The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 652: Blocking

Latest URL: Xeon!

The man in front of me ...

Another Xeon!

And the sound of listening to him seemed extremely young, estimated to be less than thirty years old ...

The Xeon who is less than thirty ...

For a time, Guta was full of grief and indignation.

Said that the kingdom of Shia is the strongest only with a ninth heavenly man. Can two knights under his hand easily sweep the entire Shia?

But now ...

Behind is a half-step legendary chaser, and there is another Xeon-level presence interception, especially ...

This Xeon is also fully armed, wearing a high-quality dazzling gold armor that is higher than him!


The ancient tower opened his mouth. At this moment, he just wanted to say a word ...


At this time, Baili Qingfeng seemed to feel something: "It is the breath of Mr. Zhao, and Mr. Zhao is very angry ... Seeing that you are in the dirt, have you stepped on Mr. Zhao's land?"

The ancient tower responded very quickly at this moment. According to the words of Baili Qingfeng's keen association, his pupils suddenly shrank: "You are Baili Qingfeng!"

"Yes, didn't you just call my name just now?"

Baili Qingfeng responded and looked at this strangely dressed man: "You are probably annoying old man Zhao, then I can't let you go, wait here first, wait for old man Zhao After I compensate him for the damaged fields, I will naturally let you go. Those fields are the hard work of Uncle Zhao, which is related to whether hundreds of millions of people in Hea can eat ... "

The words of Baili Qingfeng didn't finish, and the power on and off of Gu Tahun suddenly burst out. The magical soldiers in his hand were like the horror who cut the void, and filled the world instantly.

It is not difficult to guess from the legendary words of the half-step legend, he clearly knew the target character who had come to hang himself, such as Baili Qingfeng, and he had managed to escape by the delay of the members of the Knights. The half-step legendary chase once fell to him and was told the truth by them ...

A dead end!


Guta is full of blood!

Although he operated the Heaven-Earth Combustion technique to consume himself a great deal, they from the Bloodland Principality have mastered top-level inheritance, all kinds of skills, mysteries, and endless stream of emergence. The sudden outbreak of this raid was simply rock-shattering. Blocked in his sword, and annihilated, withered, dead!

"Winter Winter Sword Art · Black Snow!"


The threat posed by Black Winter Sword Art and Black Snow instantly made Baili Qingfeng's eyes and eyes open!

This power in his perception ...

It has definitely exceeded the level of half-step Xeon, reached the level of quasi-Xeon, or even sub-Xeon, and there is only a first-line difference from the real Xeon!

In particular, the sword potential contained in this sword seems to form a special space and territory, which will block and siege his entire body. It seems that no matter if he escapes to any corner between heaven and earth, he will be withered by the sword, The power of death is entangled, shrouded, but ...

He has no way to crack this sword!

The opponent's sword skill ...

Too high!

"Unstoppable! In my current state, even if there are fine armors, I can't stop it. In all likelihood, I will be hit on the spot and even spit blood!"

Stimulated by a severe crisis, Baili Qingfeng's adrenaline soared to the limit, and the mental power that had not been attributed slammed into the universal cell group, like a cluster of Mars thrown into gasoline, in less than one tenth of a second, More than half of the multipotent cells in the body enter the nuclear fission reaction at the same time. This reaction is like a spark of fire, sweeping a torrent of torrents, flooding the whole body and turning into an endless force!


The waves swept, the earth trembled!

"Lying *!"

Guta opened her eyes suddenly!

In his eyes, there was a volcano in the body of Baili Qingfeng in front of him, bursting out violently, spraying out horrific flames and magma enough to destroy the sky, flames and dust rolling, covering the sky!

That intensity ...

Not to mention his heyday, even if the leader of the Ironhoof Knights, Fashus, is the first of the six Knights of the Bloodlands Principality.

not only that!

Has been fully stimulated by Baili Qingfeng's practice to the perfect stage of heaven and human environment. The tenfold spiritual interference of refining God perfectly combines the physical and heavenly conditions to form an absolute field that can deprive almost all power. Fu Zhao's four vitality fields are so arrogant and domineering, but more mysterious and weird.

Under the impact of this field, the blockade, withering, and silence of Guta Knight's Long Sword Winter Technique is like the snow and ice exposed by the scorching sun.

With a two-pronged approach, the confrontation between the two swordsmanships directly forms an effect similar to that of dying and dying. Hei Xuejianguang burst into disintegration in front of this fiery fiery atmosphere!

"Do not!"

Desperate roar from the mouth of the ancient tower!

This is what you say in your mouth is only the invincible Baili Qingfeng! ?

