The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 569: 7 Love Techniques

"Let me do it."

East Shengyang Road.

Although he and Nanfeng Guo felt that something was wrong, Baili Qingfeng's refining of God's ninefold cultivation will never be false.

And who can be cultivated into the **** of rejuvenation, which does not have its own uniqueness?

Stones from other hills, can learn!

It is with this spiritual conviction that they created the shrine in Shizukuoka, and developed it as a holy place in the minds of the Eastern Shenzhou refiners in the past few decades. Right now, before a newly-reinforced God of Nine Strong Come visit if they don't experience each other's means ...

That is irresponsible for your future cultivation.

"Master Baili, how can I cooperate with you?"

"I will attack the master with Jiuxiao Thunder."

"Attack me with refining mystery?"

Dong Shengyang said sternly: "Although Master Baili belongs to Jiuzhong, the **** of refining ... If he attacks me with refining mystery ... Even if he doesn't do his best, he will be met with a certain backlash ..."

"This is the principle of my cultivation."

Baili Qingfeng explained with a smile: "When the refining **** strong uses refining mystery to attack the target, his own" mind "will also be subject to a certain number of counter-shocks. This is a well-known thing. The stronger the opponent's will, the stronger the faith , The greater the force of the counter-shock suffered, I refer to this principle, and then developed a special practice method for myself according to my special situation, that is, constantly attacking powerful targets with refining mystery, and then through the 'back-shock 'To polish our minds, it's the same reason that we need someone to beat us with a wooden stick when we practice the bell jar and iron shirt.'

"Train your mind with antiseismism?"

Dong Shengyang pondered, it sounded like a little truth, but ...

"How can Master Baili ensure that the power of the anti-shock is just right and will not hurt the spirit?"

"Don't break, don't stand, break and stand! The devastated soul is also a sharpening of one's mind!"


Hearing Baili Qingfeng's explanation, Dong Shengyang, the ninth peak cultivating **** of power, couldn't turn a little.

For a moment, however, his expression gradually became firm.

twenty one years old!

Baili Qingfeng is only 21 years old!

A 21-year-old Nine-Strength of Refining God, who can believe if there is nothing special about it?

Right now, the innate **** Mozuz he has conceived belongs to the first special point. Before he integrated another concept into this concept, it was another special point. Perhaps ...

This unique reinforcement method is the third special point?

Thinking of this, Dong Shengyang said modestly: "Please enlighten me, Master Baili!"

"Be careful!"

Baili Qingfeng said aloud, and slightly measured the difference in strength between the two. The innate demon Zuz, who had been conceived for a long time, suddenly soared, and a large number of thunder began to radiate, diffuse, and swept away from him. A billowing thundercloud.

Of course, because of tentative attacks, the pervasive power of destruction in the thundercloud of Baili Qingfeng naturally did not reach its peak, but the moment of its formation, the coercion still made Dong Shengyang look dignified.

"This is advanced mysticism? No! Suppression! He conceived this ... the innate **** Mozuz ... the suppression effect on the enemy's" God "!?"

Dong Shengyang noticed something for the first time and couldn't help but open his eyes.

The stronger the creature you think about, the higher the potential. Even people used to think of creatures to divide the height of a concept.

It ’s just that the more powerful creatures are, the rarer and mysterious they are, and the harder it is for humans to understand. This slows down the progress of refining the realm of God. On the contrary, those relatively weak creatures can be constructed more easily if they can be captured, studied, and visualized It is easier to cultivate a stable form. There are advantages and disadvantages between the two. You cannot tell who is higher or lower, it depends on individual choice.

But the innate **** Mozuz, who was conceived by Baili Qingfeng ...

It is actually congenital that can cause suppression of the opponent's "God"! ?

It is not from the realm of cultivating gods, but the oppressive power brought by imagination!

Probably because ...

After the innate demon manifested, it was too mighty and overbearing, and shocked people's minds, thus bringing instinct-like horror!

It's like the same two family cars, one is ordinary, but the other is transformed into a heavy truck. Even if they still use the same engine, the psychological pressure brought by them when they come over is still not there. One level.

"This kind of meditation creature ... meet three points short ..."

Dong Shengyang is envious.

Just let him use this non-existent mythical creature as a visual object. He dare not dare anyway. In case a pair of visual objects in his mind questioned, the visual objects collapsed. Know the crash.


When Dong Shengyang adjusted his mental state for defense, the figure of the inborn **** Zuz exuding a mighty thunder had been emptied, and the movement of Jiuxiao Thunder contained a thunderous thunder, and he slammed into Dongsheng fiercely. Yang's spiritual world.


The spiritual power of Dong Shengyang is vast, and the state of Nine Peaks is by no means a fame.

