The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 633: Meet

Bang! "

At the moment when Yaojin's cage was broken, the whole room was violently shaken, the ceiling was cracked, and countless dust fell down.

The holy sword Kamu who resolutely pressed the button of the cage next to him was pale, looking at the wall of the cage torn by the sword of Baili Qingfeng, his eyes were fortunately frozen.

"This ... this is a cage that the Xeons can't break in a short time ... Baiqing Qingfeng can cut off Xeon swordsmanship, but the number of times is limited ... how is it possible ..."

Such a thought flashed in his mind, his thoughts were shocked by a scene beyond the common sense in front of him for a second.

But after a second, the will that was tempered when he stepped out of the road of invincibility made him wake up quickly. His body collapsed without hesitation: "Retreat! Quickly retreat!"

The cage was broken, and a large amount of death's sleep filled the smoke.

When this smoke entered the body of Baili Qingfeng, and wanted to reduce the activity of Baili Qingfeng's cells, he was immediately burned by him as the nourishment for the dismantling of the demon. It can be used by ordinary soldiers and even has not been repaired without leakage. As for the martial arts, they can make them lose consciousness in just a trace, and even the strong man who has become a true body who leaks into the body will only persist for a little longer if he inhales the smoke.

With the smoke scattered, everyone in the field fell down, even if the pain on the face of the top true immortal sword Kamu was unwilling to last only ten seconds, and eventually ...

Consciousness is constantly blurred.

He walked a few steps forward and fell down weakly.


Baili Qingfeng exhaled.

The burning of one-half the almighty cell has little load on his body, and he can't even break the tendons, but it is still a bit uncomfortable to use.

Fortunately, after such a long breath, this discomfort has recovered.

He glanced at the cage in front of which was entirely made of fine gold: "Aurora Empire ... is really rich! I was exhausted to go to Blood Wolf City and hit the Tianlang Mountain battlefield. Three hundred kilograms of shining gold finally created this set of light-weight Stormbreaker armor, but the Aurora Empire ... casually took out two hundred kilograms of fine shining gold ... and also added a dozen kilograms of black Kobelco made cages ... "

This level of financial resources, resources, and wealth is almost beyond the imagination of Baili Qingfeng.

You know, so far, he has not come into contact with Kobelco and Kobelin, and the Red Kobelco that has created the Warriors Sword in his hand is just a gift from Wantong Commercial Bank.

From this point we can see the gap between him and the Aurora Empire.

If the Aurora Empire did not use these fine flares to build cages, it would cast two sets of armor and put them on the battlefield against Hea ...

as a result of……

"I ca n’t stay in the Aurora Empire, otherwise, once my peace talks with the Aurora Emperor fail, these resources will become the weapon that kills our soldiers in the Kingdom of Hea ... Unfortunately, Commander Johnson and Commander Zhang Xingsheng are not there, otherwise At this time, they can help me directly dismantle the two hundred kilos of boutique gold and bring it back ... now ... "

Baili Qingfeng had to go to the treasure trove of things first, and then move them away when he returned ...

Think of peace talks ...

Baili Qingfeng couldn't help but think of what Ogle said just now ...

Emperor Aurora's One-Arrow, Four-Sculpture ...

For a moment, his mood was a little heavy.

"In the final analysis, I am essentially just a student. In the face of a powerful Aurora monarch, a super-empire emperor who rules 30 million square kilometers of territory, I stood on a weak stand in the heavens, hoping that he who is in power is a good person. , With righteousness ... don't hurt us, Shea ... "

From the standpoint of Baili Qingfeng, he felt that the Emperor Aurora should be a good person. Only in this way can the two countries, Hea and Aurora, avoid war and move towards integration.

People have cognitive impairments. They generally just want to accept what they want to know and understand what they want to know.

It's like a star who has a good impression. When you understand him, you will naturally see his perfect side. But in fact, what kind of character is he really?

But now ...

As he confirmed that the plan of Tianyu Mountain was really formulated by the Emperor Aurora, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Kingdom of Shia on the Battlefield of Tianyu Mountain were really sacrificed by the Emperor of Aurora ...

The image of Emperor Aurora in his mind ...

Gradually collapse.

"The weakest one will extravagant for the kindness and kindness of the powerful one ... I ... were still too weak!"

Baili Qingfeng walked silently towards the treasure house of all things.

He was almost killed by Wang Gang on his way home. He had to practice martial arts self-defense as a last resort. So far, he has done a lot, changed a lot, and even abandoned his original intention. Environment, finally, the environment of Xia has improved, and the environment of Shia has also been greatly improved.


There are countless ambitionists and conspirators in this world. They feel like they do n’t need to go to school or work after they are too full, they do n’t need to contribute to the development of society and the advancement of science and technology. Fight this, bully that, and stir up war ...

