The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 643: Take a rest

"After much improvement, the power is still not satisfactory."

Baili Qingfeng scratched his hair.

Dark and smooth.

For a moment, he held a virtual hand. During this movement, the power of the inner qi, the god, and the yin, yang, and qiankun represented by the body had collided fiercely, and the refining of emptiness became true. Instantly, a large number of thunderous breaths were fired. This thunderous breath was quickly closed. Beam, condensed into Qi, he pointed out the sword, shot out.


A void flashed through the void.

Thirty meters away, a shallow hole appeared directly on the wall made entirely of stainless steel.

The treasure house of all things was created by the hard work of countless people of the Aurora Empire. It is specially used to accumulate and store valuable materials and the solidity of the walls. Even if it is dug with Chen Jin weapons, it may not be dug.

But this is not the point, the point is ...

Baili Qingfeng looked at this cave less than one centimeter deep, and sincerely felt that the road to improvement was difficult.

"It is quite severe to attach Zhenqi to Wushuang Sword to form a sword stabbing. In other words, with Zhenqi attached, you can easily split the fine gold armor, but the lethality has changed to 30 meters away. Very weak, can only penetrate light and medium-sized shining gold armor, 100 meters away, heavy Chen Jinjia can resist my sword gas without injury, two hundred meters away can only deal with those wearing ordinary light Chen Jin It ’s three hundred meters ... It ’s the set of Jinjia that can prevent it. What kind of lethality is there? ”

Baili Qingfeng finally came to a conclusion: "Not even the sword I cut from burning one-third of almighty cells!"

He knows the difference between himself and the top powerhouses.

His practice time is too short.

Which of the true top powers do not all master top swordsmanship? Especially the Xeon, you are embarrassed to go out without practicing one or two Xeon swords, let alone a genius similar to the Emperor Aurora, incorporating the sword array into strong swordsmanship, and creating a great sword art of great emperor.

There is a sword array close to him, and Zhao Si's and other powerful men are helpless. If not by chance, he was rescued by accident. Zhao Si, the first strong man of East Shenzhou, may have died under the Eighteen Gods Sword.

Therefore, even if he has developed his qi, even if he has optimized it a lot, it is 20 to 30% more powerful than ordinary qi, which allows him to confront head-to-head with practitioners in the same realm. He still has little confidence.

"It seems that Qi can only be used to form a magnetic field to bind the universal cells to nuclear fusion reactions."

Baili Qingfeng said to himself.

Thermonuclear fusion needs to raise the temperature to more than 100 million degrees. This horrible temperature, even for a moment, can not be sustained by Baili Qingfeng.

No thermonuclear fusion can be performed, and the total number of multipotent cells cannot be improved for a while, but it can spend time on power and use power up. He only needs to consume one tenth, twenty one, or even one hundred each time. One-tenth can cut out a sword that is stronger than the shoulder. By then, the combat power will naturally rise.

"The energy used in the dismantling of the demon is a nuclear fission reaction, and the fusion reaction is upward, but I am afraid that the strength of my current body can't bear the explosion of this power ..."

Baili Qingfeng said that he carefully sensed himself.

In the past half month, he carefully considered and measured it. The reason why he was able to break the human body with the help of the demon dismantling technique, the real key point was not the little nihilism, but the first-class gold!

Of course, if it was not because he practiced little nihilism and became a silver body, he would not be able to digest the first-rate gold into his own part.

In other words, it is by practicing little nihilism that he can become one with the first-rate.

He didn't know that the first-class gold had other functions besides being able to strengthen weapons, but for his part, the first-class gold did have an excellent "protection" effect when using the dismantling of the demon.

That layer of glittering gold light circulated in his body, blended with the energy generated by the fission of the universal cell in a way that his current reading volume could not explain, making his physical body's resistance to this force stronger and stronger.

This is why during this period of time his cultivation practice has clearly not increased significantly, and he is still the ninth-level master, but his ability to withstand the outbreak of the devil's disintegration has increased linearly.

"If the explosive state on my body is substituted into the nuclear fission reaction, the universal cell is equivalent to uranium ore, the demons disintegration technique is equivalent to the technology that extracts the energy from uranium ore, and the first-class gold is equivalent to the instrument. As for the small nihilism, it is the operation All human scientists represent the foundation of everything ... "

Baili Qingfeng's exploration of the devil's disintegration, the little nihility, the first-class gold, and the all-around cell has probably been positioned.

Considering that the first-class gold occupies a dominant position in this brand-new change, it seems that this brand-new realm is not suitable for the dismantling of the four demons ...

Or, it's called the Golden Demon Disintegration.

After all, regardless of the so-called fourth devil of the so-called demon dismantling technique or the fifth devil of the devil disassembly technique using nuclear fusion technology, they all rely on the first-rate gold.

