The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 651: Escape

The latest website: "Forget it! No matter what! I'm obviously ruthless and hurt the standard of a ninth-level master with one palm. He didn't carry it himself, but he can't blame me!"

Zhao Si broke through the practice world and had much more insight than Baili Qingfeng, and he would not be softhearted towards those who should be killed.

Hitting Rael, his body turned, his foot broke out, and with a roar, his body had rolled up the turbulent waves, and he was shot at Guta with the peak of Mount Tai!

"Rael ..."

At this moment, the entire human brain of Guta is out of a roar!

Human and animal harmless Zhao Si suddenly erupted, showing unprecedented power to kill Rael with the potential of destroying and dying, directly showing him!

Especially the special vitality field ...

"Half-step legend! How could there be a half-step legend!"

Gu Tazhi felt that his three views would be subverted.

Before performing the mission to the Kingdom of Hea, he not only spent effort to understand the situation of the Kingdom of Hea carefully from Jin Xiao and Mo Xiu, but also learned the language of the Kingdom of Hea for more than half a year. Normal communication, avoid Jin Xiao and Mo Xiu who will return to the Kingdom of Hea!

In addition, he also has countless emergency response plans, and even prepared Jin Xiao and Mo Xiu as soon as they returned to the Kingdom of Shia, they directly betrayed the psychology of Miss Nasha's siege to them ready.

Even if the other party finally invited a Xeon, he was sure of the response.


All the plans, all the preparations, all the prudence, all the plans, with the suppression of this mighty life field, were all completely shattered.

Half-step legend!

In the mouth of Jin Xiao, even the 9th-level powerhouse has only one true Shia Kingdom. He neither led the army to siege them nor invited the Xeonpower, but ...

They have a half-step legend!

A legendary half-step legend in the Blood Duchy!

"Ah! Heaven and Earth Combustion!"

That strand can no longer be suppressed by the third-order life field described by the Xeon, the ancient tower suddenly opened its mouth, screamed in the sky, his blood was almost burned by the flames, almost practically incinerated and formed a circle Hongmang forced the life field to open.

"So strong!"

The suppression of Zhao Si's pupils shrank, and the intensity of the breath erupting in front of the man himself was almost as fast as himself ten years ago ...

If you don't do your best in the face of such a strong man ...

He has a chance to lose!

"Sword of sincerity!"

Zhao Si's sword in his own hand seemed to burn a fiery and magnificent flame in the void, demonstrating endless light and heat, and it was full of sincerity and love for life!

The Guta, which was suppressed by Zhao Sishenglichang, finally opened his eyes suddenly when faced with this sincere sword.


Why make me a little deputy head against such a strong man! ?

However, regardless of whether the ancient tower is willing or not, Zhao Siyi Sword was cut down directly. The sincerity and conscience contained in it burned the void, forcing him to spawn the heaven and earth with the same burning technique. Jianmang collided with that day-like Jianguang!


Jian Guang collapsed!

The power of Zhicheng is like a flame burning Yunxia, ​​rippling around.

The seedlings that Zhao Si spent most of the day planting seemed to have been exposed to the sun for ninety-nine days, almost flameless.

"You **** it!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Si suddenly became extremely angry.

He held up his right hand, and the power of silence, darkness, destruction, and rage condensed on him. Just looking at the power of this sword, he knew how many times stronger than the previous sword of sincerity!

But before he had time to cut out the second sword of annihilation, the blood on his body seemed to be burning, and the ancient tower suddenly spit out a spit of blood, his breath fell avalanche-like, and at the same time his body collapsed and fled away at the fastest speed. Escaped and shouted, "Stop him! Stop him!"

The knights following the ancient tower hesitated, and the ancient tower that broke out at full speed had already passed by them, making them the first line to block Zhao Si.

"Want to leave !?"


Zhao Si's figure chased suddenly.

As his body moved forward, the vitality field also moved along. For a moment, it seemed that there was a horror giant with a height of tens of meters. The striding meteor, the vitality field and the outside world constantly collided, blended, matched, and scrolled. Amidst the outside world, letting the area within a few hundred meters circle be like a violent wind, and a strong sense of oppression was coming.

"This ... this is the power of half-step legend !?"

The remaining knights, reserve knights, and apprentices saw this scene and felt the whole heart shaking.

Especially Jin Xiao, looking at Zhao Si who was strong enough to fight against Grand Duke Xuelan in terms of power alone, the whole person was shy.

They Shia ...

There is such a existence! ?

