The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 654: transaction

Aurora Empire.

Treasury of Everything.

The aurora monarch in the practice opened his eyes.


He sensed it for a moment, as if he had noticed something, and there was a hint of confusion on his face.

"The breath of Baili Qingfeng ... isn't it?"

The Aurora Emperor carefully sensed, and even secretly operated the magic of induction, but ...

Baili Qingfeng seemed to have completely left the cave of all things.

Not only that, he has even left the North Star City, even if he works secretly in secret, he can't feel any hidden danger breath from the city.

After thinking for a moment, the Emperor Aurora quickly came to a wall in the cave of all things, and took six beats very rhythmically.

Less than ten minutes later, a figure shrouded in black robes appeared quietly in the room.

This figure looked quite old, it seemed that he was buried in the soil with half his body, and the breath emanating from his body was equally weak, like a candle remaining in the wind, which may be completely extinguished at any time.

"His Majesty."

The old man came to the Aurora Emperor with a small gift.

Even if he stood in front of the Emperor Aurora, there was a feeling that he might disappear at any time or be forgotten.


Emperor Aurora called the name of the old man.

If at this time any one of Baili Qingfeng and Zhao Si can be identified here for the first time, although the old man's breath is not strong, only barely equivalent to the level of the true land fairy ... but his "spirit" is like a round Big day, shining brightly, shining on the Quartet!

Veria is truly a divine refiner.

As early as in the Battle of Tianyu Mountain, the Emperor Aurora summoned the Eighteen God Pillars to encircle Zhao Si, and Zhao Si was surprised halfway and called out that the holy sacred person was disturbing his perception.

But then he was caught in the sword art of Emperor Aurora, and it was too late to look for it carefully. In addition, after the holy divine one shot once, he disappeared without a trace, making everyone slightly ignore his existence.

But ignore ...

Doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, although I have the top ten levels of refining gods, but my level of refining gods is forced to break through at the expense of life, potential and longevity ... It is the weakest, so I dare not show up in front of Baili Qingfeng, the top ten holy one ...

"I know."

Emperor Aurora felt the fire of life on the old man who seemed to be extinguished at any time, and did not force it.

It takes a price to gain additional power that is not yours.

"I want Baili Qingfeng's whereabouts!"

"The Baili Qingfeng went back to Shia. According to the investigation, the second Prince of Shia Moxiu and Jin Xiao returned from the Second World and brought a group of humans from the Second World who wanted to ascend to the throne of the King of Shia! Among the humans in the second world, there is a knight captain, the most powerful, so Shia has to recall Baili Qingfeng! "

"it is good!"

With this news, the Emperor Aurora suddenly shot a brilliant light in the eyes of the Emperor: "It really helps me too! I am Oden, and indeed he is the Son of Destiny!"

He immediately told Vilia: "I have a spiritual seed planted by Baili Qingfeng in my spiritual world. Can you remove it without alarming him?"

"I need to take a look first and offend."

Veria said, part of the spirit into the spiritual world of the Aurora Monarch, and carefully explored ...

For a minute, he had frowned.

For two minutes, a tiny amount of sweat spilled from his forehead.

Waiting for three minutes ...

He was trembling, and retreated from the spiritual world of the Aurora monarch involuntarily. After a short rest, he was full of guilt and said, "Sorry, Your Majesty, let you down."

"Can't do anything?"

The Emperor Aurora frowned.

"I don't have this ability, and even ... no one who can refine the sacred can remove it without alarming Baili Qingfeng."

"None of the other holy ones?"


Villa shook his head, and for a moment, he said slightly: "But, except for the holy one, I know someone must be able to crush this spiritual seed."



"The Archbishop of the Blood Temple?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"I don't dare to surrender my spiritual core to the people in the cave."

The Emperor Aurora sneered.

He glanced at Villa. "But since you mentioned that Shadoman could solve my problem, it seems ... he sent another messenger?"


Villa nodded his head: "The Red Flame Nation, the Knights League, many small nations, and our Aurora have agreed this time. The army will gather to attack Tianya Mountain in half a month. More than 30 countries will be dispatched from East China The total number of troops has reached eight million! Of these, our Aurora Empire alone mobilized two million people, and they were naturally in a hurry. "

"Two million people ..."

The Aurora Emperor naturally knew about the counterattack on Tianyu Mountain, but he didn't expect that those who were Zhang Xiasheng of Xia actually talked about such a huge army!

Two million!

You must know that the standing army of the Aurora Empire is only three million, and Tianyao Mountain suffered heavy losses after the First World War. Although the emergency military conscription has increased the number of domestic troops to 4 million, but 2 million ...

