Chilin Sword School reach out to Xia Haizhou. They The days are bound to be extremely difficult. Instead, it is better to make a decisive decision.

"Dad, we ..."

Among the crowd, Chang Qingzong and others were also invited. Seeing the chaos in the field, Yu Caiwei's eyes fell on Yu Changqing for the first time.

Yu Changqing glanced at Xu Ziyi and Gu Chongxiao who were shot and killed by Baili Qingfeng. This moment was also extremely decisive. It's time for this kindness, you wait to protect yourself! "

In other words, he strode to the meteor and went straight to a guru of the Shanhe Temple. "Let me come and I will meet your Shanhe Temple!"

The Thunder Zong Lizong, the Fu Tu Zong and Bai Cao Tang, which belong to the military department and the cabinet, naturally sent representatives to Dao He. The representatives of the Fu Tu Zong are Nan Lian Guru and Zhou Tian Guru Wan Hongming.


Grand Master Nan Lian and Yu Changqing intersected Mo Ni. Seeing him intervene in the battle, Grand Master Nan Lian stood up sharply.

"Brother, Jinglanzong, Shanhedian, and Ziyilou are not Qilin Sword School, Penglai Xianzong, and Xueshan Liumai. What are we afraid of?

He spoke after Yu Changqing.

"Nan Lian ..."

Wan Hongming looked at the shot Nan Lian, hesitated for a moment, and turned his attention to the two masters of Baicaotang, and it happened that the two masters of Baicaotang also looked at them.

After looking at each other ~ ~ Wan Hongming suddenly stood up: "The purpose of my floating slaughter is never to abandon any of the same door. Since Nan Lian joined the war, I have no reason to sit Indifferent below, since Yuan Tanzhu, our floating sect and Baicaotang have already made a decision early, we should carry it through to the end, and look forward to the future, how do people think of our floating sect and Baicaotang? "

After speaking, he did not wait for the Yuan Tanzhu to respond. His interest was motivated, and his body was shot like a spring hoe, and he was intercepted by an elder of Jinglanzong.

"Just stop."

Yuan Tanzhu also sighed and stood up, but his glance glanced at Baili Qingfeng: "This child has the ability to cut off the nine masters, and the methods shown here are not inferior to the township level. The strong, despite relying on the power of the forbidden arts, the six people, Humble and Griffin, still want to kill him, and with his talents, it is a matter of time to achieve the township in the future. Once he achieves the township, then Supplemented by a ban on surgery, how can we not fight against the three holy places? "

After reading this, the two great masters of Baicaotang did not hesitate to join the war circle.

As these strong men shot in succession, for a time, the number of masters on both sides was faintly flat.

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