"Although the name of the golden demon disintegration is a bit strange, it is in line with the current situation. The current golden demon disintegration has only two realms ... each feature is completely different from the previous demon disassembly. When it is the first, Because to avoid the ultra-high temperature environment to explode and burn to ashes, I need to use a lot of power of the first-class gold. At that time, my whole body will be filled with the shining golden light emitted by the first-class gold. I will use the wind and thunder in my body to cooperate with the tenfold realm of refining gods to form a magnetic binding force field. There will be electro-optical flashes around my body ... "

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, and found the picture familiar.


This is not the point.

The point is to make your cultivation strong as soon as possible on the ground, in order to deal with the threat of the most powerful.

Fenglei is really unreliable, too weak.

He can only compete with the Xeon power that he sensed by burning only one-half of almighty cells, but the Xeons fight, can't they win with one shot?

Although he has the power of two strikes, he can lose his combat power by cutting two swords, and he always feels insecure.

After all, there are too many geniuses in this world. God knows if they have some power that cannot be understood by common sense.

"My requirements are not high, which is equivalent to ten swords equivalent to burning one-half the power of almighty cells! Just be a person and be serious!"

Baili Qingfeng calculated: "But to strengthen to this level ... The second level of the golden demon disintegration technique cannot be expected for the time being. The difference is too far. On the one hand, the content of gold deposits is not enough. On the other hand, my own The strength is also a bit weak, and I have to continue to explore the first potential of the golden demon disintegration before truly breaking through the second realm of the golden demon disassembly. "

Baili Qingfeng thought of the related research and application currently being carried out in the Bikini Basin Laboratory, but it has a clear goal.

His current Golden Demon disintegration is like an atomic bomb, using a nuclear fission reaction, which is easy to understand.

The next step to increase the power of the golden demon's disintegration can refer to the hydrogen bomb, and the thermo-nuclear reaction of the isotopic element of hydrogen triggered by the nuclear fission reaction to generate a fusion effect.

There is still another step to improve the hydrogen bomb, that is, the internal use of uranium 235 or plutonium 239 fission to generate ultra-high temperature, so that deuterium and plutonium undergo a thermonuclear reaction, while also adding a layer of uranium 238 to the outside, when the hydrogen bomb undergoes nuclear fusion A large number of high-energy neutrons will be generated. The uranium nucleus of uranium 238 will cause fission to produce energy and fission neutrons. The former enhances the killing power, while the latter in turn impacts the lithium-6 material in the hydrogen bomb, creating new plutonium, exacerbating A new round of thermonuclear fusion has produced various virtuous cycles.

So count ...

"The first priority of the golden demon disintegration was actually subdivided into three phases by me again? Getting started, small success, and large success?"

With Dacheng not complete, it looks a little awkward.

But Baili Qingfeng didn't think much about it.

At present, his various conditions have been met, and the only problem left is the energy source of "tritium" or "deuterium".

"High-energy matter!"

Baili Qingfeng carefully thought about all the substances with huge energy that he had come into contact with.

a long time……

His memory stayed on Hongyan.

Temple Swordsman Red Rock!

Specifically, it was a secret technique used by Hongyan at that time—blood worship.

"Blood worship!"

This is a special secret method. The top blood is planted into the body, and the power of the blood is used to nourish itself and strengthen the body.

At the critical moment, the blood can be activated, burned, and attacked, and ordinary practitioners are almost condemned to death.

The energy contained in this blood is extremely overbearing, and they seem to have life. Once contaminated, they will quickly erode the practitioner ’s vein genes, causing their vein genes to collapse, and only part of them will be resisted by the Nine-Class Power. live……

"So the question comes, what is the top bloodline ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the treasure house of all things ...

The environment is a bit harsh and there is no computer at all.

Fortunately ...

Baili Qingfeng took out the mobile phone presented by Bai Yisheng ~ ~ This mobile phone can not only listen to songs, but the network signal is pretty good, and professional communication software is also installed in it.

"I do n’t know when Jianyu Jianghu will be able to launch a mobile app, even if Jianyu Jianghu is not out, we have a chat software inside the twelve-star palace ... Well, Tianjilou seems to be the world ’s largest mobile phone manufacturer. It is said that every one in the sky The satellites all have Tianji Building to participate ... I don't know if I suggest to the moderator of Aotian Sword God, will they be an APP of our Golden Twelve Starlight? "

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself and entered the communication software.

Ask if you don't understand, he always has an open mind to learn.

There are many people in this group chatting, looking at their name prefixes, one by one seems to have an unusual identity, and their origins are amazing.

The message that is being sent now is one of the four managers of this group-Xingyu: "Fast half a month, slow one month, our League will really announce the birth and destruction plan of the space channel, and report to All nations open up the existence of the Second World. "

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