The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 299: fencing

"The six great masters in Xiahai Prefecture, the three great masters of the military, the four great masters of Changqing Zong Yu Changqing, Futu Zong, and Bai Caotang ... they all shot !?"

Looking at the masters participating in the battle, Yuyu suddenly stood up, with an incredible look on his face.

"Fourteen Grand Masters, plus Thunder Sect's Baili Sky, Shi Tianya, Lu Ping ..."

Yan Beigui looked at the battle circle composed entirely of masters, and his expression was shocked: "The strength of the Thunder Sect is no less than that of the three holy sites!"

"The key to this battle lies with Baili Qingfeng and Griffin."

Zhang Sanren glanced at the six strong men who were quickly besieging towards Baili Qingfeng, and his body swelled inside, wishing to join the war in person.


He dare not take the risk!



There is only one thought in Shuidong's mind!

Retreat and join the six of Griffin!

He possesses the power of the God of War, and displays the Baili Qingfeng who has performed the disintegration of the demon. The combat power is no less than that of the town-level powerhouse. In addition, he is wearing a sturdy boutique Chenjin battle armor ...

what does this mean! ?

This means a terrestrial fairy who doesn't need to worry about internal consumption!

This kind of opponent cannot rely on him alone!

"Want to leave !?"

Baili Qingfeng's figure shook, his spine twisted and his body burst out. He slammed and slammed directly in front of Shui Dongliu. At the same time, his empty left hand was severely shaken, and Shui Dongli was swept away. The slashed blade held in his hand.

Jin Dao and Jin Dao confrontation, Chen Jin and Chen Jin collided, making Baili Qingfeng hold not a sword, but a cluster of flames and a cluster of starfire.


Sword body shock!

This boutique Chen Jinjian, which was cut from lightning by the hand of Shui Dongliu, completely dissipated, and was finally firmly held by Baili Qingfeng.


Pull towards him ...

"not good!"

Shui Dongliu has experienced countless battles in life and death, and his response is not uncomfortable. When his sword was held by Baili Qingfeng, he did not hesitate to abandon the sword. Fortunately, he avoided being drawn by Baili Qingfeng. In front of him, the fate of a head hammer.

After abandoning the sword, his figure also relapsed, pulling away from the terrible murderer Baili Qingfeng at the fastest speed!

"You can't go! If you want to assassinate me, you have to be slain by me !? In addition, your accomplice lurks with careless skills, but without any patience, let them study the self-cultivation of assassins for another 100 years!"

Baili Qingfeng yelled, and his foot broke out. The floor just cracked, shattered, and stone debris sputtered just under a month.

Among the stone debris, the figure of Baili Qingfeng suddenly rushed to him. The innate demon Zuz screamed from the sky. Substantial divine power swept out of this demon, holding a right hand, condensing the mighty The thunderbolt turned into a scepter, and was thrown wildly at the retreating water east stream!

Refined Mystery-Thunder Staff!

"My heart helps me!"

Seeing Baili Qingfeng sacrifice the inborn **** Zuzhui Dongliu, who had been frightened, roared.

The powerful people of Baili Qingfeng refining the mystery know everything!

Xu Ziyi's end is the best lesson learned.

Xinyi did not disappoint Suidong Liu at this time.

A King Kong!

A Vajra covered with snow-white hair appeared from behind him, like a beast walking out of mythology, exuding a mighty might, trying to impact the innate **** Zuz.


Shui Dongliu's gaze glanced at the innate demon Zuz, and then looked at the snow-colored King Kong who had been conceived in his heart, an unknown premonition came to his heart.

The next moment, the hunch became real.

The vicious and mighty King Kong, in spite of his mighty might, can be in front of the horrible and overbearing figure of the innate **** Zuz ...

Significantly worse.

At the moment when the two powerful and powerful figures collided, the King Kong who was conceived by the mind was directly blasted into a dust by the thunder rod thrown by the innate **** Zuz!

Although the innate **** Zuz has also received a lot of shocks, the electric light on his body seems to be dimmed, but the efficiency of "God" and "God" head-on confrontation has always been amazing!

If the realm of refining gods between the two is similar, it would hurt one thousand and damage 800.

Once the gap is large, they will attack each other ...

Back bite!

The weak back!

It was as if the elder Chi Yunfei, who was the door to the Sun, re-refined the Shinto attainment of God's manifestation for the fifth time. He preferred to use the re-cultivation method to attack him who had reached the sixth re-transformation stage at that time, so he died directly.

Although the heart in front of him was not directly bombarding Baili Qingfeng's spiritual world with refining mysticism, the refinable mysticism attacked, plus a difference, the fierce back-scattering still made his eyes and the brain shock, The consciousness seemed to be shredded by a mighty might, and blood oozed from his ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouth for the first time.

"You ... you are not God ..."

Heart spit out a few words, and then ... fell on his back ...

At the moment when his heart fell, Baili Qingfeng's figure had been slaughtered behind Shui Dongliu, and the fine Chen Jinjian clenched in his left hand was extremely skilled and suddenly threw away ...

