The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 611: Rescue

call out! "

Baili Qingfeng flitted past a small group of cavemen.

The burrowers of this team of missing fish were skeined by Jian Guang and died instantly.

"Sure enough, there is a fish that I missed before I can kill it ..."

Baili Qingfeng killed this group of cavemen and looked up.

He was a little confused.

Fortunately, despite the thick smoke and flames everywhere, the sun in the sky can still distinguish the direction.

Now it looks like three or four o'clock in the afternoon, then, according to the rules of up north down south left west right east ...

Baili Qingfeng quickly determined the direction of the Kingdom of Hea, and went straight to Hea.

Although it should still belong to the Aurora Empire, he will still be killed one by one when he meets the burrowing fish.

The Aurora Empire and the Kingdom of Shia are hostile, but the confrontation between the two countries is ultimately a human civil war. Even if Shia is defeated, it is impossible to exterminate the race, but the cave people ...

Give them a chance, they really don't mind burning, killing and eating up the entire Hia's billions of people.


Just as Baili Qingfeng entered the border of the Kingdom of Shia when he was fighting and fighting, he seemed to sense something. He turned around and ran straight in one direction.

Within a few kilometers of the journey, a **** man appeared in his sight hiding in the grass.

This man looks forty or fifty, giving the first impression like a thick old farmer, but his image at the moment is very embarrassed, not only covered with blood, but also the breath is weakened to the extreme, the appearance of dying seems to be next Seconds will be lost.

The man is not someone else, it is Zhao Si Zhao Jiansheng who failed to assassinate the Aurora Emperor and escaped from the battlefield in his nine dead.

"This is already within our Shia ... it should be that the civilians of our Shia Kingdom have been attacked by burrowers ... Damn burrowers!"

Baili Qingfeng hurried forward and cared: "Brother, how are you, uncle !? I'll take you to the hospital!"

After that, he carried him back.

Zhao Si looked at Baili Qingfeng and was touched by his vindication of justice, but he was kind-hearted: "Little brother ... you don't care about me ... you go, there are bad people chasing me ... don't involve you . "

"No! Are you our Shia people? If I were a simple student, I would naturally choose to call the police and make an emergency call for you, but besides being a sophomore ... I am still a warrior As a warrior in the Kingdom of Shia, I have the right and the obligation to protect the safety of any Shia people! So I will not let the bad guys hurt you ... "

Baili Qingfeng was right to say.

"Well, that's even worse, those who chase me are very powerful, you ..."

Without finishing his four words, Baili Qingfeng accelerated.

The mysterious display of heaven and human realm, the resistance in the air, the oncoming wind seems to be tamed by an invisible force, not only no longer an obstacle to their wild running, but instead turned into their driving force, just a moment, hundred miles Qingfeng's speed has broken 400 kilometers per hour!

"This speed ..."

Zhao Si's eyes widened suddenly.

"Brother, how are you? Will the wind pressure be able to withstand it? Will it cause more injuries? If it's okay, I will speed it up a bit?"

"You ... can you speed it up?"

"Yes, then I slowly speed up, if you can't stand it, you say ..."

After Baili Qingfeng spoke, the speed climbed again.

Speed ​​...

400 kilometers, 500 kilometers, 600 kilometers ...

Zhao Si's breathing suddenly became sharp.

This speed ...

This speed appears on a ninth-level warrior ...

The perfect fit of the own vitality field and the external environment, even using the own vitality field to interfere with the mysterious use of external matter ...



From this field-like power, he seemed to see the next direction of ascension.

After all the three spirits have been repaired to the top, the front ...

It seems like there is no more road.

All he can do is to try to continue to integrate the three spirits and form a new kind of thing. This kind of thing will either become a new force or form a special field of life.

Originally he was still a little confused, but when he saw Baili Qingfeng's heaven and human realm, the layer of mist in his mind suddenly became clear, and he was involuntarily caught in the epiphany ...

"call out!"

Just as Zhao Si fell into an epiphany, repairing a faint tendency to penetrate the mystery of Xeon, the speed of Baili Qingfeng suddenly dropped. The kind of mysterious mysterious mystery of Xeon that suddenly inspired him was suddenly lightened Go, then, a voice full of concern sounded in his ear: "Brother, how are you, Brother, can't you hold on?"


Epiphany came to an abrupt halt, and Zhao Siyi, awakened, was speechless for a while.

"Ah, it's so serious !? I stop quickly!"

Baili Qingfeng suddenly braked.

"Hurry up ... run faster ... continue to run ... the enemy is about to catch up, I tell you, the enemy is terrible ..."

"No, I can't run any faster!"

