The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 613: Confluence

Baili Qingfeng led Zhao Si toward the Shia Kingdom for less than 60 kilometers, and successfully met with the 30,000 elite taboos chasing the commander and others who wanted to reinforce him.

Seeing this huge army, Baili Qingfeng was touched a little.

He was wearing a battle suit and had no bag in his hand. He had to carry a person and carry dozens of kilograms of weapons and armor ...

It's not heavy, but it's hard to mention.

Right now I met Commander Joson and others, and finally I can borrow a car from them.


Jonson was relieved and relieved as he watched Baili Qingfeng return unharmed.

Although the Air Force's reconnaissance has always followed the Baili Qingfeng, paying attention to his safety, once he notices that he has become trapped in the cavemen, the Air Force will support it immediately, but as they enter the territory of the Aurora Empire, they will face the Aurora Empire. The air defense force had to retreat, so that Commander Jonson lost the news of Baili Qingfeng for nearly an hour.

Fortunately ...

Baili Qingfeng didn't even damage the armor this time, let alone die like before, dying and dying like nine lives.

"Qing Feng, you're fine, it's great."

After taking a sigh of relief, Jonson's eyes fell on Zhao Si, who was carried by Baili Qingfeng: "This is ..."

"This is Uncle Zhao Si Zhao."

Baili Qingfeng introduced a voice: "He was chased and killed by the people of the Aurora Empire and managed to escape. I met him on the road and rescued him."

After speaking, he also said with emotion: "The other people in the Aurora Empire are really bad. Even simple farmers like Mr. Zhao are unwilling to let go and let him die. When I have a chance in the future, I have to ask Aurora Complaint is not allowed. "

"Shooted by someone from the Aurora Empire?"

Jonson's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, this man who looks somewhat honest and honest can attract the attention of the Aurora Empire and send the strong to hunt it down. I am afraid it is not a simple character.

"By the way, Commander Jonson, these are the flares I got from beheading those who chased them down. I remember on the way I killed two temple knights and several reserve knights. If I add the flares that fall on them, Should the Stormbreaker's Battlegear be a fine Warframe? "

Baili Qingfeng put the raised gold on the car.

"Yao Jin !?"

Jonson's eyes were immediately attracted by those shining gold brought by Baili Qingfeng.

Immediately afterwards, as if he found something, he suddenly took out a fine dazzling golden sword and stared at the pattern above: "This is ..."

"It seems like a constellation."

Zhang Xingsheng gathered up and said something.

"Mio, this is Auriga in the 108 constellation."

Jonson shook his hands slightly, and then picked up another few swords: "Xianying, Hound, Sea Dragon, Peacock ..."


Zhang Xingsheng took a deep breath: "Isn't this ... the sabre used by the Eighteen Pillars under the Aurora Emperor?"

"Eighteen pillars?"

Of course, I have heard of the eighteen pillars of the Aurora Emperor Baili Qingfeng who have become famous under the Aurora Emperor. After all, he has been in contact with the Aurora Emperor God for a long time. The relationship is invariant. Naturally, he will not be like the ten of the top ten consortiums of the Chiyan Kingdom. The archon was not impressed.


Baili Qingfeng was distressed and said, "Eight of the eighteen gods around the Emperor Aurora actually killed a rural man in the blue sky? This is too much, is it a loss of humanity? Moral loss! "

"Eight people!?"

Jonson re-focused on the man Zhao Si, with a stern look: "The eighteen **** pillars under the aurora's seat are different from the ordinary nine levels. Every emperor's swordsmanship must be carefully pointed by the aurora's swordsmanship. The spiritual practice can be called ascension and extremism. In some aspects, the combat power is comparable to the title of the ninth level. If the eight people get the increase in the sword of the Emperor, the Xeons will be able to fight the battle. This Lord deserves to be sent by the Emperor Aurora to send eight of the eighteen pillars. God's pillar chasing ... shouldn't we tell us who we are? "

While talking, his guards had gradually surrounded Zhao.

"I ... I said that? My name is Zhao Si, and I am a farmer."

Zhao Si seriously said.


"Yes, and I like farming, and I'm good at it."

When Zhao Si said this, he gave Baili Qingfeng an awkward look, and said earnestly: "For true friends, I will tell them that I have such a deeply hidden true identity, and most people think of me as a martial art. People ... also gave me a title called Zhao Jiansheng, who is not a swordsman, and he doesn't divide the fields, what do I want? "

"Zhao ... Zhao Jiansheng !?"

Jonson, who was still calm, felt that his brain was hit hard with a hammer, and he could hear nothing.

"I believe you."

