The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 612: Take refuge

One fifth and one third ...

The common denominator, three-fifteenths plus five-fifths, is ultimately equal to eighteenths ...

This value ...

More than one-half!

When this power really erupted and superimposed on each other, the horrific momentum rising from the sky and the coercion of the ranks derived from the instinct of life suddenly seemed to manifest a horror demon in the void, and the demon was golden. The mighty destruction of the mighty Demon Power is fused with golden light, and the circle of diffusion spreads in all directions, forming air ripples visible to the naked eye, continually oppressing the surroundings, letting the stone debris fly within ten meters of the circle, and the dust overflows into the sky.

Feeling this kind of power, let alone bear the brunt of the Nine-level Peak Power Xianying who used the sword of the Emperor to fight against the power of the sword array and Baili Qingfeng. Even Zhao Si, the first power of Dongshenzhou, is forbearing. Can't help stunning.

Nine strong ...

This power erupted! ?

It directly refreshed his redefinition of the concept of "nine levels"!

"This kind of demons disintegration !? You are the Baili Qingfeng!"

There was a deafening roar in Xianying's mouth. It seemed that a certain forbidden technique had erupted. A burst of blood mist emerged from all over his body, and the power of the sword that he had cut off again rose.

However, this level of climb is more than a little bit worse than that of Baili Qingfeng burning one-third of the universal cells in one breath! ?

It's like two ordinary people about to compete. One of them replaces the sword with a sword, and the other ... throws the sword and picks up Gatlin.


it goes without saying.


At the moment when the two swords intersected, a cannonball was detonated directly in the void, and the mighty and violent explosive force swept the blast of air and waves that destroyed the Quartet and tore it in all directions.

The 9th-level peak strongman Xianyinghe and the 6th-level 9th-level strongman's swordsmanship have not yet persisted for a second in the face of this violent and pure terrorist force. The swordsmanship has broken and the air waves have collapsed!

"Do not!"

Along with Baili Qingfeng holding the sword down sharply, the ninth-level peak strongman directly with a sword, was skeined into blood fog in one fell swoop, and died on the spot.

It wasn't just him. The other five Nine-level powers who were integrated into the sword art of the Emperor almost vomited blood at the same time. Among them, a Nine-level Heavenly Man who was already injured was screaming, and he was so angry on the spot.

"Xeon! Xeon! This is the power of Xeon! It is rumored that Baili Qingfeng can cut off Xeon sword, it is true!"

A ninth-level powerhouse roared sadly and angry.

"Hurry ... he cuts a sword, he will be very injured, we take this opportunity ..."

Another nine-level powerhouse was drinking too much, and it seemed that he was about to fight back.

But without waiting for his words to be finished, according to the information, the Baili Qingfeng, which should have lost its combat power, has once again exploded, and its body has been utterly killed. Although this time he has not erupted a sword that is comparable to the Xeon, but silver The mutual increase of the three essences of the body essence and spirit, and the power of the soul inspired by the triple operation, still makes him extremely fast!

Of the remaining four nine-level powerhouses, one of the most severely wounded had not had time to breathe, and his body was completely submerged by the swordsman of Baili Qingfeng.

"Sword formation!"

Another ninth-level strong man was drinking in anger, even though there were only three left, he still condensed a new sword with the sword technique of the emperor. The sword was powerful and rapidly rising. Compared with the Baili Qingfeng that inspired the power of the soul It is not inferior.


Baili Qingfeng was sincerely feeling.

However, he was not slow at all. The demons disintegration broke out again, and one-fifth of all-purpose cells were burned. The violent air wave was mixed with a faint golden light to impinge, destroying the dying situation and consolidating the sword power of the Emperor. The ninth-level strongman even took a sword and twisted it into pieces.

Not only that, the characteristics of the glory and glory of the Emperor made one of the remaining two people spit blood and died, and the remaining ...

"You must not give him the opportunity to perform the sword power again ..."

Baili Qingfeng Jianguang pierced!

Sword Eruption!

Like Bai Hong Guanri, tearing the void, passing through his skull in an instant.

Suddenly, the six Nine Levels were beheaded!

"Two more!"

After beheading and killing these six nine-level powerhouses, Baili Qingfeng breathed for a moment. He did not dare to be indifferent. His body turned and his feet broke out again. It was like an arrow off the string. Whistling shot at the remaining two And go.


"Hurry up, the monarch of the messenger! Baili Qingfeng rescued Zhao Si! And, Baili Qingfeng is more terrible than expected, and must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise it will become a confidant of our Aurora Empire!"

The remaining two husbands and hounds saw the arrogance of Baili Qingfeng and turned without hesitation!

But for a moment, the two of them were desperate.

The speed of the Baili Qingfeng's outbreak was incredible, even if the imperial husband of the ninth heavenly man broke out to the extreme, the speed ...

Still a lot slower than Baili Qingfeng!

"Can't escape! Can't escape!"

A trace of despair flashed in the hound's eyes: "Leave the message to others, I'll take the time for you!"

