The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 644: Legendary Blood

"Isn't the League of Legends and many top forces always blocking the existence of the Second World? Why is it suddenly open now?"

"But something went wrong in the second world?"

"It should have been announced, why bother to hide all the news of the Second World? Many warriors, because they know too little about the Second World, accidentally fall into the Second World through the space channel, and eventually die. Knowing the dangers of the Second World, you won't act so rashly. "

Xingyu's words caused a lot of commotion in the group.

It seems that some forces with the ranks of nine or even the strongest are aware of it: "If nothing unexpected, it should be related to our humanity has established a foothold in the second world. In these decades, countless surprises The outstanding human warriors entered the second world, fighting with heaven, with earth, with humanoids, with ferocious beasts, and many forces opened their own territories and fields there. I heard ... some forces It even started to secretly control the human kingdom !? "

"I also heard this news. Nineteen years ago, the steel empire unified Nanlizhou. After years of rest and recuperation, they brought the invincible forces of the Iron and Steel Corps to Xiyanzhou, intending to unify the world and pull down the glorious empire, the overpowered overlord. The throne of the king of the world, just did not expect that the glorious empire was like a deep-water predator lurking at the bottom of the river. The confrontation between the new and old kings broke out into an unimaginable inside story. Eventually, the steel empire was frustrated and the two super empires temporarily fell into Peace, tacitly turned their respective targets to small neighboring countries ... Could it be that the brilliant empire attacked the steel empire in the second world? I remember that the steel empire relied heavily on the power of the second world! "

"Aren't we humans even the burrowers, beastly people, and tartars in our world haven't been expelled? How could there already be forces wanting to become king over there? Is it still 1983? Isn't it 1983? "

The news in the group was chaotic.

Although those who can be invited to enter this group are representatives of the forces that have the Wushuang Realm or the Real Fairyland township, the same two powers that own the True Fairy Township may also have very different backgrounds.

"With regard to the disclosure of the Second World, the Xeons do have many considerations. It should be that they feel that the time is almost mature ..."

Xingyu continued.

"In addition to the timing issue, the rapid changes and growth of scientific and technological forces and military weapons in various countries have also made many forces feel the urgency. Although the" stop agreement "exists, the laws of human civilization are difficult to be prevented. In this case, We military-oriented forces have to shift their energies to the Second World in order to gain stronger power from the Second World. "

At this time, a person named "Hidden Dragon" sent a message.

The power behind Hidden Dragon is called the Red Dragon Manor, and the Red Dragon Manor is also a world-class power, but its influence in today's world is not as high as that of the Tianjilou, Jiemeng, Wanjie Commercial Bank, and Hunters Association, and Zulongshan, the Brotherhood of Steel, Jinguang Group, and Yunxiao Sword Palace are half-dozen.

His words resonated a lot in the crowd, and these martial arts representatives could not help complaining: "Now the warriors are indeed in a worse condition under a variety of weapons of mass destruction!"

"Isn't it? Not long ago, we got a message here. A great master, because he killed dozens of ordinary people who offended him, was surrounded by thousands of people to death. You know, he killed those Ordinary people are totally excusable. The rich merchant's daughter dared to refuse the love of a grand master, and deserved it. Shouldn't you hear that the grand master should not be humiliated? In the end, she was brutally killed ...

"The 'determination agreement' of that year was signed by all the forces in the world with the Xeons, but a variety of weapons of mass destruction are still springing up, and the threat to the warriors is growing. Should the big forces also reflect on their negligence? "

One by one, military fighters representing different forces spoke, and the group was extremely lively.

"It's not easy to get more people in the mouth."

Baili Qingfeng saw it difficult to wait until they were quiet and did not speak. For a time, he had to tentatively send a message to the past: "Please ask you guys, what is the top bloodline that can perform the **** of blood worship?" "

Sure enough, unsurprisingly, his message sank into the ocean less than a minute after his news was sent out, and it was invisible to everyone who spoke.

"There are too many people. It seems that you can only wait until you return to Xia Ya, and ask the big guys in the group to ask them.

Baili Qingfeng shook his head helplessly and had to close the software.

At this time, a message popped up.

Baili Qingfeng looked at it and it was Xingyu's friend application.

After a while, Baili Qingfeng quickly chose to pass the certification.

"The Thunder Sect is located under the Tianyu Mountain. The three swords beheaded two temple knights, a big commander, and the prince of the Baili Qingfeng who attacked the 50,000 Caves alone was alone?

"Hello there."

Baili Qingfeng responded quickly, saying at the same time: "You have won the prize."

