The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 634: Self-destructive

"Finally meet."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the man in front of him ...

He has seen his photos more than once and will never admit it.

Emperor Aurora.

"Bali Qingfeng, I didn't expect your sense of smell to be so keen. After learning that I was seriously injured, I didn't hesitate to assault our capital of the Aurora Empire in an attempt to kill me! I have to admit that I look down on you too much! "

The Aurora Emperor looked at Baili Qingfeng, and there was no fear in his face.

"Even though I have gotten the answer from Ogle, I still want to ask you ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the Aurora Emperor and said, word by word, "Hia ’s space channel in the Tianya Mountain was lost. You caused it?"

"That's right! My Emperor Aurora stood up to the ground, and always acted daringly! The loss of the space channel of the Tianya Mountain is part of the Tianya Mountain plan! Unfortunately, I have such a complete plan that you will eventually destroy ... Not because of you. Forty to fifty thousand cavemen swept Sia and then attacked Chiyan, which will surely lay the foundation for the future of the Aurora Empire ’s unification of Shenzhou. Maybe now, our army of Aurora Empire has entered in the name of assisting the Chiyan country. The Chiyan country has taken up half of the country! "

"Really ..."

Baili Qingfeng read these two words in his mouth, without much disappointment on his face.

"I am so naive!"

Baili Qingfeng exhaled a long breath.

In the induction of the Aurora Empire and Margaret, the atmosphere of Baili Qingfeng changed slightly.

If it was said that his breath was arrogant and fierce, and his aggression was like fire, after all, it was magnificent and full of grandeur. Now ...

It's cold!

Like the cold wind of the cold winter moon, it brings a bit of bitter coldness invisibly!

Under this coldness, the Aurora monarch shuddered involuntarily.

"At this critical moment, Aurora and Shia cannot go to war ... then ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the Aurora Emperor in front of him, his momentum gradually rose, and he persecuted the two in front of him: "Aurora Aurora, answer me a question, you are willing to apologize for what you have done, and in the future, In order to make up for his own fault, he is willing to pay compensation to the family members of the soldiers who died at the Tianyu Mountain Space Passage. In the future, he will actively promote the peace process of the Aurora Empire and the Kingdom of Hea. Is Chau restored to an atmosphere of prosperity, stability, harmony, solidarity and love? "

"I am the Emperor of Aurora, the supreme Emperor of the Aurora Empire! What I do represents the will of the Aurora Empire! I will not apologize to anyone!"

The Aurora Emperor looked at Baili Qingfeng, and was not afraid of his imposing oppression, his will was as strong as iron, and his domineering emerged!

Baili Qingfeng will not kill his sword ...

The non-killing sword has been damaged, and temporarily abandoned in the Yaojin cage outside. At this moment, he is holding the unparalleled sword made by Chishen Steel!

He held the Wushuang sword in his hand tightly and stared at the Emperor Aurora: "I give you another chance to reorganize the language! You are willing to apologize for what you have done, and actively participate in the construction of the prosperity and stability of East China Island in the future. Are you coming? "

"East China Island has more than a dozen countries on one continent. Too many countries. How can so many countries integrate all forces to resist the invasion of the cave people? Therefore, there can only be one voice on East China Island! As long as I The Aurora Emperor is still alive, and this idea will never change! "

The Aurora Emperor waved with a decided look: "This is my belief, this is my goal, and also the meaning that I have pursued throughout my life! My Aurora Emperor has always acted for this purpose, without any external factors. And change! "

Baili Qingfeng looked at the aurora monarch who seemed to be able to put life and death aside for the conviction in his heart. For a moment he understood the biggest difference between him and the aurora monarch ...

Different road non-phase plan!

Talking to him and persuading him didn't make any sense.

You never wake up a person in hysteria.

The Aurora Emperor's face was fearless, and the free and easy look seemed to die from nothing. He was carrying his hands: "I know you want to force me to yield, and let my Aurora Empire fall to your Kingdom of Hea, to complete your six kingdoms. The chairman of the Joint Military Commission will pursue the ambitions of the East Shenzhou in the future, but it is impossible! I am the Emperor of Aurora, never begging for mercy from anyone, nor begging for mercy from anyone. Even if I die today, that ’s a glorious life , Dead great, I ... "

"Shut up, you deserve to be said to have glorious life and die great eight words !?"

The Emperor Aurora has been interrupted by Baili Qingfeng before saying: "You collude with humanoids, and use the power of humanoids to impact the human defense. This behavior has already become self-defeating from humans, and is not worthy of humans! Working with the cave people has bowed their heads to the cave people, and also said that they have never begged anyone for mercy! Oh, I was mistaken, you would not beg for humanity, but for the cave people, they are happy to treat them as Father, ca n’t wait to worship? "

"Nonsense! What qualifications of the cave people deserve to be begged for me !? I am only tactical to show weakness to the enemy, and they are just pawns in my plan for Tianyu Mountain!"

