The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 548: Big trouble

Opposite the river outside the Great Sun Temple.

Gu Weiwei, wet, looked at the group of buildings buried in the explosion, the sea of ​​fire, and the whole person looked disheartened.

Tairi Shrine ...

Was blown up!

She only knew that there was a warning of hostile attacks from the outside. Then, for more than ten years, they had always provoked others, and no one dared to provoked the up and down of the Great Sun Temple, all boiled, all kinds of roar, The sound of gunfire sounded as if a fierce war broke out.

Before she left the office and ran to the sanctuary, the church itself started a self-destruct procedure, and the harsh alarm sounded through the night sky!

She had to be thankful that her office was not far from the river.

So within a few dozen seconds of the countdown to the self-destruct procedure, she broke out at the fastest speed, crossing a distance of hundreds of meters, and flew into the river, which escaped the violent explosion caused by the self-destruction of the Great Sun Temple.

Sitting on the other side of the river at this time, feeling the heat of the fierce burning formation of the ruins of the Great Sun Temple, she did not return to God for a long time.

"Who is it, who is it! How dare to destroy our entire Dainichi Sanctuary !? Is it ... the Xeon himself shot it?"

Until this moment, Gu Weiwei was still unable to accept the fact that the Great Sun Temple was destroyed.

"It's Baili Qingfeng!"

At this time, a male voice came out from the river.

It's Jinbo.

The head of the scientific research department of the Great Sun Temple, this period is dedicated to studying the origin of Baili Qingfeng, the demon purgatory body and the demon disintegration technique, in order to popularize and popularize these two methods, so that all high-level warriors of the Aurora Empire will be Can learn.

"Bai Li Qing Feng !?"

Gu Weiwei was a stunner, and then it was difficult to establish a channel: "How could we have contacted him at noon today? He should still be in Xia, which is 4,000 kilometers away from our Aurora Empire ’s capital, Polaris City, and it is only ten now. In two hours, how could he reach our Great Sun Temple over 4,000 kilometers !? By plane? With our Aurora Empire ’s air defense forces, their planes will soon be knocked down when they enter our Aurora territory. It spans four thousand kilometers !? "

"It's naturally impossible to think with normal logic, but don't forget, according to our investigation, Baili Qingfeng is a very deep city man, insidious and cunning, and good at calculation. We are thinking of planning and guiding him to Wuhe Port to surround him. Kill, maybe ... He also wanted to lead the empress and others away by adjusting the tiger to leave the mountain, and then raided our Day Sun Temple, giving us a fatal blow to Day Sun Temple. The last time you used chat instead of voice , How can you guarantee that the person you are chatting with is Baili Qingfeng !? "


Gu Weiwei couldn't help but widen her eyes.

In her mind, she kept thinking about her communication with Baili Qingfeng. It was hard to imagine that the seemingly simple and loyal Baili Qingfeng had such a deep heart!

But no matter how she didn't believe it, everything had happened in front of her, and the evidence was so strong that she couldn't believe it.

"Bali Qingfeng ..."

Gu Weiwei's look became a little complicated: "In other words, we thought we were incapable of doing anything, but in fact it is a small witch and a big witch compared to Baili Qingfeng? We think we can count it, but we are actually playing with it. In the palm of your hand? "

Jin Bo nodded his head cautiously, and at the same time was a little angry, but still more fearful: "This Baili Qingfeng is too scary, not only mastering the superb assassination technique, it is almost impossible to be killed, otherwise Su Qianxing is the best lesson learned. He also has a high degree of accomplishment in playing conspiracy. The Three Holy Leagues have followed suit again and again. Right now ... Our Great Sun Temple seems to have entered the same footsteps as the Three Holy Leagues ... Go on like this ... We are afraid that we will become the second Trinity League and be completely destroyed in the hands of Baili Qingfeng! "

"Good at assassination, deep thinking, talented, extraordinary combat ..."

Gu Weiwei could not help but took a breath and said, "How can there be such a perfect person in the world!"

"Actually, I now have a speculation that whether the news of the failure of the so-called Xeon Road by Baili Qingfeng was deliberately released by him and the royal family of Hea, this person's mentality is so deep that it cannot be considered What a glimpse he will cause once he embarks on the path of the Xeon, so the early declaration of his failure to the Xeon is to lower our alertness in exchange for his precious time for growth! "

"The path to Xeon !? Baili Qingfeng ... the path to Xeon that might be made !?"

"This possibility is more than 80%!"

Jin Bo emphasized.

Gu Weiwei's face paled as soon as she heard it.

If Baili Qingfeng has really become the path to Xeon ...

With his talent, he only needs to get the Xeon Gong Method again, I am afraid that it is expected to achieve Xeon in the next three to five years! This will be a confidant that can threaten the rule of the Aurora Empire!

