The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 690: express delivery

Less than 800? Maybe six hundred?

Hundreds of cavemen were beheaded and killed. The big commander seized the opportunity and suddenly broke out. He slashed across the sky, carrying the mighty sword to smash the glorious gold armor of Baili Qingfeng!


Sparks splattered!

Baili Qingfeng's body was shocked, and the shattered Yaojin battle armor cracked a huge opening, and half of his body lost protection!


Taking this opportunity, several cavemen roared at the same time, daring to slash and kill the half of his body that had lost the armor protection, and seemed to fight for his own life, but also to die with him, jade burned!

That tragic, that bloody, that cruel ...

Baili Qingfeng looked deeply shocked.

But when he glanced at the remaining cave people, it should be less than 400 ...

There was a decision in my heart.

"There's no way ... fight it!"

As soon as the Baili Qingfeng gritted his teeth, the disintegration of the golden heavenly demon operated!

He has already broken the human body maggots, and in the case of no outbreak, it just spurred the golden demon's disintegration to consume few multipotent cells.


As the air waves scattered, a layer of glittering gold light covered his body.

"call out!"

Baili Qingfeng's sword light is like electricity. A leader who culled up was slain by volley, tearing the sword leader who led him unabated and beheaded, and once again beheaded a caveman warrior. !!

Kill with one sword!

But even so, there was still a little commander and a caveman warrior roaring and beating his body with a sword, and ...

Still the half body without the armor!


The little leader who gave the sword had a sullen expression on his face, and the muscles on his arm bulged so high that his strength seemed to be excited to the extreme.

"Kill him! Kill this human!"

The people in the back of the cave were roaring with excitement and bloodthirsty.


A faint circle of golden light showed waves from the skin of Baili Qingfeng. The swords cut by the little commander and the cavemen warriors in this layer of golden light were like cutting rubber tires, except for a little in Bailiqing. Feng left a bloodstain and couldn't fit in half a minute ...

Suddenly ...

The shame on the little leader's face was frozen.

Not only did the scum on the face of the little leader freeze, but the people in the burrows who were excited and crazy at the same time also seemed to be fixed, the shouts stopped abruptly ...

Time on the court is like a half second pause!


Half a second later, Qi and Blood broke out!

Taking advantage of the physical fitness advantage of human beings above the cavemen, Baili Qingfeng slammed forward and hit two cavemen who beheaded him, hitting the two cavemen like artillery on the spot. When he got out, he smashed a lot of space, and the sword in his hand swept freely when he had the space to cast. The sword shone brightly and the sword was full of anger.

Slightly repulsing these cavemen's offensives, Baili Qingfeng glanced at the wound on his shoulder and took a breath of dread: "His! A knife! The power of the cavemen is too strong Horrible, this knife ... almost chopped into the meat! No, I can't fight with them head-on, be smart! "

Baili Qingfeng's gaze turned suddenly and suddenly fell on the big commander who had been directing!

Capture the thief first!

The next moment, one-half of the universal cells detonated!

The dismantling technique of the Golden Demon is fully operating, a volcanic horror energy sweeps from his body, rushes into the sky, turns into a visible air wave sweeping the dust, sweeping frantically in all directions, the horrible power is directly caused As the sky changed, the whole earth seemed to be shaking violently in the wind and clouds ...

"This ... this is human power !?"

The great commander, and even all the cavemen, felt this kind of terrifying horror that sent out from the soul, and felt the whole body cold and almost stiff!

With the slight bending of Baili Qingfeng's feet, and then suddenly straightened after charging ...


He just stood on the ground as if being hit by a cannonball, suddenly sinking a little, countless dust and stone debris suspended in the air for a moment, and then the horrific blasting force broke out, sweeping these stone debris, The chippings turned into powder, and at the same time gave the large pieces of gravel unparalleled kinetic energy, like bullets, shot in all directions, and shot dozens of cavemen within a range of dozens of meters on the spot. Blood Mist Sputtering.

In the screams, Baili Qingfeng swept through the hurricane, and a blood path was blasted from dozens of cavemen. Wushuang Sword carried unparalleled strength of the mighty shore in his hand, and beheaded at the big commander.

"Do not!"

The Grand Commander roared, waved the knife in despair, and cut out a sublime sword in an attempt to resist the beheading of Baili Qingfeng.

But ...

The gap between the two is too big.

Not to mention that he is just a big commander. Even if he is a big knight, there will be no difference in the face of this horrible power.


The sword uttered by the Grand Commander collided directly with the sword cut by Baili Qingfeng. The void seemed to detonate a cannonball, and the explosive power spread and swept away!

The leader who bears the brunt first was torn into blood mist by the penetrating power of this sword, and died on the spot, the spattering sword gas, sword cricket, tearing wildly, cutting in all directions, exterminating all within ten meters Life, flesh and blood flew from the nearest dozen caves.

And such a powerful burst of sword ...

It also perfectly achieved the expected effect of Baili Qingfeng!