Baili Qingfeng strictly refused: "I just heard that you are breathing hard and you are almost out of breath. The symptoms are very similar to those when my grandpa was sick. Later, there was no sound at all. I almost thought you were all It ’s going to die, even if you talk slowly after I slow down, what if you run at the same speed again, and your injury will happen again? For your life, I ca n’t run anymore, you must get treatment. "

During the conversation, he directly lowered Zhao Si and carefully examined his injuries.

Zhao Si glanced at Baili Qingfeng, looked at his jerky face, and looked at his injury seriously ...



He is such a person.

if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate!

Epiphany ...

No more, no more.

It's a pity that epiphany is so unsuitable.

In particular, plus the number of epiphanies this time, he made up 666 times. What a good number is now waiting for the next time.

After all, the young man in front of him is completely kind. For his life's sake, if he is weird, wouldn't it be good to revenge?

Such people look down on them most in their village.

"Whew! No big deal, just broken internal organs! Your hands and feet are healthy, and there aren't any big wounds on your body. It's good to cultivate for a while."

After checking for a moment, Baili Qingfeng was relieved and relieved.

"Little brother, you are a good person. My old Zhao has never seen a good person suffer. Someone is chasing me. I don't want to involve you, let's go."

Zhao Si wholeheartedly approached Bailiqing.

"Uncle Zhao, can you say this and let me leave again and again and do not want to affect me, I know that you must be a good man, worthy of our good people, you ca n’t see that good people suffer. I It's the same, so I will never let you die in the hands of those bad guys! "

Baili Qingfeng said that at this time, several breaths were approaching quickly, and there were two others who did not know when to get around them and blocked their way to escape from Shia in another direction.

Sensen's killing began to surround the void.

Not only locked Zhao Si, but also locked Baili Qingfeng far away.

"It's an enthusiastic guy, but you must also feel it at this time. The person who chased me is coming. You have a strong breath. Any one of those who chase me can reach your level. ... at your speed, if you don't take me, you can rush out and take me ... "

"Uncle Zhao, you don't need to say anything!"

Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath: "I will never leave you alone! What is the purpose of our martial arts people? Is it not just to protect family members, protect loved ones, protect friends? And in time to do what we can, protect Weak and small, help justice !? The eight enemies in front of us are indeed strong, but as long as I can adhere to this belief and burn my youth and blood, even if there are eight enemies, then what ?! I always believe that evil is overwhelming! And, in my life, I have relied on this belief more than once to overcome weakness! "

"Eight of them are not as simple as ordinary nine-level powerhouses. They are also good at sword formation ..."

"No matter how strong the enemy is, I can't crush my will and destroy my faith! Even if I die a lifetime, I will definitely protect your safety, Mr. Zhao!"

Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath, his eyes shone brightly.

The strong will and belief burned and boiled on him. This emotion was led out by the triad, and the strength of the mind in his body was instantly increased. For a time, his breath skyrocketed.

Not only the power of the mind, but as he stimulates his breath, he intends to let go of the battle. The three powers of Jingqi God also circulate in him. Above those eight!

"Does the enemy have a sword formation ... if there is a sword formation ..."

Baili Qingfeng saw that six of them had appeared hundreds of meters away, and his foot burst into a sudden burst of energy. As the soil turned over, the whole person was like a cannonball, aiming at the nearest one of the six people in front of him: "Then they must not be allowed to cooperate to display the sword array ..."


In other words, the demons disintegration technique was triggered, and the restored multipotent cells were directly detonated by one-fifth. The limit of the human body was broken. With the intense roar of the atmosphere, a layer of golden halo radiated from him ...

"Silver Body !? Power of the Mind !?"

When Zhao Si saw Baili Qingfeng exhibiting all his powers ~ ~ couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Unexpectedly, the 9th-level warrior can achieve this level, it's just ... lying *!"

The Baili Qingfeng who sacrificed the demon disintegration technique soared in momentum, carrying Taishan's invincible might, and slammed away one of the fastest nine-level strong men who rushed.

The ninth-level strong man opened his eyes and yelled, the breath broke out, and the sword was cut out. Actually, the air-conditioner moved the trend of the sword array described by Mr. Zhao, and the force of the other five swept through, causing The power of this sword soared, even though it was only half a point weaker than the momentum of Baili Qingfeng at the moment.

"It's great! Although I'm a little stronger, but the enemy is in the middle of it, once it's encircled ... one-fifth will not work!"

Baili Qingfeng made an immediate decision: "One third! Burn!"


(The plot has been guessed. It's too difficult. I slightly modified the third chapter and can't be said to copy the book! The other party used the mobile phone expression "Wisdom")

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