Although Baili Qingfeng did not make every effort to sacrifice a thunderous thunderstorm, when the thunder blasted into the spiritual world of Dong Shengyang, the instinctual counterattack still made his spiritual world seem to take off. Divine bird!

This kind of divine bird is similar to Jinwu, and also emits a fiery flame on its body. The flame rises and spreads directly along the thunder that blasted into the spiritual world of Dongshengyang. Burning the thundercloud will almost show the innate **** Demon Zuz. The thundercloud turned into ashes.

The confrontation between refining gods and refining gods has always been extremely dangerous. No matter how restrained the two nine strong men are, injuries are inevitable.

However, under this kind of flame burning, although Baili Qingfeng's innate **** Demon Zuz was burned for less than half, the remaining power seemed to be refined, just like the fiery fire to refine real gold, becoming more pure and thick. !!

Only after his innate demon Zuz recovers again, the cultivation will inevitably take another layer.


Dong Shengyang felt the change of the innate demon Mozuz on Baili Qingfeng, and immediately felt that his three-view cognition was strongly impacted: "Actually ... it really has a tempering effect !?"

"His innate demon Zuz is twice as stable as we think of the creatures. In other words, his anti-backphasing ability is twice as high as ours. In addition, the innate **** ... The resilience of the demon is much stronger than us ... It is too unreasonable ... Although the Jiu Xiaolei movement he just cast has not done all he can, I have a hunch, even if he does his best to smash the Jiu Xiaolei movement with this statue The stability of the demon, he will not bite back to death, and at the very least be traumatized, and this trauma ... does not require cultivation for ten days and a half months ... It is estimated that it can be recovered in one or two days ... "

The Nanfeng on the side witnessed the experimental confrontation between the two men, and couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Is it ... the mythical creature that is visualized is so much stronger than the real visual creature?"

"Should the two be here?"

Baili Qingfeng smiled.

Dong Shengyang looked at Baili Qingfeng, who was not backwashed, and for a while did not speak.

"Did we go the wrong way? Thinking about powerful fantasy mythical creatures and giving them powerful characteristics is the real way out for the refining gods?"

South wind looked a little dazed after passing by.

Obviously, he put the power of Baili Qingfeng on the particularity of the mythical creature he had imagined.

However, after all, he is a nine-strong refining god. He has a keen mind and a firm will. He has quickly awakened from this self-doubt: "No, no! This fantasy mythical creature may have far more potential than the real creature, but it is breaking. At this stage from the nineth to the tenth, how can it be turned into reality and refining falsehood into reality? They are already fantasy creatures. They have no real creatures as a reference. It will become more difficult to move from fantasy to reality. Increased the difficulty of the breakthrough, so there are gains and losses for both systems! "

Dong Shengyang also quickly awakened from this scene that almost subverted the Three Views: "He sacrificed the possibility of achieving the Holy Refiner in the future in exchange for the amazing cultivation speed and extraordinary fighting ability before the tenth refining of God ... this way ... ... not necessarily better or better than our path ... "

After speaking, he looked towards Baili Qingfeng's eyes gradually and gradually marveled: "However, he can take a completely new path in the original refining **** system, even if this path is not a big change and it is not a success, it is a hundred Master Li ... still can be called unprecedented ... No, Master Baili is respected as a master in the process of refining God! "

"A new path? Grandmaster?"

Baili Qingfeng was a little puzzled.

How did he become a passer-by and a guru?


Considering that when I see people and things that are not very familiar, I will try to boast a few words. Those ugly praise them for their cleverness, stupid praise for their efforts, lazy praise for their good attitude, this is the thing anyway.

Therefore, he continued to maintain his modest style: "The two masters have passed the prize, and I just practice it blindly and cannot be elegant."

"No, Master Baili's new path has inspired us a lot. Although this path does not help the impact on the Holy One, it gives us more choices for practitioners who practice the vein of God ~ www. ~ Nanfeng said, with some guilt, "The Thunder Staff itself is not as good as Master Baili ’s Jiuxiao Thunder, let alone compared with the road newly created by Master Baili, but there is no high-level Refining mysticism, therefore, I can only talk about my experience in practicing Jiuzhong, and please forgive me. "

"Listen to your ears."

Baili Qingfeng said quickly.

Dong Shengyang on the side also took out his seven emotions: "This mysterious mystery technique is based on the seven emotions of the human body. There are seven changes, namely joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, Fear, surprise. This mystery is the method of increasing the amplitude. As long as it can exert its changes with corresponding emotions, it can increase the power of mystery. "

"Incorporate emotions into refining mystery !?"

Baili Qingfeng was moved.

This mystery ...

There seems to be a shadow of the power of the mind?

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