"This is not the power of human beings. Human beings can never fight without exhaustion for so long! Monster! This is a monster in human skin! This is the incarnation of the devil!"

"Our unyielding courage makes us fearless in the face of any enemy. Our sharp weapons make us dare to wave the sword to the legendary life, but ... the monster in front of us is simply the terror that sword and courage cannot defeat!"

"Run away! Run away!"

The surviving cavemen no longer had the courage to fight against Baili Qingfeng. With his smooth execution of the beheading tactics of the thief and the king, these cavemen rushed away, panicking and sorrowing in the direction of Tianyu Mountain. Instead, there was no courage to confront him.

"Sure enough, it will be the courage of the soldiers. They beheaded their leaders, and the remaining cavemen will naturally collapse!"

Baili Qingfeng's eyes were slightly bright, and he saw that the people in the cave around him had finally dispersed, and he breathed a little, then carried his sword and began to chase them down.

These cavemen formed a battlefield, and they could still be trapped when they were large in number, and gave him a knife from time to time, but when they fled and fled, they were almost the same as catching ducks. He only needed to catch up, cut a sword, and then catch up. , And then cut a sword, one by one can kill these cavemen one by one.

When Baili Qingfeng fought with these cavemen, the army belonging to the Kingdom of Shia quickly surrounded them, blocking their way far, and the number of cavemen reduced to less than two hundred. This front-to-back pinch fell down and was killed in a short time. Except for a few dozen fish that escaped in all directions, there were more than 4,000 cavemen in less than two The entire army was wiped out within hours.



When the last caveman in the field of vision fell, Baili Qingfeng was relieved and relieved.

For a moment, he didn't even care about the blood on his body, and he didn't even care that the ground was full of dirt that would stain the armor. He sat down without an image and recovered his energy as much as possible.

after all……

This is the Battlefield of Tianying Mountain!

Four thousand people in the cave have made him dying. If there is another 40,000, his chance of survival will probably be less than one in ten thousand!

"Several knives were in my body ... Fortunately, the injuries were not serious, and the healing drugs could be saved ..."

Baili Qingfeng took a break and glanced at the injury ...

After gasping, these wounds have gradually begun to heal.

At this time, an infantry fighting vehicle came over, and after stopping in front of Baili Qingfeng, a person quickly jumped down, saluting him with excitement and excitement: "Chairman of Baili Qingfeng!"

"you are……"

"First Army Astor reports to you!"

"Oh hello hello."

Baili Qingfeng immediately returned a gift. "Thank you Chairman Baili Qingfeng for your help. Without you, I am afraid that our two divisions will be wiped out under the impact of the elite army of 4,000 cavemen!"

"I just did what I should do."

Baili Qingfeng asked, "Where is Joeson?"

"The Caverns of the Caves have divided a hundred-member squad to hunt down a mixed squad of four neutral organizations. The commander leads people to rescue. At present ... it should be upstream of the Red River Valley."

"Is it upstream of the Red River Valley?"

Baili Qingfeng nodded: "Then I will go first."

Having said that, he was about to run where Joeson and others were.

"Chairman Baili Qingfeng ... would you like to treat the injuries ..."

Esther looked at the broken, **** appearance of Baili Qingfeng's armor and couldn't help worrying.

After all, Baili Qingfeng just strangled a whole 4,000 people in the cave with one person!

Not four hundred, but four thousand!

Four thousand have a strong army formation, strict discipline, battle-hardened elite cavemen warriors!

Such a terrible force can defeat ordinary cavemen who are twice their own, and besiege five or six human beings!

"I've got your kindness, but the cavemen threat hasn't been lifted yet, how can I rest."

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand.

But for a moment he seemed to think of something.

The set of War Destroyer Warframe that he just got out of today is broken. Without Warframe, it would be very dangerous to be trapped by thousands of cavemen, and the number of cavemen has reached Amazing seven hundred thousand or eighty thousand ...

"There are 70,000 or 80,000 people in the cave. I remember correctly, right?"

Baili Qingfeng asked cautiously.


Esther nodded his face completely, but while talking, he looked at the corpses of thousands of people in the distance ...

"It should be only 70,000 now ..."

"So ..."

Baili Qingfeng felt very tricky.

70,000 people ...

What a huge number?

There are tens of thousands of people, there are no boundaries, not to mention a whole 70,000 people?

If the 70,000 people in the cave were savage and killed around him ~ ~ Even if he fights hard, fights with blood, and fights and retreats, he can fight in ten days and a half months. , But if those people from the caves flee ...

When will it be killed?

Not to mention that there are four hundred knights and four big knights in those cavemen!

Four big knights, four hundred knights, plus seventy thousand cavemen ...

Think of it is scary!

No no no! Can't beat it!

Definitely not to be fought!

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng took out his mobile phone with dread and dialed a number.

After a while, the phone was connected, and there was a stern voice from Zhao Si: "Hey, little brother, what's the matter?"

"Uncle Zhao, can you trouble me to run a trip and send a courier to Tianmao Mountain ..."

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