The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 636: emperor

Leave it to me! ? "

The Aurora Emperor's heart roared!

At this moment he almost thought that he had been exposed, and Baili Qingfeng deliberately played with him in the palm of his hands to humiliate him ...

In particular, the "don't thank me" expression in his eyes made the aurora emperor's mind almost only one idea ...


He wanted to kill!

The kind of stigma and hatred that comes from personality, rising day by day, is almost to the point where it can't bear it ...

But after all, the Aurora Emperor is the Aurora Emperor. He originally agreed to negotiate with Shaduoman, who had been at war for three or four years for the plan of Tianyu Mountain.

What's the point of being patient?

Bear the burden of humiliation.

"Good hate, good killing ..."

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

This self-spoken words, but the hatred, killer almost soared to the sky, the Aurora Emperor's heart trembled!

"Terrible! This perception is terrible! Refining God is ten ... mastery of emotions is so terrible !?"

Frightened, he turned his eyes to swordfish and Empress Margaret without hesitation: "Finally let me wait until this moment!"

Hate and murder followed the transfer, as if the mood he had soared to the sky just now was caused by the execution of the two men.

The Emperor Aurora held the sword and stepped forward to the sword fish step by step.

Swordfish looked at the Emperor Aurora. Although the performance of the Emperor in front of him had made him fall below the Three Views, decades of worship and enthusiasm have already made him the most loyal subordinate of the Aurora Emperor, Fan completely lost the image of the former emperor who was almost domineering and overbearing. He still couldn't shake the loyalty in his heart. He secretly gave the Aurora Emperor a rushing look. Then he laughed awfully: "Hahahaha, I ca n’t think of my Aurora Emperor In ten years, I will eventually die in the hands of someone I have shaped ... "

The Emperor Aurora looked at the swordfish and took a deep breath. The shame and indignity hidden in hatred and murderousness made him almost crazy.

But the more crazy, the calmer he ...

Live! Live!

As long as he can survive, up to two months, or even just one month, his injuries can be recovered as much as possible. At that time, all the shame that Baili Qingfeng imposed on him will be returned ten times and hundred times. !!

A small leak will sink a great ship!

In order to survive, he has already tolerated such a point, and must not fall short at this moment!

"I will avenge you!"

The Emperor Aurora also returned a glance at the swordfish. At the next moment, the sword in his hand suddenly lifted up: "dead!"


Swordfish is pierced by a sword!

"Bai Qingfeng ... keke ... I'll wait for you below ..."

The swordfish glanced at Baili Qingfeng, and said hardly, in the end ...


Baili Qingfeng came to the body of the swordfish and looked at him who had lost his voice. His face was a bit complicated. After a while, he sighed longly: "If you are a good person, all this , It will not happen, but ... I am naive, who can sit on the throne of the Aurora Emperor, who can be truly pure? "

Everyone is subject to different constraints in different positions.

Even his Baili Qingfeng is no exception.

As his status continues to improve, he is getting farther and farther away from his original goal, going to school ~ ~ listening to songs, studying new things, studying social philosophy ...

The time he devoted to these first things he wanted to do was less and less.

Instead, it was just a hobby martial art, which gradually occupied most of his life.

Looking back now, unknowingly, he has been greatly changed.

Then ...

Can he guarantee that in the future, everything he does will be upholding goodness and maintaining justice?


It took a while before Baili Qingfeng exhaled a long breath.

"I'm not that sacred and great. I'm just a student, an ordinary person, and the responsibility of a student is to read books and study well every day. In addition, as a well-educated student, I naturally have to take on a man after graduation. Due responsibilities, loving family members, respecting elders, and treating relatives and friends ... I just need to do these things, and the rest ... I can only do what I think is right and within my ability ... "

Baili Qingfeng said to himself: "Everyone is unique in this world, so is the character and the three views. Because of this, the world can be colorful, and the contact between life and life can collide with the bright cultural stars. It is difficult for a strong person to make my correct replacement of others. This is not what I want. I just need to make sure that what they do will not endanger my studies. My research will not endanger me. Family, my friends ... that's enough! "

And what the Emperor Aurora did ...

Whatever the reason, for whatever reason, he has endangered his living environment and will bring pain to the whole of Hea, so ...

He did nothing wrong.

"I can feel your hatred and murderousness towards them both, but the death is great. Although the Aurora Emperor lives unforgettable, heartbroken and wolf-hearted, but since he is dead and killed by your own hands, you All the grudges and resentments of him will follow his death, and then write it off. You can look away! "

Baili Qingfeng patted the Aurora Emperor's shoulder, and some slyly persuaded.


