The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 653: Aftercare

"Jin Xiao?"

Baili Qingfeng stunned: "Does the senior Shouzhen have such a friend? I will call the senior Shouzhen at that time."

"Yes, your little brother, aren't you in the Aurora Empire, why are you back?"

"I received a call from Prime Minister Yasuo, saying that a group of very vicious enemies were coming to Charya, and they wanted to find me unlucky. I was worried about the situation on Charya's side, so I couldn't help but rushed over ... "

Speaking of this, his heart moved, and his eyes suddenly fell on the corpse of Guta: "This person ... is already a top powerhouse, shouldn't it be these people?"

"Anyway, I don't think they look like good people, and they don't know how to care for the fruits of others' labor."

Zhao Si's words were full of disgust towards these people.

"I'll call and ask."

Baili Qingfeng said he took the phone out and dialed it.

There seems to be waiting for a call from Baili Qingfeng. Someone connected immediately after calling: "Qingfeng, I'm true."

"I was so rushed when I received the call. I didn't know who those enemies were. Could you please tell me Shouzhen to tell me in detail."

"Of course, we already wanted to tell you, but you hung up too fast ..."

"I'm too worried about the situation on Charya's side."

Baili Qingfeng was a little embarrassed.

"The enemies who attacked Charya did not belong to any forces in our world, but came from a place called the Duchy of Blood Orchid in the Second World ..."

"Blood Principality?"

Baili Qingfeng froze.

It looks like nothing can go wrong.

"Yes, the Duchy of Blood Orchid, I have learned the details of the Duchy of Blood Orchid from Prince Moxiu in these dozens of times. This is a human kingdom located in the north. It is said to have a population of 1.6 million. Grand Duke Lan, four grand lords and 29 small lords. The strongest of all lords is naturally the Grand Duke of Blood. His direct lands have more than 400,000 people. Other lords belong to the Grand Duke of Blood Orchid. This time from There are a total of 33 enemies from the Principality of the Blood Orchid. Two of them remained with Prince Moxue, ten stayed in Hill's Light. There were 21 people on your side, including the Great Knight Changgu Tower. , So you have to be careful. "

"The second world has more than 1.6 million people? This is 16 times more than 100,000 people in Blood Wolf City and five times more than the 300,000 people in Tianzhuyuan!"

Baili Qingfeng calculated the time it took to kill a thousand cavemen a day and defeat Blood Wolf City, and then calculated the time required to defeat Blood Orchid ...

Suddenly the body could not help but tremble slightly.

"It's terrible! It's so powerful and desperate!"

"Yes, but the only good news is that even if Nasha is trying to find a way there, as long as we don't cooperate, there is still a year before the opening of the space channel. In addition, the Grand Duke of Blood Orchid is in critical condition. The situation is not stable. In this case, they ca n’t extract much power to go to war with our Kingdom of Shia, so if you are sure of Qing Feng, you might as well give these people some lessons from Guta to let them understand, Shia. Who should decide. "


Baili Qingfeng was a little embarrassed: "What level of lesson?"

"When you look at it, we believe that you will have a sense of proportion, even if we kill the killer, we will have no fear."

"That's good."

Baili Qingfeng took a sigh of relief and turned to Zhao Si: "Are those people still alive?"

"Not long after I cultivated the Life Field, I couldn't control my power very well, and those people ran very fast one by one ... I had to do my best to chase them down ... I accidentally shot them all. ... "

"It's okay, Shouzhen senior said, it doesn't matter if you kill."

After Baili Qingfeng said, he said to the phone, "Right, a true senior?"


The phone seemed to be silent for several seconds, and Shouzhen asked a little carefully: "All shot dead?"


"The Grand Cavalier Changgu Tower is dead?"

Baili Qingfeng swept the corpse of Guta again. When he noticed that his blood had gradually cooled, he nodded in confirmation: "Dead."

"Really dead !?"

The fidelity sound is a little incredible.

Guta ...

That's the equivalent of human beings.

Especially because of the difference in the cultivation system, the ancient towers that hold many top swordsmanship and secret methods, even if they are facing the second-stage Xeons, they can fight directly, such a Xeon ...

Is that so dead?

"Should be dead."

Baili Qingfeng heard the confirmation of Shouzhen again and again, came to the corpse of Guta, and took another look: "But I probably understand the meaning of Shouzhen senior. For safety, I will add another sword ... ... "

After that, he tilted his head and held the phone with his shoulders and cheeks. He himself raised the sword and aimed at Guta's head ...

"Wait a minute, Qing Feng, I didn't mean that ..."


Bayonet sword, draw sword!