"All I said was true. I am a thundercutter to the name of Baili Qingfeng, and I have been paying attention to Baili Qingfeng, but I have only been fortunate to meet the real person of Baili Qingfeng. Looks like today is my lucky day. "

Baili Qingfeng returned a smiley face.

This kind of person is not very familiar, he does not know how to chat.

"Mr. Baili Qingfeng asked the **** of blood worship and top bloodline just now?"

At this time, Xingyu sent a channel.

"Yes, you know?"

Baili Qingfeng's eyes brightened.

"I know a little about this. Our League is dedicated to researching the relevant information of the Second World. I take the liberty to ask that the master of Baili Qingfeng inquired about the top bloodlines. Shouldn't it be because of what books he read?"

"Can't this thing be used?"

"It's not impossible, it's too harmful."

Xingyu said, and organized the language a little: "The top bloodlines often refer to the bloodlines of gods and legendary bloodlines!"

"Blood of God? Legendary blood?"

"Yes! We do n’t say the blood of God. It ’s too far away. It ’s like the true God who has only existed in legends so far but has n’t really been seen by our alliance ... I ’ll talk about the blood of legends.”

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

As for the so-called true **** that Xingyu only exists in the legend has not been really seen ...

"It is estimated that the upper limit is not yet reached, and the new map has not been opened yet ... In other words, when a person is just in ordinary status, he may have heard of a senior official at the main hall, but it is difficult for him to have any intersection with him in his life. When the level of the government has been upgraded from ordinary people to department-level, you will find that there are tens of thousands of department-level officials who are hardly seen by ordinary people. "

So if one day the Second World ran out of thousands of gods, he would not be surprised at all.

You know, he is now half step Xeon, but the sword Qi can reach the state of 300 meters, tens of thousands of standard deviation from 30,000 miles, so what legendary creatures on top of Xeon, True God, God King, God Emperor, God Emperor, Immortal, Supreme, Supreme, Supreme, Eternal, Origin, etc. are totally reasonable.

"When it comes to legendary blood, we must first talk about legendary creatures!"

"Legendary creature?"

Baili Qingfeng was shocked.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing."

There was a smile on Bai Qingqing's face that was not what I expected.

Look, legendary creature, isn't that right?

"Legendary creatures are the strongest living entities we have ever come into contact with. Legendary creatures are divided into two types. One is born with a legendary bloodline and belongs to a congenital legendary creature. Such creatures eat and sleep and sleep and eat You can have legendary power when you reach adulthood. At present, there are more than a dozen legendary creatures we know, such as Yuhuang, Dragon, Phoenix, Titan, Linghuang, Nine-tailed fox, etc. If we are lucky enough to encounter their young Living beings can extract legendary blood from them. "

"Oh, the blood worship is performed with the legendary blood of these legendary creatures?"

"Blood worship is performed with legendary blood, but it does not come from these legendary creatures. Legendary creatures have innate and acquired characteristics. Those who can have legendary combat power as adults are innate legendary creatures, and intelligent life through cultivation, will refine The three qi and gods merge into one and evolve into a new force, namely the power of life, also known as the power of legend. The individual who reaches this level is called the legendary life of the day after tomorrow. "

Xingyu said with a slight pause: "There have been many conflicts between Xia and the cave people, and the power of the Blood Temple has spread to East Shenzhou. As the lord of Baili Qingfeng, you should know the people in the cave. The Four Temples, right? "

"I know two, the Blood Temple and the Black Temple."


Xingyu was shocked by the ignorant of Baili Qingfeng ...

It took him a while to say, "The other two are the Temple of War and the Temple of Death."

"The Temple of War and the Temple of Death?"

Baili Qingfeng was a little strange.

The name style ...

Some do not match.

"I take the Blood Temple as an example ~ ~ According to our survey, the three giants with the highest status in the Blood Temple are the Pope, the Presiding Judge, and the leaders of the ascetics, and these three ..."

When Xingyu said this, there seemed to be a hint of heavyness in his tone: "All legends."


Baili Qingfeng realized that this should be the upper limit of the level.

"The first blood of the blood worship technique should be derived from these three legends! Often only those who have made great contributions will be given! Legendary blood is in the body. According to the blood concentration, it can really help the practitioners a lot, Some people can even make thousands of miles a day! However, the success of the legendary bloodline, the failure of the legendary bloodline, anyone who uses the legendary blood, will be controlled by the source, and their cultivation is impossible to reach the legendary blood master's life realm!"

When Xingyu said this, he cautiously said, "Master Baili Qingfeng, your talent is very high and your future is unlimited. No matter what secret technique you see, you must never use the blood of the legend. Otherwise, you will regret it in the future. ! "

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