The Emperor Aurora looked at Baili Qingfeng, the expression on his face seemed to be distorted because of "hate", and the murder in his heart was soaring again ...

"Let him pass by. Do n’t let yourself be indulged in hatred and pain. We must learn to look forward. If you really can't resolve the hatred, Margaret is the Empress of the Aurora Emperor, and will help you forever. There are so many crimes. When you kill her again, I believe you will feel better. "

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely.

Suddenly transformed into a spiritual teacher.


The expression on Emperor Aurora's face became more painful, and a lot of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He looked at the fine shining gold armor of Baili Qingfeng, watched the Wushuang sword that he had been holding, and tried his best to converge the murderousness and hatred in his heart, otherwise he was afraid he could not help but Exposed at the last moment ...

Seeing that the Emperor Aurora could bear such pain, Emperor Margaret flashed a sorrow in her eyes, and then she also stood up and laughed with a sorrow: "I was born of Her Majesty, and death is His Majesty, Your Majesty, At any time, I will always be with you ... "

As soon as the words were finished, Margaret spit out blood in her mouth, and her breath quickly depleted.

It turned out to die from the heart.

Such a fierce scene touched Baili Qingfeng somewhat.

But for a moment, he shook his head.

No matter how loyal the Emperor Marguerite was to the Emperor Aurora, she could not conceal the fact that she had committed numerous crimes.

This world no longer celebrates goodness.

A good person does a hundred good things, but as long as he does one thing wrong, he will immediately be criticized for being incomplete.

But a bad person can kill countless people. As long as he does the next good thing, he can get praise from countless people.

Good people become Buddhas, they have to go through 1989 difficulties, and bad people become Buddhas, just put down the butcher knife.

If this environment continues, when good people have to pick up a butcher knife in order to become a Buddha, then ...

The whole world is completely unsaved.


Baili Qingfeng glanced at the Aurora Emperor beside him, and found that the expression on the face of the Aurora Emperor was still full of distortion, pain, hatred, and killing ...

He had to persuade him again: "Since ancient times, the only thing that has died is that people have died and the hatred has disappeared. Now that the Emperor Aurora and Emperor Margaret are dead, then you need to look away. I know you can't wait for them Gray, but a good person is mainly because they have a tolerant heart. If you want to be a good person, you should learn to understand and learn to forgive ... "

"I ... I understand ..."

The Emperor Aurora responded in a low voice, afraid to look at Baili Qingfeng.

"It ’s good to understand. In fact, once your life experience has gone up, naturally you will know it. Do n’t thank me. Now ... be happy, get revenge, you should be happy, the real Aurora Monarch must be He is open-minded and strives to promote pacifism. He has a lot of talents, right? "

Baili Qingfeng looked at him.

Although the person in front of him is somewhat similar to the Emperor Aurora ...

However, from all sides, the difference is too much.

He is angry at every turn and murderous at every turn. He is not as stable as the emperor of a country. He must teach them carefully.

This is probably a very troublesome thing ...

"Wait a minute, maybe not trouble ..."

Baili Qingfeng's heart moved: "I belong to the kind of open-minded person who promotes pacifism and possesses a broad mind."

Thinking of this, he quickly said to the upcoming "Aurora Emperor": "Be happy, then you are the Aurora Emperor. We want to declare to the outside that we have reached a united and friendly agreement. You You ca n’t keep the look of deep hatred, come and laugh. "

As Baili Qingfeng finished speaking, the man was shaking all over his body.


tension? excitement?

"If you can't laugh, I will use the seven emotions part of the triad to help you and convey my happy emotions to you ..."


The trembling Aurora Emperor's eyes shrank.

Let a top ten refining **** peep at his heart! ?


Absolutely not!

"I laugh, I laugh ..."

For a while ~ ~ The Emperor Aurora suppressed all emotions, forcibly opened his mouth, and smiled.


Baili Qingfeng finally found someone who laughed harder than Prince Riyi of the Bucks Kingdom.

Have the opportunity……

I should introduce them to each other.

"Forget it, let me help you, I help you instill a bit of real emperor feelings ..."

Baili Qingfeng said helplessly.

"Wait a minute, I don't have a state right now, and I can't fit the emotions of triple play ..."

"It's okay. I have improved the triad. I don't need emotional resonance. Don't resist ..."

Baili Qingfeng said, a triad was lost directly.

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