"This world needs a sword ..."

Baili Qingfeng's mind gradually developed a vague concept: "A sword of Damocles that can let people put down the dispute!"


When Baili Qingfeng felt consciously rushed to the treasure house of all things.

The aurora monarch who practiced in the treasure trove of things has angrily shattered an extremely precious cup into pieces!

"Bai Li Qing Feng!"

He yelled in a low voice, his voice full of humiliation, shame, and unwillingness!

And just after such a roar, his injuries that had only been able to adjust for a few days seemed to be motivated again, and his face became obviously pale for a while ...

"Your Majesty, please take care of yourself!"

On the side of Emperor Aurora, Empress Margaret in a luxurious robe urged: "You are the only hope for our Aurora Empire to rule Shenzhou. There must be nothing. Only you are there. Our Aurora Empire can continue to grow and become strong. At some point in the future, it will sweep East China Island and become the strongest country at that time. "

"But now Baili Qingfeng has killed our North Star City and is threatening Ogle's life and death, but I can only hide here, and dare not show up ... If I did not fight with Zhao Si, I would be seriously injured, why? As for being persecuted to this extent by a horribly lifeng !? "

Emperor Aurora's face was full of anger.

Since he took over the throne of the Aurora Empire, in less than 40 years, the Aurora Empire has swallowed up more than a dozen countries, the area of ​​which has grown from 18 million square kilometers, which was slightly better than that of the Chiyan State, to 3,000 now. Four million, nearly doubled ...

Although this is because he conquered the frost giant tribe who escaped from the Second World to live in the polar snowfields, and also included the vast polar snowfields under their rule, with an increase of nearly ten million square kilometers of land, but for decades Lita's conquest of the North and the Battle of the North, the glory of his feats went after the founding emperor, unprecedented, but now ...

But because of a small country of Shia, a small hundred-mile green front, frustrated one after another!

"His Majesty, there is news from the Royal Palace ... Your Highness ... He failed!"

At this time, the swordfish appeared, kneeling in front of the Emperor Aurora, full of sad reports.

"Auglie ..."

The Aurora Emperor's heart shook, and his eyes suddenly fell on the swordfish: "He failed !?"

"Yes ... His Highness Oglie died unfortunately ..."


The Aurora Emperor is thundered!


An unprecedented shame!

This kind of shame, this kind of hate, it is difficult to wash away the cosmic stardust!

Emperor Aurora held the sword in his hand fiercely ...

"Bali Qingfeng! Baili Qingfeng!"


A bite of blood came out of his mouth again.

"His Majesty!"


Margaret and swordfish cried sadly.

In particular, Swordfish, seeing the Aurora Emperor who was worshipped and respected by the gods in his own heart, was seriously injured by the battle with Zhao Siyi, but was insulted by a child of Baili Qingfeng to such a degree that he could not help being angry And got up and said: "Your Majesty, I went to fight with him! I don't believe it. With the army of 100,000 troops in the Imperial City, why wouldn't there be a master of Baili Qingfeng!"

"No, it's useless. According to the news I got from Blood Wolf City again, Baili Qingfeng doesn't know what kind of exercises ... physical strength is different from ordinary people ... he can fight high-intensity for several hours without sleep. In the endurance, unless he and we die, even 100,000 troops will be killed by him! "

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, a harsh alarm came from the upper floors of the Earth Palace.

Hearing this alarm sound, the faces of Emperor Aurora, Empress Margaret, and Swordfish all changed at the same time!

"Bali Qingfeng is here !?"

"He ... how does he know that Your Majesty is here !?"

Empress Margaret and Swordfish both had anxiety and panic on their faces: "The emperor's injuries are unhealed, how can I stop the Baili Qingfeng Xeon sword?"

"So far ... there is only one way ..."


"The Palace of Everything!"

The powerful spirit of Baili Qingfeng is constantly infiltrating into the palace of all things.

In this underground palace, I do n’t know what materials to use to build it. Baili Qingfeng ’s telepathy has been greatly affected here. If the flares and other objects on the sun are not clear, it would not be possible for the atmosphere of the vague sense to break through without breaking through the top ten of the realm of refining the gods.

"The strongest two breaths ... right over there ..."

Baili Qingfeng inspired his spirit to the extreme.

Although the telepathy was affected, the effects of interference on the material still existed. Some places that were suspected of being trapped were avoided by him. If it could not be avoided, destroy it first.

In this case, Baili Qingfeng was not moving fast. After spending ten minutes, he finally came to a room deep in the palace.

And here, it seems that a man and a woman who expected his arrival are waiting quietly.

The moment he saw the man, Baili Qingfeng immediately recognized: "The Emperor of Aurora!"

And the man's head also looked up, and his cold eyes stared at him: "Bai Li Qing Feng!"

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