"call out!"

Jianguang is empty!

In the horror, this sword seemed to be pierced by the flutter and pierced the sound barrier, making a roar!

Suddenly aware of the crisis, Shui Dongliu just wanted to twist her body, but this sword shot too fast, and the distance between them was too close ...


Sharp sword runs through!

The Chenjin sword that originally belonged to Shuidongliu penetrated the body of Shuidongliu at that moment, and shot into the ground in front of him with an unabated strength, inserted into the ground, and the hilt violently vibrated.

"Uh ... I ..."

Shui Dongliu looked at the hole in his chest, and his body moved forward a few steps along the inertia. Eventually ...

Fall on the ground.


Seeing that they had high hopes, the heart that specifically resisted the mystery of Baili Qingfeng's mystery was brought down one by one, and Shui Dongliu was also killed by them. Griffin, greetings, ancient Xinjiang and others There was a trace of stagnation in the movements at the same time.

Baili Qingfeng ...

But a divine power cultivator at the peak of divine power.

His mystery of refining smashed down. Among the few of them in the field, apart from the same cultivating God and reaching the sixth most important greetings, Yan Ying, no one can remain unaffected, nothing more than affect the size.

But the strong are confronted, no matter how small the impact is, it takes half a second to decide the birth ...

For a while ...

Ancient Xinjiang, Griffin, Nash and others even had an urge to turn around and run away.

Baili Qingfeng didn't understand what these people were thinking.

At this moment, he even slashed the four major six-level strong men, and has already inspired his own potential to the extreme. In the face of the battle formed by Griffin and others, he did not hesitate at all. He did not kill the sword and held his hands high. In human eyes, it seems that it is not a sword, but a mountain!

A massive mountain is enough to crush any life into a crushed mountain of mountains!

Under the mountain, all five of Griffin were included. If they turned and fled at this time, the trend would become stronger and stronger, until they were completely crushed, and there was no hope of counterattack.

"Shi! Mountain!"

"His sword is full of flaws!"

"Foreigners are doing it !? He won't do it!"

Gu Xinjiang yelled, "Left two, right six, defeat his mountain!"

There is no need to speak in ancient Xinjiang, Griffin, Greetings, Yan Ying, Nash shot at the same time.

As a sixth-level powerhouse, there should be a lot of decisions.

The Grand Master's physical strength has never been comparable to the God of War.

Not to mention Xia Haizhou or Thunder Sect.

If they turn around and run away, the probability of several of them successfully escaping to their respective gates is less than 30%!

That's it, if they don't want to be smashed by Baili Qingfeng when they are chased and killed, there is no way to think except to fight against the Jedi to fight back.

Moreover, the poor but bluffing swordsmanship of Baili Qingfeng gave them a glimmer of hope.

The devil's disintegration technique, which gives Baili Qingfeng a powerful force, will inevitably bring a great load. Even if he improves the demon's disintegration technique, it is not possible to have no influence if he obtains a power that is not his own in advance, otherwise Who holds Thomas' coffin board?

So what they can do now is to hold on and see who can persist to the end!

As long as they can kill Baili Qingfeng, they firmly believe that the masters who are at the moment with Shanhedian, Jinglanzong, and Ziyilou will be reduced to turkeys and smashed in one hit.


"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Knife, sword, short gun!

Different weapons were sacrificed from the hands of several sixth-level powerhouses at the same time. Exquisite to extreme sword skills, extremely powerful swordsmanship, spear-like gunsmanship, and various techniques were performed by several sixth-level powerhouses.

Although Baili Qingfeng's swordsmanship intention is high, the mountains and rivers condensed are also magnificent and coercive, but they must be in the hands of others.

Baili Qingfeng? There is nothing in it.

In front of several experienced Level 6 powerhouses, it seemed like a piece of paper, and it was broken in a single shot.


The sword that was condensed by Baili Qingfeng was defeated, and the five men were shaped like electricity. They followed the trend of the battle line and attacked Baili Qingfeng at the same time.

They are different from those who were caught off guard by Baili Qingfeng, Chi Chilong, Sword Twelve, and Zhong Wancheng. They did not even have time to practice the battle array. The siege of the five people broke out through the formation ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ is far from simple as one plus one equals two. The moment of sword and sword shadow is to completely suppress Baili Qingfeng. His mountains and rivers are often too late to be revealed and defeated by the top five.

Just a few moments, there were already several sword marks on the Storm Ripper's Battlegear of Baili Qingfeng, and the sparks shot.

One of the swords penetrated the Storm Ripper's armor and pierced his body. If it wasn't for him to retreat quickly, it would have been penetrated by that sword.

"This sword is so bad at my hands !?"

It took a while for the mountains and rivers of Baili Qingfeng to admit one problem.

He can win without swordplay, with swordplay ...

He will lose.

Sure enough, he can't compare with these old-fashioned sixth-class powerhouses in the conventional way of fighting. This is the end of the matter, and he can only use the mystery of refining.

First smash four, wait for one, and then come to compete in swordplay!

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