For a moment, she felt that her breath was a little stagnant: "We must report this news to the emperor, and report to Her Majesty!"

"His Majesty is currently on the Battlefield of Tianyu Mountain. The plan there has reached the most critical moment of success. This plan concerns whether our Aurora Empire can sweep East Shenzhou next, and there are less than ten people who can contact him. Empress ... According to the information I have received, the empress has entered the submarine half an hour ago. You should understand that the submarine needs to be silent and unable to communicate ... when you want to contact God ... at least you must wait for the empress to arrive smoothly Wuhe Port, Kingdom of Hea, land there. "

"So ... how should that be good ... while Baili Qingfeng has performed the trick of adjusting the tiger to leave the mountain, will he set the trap on the side of Wuhe Port to put the empress in danger?"

"The masters that the Kingdom of Shia took are a true guard and a hundred-li Qingfeng. The empress carried six true immortal-level masters. This power is easy to cut through the entire kingdom of Shia. There is no hundred-li Qingfeng in , Shouzhen will not dare to act rashly, so he is not likely to do anything. "

Jin Bo said with a slight pause: "But we can't underestimate the insidiousness and deceit of Bai Qingqing Feng. I went to see His Highness Ogle, let His Highness mobilize the army, and accept the Queen ... Although I am afraid that many arrangements will be exposed, leading to our failure to contain the kingdom of Shia ... However, His Majesty's plan will soon be successful. It is no longer important to arrange chess pieces to contain Shia. It's the real thing. "

"I'll go with you and maybe I can help."

"The people in the Da Ri Church Committee are at the heart of the Temple. Even if they have not been killed by Baili Qingfeng, they will be more fierce in the self-detonation. As a preparatory committee member, you are already the most surviving group of survivors. One of them, plus you have had the most contact with Baili Qingfeng, and naturally you are the most qualified to meet with Your Highness with me. "

Jin Bo said, leaving quickly.

And before leaving, Gu Weiwei glanced at the Da Ri Temple full of flames and explosions, her spirit was a little sloppy ...

In her mind, the powerful Sun Temple ...

Is that all?

Just destroyed under the attack of Baili Qingfeng?

Think of the rising of the poor boy who has never been seen by her over the years, and the huge losses that they have brought to the Sun Temple, now ... it is huge enough to destroy the entire Sun Temple ... Gu Weiwei just There is an unreal fantasy ...

"If ... this is a nightmare, let me wake up soon ..."


"It's too full."

Baili Qingfeng rubbed his belly.

Hold up.

I ate too much and it was a bit too much.

Fortunately, there is a little space left in his Yaojin battle armor. If it is completely close, eating this way will affect the flexibility.

"But I ’m going to run for a dozen hours, and I ’ll have enough energy to run after I ’m full ... Otherwise, I ’ll be hungry on the back like I did when I ’m here ... So, I ’m full One point, when you save the energy that will be consumed next. "

Baili Qingfeng said, came to the door and opened the door of the amazing warehouse.


A cloud of smoke filled the air.

This treasure house was built so sturdy that it survived even after a self-destructive violent explosion, but outside the treasure house ...

Just a little embarrassed.

At a glance, the remains of the collapsed building were everywhere, and flames were still burning in many places, rolling up thick smoke and disappearing into the night.

When it came, it was bright like a daylight sanctuary, and in less than an hour, it had become a scorched earth ruin.

"Time is running out! Taisi, the owner of the Great Sun Temple, took a bunch of experts to Wuhe Port. Although there are still more than 30 hours before the meeting and trading, in case she received the Great Sun Temple was destroyed The news dumped this black pot on me, and then wanted to capture my second grandfather, my father, my sister, what would they do to me? Therefore, I must rush back to the city of Xiawu as quickly as possible to dismantle their vicious conspiracy ! "

Baili Qingfeng thought that he couldn't care much, and identified the direction a little ~ ~ The energy erupted at his feet, and the smoke was filled. His shape was like a cannonball crashing into the night sky. The tearing atmosphere goes away under the auxiliary increase.

"Tessie is a ninth-class powerhouse, and she has a master. With my own strength, it is definitely a life of nine deaths ... Although I must fight desperately, I must stop them and protect my family and friends, but ... ... in order to be sure, we must have more masters ... "

Thinking of this, he rushed out of his mobile phone the first time.

This is the mobile phone that Bai Yisheng sent to him, but it is specially made by Tianjilou. In addition to being able to make phone calls and play games like a normal mobile phone, its ruggedness is far beyond that of ordinary mobile phones.

Baili Qingfeng originally intended to use it as a walkman to stimulate the power of the soul. As a result, the Great Sun Church did not encounter any decent masters, and it did not come in handy.

but now……

He called a fidelity phone.

Wonderful book house

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