The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 635: I want to be a good person

In another hidden room in the treasure house of all things.

Aurora Lord Oden tried his best to converge his breath.

Baili Qingfeng's record is obvious to all!

If his Aurora Emperor is in its heyday, he is not afraid, now why ...

He was severely injured, and was unable to achieve 10% of his combat power. He was arrogant with a sword of Baili Qingfeng and strong. He was absolutely unreachable now and appeared dead.

In the end, he and Margaret combined to make the swordfish makeup disguise himself, sacrificing for him, in order to deceive Baili Qingfeng.

In order to ensure that he can deceive Baili Qingfeng, Margaret is willing to take risks to cover the swordfish.

After all, in their understanding, Baili Qingfeng can be described as treacherous and cunning, and even if the sword fish and the Aurora monarch live together, they may not be able to imitate the aurora emperor. Only Margaret can stay in order to ensure nothing. To ensure that the hidden Aurora monarch is spared.

However, the breath of the Xeon is too strong and significant. No matter what hidden method he has, he cannot completely converge his breath. At best, it only reduces the intensity a little. Even he has to be grateful Suffering from serious injuries, otherwise let alone reduce the level of cultivation to the true immortal on land, whether it can be reduced to the eighth true immortal is very questionable.


very successful!

Baili Qingfeng saw the aurora emperor posing as a swordfish without any doubt and directly recognized his identity. That simple look ...

Emperor Margaret, who was willing to take risks at one time, had no sense of accomplishment.

Because she wasn't useful at all!

The swordfish pretending to be the aurora emperor is also maintaining his character and using words to hope that Baili Qingfeng will be able to kill him as soon as possible.

I just didn't expect that Baili Qingfeng didn't know what concerns he had. After confirming that he was the culprit of the Tianyu Mountain plan, there was no immediate killer ...

The whole series of persuasive discourses that made him a good person's heart are completely crisp and crisp? Doesn't he know the truth of the villain's death?

And the next Baili Qingfeng seemed to be stimulated too much, as if some kind of belief collapsed, he was eager to kill the ring in North Star City.

He was exposed!

He hid in this room, made of special materials, with a masking effect of personal breath, and thought it was foolproof. As a result, the situation was changing too quickly ...

He was directly exposed!

After Baili Qingfeng hit Margaret with a sword, he turned his attention to him ...

Royal sword assassination!

When Baili Qingfeng inspired his spirit to the extreme assassination of the Imperial Sword, the innate demon Zuz appeared naturally. The kind of "God Prestige" that was far better than the Nine Gods of Refining was spreading in all directions, and was shocked. Everyone including him, the Xeon.

"Bali Qingfeng actually broke through to the top ten of the refining **** !? No!"

"Refinement! Refinement! Refinement! This is the perfect sword assassination!"

An unprecedented fear, suffocation, anger, unwillingness came to the hearts of the Aurora Emperor.

At this moment he wanted to resist the assassination of this sword at all costs.

However, he knew very well that even if he really broke out, in the face of Baili Qingfeng, he could cut off the Xeon sword more than once.

At the moment of life and death, he had to make every effort to make the most of his body ...


Blood shot.

The Aurora Emperor, who was running wild, was pierced by a sword, and his body fell forward involuntarily.

However, before he had time to get up again, the Wushuang Sword shot into the air was completely inconsistent with the laws of physics, and it was necessary to pierce and shoot again ...


Emperor Aurora never thought that death is so close to him!

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind ...

Erupted? Fight ban? Run wild? Agency trap? Calling the army! ?


All useless!

Even if he is the supreme emperor such as the Aurora Empire, he has an area of ​​more than 30 million square kilometers and an empire with a population of nearly 700 million. However, in the face of this turning direction, he will again be assassinated ...

All of them are useless!

The Baili Qingfeng who is able to smash a big commander, two temple knights and still have powerful combat power is already frightening, not to mention that at the moment, the Baili Qingfeng actually made a breakthrough in the gods and stepped into the tenth state Really have Xeon combat power!

No matter how he resists, how he struggles, how he hides, how he avoids, it is useless.


Will be his only destination!

"No! No! No! This is not the end! This is not the end of my life! I have not completed my lifelong aspirations, leading the Aurora Empire to unite Shenzhou, spreading my voice throughout the world, how can I die here !? I Oden Throughout the world, there have been numerous storms and waves, and the battle for the throne was more than a life-threatening. In that case, I have never died, let alone today !? If I live, I will definitely live! "

The Aurora Emperor shot an unprecedented survival!

He still has great years, and huge rivers and mountains, and three ... two wives, who enjoy the greatest rights of Eastern Shenzhou, how can they die! ?

In this kind of survival, his thinking was reaching the extreme, countless pictures flashed through his mind like lightning, and eventually ...

A ray of light suddenly burst out.

"I'm a good person! I'm a good person!"


The Emperor Aurora exclaimed for the first time, with a terrified tone and urgency!

"call out!"

The unparalleled sword that shot down came to an abrupt end ...

Just hovering three centimeters in front of the head of the Emperor Aurora ...

Looking at this flying sword, feeling the coldness of the forest passing from the blade, a drop of cold sweat suddenly flowed from his forehead.

"You're a good man?"

Baili Qingfeng's voice of some doubt echoed next to the Aurora Emperor.

"Good guy! I'm a good guy!"

Emperor Aurora nodded strongly!