"Isn't the most powerful thing in the Kingdom of Shia is the real man named Shouzhen ... how can there be a half-step legend !? And ... still a farm?"

"How many masters are hidden in this country !?"

"Escape! We can't fight a half-step legend!"


He rushed to Xia Ya aggressively, vowed to kill Baili Qingfeng and defeat the heritage of the Kingdom of Hea in one fell swoop, so that they could recognize the blood orchid principality in their place. On Zhao Si, the pressure from the half-step legendary level was clear. Pulled back and retreated.

Comes fast, goes faster!

Even so, when Zhao Si saw these people standing in front of him, the annihilated sword that was bred directly covered this group of people. The so-called knights, reserve knights, and apprentices were the destroying force of this sword In front of them, they are still like young chicks ...

Two knights, three reserve knights, four apprentices, and a total of nine people, shattered into blood mist under the stabbing of his sweeping sword air!

Annihilation Sword!

This is the strongest sword in the sword art mastered by Zhao Si!

Not long ago at the Battlefield of Tianyu Mountain, he relied on this sword to defeat the Aurora Emperor of the Great Sword Art with the Eighteen God Pillars in one fell swoop. Out.


Chopping out a sword, Zhao Si took a breath.

However, when he saw that a lot of farmland was destroyed because he fought with these people, the land that was hardly plowed out became crisscrossed and broken under the tearing of the shooting sword, and his eyes were full of anger!

In particular, some knights did not take the road in order to escape, but instead trampled their own farmland, the anger could no longer be contained!

These are all his hard work for half a month!

"You guys, all **** it!"

Zhao Si moved forward violently, and the forces of destruction, silence, and rage rolled and condensed from him again. At the same time, his speed was fully stimulated, relying on the advantages of the realm, and relying on the similarity to the "heaven and human realm". The offsetting effect of air resistance, his speed ...

Come at least twice as fast as everyone present!

There are three hundred acres of farmland here, just seedlings have not yet grown, the field of vision is wide, there are almost no shelters, no one can hide themselves with the help of foreign objects, a dozen people here are clear at a glance, Zhao Si chases and kills , Chase one quasi one!

In the distance, it is mainly a plain area with excellent vision. The only place with mountains is Qingyuan Mountain.

But one Zhao Si had already let these people lose their courage. Qingyuan Mountain also had a Baili Qingfeng called East Shenzhou's first assassin. How dare they run in that direction?

There are no obstacles, no hiding place, and another half-step legend is chasing and killing with infinite anger, and the remaining ten people are quickly caught in boundless despair.

"no, do not want!"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this uncle, listen to me, this is a misunderstanding!"

"Lord Gutta saves me!"

Screams screamed from the mouths of the knights, reserve knights and apprentices from the Bloodland Principality.


If the entire Yuxuan Knights are present, let them play against a half-step legend. They have a little confidence, but three squads, and one of the squads remains in the light of the capital of Hill, and there are even nine directly killed. Mourning under this half-step legendary sword, with the ten of them now, especially without the leader of the knight regiment, to go against a half-step legend, it is a self-digging grave.

Rather than run one by one!

"Escape! Escape!"

One knight flees wildly.

Some of them were very responsive. After they noticed that Zhao Si actively pursued and killed those who trampled the farmland, they seemed to think of something and ran back to the main road.

For a while, the fleeing team became orderly.

In the forefront of the fleeing team, the longest-running Guta Knight has already run a full three kilometers.

"Finally escaped!"


It seems that the sequelae of the fighting methods such as the Heaven and Earth Combustion Surge broke out, and as soon as the ancient tower opened, blood spewed out.

Although it seemed that he had escaped Zhao Si's pursuit, his face was full of pain and unwillingness: "It's over! It's over! The two teams that belong to me are all over!"

After suffering, his face quickly emerged: "Since I became the deputy head of the Xuanyou Knights, my ancient tower has never suffered such a shame. This matter is not the end! Heia, you You have to pay for what you did! Zhao Si !? And the Baili Qingfeng, UU reading you wait, my ancient tower will come back ... "

"Huh? I seem to hear someone calling me?"

Before Guta's words of hatred were finished, a voice suddenly passed from the front.

When it came, the sound seemed to be hundreds of meters away, but when the voice was over, a figure wrapped around him in a set of fine armor was already in front of him.


Breathing slightly, it seemed that he had run a long way.

But this is not the point, the point is ...

The violent, chaotic, and destructive breath emanating from the man covered with armor A is not inferior to that of his heyday ...


(It's twelve o'clock, it can't be changed, just send it out.)

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