But Bai Fengqing Feng nodded cautiously towards Zhao Si ’s eyes: "It's as if my main profession is actually a student, and I like to read and like to read, but everyone else just called me Baili Master, also called me Chairman Baili. "

"Well, right, right, martial arts, it ’s really just for better farming and a better body. If you give me a field for me to plant, I will enjoy the joy of harvest every year, and enjoy a grain of plumpness The sense of fulfillment flowing through the rice paddy at your fingertips, who wants to practice martial arts, who wants to fight, kill, and make evil. "

"Yeah, who doesn't long for a peaceful life? If you give me a place to go to school quietly, smell the ink scent from books, listen to the teachers' careful lectures, write all kinds of test papers Difficult problems ... especially the sense of accomplishment when solving a difficult problem ... it's a blast, college life is good! "

"Peace and harmony, this is probably the most rare thing in the world. Our village was very good that year. It was quiet, peaceful, and beautiful, but the mountains and rivers were beautiful. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the beastly people ... I killed those beastly people, but Then things suddenly became very special. One by one, very powerful characters from all over the world, had to ask me to join them and compete with me. They were terrible. What mattered to me, and how much land should I plant? Time, do the drains need to be repaired, or the crops are not fertilized? But they are unwilling to listen and beat me, as a last resort, I can only fight back. "

"I don't know what's going on, obviously I think, as long as I can destroy those wicked people, I can go to school quietly, but the more I destroy them, the more enemies, the more busy things are, I just started to destroy those When I was in martial arts, I was only occasionally late and left early, and then slowly evolved into taking leave. When I destroyed the Three Holy Alliances, I was forced to suspend school. You know, our schools have been open for a long time, but I have n’t I went to school one day ... no, let alone the last day, I did n’t even have a chance to go to school to listen to a class! "

When they talked about this, they looked at each other involuntarily, and eventually ...

He sighed with pity for the sick.

"We are too difficult."




Zhang Xingsheng.

After a while, Zhang Xingsheng opened his mouth, and whispered, "This ... this is really Zhao Jiansheng? Could it be fake?"


Jonson hesitated for a moment.

Think of him being hunted down by the Eight God Pillars of the Eighteen God Pillars sent by the Emperor Aurora ...

"Should ... be true?"

Zhang Xingsheng looked at Zhao Si ...

And Zhao Si immediately gave him an embarrassed smile with a stern touch.

It seemed that the title "Zhao Jiansheng" made him feel awkward.

For a time, he had to turn his eyes to Baili Qingfeng: "Baili dominates ... Keke, well, how do you plan to arrange this old man Zhao?"

"Let Uncle Zhao go to us to heal his injuries. Although he was not very injured, after all, he is old and has less resilience than young people. It is estimated that it will take several days to recover. When Uncle Zhao recovers, see how Uncle Zhao himself arranges . "

Baili Qingfeng said, and looked at Zhao Siyi: "Or, Uncle Zhao, let's work together to build a harmonious society in the new era? At present, the interior of Xia is very harmonious and very stable, just waiting for the external environment to stabilize , We can truly enjoy peace and live the life we ​​imagined. "

"Oh? Really?"

"Yes, if Uncle Zhao doesn't believe it, you can go to our Xia, especially our Xia, the city is harmonious and beautiful, the people live and work in peace, and all the people are full of happiness."

"If that's the case ... it's okay to live in Xia Ya, although my house is in Star Rail, the villa that Ms. Yue gave me didn't even have a field, and people visited me almost every day, so I had to Look for every reason to hide, and dare not see people. Having a house is the same as having no house. "

"It doesn't matter where I am. There is a mountain behind my house. There is some land on the mountain. If you want, I will give you all those land! You can grow peanuts or sweet potatoes! Also, I live very Quiet, very few people bother me, you can happily farm! "

Baili Qingfeng patted his chest and promised.

"Really !?"

Zhao Si's eyes lighted up.

"Really, I can't lie to you! In addition, I also like the star track city that you said. After the two of us let Shia be completely peaceful and stable, we will go to the star track city and help the star track city also become Peace. "

"Okay, I think it's just going to leave. Some people can't help Miss Yue, but we'll be fine when Shia returns to peace."

Zhao Sidao said, "If you Xia really do what you say, we will be neighbors in the future."

"Our Charyas are really hospitable and friendly and will never let you down."

Baili Qingfeng Road ~ ~ Is there such a good place for stability and harmony? I can't wait to see it in Charia! "

"Not as good as action!"

Baili Qingfeng said to Commander-in-Chief Johnson: "Commander-in-chief Johnson, I'm going to trouble you, I'll go back first."

Jonson wanted to invite Baili Qingfeng to sit in Hill's Light, but ...

He glanced at Zhao Siyi ...

Although he was very skeptical about whether Zhao Si was the famous Shenzhou, and Shenlong was the first swordsman who did not see the end, but if he was really that Zhao Jiansheng, and Baili Qingfeng could really put him The impact of staying in Hea ...



He nodded. "Leave it to me."

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