With that said, the ninth-level master, with tragic and decisiveness, directly launched a desperate charge on Baili Qingfeng!



Interest flow!


At the moment when the two were about to contact, the speed of Baili Qingfeng skyrocketed, and Jianguang whistled, passing through his skull when the ninth-level master was too late to change his moves.

While piercing through the head of the ninth-level master, his sword also struck the Windbreaker's Battlegear of Baili Qingfeng, but with the stature of Baili Qingfeng, he lost his control. The sword was suddenly deflected and fell into the air.

Beheaded to kill this master, Baili Qingfeng flew in a stature, and once again rushed to the last man Yufu, before the person arrived, the horror that brought the number of people to death was already paved, rolling and rolling, almost let Yufu be Choking.

"I can do the dismantling of the demon! I am the emperor, I can't wait to kill Zhao Si, but I can only be loyal to you!"

Yufu screamed loudly, his breath soared!

The original demon disintegration technique swept out of him, making his breath boil to the extreme.


The human body is unavoidable for any level nine!

Although Yufu inspires the dismantling of the demon, causing his internal power to boil and the power to the extreme, he still cannot break the limit of this trance. The two swords intersect, and a roar explodes again in the void. The air waves visible to the naked eye are sweeping across the circle The strength of several meters spread, breaking up the fragmented area, and the dust was flying!

"call out!"

In the dust, the figure of Baili Qingfeng flew upside down, and his blood surged.

Obviously, he did not take any advantage in the duel of the sword just now.

But just as he wondered whether he would burn the omnipotent cells and quickly resolve the battle, he found ...

The demon dismantling technique just seems to have burned out all the spirit spirits of Yufu. That sword poured all his spirits, which can be called his peak and glorious sword. After cutting this sword He also ran out of oil, ran out of water, and eventually died.


Baili Qingfeng exhaled a long breath: "These eight people should only be at the peak level, and have not yet reached the half-step Xeon and quasi-Xeon levels. If those pursuers are half-step Xeon, I am a quasi-extreme strong, and when I come to eight, I still have this strange sword-like swordsmanship. I am about to die here today. "

Fortunately, the enemy is not very strong!

Although this battle was difficult, he relied on the power of the soul, the soul of justice, and the advantage that the demons disintegration technique could temporarily increase to Xeon strike, but he won!

"Silver body, nine invincible, sincerely do not bully me!"

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa……"

At this time, applause came.

However, he saw the old man Zhao Sizhao staring at Baili Qingfeng blankly, applauding, quickly applauding.

"Okay! Good! Great! Really amazing!"

"Uncle Zhao has won a prize. In fact, these eight people are also very powerful. I was desperately forced by them to use the demons disintegration technique. If they come eight more ... 16 more, I'm afraid I can't protect you ..."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"I heard them say, your name is Baili Qingfeng?"

"Yes, the old man knows me?"

"I've heard it, but I don't know."

Zhao Si shook his head: "I usually planted land at home, looked at the new rural construction guidance plan, and learned how to grow higher yields of grain. Oh, occasionally I also practice martial arts, you know, after martial arts Good health and strength will allow you to plant more fields and cultivate more land. When you find such a wicked person like Oden, there are ways to stop him from doing evil. "

"The old man was right."

At the sight of Zhao Si, Baili Qingfeng knew that he was the kind of down-to-earth man in the village. Now he was given a thumbs up: "Farming should be advancing with the times, just like me. At the beginning of martial arts, I only wanted to ensure my own safety. Eliminate the bad guys, but now, it ’s because practicing martial arts has the energy to let me read more books, have a better body to study and test, not only that, but also refining God, which can greatly increase our sensitivity to thinking and make us more To absorb knowledge. "

"I didn't expect us to go together. The reason I went to refining the gods was because the instructional textbooks were too esoteric. What scientific cultivation, artificial intelligence management skills, quantum irrigation and the like are very complicated. I do n’t understand at all. It ’s said that refining God can make people smart, so I also follow Refining God when practicing martial arts. Later, I found that those books are deceiving, but you can practice God and everything. Now. "

Zhao Si said with emotion.

"Uncle Zhao, you are afraid that you have offended some great people, but these people are very powerful one by one? But since I met, I will not stand idly by. Would you like to hide with me? Raise an injury?"

Zhao Si thought about the identity of Baili Qingfeng and the combat power just demonstrated ~ ~ thinked the seriously injured Emperor Aurora and the eighteen **** pillars almost wiped out ...

It is estimated that they do not have much power to search for themselves.

At the moment he nodded: "Okay, that will trouble you. I will leave when I am injured and will not cause you any trouble."

"It's all right."

Baili Qingfeng said that he soon came forward and put away the spoils on Yufu, Xianying, Hound and others.

Each of these people uses Yaojin weapons, and most of them are fine products of Yaojin weapons. When eight people are converted into ordinary Yaojin, they are nearly 100 kilograms, which can almost create a set of Storm Rippers again. Warframe.

So valuable, Baili Qingfeng will naturally not waste.


(After a long change, it still feels a little less, but it's too late, send it out first.)

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