Still equivalent to half the military power of the Aurora Empire.

"Those Hea are capable."

"Hia laid a lot of secrets inside our Aurora. In addition, it is the common wish of all the sergeants to counterattack Tianzhu Mountain. Our Aurora's army is on the East Shenzhou. It was a fierce defeat. All the soldiers were waiting to rub their hands, and they were ashamed. Because of this, in the end, our soldiers who fought in Aurora will reach two million. "

"Oh, let their people come, I want to see what benefits they are willing to give."

The aurora monarch calmly said.


Vilia responded respectfully, exudes spirit, and seemed to be in touch.

A short while later, a breather, who was drawn by the spirit of Villa, bypassed the treasure house of all things, and appeared in the room.

This breath entered the room, and gradually appeared from the shadows a man wrapped in night clothes all over his body: "Hear Your Majesty Oden, Shadow Blade Jackdaw, greeting you."

"Let our Emperor Aurora stop sending troops, what can we get."

Emperor Aurora glanced at Jackdaw.

Although his injury has not recovered to the heyday for more than half a month, under Xeon, he has no fear of any opponent.

"At present, the emperor's headache is probably the Baili Qingfeng."

"Oh, you can deal with the Baili Qingfeng? By Yelldo?"

"If the big knight of Yeldo can take a shot, it will be natural to deal with Baili Qingfeng, but the world's cultivation system is too allergic to the sense of breath. The big knight of Yeldo is stared by countless people. Once he leaves Tianmao Mountain, He will be under siege and have no time to withdraw ... "

"So what's the point of what you said."

Jackdaw smiled slightly: "We can't deal with Baili Qingfeng, but Her Majesty can."


Emperor Aurora glanced at Jackdaw: "If this is your sincerity, then I don't think we need to talk anymore."

"Your Majesty is calm and restless. I believe that as long as His Majesty's injuries recover, it is easy to kill Baili Qingfeng, but His Majesty has not considered a question if ... Bali Qingfeng has no intention of recovering His Majesty?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty should be aware of it, all sides of Baili Qingfeng are guarding His Majesty. It may be that His Majesty has been exposed, but Baili Qingfeng wants to use His Majesty to help him control the Aurora Empire, This has been pretending to be stupid. If that is the case, does Your Majesty think that Baili Qingfeng will let His Majesty recover smoothly to the heyday, and then give him a fatal blow? "

"He may be aware and have this idea, but he should not, should not, leave the Aurora Empire at this time! Relax my surveillance!"

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the Emperor Aurora.

The seeds left by Baili Qingfeng in his spiritual world have a positioning effect, but after more than half a month's pondering, he has fully grasped the ten-fold refining god, once he has the ten-fold refining god, let Wei Leah was there to help. He was 90% confident that he could remove this spiritual seed within half a day, and he would immediately hide it and healed his injuries. When his injuries were healed, Baili Qingfeng was killed. The time of Huang Quan.

"So, is Your Majesty willing to escape and hide in such a dingy? And ~ ~ Yeh Majesty's injury, I am afraid that it will take a month to fully recover, not appearing for a month ... Hia, it is enough Splitting most of the Aurora Empire ... even when Her Majesty returns, her Majesty will be a mess. In the next ten years, or even decades, there will be no power to rule the continent. "

Emperor Aurora glanced at Jackdaw lightly.

If it had been before, he might have been talked by Jackdaw, but now he has understood that the Aurora Empire should serve him, not him.


"Sadoman sent you as a lobbyist, obviously a mistake."

The face of the black crow changed slightly: "Your Majesty ..."

"you can go now."

The black crow took a careful look at the Emperor Aurora, and was a little surprised, but immediately said, "Your Majesty is slow."

"You only have one last chance."

The black crow looked at the calm Emperor Aurora and took a deep breath: "The Archbishop Shadowman has a healing relic in his hand, which can help his wounds heal within the next day! His Majesty does not have to hide for a month!"


The Aurora Emperor moved slightly, but for a moment, he shook his head: "Not enough!"


The black crow looked at the indifferent Aurora Emperor and gritted his teeth: "We are willing to give ten more knight's heart potions. This potion can directly make the accumulation of the knight preparation stage. In your words, you can make one People who have reached the rank of eighth in ten days and a half months! "

"I want twenty!"

The Emperor Aurora glanced at the Black Crow: "A healing potion and twenty potion of the Knight's Heart, our Aurora Empire can be hidden but not fully released until the beginning of the total attack half a month later!"


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