The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 547: Chill

Zizi! "

There seemed to be a backup power source in the room, and the darkness continued for a while before turning on again.

"The house is so solidly built. Except for the initial shock, the walls haven't cracked. If domestic real estate developers can achieve half the quality of their projects ... even one-tenth, there won't be that much in society. Multidimensional power. "

Baili Qingfeng sighed.

As the outside still exploded from time to time, he could only turn his gaze to other areas in the room.

After a while he realized that here ...

It doesn't seem like a safe house, but a storeroom, or treasure house.

There are grids and shelves around the treasure house of about one hundred square meters. Each grid or shelf contains one or several items.

Baili Qingfeng looked for a moment and soon saw a copy of what seemed to be used for drinking.

Exactly, in order to deal with the Great Sun Temple, he ran a total of more than 4,000 kilometers from the city of Siaya in the Kingdom of Hea, and took a full twelve hours to run here. He did not eat a grain of rice or drink it A sip of water.

Although the ninth-level dominator's physique made him not thirsty and his throat dry, the feeling of not drinking water for a long time was still very uncomfortable.

At the moment he opened something like this drink, sniffed, and felt a faint fruity smell in it, which seemed to be something brewed with fruit, and he drank it.

"The taste is average and can only be used to quench thirst. In addition, the effect of thirst quenching is not as good as boiling water, like orange juice and apple juice. Although the taste is slightly better than boiling water, when people are really thirsty, they want to drink Most boiled water. "

Baili Qingfeng drank it and checked it again.

There are a lot of things in this storeroom.

In addition to those drinks, he also saw several valuable fruits and food.

Why is it expensive ...

It is not because Baili Qingfeng has identified their origins, but because the box containing these things is very valuable at first glance.

The boxes are valuable, and the contents are naturally not bad.

The story of buying and returning pearls is still very rare outside.

Inside, maybe it's a natural treasure that can make people better.

"There are so many good things ... but I'm all nine. It's not resources that are stuck in front of me, but human puppets. Without breaking the human puppets, these resources are not of much use to me."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the various items on the grid, and then looked at the set of stealthy painted armor ...

If he wants to ensure the privacy and ensure that he is not caught by the masters of the Aurora Empire as he leaves the Aurora Empire, he cannot take these things away.

After all, his armor can be invisible, but the things he carries can't.

If someone sees a backpack flying in the air at a very fast speed, it will definitely be treated as a spiritual event alarm. In case it is caught by the Aurora Empire, all his hidden, all careful, all cautious, will fail. .

"Can't take it ..."

Baili Qingfeng sighed: "These things belong to the treasures of the Great Sun Temple. If I stay, they will only use these things to cultivate masters against our Kingdom of Hea. This behavior is almost equivalent to funding the enemy. ... I am Baili Qingfeng, studying in the Kingdom of Hea, and receiving the ideological education there, how can I do such a thing as betraying Hea ... In order to dispel the idea that the Great Sun Temple continues to deal with the Kingdom of Hea, To ensure the peace and stability of the Kingdom of Hea and the Aurora Empire ... I can only eat these things ... even if it causes indigestion! "

With this spirit of adventure and dedication, Baili Qingfeng stepped forward, opened the boxes one by one, took out the contents and ate it.

It doesn't matter what these things are, anyway, as long as it looks like it can be eaten, he swallows it.

It is necessary to change to someone else, one is not good, I'm afraid it will eat bad stomach, and serious food poisoning.


The lord of Tairi Shrine is not dead. She will stay in the Tairi Shrine and she will definitely use these things to make a comeback.

and so……

Even if he may eat a bad stomach, even if he may have indigestion, or even the possibility of food poisoning, he still insists on his belief and eats one by one.

"Well, I know this."

After eating for a moment, Baili Qingfeng quickly came to Yuhua Lingye.

This is good.


The amount of these ecstasy fluids in front of them is sufficient.

He took it without hesitation and swallowed it in one breath.

"Well, I know this ..."

After eating Yuhua Lingye, Baili Qingfeng's gaze quickly fell on three pieces of superb gold.


When looking at this jelly-like item, Baili Qingfeng's face was obviously a little bit wrong.

This kind of stuff is too difficult to digest.

Today, one-third of the first-rate gold he has taken has not been digested.

You know, he all went to the caveman world and stayed there for more than a month. There were still residues in the body for more than 30 days. Baili Qingfeng had to say a word to this kind of food.