"Oh ... respectfully sounding! Lord Aurora, I'm ashamed of having fellowship with you!"

The Wushuang sword in the hands of Baili Qingfeng was severely cut, and it seems that the relationship between the two people will be cut off from this sword: "The executor of the plan of Tianshan Mountain is not only you, but also the entire high-level Aurora empire? This Marg Queen Emperor is also in it! Since you are self-defeating from humans, don't blame me for not giving you any life. Today, I will end your sinful life. "

The face of the Emperor Aurora changed: "One person does everything and one person is responsible. The Tianshan Mountain plan is made by me. The others are the implementers. Let them go. I will share my life with you."

"If it wasn't for them, why did the plan of Tianzhu Mountain go smoothly !? They did not stop after receiving your order, but instead assisted and apologized for you. What is the difference between this and the culprit !? Not only him, but also the Aurora Empire. I will not let go of the practitioners above the true land immortal. I believe that those who do not want to be with you and you will be excluded from the political center by you early. Now they are staying at the top of the Aurora Empire. You can be trusted without exception. Dear friend! "

Baili Qingfeng looked decisively.

Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze is blowing again!

Since the Emperor Aurora is completely different from his imagination, it is estimated that future wars between the Aurora Empire and the Kingdom of Shia are unavoidable, so he will have to apply thunder to the high-level Aurora Empire.


The Aurora Emperor stepped forward and waved to Emperor Marguerite: "Go! I'll stop him! Although I was seriously injured during the battle with Zhao Siyi, Xijang Xiu could only play to the 9th level, but still able to Get your precious retreat time! "

"You can't stop it!"

Baili Qingfeng drank, and his foot broke out, and the whole man seemed to smash the Emperor Margaret violently.

The aura of Emperor Aurora erupted and slammed forward, but as he said, the severity of his injuries had penetrated into the bone marrow, but the dignified Xeon could only exert the nine-level combat power, and tried to stop it at all. Hundreds of miles of Qingfeng speed!

His sword has not yet intercepted the shape of Baili Qingfeng. Baili Qingfeng has already stepped to the side of Margaret Emperor, and the sword light is broken!

Even if the demons disintegration technique has not been used, the momentum and sharpness contained in this sword still force Empress Margaret to come back and resist at the fastest speed.


The fire flew.

The imprisoned sword on the sword exploded like a hurricane.

After Emperor Margaret, who was better than Ogle, the Baili Qingfeng couldn't defeat it under one sword, and the top ten means of refining God were not yet proficient, so he didn't hesitate. One-fifth of all-purpose cells were excited, and the energy of the demon dismantling operation was detonated.

"Heaven disintegration! This is his Xeon sword!"

The Emperor Aurora drank: "Bai Li Qing Feng, what means do you have, despite coming to me, today, the two of us are endless!"

"Today we will indeed have a life and death between us. More than that, all high-level Aurora empires will pay the price for what they have done in the battlefield of Tianyu Mountain! You are so, this is Empress Margaret, other This is true of the land immortal practitioners ... "

Baili Qingfeng said, as if he felt something, and glanced towards a corner: "The same is true for the weak master who still has a landing place, Zhenxian Xiuwei! I won't let one go!"



Baili Qingfeng's simple glance made the expressions on the faces of Empress Margaret and Emperor Aurora who were still desperately fighting with him for a second.

The next moment, Empress Margaret and Emperor Aurora, who seemed to want to escape, seemed completely crazy: "Bali Qingfeng! You are so vicious, even if you are fighting for your life today, we will also tear a piece off you flesh!"

"I don't believe that your Xeon Sword Art can be continuously slashed. As long as I can consume the power of your Xeon Sword Art, I see how you can kill all the masters of our Aurora Empire!"

The sword skill in Empress Margaret's hands turned once ~ ~ The sword is like a mountain, and the sword is like a sword. It is similar to the sword that was displayed by Oglestra before ...

Sure enough, it is the same!


Augley couldn't stop him. Although Queen Margaret was slightly better than him, he was ...

Still can't stop Baili Qingfeng from breaking the sword of the human body.

With the horrific coercion formed by the layers of golden light inspired by the demons disintegration, the air waves burst, and the entire population after Emperor Margaret spit out blood and flew out.

"Huh !? Want to escape !?"

Baili Qingfeng, who cut off Fei Margaret with a sword, was about to add a sword to kill it completely, but the figure in the telepathy hidden in the dark grid seemed to leave quickly. With a wave of his hand, the tenfold spirit of Lian Shen broke out in an all-round way, and the Wushuang Sword cast by the Red God Steel in his hand burst through the void, like a flying sword, tearing the wall, and shooting away with lightning towards the escape figure.

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