He had seen a piece of information, and Baili Qingfeng had hypocrisy. It seemed that anyone who was willing to admit his mistakes could let it go.

Although he found the news absurd, he had no choice but to take a chance.

It turns out ...

He did it right!

And if Baili Qingfeng is as hypocritical as the news said, and at some moment will be extremely conceited and do something incomprehensible, then this may be his life. Only chance.

"You come out."

Baili Qingfeng said again.

"Ahem ..."

The movement of the aurora monarch's body, the injuries contained in his body, and the wound penetrated by Wushuangjian's sword made him cough up blood again.

Injury to injury ...

I'm afraid I haven't thought about repairing for two or three months ...

For a moment, a desolation suddenly developed in his heart.

When did his dignified Aurora Emperor actually reach such a point?

But staring at the blood for a moment, he suddenly moved in his heart, soon stained with blood, and wiped his face with the opportunity to trim his hair ...

He is very familiar with the structure of the human body, and has seen his own portrait. After so many smears, many features on his face have been hidden by blood, which makes him look similar to the portrait photos and have some differences.

After a little disguise, the Aurora monarch did not dare to stay, and soon came to the hall.

In the main hall, Baili Qingfeng took more than one sword to severely damage Margaret Emperor and let her take a break. While distracting and controlling the Wushuang Sword hole to penetrate the aurora monarch's figure, she also returned to fight, relying on the fine gold armor His sword was sturdy against swordfish, and at the same time he was punched in the chest with a punch, spitting his blood and losing his fighting power.

The situation is under his complete control.

Seeing the Aurora Emperor coming out of the secret place, Bai Liqing Feng immediately felt familiar, and his brows frowned slightly: "Huh !? You ..."

The man in front of him looks a little similar to the Emperor Aurora, but ...

At this moment, it looked a little bit embarrassed. Secondly, there was a little fear in his eyes, and he no longer lost the arrogance of the aurora monarch in his mind. Third, he was repaired to be weaker than the aurora monarch of the Xeon. Too much……

There is also the most important point!

His haircut was very different from that of the Emperor Aurora.

Looks ugly ...

Based on the popularity of Emperor Aurora in Dongshenzhou, if you really cut such a rough and ugly hairstyle, as long as you make a public appearance, you will soon be known, but he has not seen relevant news recently, so it is estimated ...

"Are you a secret substitute cultivated by the Emperor Aurora? Are they used to replace yourself at critical moments?"

Baili Qingfeng's tone of voice I have seen through your identity.

The Emperor Aurora slightly nodded, and nodded quickly: "Yes, I am a substitute developed by the Emperor Aurora ... I have been locked here ..."

The strength of Ninefold God of Refining has led him to confine his thinking to the extreme, and to disguise his fears as much as possible to the outside ...

No, there is no need to pretend. He only needs to amplify his inner fear to completely cover his emotional fluctuations, so that Baili Qingfeng cannot judge the truth of his words based on the emotional fluctuations.

"You said, you are a good person?"

"Yes, I may have made a small mistake, but I swear to correct it. In the future, I want to be a good person."

Emperor Aurora said, trying his best to disguise himself.

"Is it."

Baili Qingfeng looked at him.

"Yes, please give me a chance to come back."

Emperor Aurora converged his emotions desperately.

He who has contacted the holy holy man knows how to lie before a holy holy man!

However, the shame in his heart was like the hatred of the universe, which filled his whole body, even if he could not wait for the violent rise immediately to frustrate Baili Qingfeng, he had to hold back and endure!

"it is good!"

Baili Qingfeng respects every life, and anyone who is good in kind should give the other party a chance to reform.


The Aurora Emperor is extremely ferocious and unknowingly repentant. He is a human being, and he must be killed.

But if you kill the Emperor Aurora, it will be equivalent to slaying revenge between Shia and Aurora. In order to avenge the monarch, the Aurora army will inevitably break out with the endless war of the kingdom of Hea. By that time, I do n’t know how many heroic soldiers will fight. On the battlefield, I do n’t know how many happy and successful family wives Ionisan ...

Therefore, he must not allow this to happen.

If the Aurora Emperor who has committed crimes against humanity is killed, then he will support an "Aurora Emperor" who wants to be a good person to maintain the situation of the Aurora Empire, and then slowly let him resolve the contradictions between the two countries in the future and promote the integration of the two countries. , Things can't be solved! ?

Even if this fake Aurora monarch does not know how to quickly promote the peaceful integration of the two countries, he can stay here for a while and help in secret. If he doesn't understand, he can ask the Prime Minister of Yasuo for correction.

With the guidance of Prime Minister Yasuo, it is estimated that it will not take much time.

One month ... Enough?

A big reminder ~ ~ After all, he hurried back to school.


As long as your thinking doesn't slip, there are always more ways than difficulties.


When Baili Qingfeng clapped his hands, his eyes fell on the Emperor Aurora again, with a kindness: "The Emperor Aurora is extremely ferocious, heartbroken, and born alive. He actually colluded with the cavemen to cause a horrendous calamity in East Shenzhou. Alas, his queen is also helping and abusing the evil, and the evil is full of evil. Any good person must not tolerate this evil. You are forced to work with them, and your heart must be filled with sadness and guilt? It doesn't matter! I help you out! Both of them I'll leave it to you! "


(This chapter comes very late, but the story of this chapter is very important. The problem of the integration of the Aurora Empire and the Kingdom of Shia has been solved, and Baili Qingfeng completed the second goal of 9/10.)

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