The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 570: Auxiliary

The power of the mind excites, and the spirit of the human body will all be in a state of stress.

Under such a special situation, the strength has soared, and it is almost unreasonable and illogical.

Of course, no matter how much the increase effect is not so great that a nine-level martial arts counterattack will be strong.

It's as if people can't use hypnotism to tear gold fine steel no matter how hypnotic.

Regarding the power of the soul, although Baili Qingfeng has been studying it, it is not a complete mastery. The seven emotions that Dong Shengyang has now ...

But it is like a prototype of autonomous use of spiritual power!

"Seven emotions, using the seven human emotions, increase the power of refining mysticism. The more consistent the attributes of refining mysticism, the greater the increase. Like me, I am practicing the idea of ​​Chiyao true flames. In the "anger" of the Seven Feelings, the corresponding high-level refining mysticism will be performed with full of anger, and the power will be greatly enhanced, and the mastery of mystery refining by the li is based on the rod of thunder, if you substitute it into ' Two kinds of emotions of "horror", the power will also increase geometrically, coupled with Nanfeng's improvement on the staff of Thunder ... It is estimated that it can be compared with high-level refining mystery. "

"Scared and terrified ..."

"Yes, the only problem is ... the mood of anger is better to substitute, but for you as the ninth master and the master of the ninefold Baili master, you may not be scared."

Dong Shengyang said with a smile.

At the end, he also added: "In addition, the increase in Qiqing is effective, but it hurts and hurts people. Since ancient times, there have been sayings about worries and griefs. Great sadness, joy, fright, and anger have some effects on the human body , Therefore, Master Baili really needs to be careful when using Qiqing. "

"There is a feeling of Seven Injury Boxing ... Lian Shen Edition Seven Injury Boxing?"

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

"Seven Injuries?"

Dong Shengyang stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment: "The lord of Baili said that he applied the Qiqing technique to the body refining and gas refining system?"

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Dong Shengyang, thinking of his previous inspiration, and proposingly said, "Have Master Dong Shengyang ever thought of changing the Seven Feelings to Rage? No! It is a kind of amplification! A Qiqing technique continues to stimulate the power of the mind, so that the combat power of the people on their own side soars? "

"Use the seven emotions to stimulate the power of the mind?"


Baili Qingfeng nodded his head: "Of course, I just suggest that if you can do it, you have to explore it with the master."

"No, this statement makes sense. It has been two years since I got Qiqingshu, and I have never thought of it ... The stimulation of the power of the soul itself depends on personal emotions and spiritual beliefs. Say, but personal emotions, Qiqingshu can really be affected, as if a smile can be transmitted ... "

Dong Shengyang looked up and smiled.

Ordinary smiles can be displayed through his sacred gods, who are ninefold and powerful, but they are full of emotional appeal.

"If you can really use the mystery of refining to stimulate spiritual strength, warriors like us who practice refining gods and refining the body will have a lot of advantages when it comes to warriors of the same level."

Baili Qingfeng said.

He can see that Dong Shengyang has not only refined the realm of God to the level of Jiuzhong Cave, but has also upgraded the realm of gas to the Ninth Heaven and Earth.

It's just that his accomplishments in refining gas are not as profound as refining gods.

"Practitioners of refining gods and refining bodies, warriors of refining gods and refining spirits are better than those of a single system. They use" God "to push internal forces, thus erupting slightly better than their peers. "God" can promote its own internal force, and naturally, it can also promote the vitality operation. The only disadvantage is that the physical load will increase greatly and it is easy to hurt itself. Therefore, it is often necessary to coexist with the three spirits and spirits. "God" to promote their own energy and strength. This is also the silver body's exquisite deity and energy unity. The unity of spirit and air is also the strong source of the silver body. "

"Heavenly Oneness ..."

Baili Qingfeng heard this statement for the first time.

"Yes, having a strong physique will not hurt yourself when you use God to drive the internal force."

Nanfeng aisle, and at the same time glanced at Baili Qingfeng with envy: "Master Baili not only practiced refining the body and refining the gods to the peak of the ninth level, but I am afraid that the pulse of refining has also refined the internal strength? Jin It will only be a matter of time until the ninth level heaven and man, and in time, it will be another ninth level invincible powerhouse! "

"Nine invincible?"

Dong Shengyang glanced at Baili Qingfeng: "Although the nine-level invincible of the silver body is better, it is better than never to reach Xeon! Master Baili seems to have never embarked on the path of Xeon. Maybe wait for you to accumulate in the realm of gods. At the peak of Ninetimes, you can consider abandoning the two veins of refining gas and refining the body, refining refined gas, refining gas, and impacting the Ten Saints in one fell swoop! "

"Refining refined gas, refining gas ..."