Well, this kind of practice is absolutely invincible to deal with the 9th-level martial arts.


He is just a small deputy head of the Cavaliers. Why should he let him fight against such powerful men who can't fight at all! ?


The two swords intersect!

A circle of air waves visible to the naked eye burst into the void!

The scattered Jianguang is like a bullet fired by a sniper rifle, spattering in all directions, cutting out a few sword marks on the ground, and a blast of tens of meters across the ground, as if thoroughly plowed!

Some flowers, trees and trees within tens of meters were directly strangled, swept and crushed by this sword gas, and sputtered countless wood chips and grass chips.

In the middle of the explosion of air waves and sword air, a figure was stained with blood, flying backwards, smashing to the ground, and gliding unrelentingly for several meters.


A bite of blood spit from the long mouth of the ancient tower knight.

He looked at several holes in his body that were penetrated by sword air holes, and endless resentment and misery appeared on his face ...

"Why ... why here ... so many masters ..."

"call out!"

The sword is shining, tearing the air waves.

Among the torn air waves, one figure and one figure stood up, and fell directly in front of the ancient tower knight.

"Huh, there's still gas."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the whole body as if the ancient tower knight was completely torn, relieved with relief.

He looked helplessly at Guta: "Your swordsmanship is too powerful, it is too high, so powerful that it is unimaginable, and your swordsmanship is full of murderous power, and it will kill me, so I have to fight back. Otherwise, ... I'm afraid I have a chance to die under your sword ... In that case, I can't be merciless ... "

After that, he took a closer look at the ancient tower ...

Although seriously injured, but ...

Should, maybe, maybe ...

And save it.

He remembers a time when he was more injured than he was, and he had a tenacious desire for survival, and eventually survived.


Guta stared at Baili Qingfeng deadly: "Don't be proud ... kill ... kill me ... we will never let you ... the leader of the blood orchid ... will do it for me ..."

"Little brother Qingfeng!"

At this time, a voice came over, accompanied by a horrible coercion that was so powerful that even Baili Qingfeng felt that he could not breathe a bit.

Zhao Si arrived.

"It's okay, you finally hurry ..."


Another blood spewed from the mouth of the ancient tower.

"you guys……"

He opened his eyes suddenly and stared at Zhao Si, blood constantly overflowing from the corner of his mouth ...

After all, his word "revenge" failed to speak out, his head was aside ...


"Well, Qingfeng, did you intercept this person? Fortunately, I'm afraid he will keep on destroying when he escapes. I can't come to guard every night."

Zhao Si glanced at the ancient tower and said aloud.

"Can you take this force field off of you? It's uncomfortable, as if holding your breath."

Baili Qingfeng looked at Zhao Sidao.

"Oh oh, I put it away right away, I just learned it a little bit, and I was a little unskilled."

"This ... is a bit like the" Heaven and Human Realm "realm?"

"Yes, I studied it with reference to your" Heaven and Human Realm "field. Although it is different from your" Heaven and Human Realm "field, there are some effects, especially when I integrate my own" Essence of Qi "into this field After that, no small changes occurred, forming a field of life, everyone will be suppressed in front of me.

"Suppressing qi and blood?"

Baili Qingfeng was a little envious.

His "Heaven and Human Realm" can only deprive the enemy of sword power and the unity of heaven and human, and can not cause substantial harm. This effect is obviously worse than that of Zhao Silai.


"It's been an award, it's been your inspiration."

Zhao Sihe laughed.

Baili Qingfeng took a look at Zhao Si's field, so powerful ...

It looks like you must let your "sky and human realm" evolve. You can't just interfere with the sword potential and the union of heaven and human. This life field field must also be included in the interference field. It's all inconvenient, how can we fight?

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng seemed to think of something, and suddenly turned to Guta: "This person shouldn't be a good person?"

"No, these people are said to have come to kill you, and they said they would destroy your Thunder Sect."

"Kill me, destroy me Thunder Sect?"

Baili Qingfeng stunned ~ ~ Then, his face was incredible: "Where did I offend them? I don't know them at all, why did they kill me and destroy me?

"I don't know about this. I only know that they come from a blood orchid principality. Maybe, the people over there are so fierce and happy to kill? Pick a random list?"

"Blood Principality?"

Baili Qingfeng's mind turned around, there didn't seem to be such a place in his mind.


He Baili Qingfeng never avenged people and never offended such a force.

Is it really like Zhao Si said that people in this country are happy to kill and randomly select a misfortune list?

"Oh, there's another guy named Jin Xiao, who said he knew Shouzhen, so I kept him. He came with these people, or you ask him?"

Wonderful book house

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