"It tastes bad, and it's hard to digest ... I didn't want to eat it a second time after eating it once, but ... this kind of thing should be very precious, you can't take it or take it away. If you don't eat it, it will be great. waste……"

Baili Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, and finally had to face the pain, swallowing all three of the first-class gold.

In order to eliminate the dispute between the Great Sun Temple and the Kingdom of Shia, and for the peaceful reunification of the Aurora Empire and the Kingdom of Shia, he is a bit bitter, tired, and supportive.

After eating the first-class gold, Baili Qingfeng came to the two most precious boxes in the room ...

These two boxes are not only placed in the best position, but also a transparent cover is added on the outside, the grade of the boxes also seems to have improved a lot.

Baili Qingfeng fumbled, and soon opened the transparent cover, then opened the box, inside ...

A fruit.

Baili Qingfeng picked it up, took a bite, and after eating it didn't look poisonous, he ate it three times, five times, and two.

After eating this fruit, he came to the second box and opened it ...


"it is this!"

Baili Qingfeng took out this ice-cream like a big rock: "This thing is very good!"

But when he wanted to swallow the thing, he frowned suddenly.

He took this ice cream-like thing and looked it over carefully: "Some familiar ... Is the picture of ice and snow emerald similar to a Western breakfast?"

The memory of the ninth practitioner of refining the **** is often very amazing. Today he ...

I saw the picture only yesterday, and I remember the details of that picture very well.

Think of the fruit that I just ate, the superb gold, the feathered spirits, and this stone-like ice cream ...

Baili Qingfeng's expression gradually became calm.

He thought of his exchanges with Frozen Emerald, and Frozen Emerald had been investigating his information and exchanging his practice methods. Various clues showed that the other party was hostile to him.

And he is an ordinary nine-level master of Baili Qingfeng. He usually does charitable acts for the heavens, never complains with others, and always adheres to the principle of "forbearing the calm for a while and taking a step back from the sea" There are no other enemies of life ...

The only enemy ...

It's the Great Sun Temple that has been conspiring to put him to death!

Right now he finds the objects in the picture released by the ice and snow jade in the Great Sun Temple ...

Frozen Emerald's identity is already on the horizon!

"Tessies, it's you, isn't it!"

Baili Qingfeng sank completely with one heart.

He thinks that the ice and snow jade are usually traded by mail, but this time they talked about meeting words in Wuhe Port ...

In addition, this time Tess is not in the Sun Temple, even ...

There are fewer masters in the temple of Dainichi than he expected ...

Where did the masters and Tessie go?


Ready to go!

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng felt cold all over.

A deep chill rose from the bottom of his heart, covering every corner of his body.

For a long time, he thought that Frozen Emerald was a good person, a perfect woman, with a nice voice, an understanding person, an honest person, and also thought about others.

He had some expectations in his heart to meet her.

Just didn't expect ...

In his mind, the honest and kind ice emerald is such a poisonous woman with a viper heart!

Sure enough, things like the Internet are the least reliable!

You never know if a glutinous, kind and honest peer of the same age is actually a pick-aunt who has been married for more than ten years!


This aunt is constantly calculating you in secret, not only to lie to your exercises, to deceive you, but to put you to death!

"枉 I believe you so much ... I feel like you are a real trustworthy person ..."

Baili Qingfeng closed his eyes in pain.

Cold and heartache.

Can there not be more sincerity and deception between people?


Why did he finally feel that he had met an honest and trustworthy good man, but gave him a life-threatening blow?

If it wasn't for the fact that he discovered this in time, the day after tomorrow ... I would be foolish to run over to trade with Tessie tomorrow ...

as a result of……


What's wrong with this world?

Should the good and honest people be ruthlessly fooled by the wicked people who are full of lies and intrigues?

I was deceived by information, mystery, and power ~ ~ Finally I will lose my life! ?

It took a while before Baili Qingfeng opened his eyes again.

At this moment, his eyes were already filled with coldness.

"No! The world shouldn't be like this!"

He looked up, looking at the thick wall of the treasure house, his eyes seemed to pierce through the void, and he saw the dark night that was deep outside without any light.

"I always believe that good is good and evil is good! Good, obedient and good people shouldn't end up at home and die! And insidious and deceitful people who are full of lies must be punished ..."

The flame of faith burning in Baili Qingfeng's heart, although weak, but like a candlelight in the darkness, stubbornly shone around: "If ... the rules of this world are incapable of punishing these evils ... then ... I come ! "

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