Nanfeng flashed before his eyes: "Yes, if Master Baili is really willing to burn spirits, refining gasification, and the hope of impacting the top ten saints will far surpass me ..."

Speaking of which he seemed to think, his expression was slightly stagnant: "On the premise that ... your own practice system will not hold back ..."

"Refining and refining gas, refining and refining gas ... how can you still impact the Ten Saints in this way?"

Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised.

"Of course, otherwise, how do you think those Xeons still have enough time to refining the **** of refining after completing the accumulation of refining and refining? Doesn't it depend on the means of refining and refining God?"

Dong Shengyang said, with a slight tone of tone: "However, this kind of refining **** and the breakthrough refining **** of his own, in the end, is not mellow in terms of mastery of power. In nature, it is the same as the upgrade of peony and the effort to upgrade. There are some differences. "

"Don't care about nature or nature, it is a blessing for us to step into the top ten of refining God."

South wind aisle.

Dong Shengyang listened, was silent for a moment, and nodded.

Yeah, what are the qualifications for those who ca n’t be promoted by the tenfold refining gods?

"Could you please tell me the two masters about the method of uniting the air and the method of refining the air?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

"This is not something very secretive, Master Baili wants to know, and I will tell the Master."

"Haha, after that, we might as well study how to use mystery mysticism to stimulate the soul of others and increase their combat power."

Nanfeng said with a smile: "In the second world, there are temple sacrifice. The power of war songs and blessings they have can produce this effect. If we can really create a mysterious method that can stimulate the power of the individual soul ... the weight of the gods will become irreplaceable in the future! "

Dong Shengyang nodded solemnly when the south wind passed.

In today's world, the situation of refining God is actually very awkward.

Those low-level refining gods will not talk about it. They will not have the actual combat ability if they are less than the fifth refining god. A third-level martial artist shoots to death, even if most of the god-refiners can reach the seventh and eighth level of refining gods, they can't stand upright in front of the true land immortals and town-level strong men.

Like Dong Shengyang, a ninth-level peak refining god, the original intention of setting up the fire temple was just a place for everyone to communicate with each other, but the Moro royal family ordered it to let them gather the **** refiners together in advance. Even if he is unwilling, he still has to obey orders.

If the refining **** also has the same combat power as refining body and refining gas, with the power of Dong Shengyang converted into the title of refining refining gas, plus the east facing the sea, the south wind passing two people, and many students, Moro The royal family dares to give them orders in this way, and it is possible to directly overturn them.

But now ...

The power of the mind involved in the Qiqingshu has made them see a chance.

Although Qiqingshu is still difficult to give them how much combat power, it can fundamentally change the status of the strong gods.

After all, Qiqingshu is not a high-level refining mystery technique, and the five-fold refining **** can practice.

Aid that inspires the power of the soul ...

Just think about how much weight will be.

"Let's talk in detail about the power of the mind ..."

Dong Shengyang took the lead.

"I have studied a lot of hypnosis methods during this time, and I want to find the inspiration of the power of the soul from hypnosis ..."

Baili Qingfeng joined the discussion.


Dong Shengyang's heart moved.

"Yes, hypnosis, or crystal meditation, when it comes to hypnosis, I have to talk about the benefits of deep sleep, but it is far less simple than you think ..."

Baili Qingfeng immediately carried out the theory of not knowing where to see it.

Dong Shengyang listened, although there seemed to be something wrong, but ...

This is the valuable experience of Baili Qingfeng, the master of the refining **** who created a new cultivation system. It is definitely not much worse. He couldn't figure it out for a moment, but his understanding was limited.

"I have studied the war songs and blessing powers of the sacrifices in the Second World Temple ... may these materials help?"

South wind aisle.

"Come on, let's take a look together and improve this system that involves deep sleep, fixation, and fetal life."

East Shengyang Road.

For a time, the three strong nine gods of refining talked warmly, and the atmosphere was extraordinary.

As the three kept talking, sparks of wisdom collided, and the system seemed to gradually look a little bit more.

The more reasoning becomes clearer.

The exchanges between several people gradually integrated this system of Qingli Feng into the seven emotions. Although sometimes encountered some research bottlenecks, each time Baili Qingfeng opened his mouth, it was often unrestrained and informal. Grid, they can easily break the difficulties they encountered ...

Although it only provides one direction after breaking through the difficulties ~ ~, but with the help of everyone, we are working together.

at last……

After such discussions and exchanges lasted for two days and two nights, an unstoppable sound came from the hall.


Dong Shengyang's tone is a bit stubborn, as if in a sleepwalk: "The refining mysticism that brought us the dawn of a practitioner's veins of dawn ... created two days and two nights !?"

"Yeah, two days and two nights!"

Baili Qingfeng's voice was also full of booing.

"too difficult!"


South wind passed.

Wonderful book house

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