After confirming that Guta really didn't move a bit, he replied: "I'm really dead. To the predecessor, what did you just want to say?"

"No ... no ... Qing Feng, are you ... okay?"

"It's all right."

"OK ... OK ..."

Baili Qingfeng heard the truthful answer on the phone, and felt that he seemed to be awake. Is it time for his nap, and the elderly are sleepy?

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng couldn't bother further, and had to say, "Shouzhen, senior, take a good rest ..."

When he said this, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked, "Yes, the senior Shouzhen does not know someone named Jin Xiao?"

"Jin Xiao !?"

The fidelity paused for three seconds before he said again: "Know."

"Then he is not a liar."

"If possible, ask Qing Feng to save him a life."

"of course can."

Baili Qingfeng agreed happily.

He is not a killer.

Baili Qingfeng quickly hung up.

As he turned his eyes to Zhao Si, only to find that Zhao Si could not keep looking at him, that look ...

Very surprised.

"what happened?"

"I didn't expect you to go out for more than half a month, and actually got really angry?"

"Oh, isn't it just to get really energized, and it's not a big deal."

Zhao Si thought for a while, as if ...

It's really not a big deal.

Is it possible that he will have to make Baili Qingfeng entertain dinner?

"I'll take a look at my field. The one named Jin Xiao, I stopped him, and left it on the side of the road. You can find it if you go forward ..."

Zhao Si said, his face was full of loneliness: "This time, I am afraid that things have been done for a few days ..."

Baili Qingfeng knew that these people should be directed at himself, so he was a little embarrassed and said, "Either I will help you by then? Three hundred acres, it is not easy to take care of a person, I remember In my dad's generation, the family only managed twenty acres with some equipment. "

"No need, what am I doing martial arts for? Isn't it to easily plant more land? If one person doesn't come to 300 acres, wouldn't I have been practicing martial arts for 20 years?"

Zhao Si waved his hand.

Baili Qingfeng listened and felt very reasonable, and nodded at the moment.

Things cannot be wasted.

Although the armor on the big knight is not a fine Yaojin armor, it is also a Yaojin armor. Due to process limitations, these Yaojin armors are naturally not as comprehensive as the Storm Ripper's armor, but there are still sixty in weight. Come kilograms.

For more than sixty kilograms of gold, if he sells it, he will be able to easily make up the start-up funds for the next "氚" experiment.


Three kilometers away, although Jin Xiao was just injured by Zhao Si ’s palm, and still had some power, he was standing still, afraid to move. At this moment, he was looking out at the woodland in front of him, his expression was full. Horrified: "Xeon! Xeon! Another breath of the Xeon !? And, this Xeon breath ... Although it was a shock, but the momentary explosion definitely reached the number of the Xeon. Three stages! Even in the second world, they belong to the level of advanced knights! "

The old farmer who had transplanted seedlings in the field suddenly jumped out, changed, and turned into a top-level existence that seems to be half legendary. Now ...

Here is another high-level knight captain ...

"When did the Shia strong actually reach such a point? Is this a ninth grade not as good as a dog?

Feeling the intense collision of breath three kilometers away, Jin Xiao felt straight ...

He hasn't been back in seven years, and he has been unable to keep up with the times.

Especially when he noticed that in his mind the strongest ancient tower knight's breath was dimming at a very amazing speed ~ ~ until he disappeared, and his face was pale and trembling.

Just when Jin Xiao was a little uneasy, Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Si came over.

Looking at the corpses along the way, Baili Qingfeng couldn't bear it, but when he saw the trampled field that was trampled on, the discomfort quickly dissipated.

He understood Zhao Si's mood at the time.

In his case, if a group of strangers suddenly broke into his home, tearing his homework, exercise books, books, and test papers into pieces, and burning them to ashes, he would also fall into anger.

"The man named Jin Xiao is there. I'll go and see how the losses go."

Zhao Sidao said aloud, and soon went to the field.

And Baili Qingfeng's eyes followed Zhao Siyi's finger and fell on Jin Xiao.

Feeling the chaotic and violent power of Baili Qingfeng, it seemed that he might lose control at any time, and Jin Xiao suddenly hung up with a heart.

"You're Jin Xiao, a friend of Shouzhen's predecessor?"

Baili Qingfeng said.


Although Jin Xiao felt that Baili Qingfeng's voice was very young, she didn't dare to be a bit sloppy. A person's breath can often represent his character.

At the moment, he trembled: "Actually, I and these people are not in a group. I was forced ..."

"Really? Now that you can deal with them, you must know them well and their country. I want to know how the Blood Orchid Principality will go. Can I trouble you to take a way?"


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